4,383 research outputs found

    La Evaluación de las Habilidades Básicas del Aprendizaje (ABLA) y la “Tarea de Anne y Sally” en la Teoría de la Mente.

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    La Teoría de la Mente se define como la habilidad de reconocer que los demás tienen estados mentales (percepciones, deseos, creencias, pensamientos, intenciones) que pueden o no coincidir con los propios y para entender cuál es el contenido de esos estados mentales. En esta investigación, para llevar a cabo la evaluación de la adquisición de la Teoría de la Mente se ha utilizado una versión manipulativa de la prueba de “Anne y Sally”, habitualmente utilizada en este ámbito. Por otra parte, el test de la Evaluación de las Habilidades Básicas del Aprendizaje (ABLA) evalúa varios tipos de discriminación básicos en el desarrollo de discriminaciones más complejas. El objetivo de esta investigación es el estudio de una posible relación entre ambas pruebas, partiendo de la consideración de la teoría de la mente y las pruebas habitualmente utilizadas para su evaluación como las habilidades discriminativas básicas que podría contener o estar contenidas en las evaluadas por el test ABLA

    Reorganizing a 20th century cabinet of curiosities into a museum for the 21st century

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    This paper describes the life of a university museum that was born in the 1980s and transformed in the 21st century. Over a period of 25 years Professor Reverte collected more than 3700 objects and set up an authentic cabinet of curiosities dedicated to the fields of anthropology and forensic science. Despite the diversity of its contents, the museum had a recognized scientific interest. It has now undergone changes in order to meet the requirements of new academic demands and public accessibility, but without losing reference to its origins

    Characterization of beet necrotic yellow vein furovirus from Spanish sugar beets

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    Rhizomania is a viral disease, caused by beet necrotic yellow vein furovirus (BNYVV), which was detected in Spanish sugar beets in 1988, it being focused on the Castilla y León region. BNYVV has five RNA fragments with specific functions, and the different composition and proportion of RNA in the virions allow their separation and the characterization of their activities during the development of the disease. Thirty–six samples of sugar beet rootlets and frozen pulps from three different sugar beet zones of Castilla y León were analyzed by DAS-ELISA and Immunocapture-Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (IC-RT-PCR) using specific primers. The identity of the cDNA products was confirmed by nested- PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The uniformity of the patterns obtained by RFLP analyses with nine endonucleases showed the existence of a unique strain of BNYVV in 80,000 Ha of crop surface which could be explained by a recent arrival of the rhizomania disease to this region. The isolates studied were more similar to type A, which has been previously described in BNYVV, but a nonexpected cleavage site for this molecular group was observed with endonuclease Hinc II on the RNA-2 IC-RT-PCR product (nt 2133–3293) in the thirty–six Spanish samples and also in a North American strain taken as reference. The use of frozen pulps obtained as a previous step to the industrial extraction of sugar avoids problems due to erratic distribution of the virus in the roots, provides repetitive results for a particular sample, and facilitates epidemiological and distributional studies on rhizomania disease

    Invisible floral larcenies: microbial communities degrade floral nectar of bumble bee-pollinated plants

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    8 páginas, 4 figuras, 1 láminaThe ecology of nectarivorous microbial communities remains virtually unknown, which precludes elucidating whether these organisms play some role in plant–pollinator mutualisms beyond minor commensalism. We simultaneously assessed microbial abundance and nectar composition at the individual nectary level in flowers of three southern Spanish bumble bee-pollinated plants (Helleborus foetidus, Aquilegia vulgaris, and Aquilegia pyrenaica cazorlensis). Yeasts were frequent and abundant in nectar of all species, and variation in yeast density was correlated with drastic changes in nectar sugar concentration and composition. Yeast communities built up in nectar from early to late floral stages, at which time all nectaries contained yeasts, often at densities between 104 and 105 cells/mm3. Total sugar concentration and percentage sucrose declined, and percentage fructose increased, with increasing density of yeast cells in nectar. Among-nectary variation in microbial density accounted for 65% (H. foetidus and A. vulgaris) and 35% (A. p. cazorlensis) of intraspecific variance in nectar sugar composition, and 60% (H. foetidus) and 38% (A. vulgaris) of variance in nectar concentration. Our results provide compelling evidence that nectar microbial communities can have detrimental effects on plants and/or pollinators via extensive nectar degradation and also call for a more careful interpretation of nectar traits in the future, if uncontrolled for yeasts.Work was supported by grants 2005-RNM-156 (Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucía) and by CGL2006-01355 and EXPLORA CGL2007-28866-E/BOS (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Gobierno de España).Peer reviewe

    Electro-optical Simulation of a-Si Thin-Film-Transistor Liquid Crystal Display Pixels

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    An analysis of an amorphous silicon (a-Si) thin-film-transistor liquid-crystal display (TFT-LCD) pixel is presented. The electro-optical model combines the electrical properties of the switching element and the optical performance of a twisted nematic (TN) liquid-crystal cell.Publicad

    ¿Cómo nos puede ayudar la perspectiva constructivista a construir conocimiento en educación ambiental?

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    En el ámbito de la educación ambiental nos encontramos con una enorme confusión respecto a los modelos educativos que orientan los procesos de aprendizaje. Frente a los modelos predominantes en la práctica de la educación ambiental, de corte asociacionista, proponemos la perspectiva constructivista como un marco teórico alternativo de referencia a los mismos. En concreto, hemos aplicado categorías de análisis coherentes con tal perspectiva al estudio de los procesos de construcción de contenidos relativos a la contaminación y al uso del agua con una clase de alumnos comprendidos entre los 15 y los 16 años. En el presente trabajo se describen los resultados obtenidos en relación con dos dificultades de aprendizaje: el conocimiento conceptual sobre la problemática del agua, y sus expectativas y actitudes sobre la investigación del medio. De dichos resultados se infieren dos conclusiones. En primer lugar, que no basta con una metodología "activa", sino que hay que trabajar con mucha dedicación acerca del protagonismo de los participantes, para que éstos le brinden sentido a lo que hacen. En segundo lugar, hay que revisar la idea de que el alumno "descubre" las "verdades", concepción que supone la existencia de una verdad dada de antemano, la "verdad" del educador, o la "verdad" oculta en las cosas

    Mg II chromospheric emission line bisectors of HD39801 and its relation with the activity cycle

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    Betelgeuse is a cool star of spectral type M and luminosity class I. In the present work, the activity cycle of Betelgeuse was obtained from the integrated emission flux of the Mg II H and K lines, using more than 250 spectra taken from the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) online database. Of which it was found, based on a Lomb Scargle periodogram, a cycle of 16 years, along with 2 sub-cycles with a period of the order of 0.60 and 0.65 years, which may be due to turbulence or possible stellar flares. In addition, an analysis of line asymmetry was made by means of the chromospheric emission line bisectors, due to the strong self-absorption observed in this lines, the blue and red wings were analyzed independently. In order to measure such asymmetry, a “line shift” was calculated, from which several cycles of variability were obtained from a Lomb Scargle periodogram, spanning from few months to 4 years. In the sense, the most significant cycle is about 0.44 and 0.33 years in the blue and red wing respectively. It is worth noting, that the rotation period of the star doesn’t play an important role in the variability of the Mg II lines. This technique provides us with a new way to study activity cycles of evolved stars


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    Employability has become a principal aim of universities in Europe and beyond. In this context, internships are a central strategy for the promotion of employability. This qualitative study, conducted in Spain and based on biographical-narrative interviews, focuses on the voices and experiences of 25 non-traditional university graduates, all from the field of social sciences, on employability, internships, and skills. The data collected are analysed based on four categories: training received at the university; the influence of internships on employability; assessment of the internships; and perspectives on skills in demand and mismatches between graduate profiles and labour market demands. Graduates feel the internships has not helped in the transition to the workplace. Graduates have criticised the lack of connection between university and workplace, the short duration of internships, and the insufficient focus on professional and transversal skills. The results also suggest that universities should develop more initiatives to improve internships, working in coordination with employers and other stakeholders.A empregabilidade tornou-se um objetivo principal das universidades na Europa e fora dela. Neste contexto, os estagios são uma estratégia central para a promoção da empregabilidade. Este estudo qualitativo, realizado na Espanha e baseado em entrevistas biográfico-narrativas, enfoca as vozes e experiências de 25 graduados universitários não tradicionais, todos do campo das ciências sociais, sobre empregabilidade, estágios e habilidades. Os dados coletados são analisados com base em quatro categorias: treinamento recebido na universidade; influência dos estágios na empregabilidade; avaliação dos estágios; e perspectivas sobre habilidades em demanda e desencontros entre perfis de graduados e demandas do mercado de trabalho. Os estagiários sentem que os estágios não têm ajudado na transição para o mercado de trabalho. Os graduados têm criticado a falta de conexão entre universidade e mercado de trabalho, a curta duração dos estágios e o foco insuficiente nas habilidades profissionais e transversais. Os resultados também sugerem que as universidades deveriam desenvolver mais iniciativas para melhorar os estágios, trabalhando em coordenação com empregadores e outras partes interessadas.    La empleabilidad se ha convertido en un objetivo importante de las universidades en Europa y fuera de ella. En este contexto, las prácticas son una estrategia fundamental para la promoción de la empleabilidad. Este estudio cualitativo, realizado en España y basado en entrevistas biográficas, se centra en las voces y experiencias de 25 graduados universitarios no tradicionales, todos ellos del ámbito de las ciencias sociales, sobre la empleabilidad, las prácticas y las competencias. Los datos recogidos se analizan sobre la base de cuatro categorías: la formación recibida en la universidad; la influencia de las prácticas en la empleabilidad; la evaluación de las prácticas; y las perspectivas sobre las competencias demandadas y los desajustes entre los perfiles de los graduados y las demandas del mercado de trabajo. Los graduados consideran que las prácticas no han ayudado a la transición al mercado laboral. Los graduados han criticado la falta de conexión entre la universidad y el mercado laboral, la corta duración de las prácticas y la insuficiente atención a las competencias profesionales y transversales. Los resultados también sugieren que las universidades deberían desarrollar más iniciativas para mejorar las prácticas, trabajando en coordinación con los empleadores y otros grupos interesados. &nbsp