1,520 research outputs found


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    El consumo de sustancias psicoactivas es una problemática creciente en la población juvenil. Éstas han empezado a tomar un papel central en su vida, en la medida en que cumplen una función “facilitadora†frente a situaciones aversivas en las que tienen poco sentido de control y eficacia personal. Como consecuencia, surgen alteraciones biológicas, comportamentales, cognitivas y emocionales en los jóvenes consumidores, afectando su modo de vivir y de quienes los rodean. En la investigación (Salazar, Arrivillaga y Gómez, 2002) se encontró, con relación al “consumo de Alcohol, Tabaco y otras Drogas†que los jóvenes tiene Estilos de Vida Poco Saludables y que no existe diferencia significativa entre quienes tienen prácticas saludables y quienes no las tienen, a pesar de tener creencias favorables en este sentido. Estos resultados conducen a la discusión sobre los focos y prioridades de intervención con jóvenes en una institución universitaria

    International application of the "Multidimensional Intervention for Social Anxiety" (MISA) program: II. Treatment effectiveness for social anxiety-related problems

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    This study is part of the I+D+i project with reference RTI2018-093916-B-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/and FEDER "A way of doing Europe". Support from the Foundation for the Advancement of Clinical Behavioral Psychology (FUNVECA) is also acknowledged.In a previous work (Caballo et al., 2021) we tested the effectiveness of the Multidimensional Intervention for Social Anxiety (MISA) program in reducing social anxiety symptoms. In this quasi-experimental study, with pre/post-treatment and follow-up measures, we examined the impact of the MISA program on other problems related to social anxiety. 57 people diagnosed with social anxiety disorder (SAD), according to DSM-5, were assessed with a diagnostic interview and questionnaires measuring social skills, depression, avoidant personality disorder symptoms, alcoholism, self-esteem, personal sensitivity, worries, and quality of life. Different therapists carried out the treatment in Ecuador, Spain, and Paraguay. The results showed significant improvements at post-treatment in virtually all measures assessing the above variables, improvements that were maintained at six months. Effect sizes on treatment effectiveness ranged from medium to large. The MISA program was also compared with individual cognitive behavioral therapy and pharmacological treatment, with favorable results for the MISA program. In conclusion, this new program for the treatment of social anxiety has a significant impact on other problems usually related to SAD.In a previous work (Caballo et al., 2021) we tested the effectiveness of the Multidimensional Intervention for Social Anxiety (MISA) program in reducing social anxiety symptoms. In this quasi-experimental study, with pre/post-treatment and follow-up measures, we examined the impact of the MISA program on other problems related to social anxiety. 57 people diagnosed with social anxiety disorder (SAD), according to DSM-5, were assessed with a diagnostic interview and questionnaires measuring social skills, depression, avoidant personality disorder symptoms, alcoholism, self-esteem, personal sensitivity, worries, and quality of life. Different therapists carried out the treatment in Ecuador, Spain, and Paraguay. The results showed significant improvements at post-treatment in virtually all measures assessing the above variables, improvements that were maintained at six months. Effect sizes on treatment effectiveness ranged from medium to large. The MISA program was also compared with individual cognitive behavioral therapy and pharmacological treatment, with favorable results for the MISA program. In conclusion, this new program for the treatment of social anxiety has a significant impact on other problems usually related to SAD.I+D+i project RTI2018-093916-B-I00Foundation for the Advancement of Clinical Behavioral Psychology (FUNVECA)FEDER "A way of doing Europe" MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    A propósito de un caso: coartación de aorta, Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso Cuenca – Ecuador 2018

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    La coartación de aorta es relativamente una delas patologías vasculares congénitas detectadas,pero cuando no son diagnosticadas enel neonato, el paciente puede seguir su vida sin presentarsíntomas o presentando uno, que es el más frecuente, hipertensiónarterial. En esta presentación de caso clínicose verá la importancia del pronto diagnóstico de esta enfermedadpara no llegar a mayores complicaciones quepuedan afectar a más órganos como las complicacionesrenales que pueden enmascarar la enfermedad y ampliarel número de diagnósticos diferenciales y para la aplicaciónde un buen plan terapéutico

    Modelo de Gestión de los Recursos Humanos, una propuesta que coadyuva en el desarrollo del docente universitario.

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue generar una propuesta de gestión de recursos humanos, que tribute al desarrollo profesional del docente universitario, debido a la trascendencia de su labor al considerar que él, es un factor fundamental en la formación de futuros profesionistas competentes y socialmente responsables, es por esta razón que el prototipo aquí presentado establece conveniente incluir los procesos administrativos básicos del área de recursos humanos, que promueven el desarrollo integral del docente, lo que le permite un despliegue adecuado en las acciones propias de su misión, alcanzando el reconocimiento a su labor en su transitar académico, conduciéndolo hacía estadíos que posibilitan una nueva figura del docente universitario, estos procesos son rediseñados bajo la óptica que permite que estas actividades de corte administrativo sean consideradas como estrategias de valor que contribuyen al desarrollo del docente universitario y por consecuencia a fortalecer la planta académica de la institución

    Relationship between intraoperative regional cerebral oxygen saturation trends and cognitive decline after total knee replacement : a post-hoc analysis

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    Bilateral regional brain oxygen saturation (rSO) trends, reflecting intraoperative brain oxygen imbalance, could warn of brain dysfunction. Various types of cognitive impairment, such as memory decline, alterations in executive function or subjective complaints, have been described three months after surgery. Our aim was to explore the potential utility of rSO values as a warning sign for the development of different types of decline in postoperative psychological function. Observational post-hoc analysis of data for the patient sample (n = 125) of a previously conducted clinical trial in patients over the age of 65 years undergoing total knee replacement under spinal anesthesia. Demographic, hemodynamic and bilateral rSO intraoperative values were recorded. An absolute rSO value of 20% or >25% below baseline were chosen as relevant cutoffs. Composite function test scores were created from baseline to three months for each patient and adjusted for the mean (SD) score changes for a control group (n = 55). Tests were used to assess visual-motor coordination and executive function (VM-EF) (Wechsler Digit Symbol-Coding and Visual Reproduction, Trail Making Test) and memory (Auditory Verbal Learning, Wechsler Memory Scale); scales were used to assess psychological symptoms. We observed no differences in baseline rSO values; rSO decreased significantly in all patients during surgery (P < 0.0001). Seventy-five patients (60%) had no sign of cognitive decline or psychological symptoms. Twenty-one patients (16.8%) had memory decline, 3 (2.4%) had VM-EF decline, and 33 (26.4%) had psychological symptoms. Left and right rSO values were asymmetric in patients who had memory decline (mean [SD] left-right ratio of 95.03 [8.51] vs 101.29 [6.7] for patients with no changes, P = 0.0012). The mean right-left difference in rSO was also significant in these patients (-2.87% [4.73%], lower on the right, P = 0.0034). Detection of a trend to asymmetry in rSO values can warn of possible postoperative onset of memory decline. Psychological symptoms and memory decline were common three months after knee replacement in our patients over the age of 65 years

    The nursing care process in a user diagnosed with acinetobacter baumannii

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    This research work is conceived as the analysis of the nursing care process in a user with a diagnosis of Acinetobacter baumannii, for this the methodology used is descriptive, with a non-experimental qualitative approach, since a study is carried out on the records of the nursing care applied to a polytraumatized patient with a history of a car accident, admitted to the Intensive Care Unit from the operating room, and later diagnosed with infection by Acinetobacter Baumannii, for which a care plan based on NANDA taxonomies was developed , NOC and NIC emphasizing the hemodynamic and respiratory improvement, which allowed the patient to achieve a positive evolution, managing to discharge her to general hospitalization without ventilatory support

    Construction and validation of a questionnaire of risk and protective factors for drug use in college youth

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    En este artículo se presenta la construcción y validación del Cuestionario de medición de factores de riesgo y de protección para el consumo de drogas en jóvenes universitarios. Se estableció la validez de contenido, la validez de constructo mediante análisis factoriales y la fiabilidad del cuestionario. La muestra correspondió a 763 estudiantes, entre 15 y 25 años, de una universidad privada de Cali, Colombia. La consistencia interna del cuestionario fue de 0,906 y se definieron seis factores psicosociales de riesgo y protección (malestar emocional, satisfacción en las relaciones interpersonales, preconceptos y valoración de las drogas, espiritualidad, permisividad social y accesibilidad a las drogas y, habilidades sociales y de autocontrol). El instrumento actual constituye una herramienta útil para la evaluación del consumo de drogas y sus factores psicosociales asociados en jóvenes universitarios. No obstante, el cuestionario será aplicado en posteriores estudios con el fin de establecer su validez predictiva.This paper presents the construction and validation of the Risk and protective factors for drug use questionnaire in college youth. Content validity, construct validity and reliability were established. The sample consisted of 763 students between 15 and 25 years old, from a private university in Cali, Colombia. The questionnaire reliability was 0,906, and six psychosocial risk and protective factors were defined (emotional disturbance, satisfaction with interpersonal relations, beliefs and appraisal about drugs, spirituality, social permissiveness and access to drugs, social skills and self-control). The current questionnaire is a useful tool to assess drug use and the psychosocial factors associated to it in college youth. However, it will be administered in later studies in order to establish its predictive validity

    Nursing care process in a user diagnosed with Acinetobacter baumannii

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    This research work is conceived as the analysis of the nursing care process in a user with a diagnosis of Acinetobacter baumannii, for the methodology used is descriptive, with a non-experimental qualitative approach, since a study is carried out on the records of the nursing care applied to a polytraumatized patient with a history of a car accident, admitted to the Intensive Care Unit from the operating room, and later diagnosed with infection by Acinetobacter Baumannii, for which a care plan based on NANDA taxonomies was developed, NOC and NIC emphasizing the hemodynamic and respiratory improvement, which allowed the patient to achieve a positive evolution, managing to discharge her to general hospitalization without ventilator support

    Aderência ao tratamento na infeção por VIH/SIDA. Considerações teóricas e metodológicas

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    Adherence to treatment is currently of main concern for HIV/AIDS control, being associated with treatment success or failure. This systematic review highlights that adherence to treatment is a concept that traditionally refers only to antiretroviral medication intake and attendance at medical appointments. However, these aspects do not reflect the complexity of this topic. There is evidence about the relation between adherence to treatment and other factors that could facilitate or hinder its effectiveness but usually this evidence is not conclusive. In this review, an integral concept of adherence to treatment for HIV/AIDS infection is proposed, considering several simple and complex competences necessary to carry out the therapeutic regime. Additionally, factors with stronger empirical support associated with adherence are identified, including those related to the patient, the health system, the illness and the treatment, as well as social-interpersonal and cultural factors. The aim of this review is to propose new guidelines to evaluate adherence to treatment for HIV/AIDS infection and factors that are associated to it, in order to allow the design of more effective interventions.A aderência ao tratamento é uma das principais preocupações para controlar o VIH/Sida; é associada ao sucesso ou ao fracasso terapêutico. Este estudo de revisão mostra que a aderência ao tratamento tem sido considerada tradicionalmente a tomada de medicinas antirretrovirais e ir as citações médicas. Mais, estes aspetos não refletem a complexidade do tema. A evidência da relação entre aderência ao tratamento e diversos fatores que poderiam ser facilitadores ou obstáculos é amplia, mais pouco conclusiva. Nesta revisão, é proposta uma conceição integral do comportamento de aderência ao controle da infecção pelo VIH/Sida, considerando várias competências simples ou complexas, necessárias para cumprir o regime terapêutico. Além disso, são identificados os fatores associados à aderência com maior apoio empírico relacionados ao paciente, ao sistema de saúde, á doença e o tratamento, assim como fatores sociais, pessoais e interculturais, a fim de propor novos lineamentos de avaliação da aderência ao tratamento de VIH/Sida e dos fatores associados que permitam desenhar intervenções mais eficazes.La adherencia al tratamiento constituye actualmente una de las principales preocupaciones en relación al control del VIH/sida, asociándose fuertemente al éxito o fracaso terapéutico. Este estudio de revisión muestra cómo la adherencia al tratamiento ha sido tradicionalmente considerada como la toma de medicamentos antirretrovirales y la asistencia a las citas médicas; aspectos que no reflejan la complejidad del tema. La evidencia sobre la relación entre la adherencia al tratamiento y diversos factores que podrían ser facilitadores u obstáculos, es amplia pero en ocasiones poco concluyente. A partir de esta revisión se plantea una concepción integral del comportamiento de adherencia para el control de la infección por VIH/sida, considerando varias competencias simples o complejas necesarias para cumplir con el régimen terapéutico. Por otro lado, con el objetivo de proponer nuevos lineamientos de evaluación de la adherencia al tratamiento para el VIH/sida y de los factores asociados que permitan diseñar intervenciones más eficaces, se identifican los factores asociados a la adherencia con mayor apoyo empírico relacionados con el paciente, con el sistema de salud, con la enfermedad y el tratamiento, como los sociales-interpersonales y los culturales