321 research outputs found

    Efisiensi Kerja Pulp Preparation pada Sample House PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk. Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Efisiensi Kerjamerupakan perbandingan antara waktu kerja efektif yang digunakan untuk berproduksi dengan waktu tertentu, dimanasemakin banyak waktu yang efektif digunakan oleh alat untuk beroperasi maka semakin besar produksi yang dapat dicapai. Tujuandari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui produksi dan efisiensi kerja pulp preparation pada sample house. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pengamatan secara langsung di lapangan, dan adapun data-data yang di butuhkan yaitu data cycle time pulp preparation, data produksi pulp preparation dan dokumentasi-dokumentasi gambar kegiatan. Hasil perhitungan di peroleh data cycle time boyd crusher (1) 6 menit 4 detik, boyd crusher (2) 6 menit 3 detik, boyd crusher(3) 6 menit 4 detik, CRM (3) 6 menit 1 detik, CRM (5) 6 menit 1 detik, CRM (6) 6 menit 10 detik, cycle time pulp preparation 6 menit 4 detik, waktu delay 1 menit 5 detik, hasil produksi dari pengamatan yaitu 259 dalam satu shift , produksi pulp preparation selama 15 minggu 232 sampel.Dari hasilpengolahan data maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa produksi pulp preparation yaitu sebesar 259 sampel dalam 1 shift dan efisiensi kerjanya yaitu sebesar 85%

    Peningkatan Produktivitas Kopi Arabika Gayo I dan II Berbasis Aplikasi Biourine dan Biokompos

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    Gayo Highlands region had a potential area for the development of Arabica coffee because of the topographical conditions of the land that support the cultivation of Gayo Arabica coffee, but production of plants ranges from 650–750 kg ha-1, lower than some existing varieties which reach 1,5–2 tons ha-1. One way to increase production is the application of biourine and biocompost. This study aimed to determine the effect of the application of biourine and biocompost technology packages on the growth and production of Gayo I and II Arabica coffee plants. This study used a factorial separate plot design (RPT) consisting of Arabica Gayo I (A1) and Gayo II (A2) with a dose of NPK 150 kg ha-1 (farmer/control treatment) (C1), 150 mL-1 (biourine) + 5 ton ha-1 (biocompost) + NPK 100 kg ha-1 (C2), 125 mL plant-1 (biourine) + 7.5 ton ha-1 (biocompost) + NPK 100 kg ha-1 (C3), and 100 mL plant-1 (biocompost) + 10 ton ha-1 (biocompost) + NPK 100 kg ha-1 (C4). The results of the observations were analyzed by ANOVA and 95% DMRT. The results showed that the doses of biourine and biocompost fertilizers did not have interaction with Gayo I and Gayo II Arabica coffee, but for independent treatment of biourine and bicompost fertilizers, the dosage significantly affected the production of Gayo Arabica coffee. Application of 100 mL ha-1(biourine) + 10 tons ha-1 (biocompost) + 100 kg ha-1 NPK (C4) was able to increase the Gayo Arabica Coffee production by 41% when compared with NPK fertilizers of 150 kg ha-1 without biourine and biocompost (C1). Regression analysis showed that the level of 80% of Gayo Arabica Coffee was affected by the different application of biocompost dosages. Keywords: Arabica Gayo, biourine, biocompost, productivit


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    A study on factors that would affect employee turnover at Encorp Berhad / Nashua Ishar

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    High rate of employee turnover is continues to be a serious problem for businesses in many organizations world-wide. High employee turnover in the construction and properties industry is unavoidable aspect. Encorp Berhad is not excluded for the above matters. This model theorizes a linear or straight-line relationship between the dependent variables which is job turnover and the independent variables which are job satisfaction, organizational commitment and employee commitment. Therefore, this study is a conceptualized to determine the nature and degree of the relationship between these independent variables with job turnover

    Kisah Kaum Madyan Dalam Al-Qur’an

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    Skripsi ini berjudul Kisah Kaum Madyan dalam al-Qur’an. Pokok permasalahannya adalah (a. bagaimana pemaparan Kisah Kaum Madyan dalam al- Qur’an? b) bagaimana faktor penyebab Kaum Madyan diazab oleh Allah swt? c) bagaiman hikmah di balik Kisah Kaum Madyan dalam al-Qur’an? Skripsi ini menggunakan metode pendekatan penafsiran al-Qur’an dari segi historis, yakni pendekatan dengan melihat dan menelaah ayat-ayat dari aspek sejarah baik itu tokoh, waktu dan tempatnya. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Kaum Madyan dalam al-Qur’an merupakan keturunan Nabi Ibrahim yang bermukim di negeri Syam, nabi Kaum Madyan adalah nabi Syu’aib. Beliau terus berdakwahi Kaum Madyan, akan tetapi Kaum Madya>n mendustakan utusan Allah swt. bahkan menzalimi dan bersifat angkuh. Pada akhirnya merekan diazab oleh Allah swt. faktor penyebab Kaum Madyan diazab oleh Allah swt. adalah mendustakan utusan Allah swt. juga karena berlaku zalim, curang dalam takaran dan merusak di bumi. Masyarakat Kaum Madyan sangat angkuh. Segala sesuatu yang terjadi pasti sada hikmahnya dan hikmah dibalik Kisah Kaum Madyan dalam al-Qur’an adalah larangan berlaku curang dan azab Allah swt. dapat diturunkan bagi manusia yang enggan melakukan perintah Allah swt


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    Efisiensi Kerjamerupakan perbandingan antara waktu kerja efektif yang digunakan untuk berproduksi dengan waktu tertentu, dimanasemakin banyak waktu yang efektif digunakan oleh alat untuk beroperasi maka semakin besar produksi yang dapat dicapai. Tujuandari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui produksi dan efisiensi kerja  pulp preparation pada  sample house.  Metode yang digunakan yaitu pengamatan secara langsung di lapangan, dan adapun data-data yang di butuhkan yaitu data  cycle time pulp preparation, data produksi  pulp preparation dan dokumentasi-dokumentasi gambar kegiatan. Hasil perhitungan di peroleh data  cycle time boyd crusher (1)  6 menit 4 detik,  boyd crusher (2)  6 menit 3 detik,  boyd crusher(3)  6 menit 4 detik, CRM (3) 6 menit 1 detik, CRM (5) 6 menit 1 detik, CRM (6) 6 menit 10 detik, cycle time pulp preparation 6 menit 4 detik, waktu delay 1 menit 5 detik, hasil produksi dari pengamatan yaitu 259 dalam satu  shift , produksi  pulp preparation selama 15 minggu 232 sampel.Dari hasilpengolahan data maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa produksi  pulp preparation yaitu sebesar 259 sampel dalam 1  shift dan efisiensi kerjanya yaitu sebesar 85%


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    Aggression is all form of behavior which meant, to hurt other individual physically and mentally or harm the others which their behavior is undesireable (Berkowitz 1995). Aggressive behavior is a form of negative behaviors that arise mainlydue to the stimulation of environmental stimuli often lead to greater impact. Aggression can be physical or verbal, and may occur on other people or objects that become targets of aggression. Aggressive behavior shown junior high school students 'X' Bandung include fights either alone or in groups, pushing, hitting, and kicking her or inventory such asschool desks, chairs and doors (Displacement) due to a simple problem. Students also like to taunt and threaten her friends who do not follow their will (bullying), students also often yell and say rude to her if what she wants is not obeyed. The purpose of the research was to obtain empirical data on the effect of Anger Management Training (AMT)  to decrease agression behavior at junior high school “x” Bandung. This AMT is focusing to changing of behavior through increase knowledge, helping student to be able to control their temper positively and able to express anger in a healthy way. In this study there were fifteen participants taken as a subject by using purposive techniques based on established criteria.Todetermine whether there is the effect of the AMT in reducing aggressive behavior of students, the data processing is doneby using the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test statistic test. Statistical hypothesis proposed in this study is : there is the effect of interventions such as anger management training to decrease aggressive behavior in the study subjects. : there is the effect of interventions such as anger management training to decrease aggressive behavior in the study subjects. From theresults of statistical tests using the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test results obtained Z value of -3.410 with probability p for atwo-tailed test (asymp. Sig. 2 tailed) of 0.001. Given the value of p = 0.001 <a = 0.05, then  is rejected and  is accepted. Thus, it can be said that there is the effect of interventions such as anger management training to decreaseaggressive behavior in students.     Keywords: aggression, anger management training

    Opportunities and issues in empowering differently-abled people into productivity: a study based on Ampara district, Sri Lanka

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    Disability is a normal phenomenon in the sense that it exists in all societies, affecting predictable and identifiable proportions of each population. Disability activities are economic activities, which generate economic output and income just like other economic activities. Nevertheless, expenditures on disability are typically viewed as constituting an economic burden. This likely stems from the fact that most expenditures on disability have traditionally come either from government budgets, making them burdensome to taxpayers, or charitable remittances, making them charity, which necessarily implies a burden. Integrating disabled people into the labor force in a productive manner is a challenging but important step. Empowerment is all about giving official authority to an individual to do something and/or promoting the self-actualization or influence of someone by making someone stronger and more confident. Development oriented disability empowerment policies, programs and strategies are those that seek to reduce the economic costs of disability by increasing the functionality of people with disabilities and reducing the barriers that impede their access to social and economic opportunities. This research has attempted to study the available opportunities to empower disables and to identify the issues which are significant threat to empowering disables which in turn increase the cost of families with disabled persons and government expenditure to protect these disabled persons

    Tinjauan Fiqh Muamalah Terhadap Strategi Marketing Pada Jual Beli Fashion di Kota Langsa

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    Lottery prizes are one of the marketing strategies that are often used by merchants, this method is considered effective in attracting customers to come and shop. However, not a few lottery prizes that were carried out led to fraud which resulted in losses for customers. This paper aims to analyze the marketing strategies used by fashion traders in Langsa City. This paper is produced from an empirical study with a sociological approach. The object of research is the CB Fashion clothing business in Langsa City, the data collection method is in the form of interviews. The results of this study indicate that the marketing strategy used by CB Fashion Langsa with a lottery system with prizes applies to a minimum purchase with raffle prizes in the form of motorbikes and Umrah, of course this attracts customers because the prizes are given in large enough quantities, so that people are motivated to shop. In addition, the prize funds are not taken from the participant's dues but have been previously provided by the owner of CB Fashion Langsa