339 research outputs found

    Use of in vitro and haptic assessments in the characterisation of surface lubricity

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    Lubricity is a key property of hydrophilic-coated urinary catheter surfaces. In vitro tests are commonly employed for evaluation of surface properties in the development of novel catheter coating technologies, however, their value in predicting the more subjective feeling of lubricity requires validation. We herein perform a range of in vitro assessments and human organoleptic studies to characterise surface properties of developmental hydrophilic coating formulations, including water wettability, coefficient of friction, dry-out kinetics and lubricity. Significant reductions of up to 40% in the contact angles and coefficient of friction values of the novel coating formulations in comparison to the control poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)-coated surfaces were demonstrated during quantitative laboratory assessments. In contrast, no significant differences in the more subjective feeling of lubricity between the novel formulations and the control-coated surfaces were observed when formulations were haptically assessed by the techniques described herein. This study, importantly, highlights the need for optimisation of in vitro and human haptic assessments to more reliably predict patient preferences

    Palladium(II)-Catalysed Aminocarbonylation of Terminal Alkynes for the Synthesis of 2-Ynamides: Addressing the Challenges of Solvents and Gas Mixtures

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    2‐Ynamides can be synthesised through Pd(II) catalysed oxidative carbonylation, utilising low catalyst loadings. A variety of alkynes and amines can be used to afford 2‐ynamides in high yields, whilst overcoming the drawbacks associated with previous oxidative methods, which rely on dangerous solvents and gas mixtures. The use of [NBu(4)]I allows the utilisation of the industrially recommended solvent ethyl acetate. O(2) can be used as the terminal oxidant, and the catalyst can operate under safer conditions with low O(2) concentrations

    Perceived Stress, Thinking Style and Paranormal Belief

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    Paranormal beliefs often become stronger in times of stress. Such beliefs have also been found to vary in accordance with thinking style, whereby stronger beliefs are often observed in experiential thinkers. Little research, however, has explored the interaction between perceived stress and thinking style. 82 males and females aged 18 to 62 years (mean = 29.96 ± 12.53 years) completed measures of perceived stress, thinking style (rational and experiential) and paranormal belief. The results revealed stronger beliefs in experiential thinkers, compared with those with a rational thinking style. Perceived stress alone, was not a prominent predictor of belief but the combination of stress and thinking style, specifically high perceived stress with a rational thinking style, significantly predicted greater global paranormal belief, belief in superstition, traditional religious belief, and belief in psi. High perceived stress appeared to facilitate belief in rational thinkers as conversely, belief was lowest in rational thinkers under conditions of low-perceived stress. These findings suggest that stress may lower the propensity for rational thinking and consequently, encourage belief in scientifically unsubstantiated phenomena. This interaction may have implications for coping during stressful situations

    Antioxidant PLA Composites Containing Lignin for 3D Printing Applications: A Potential Material for Healthcare Applications

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    Lignin (LIG) is a natural biopolymer with well-known antioxidant capabilities. Accordingly, in the present work, a method to combine LIG with poly(lactic acid) (PLA) for fused filament fabrication applications (FFF) is proposed. For this purpose, PLA pellets were successfully coated with LIG powder and a biocompatible oil (castor oil). The resulting pellets were placed into an extruder at 200 °C. The resulting PLA filaments contained LIG loadings ranging from 0% to 3% (w/w). The obtained filaments were successfully used for FFF applications. The LIG content affected the mechanical and surface properties of the overall material. The inclusion of LIG yielded materials with lower resistance to fracture and higher wettabilities. Moreover, the resulting 3D printed materials showed antioxidant capabilities. By using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method, the materials were capable of reducing the concentration of this compound up to ca. 80% in 5 h. This radical scavenging activity could be potentially beneficial for healthcare applications, especially for wound care. Accordingly, PLA/LIG were used to design meshes with different designs for wound dressing purposes. A wound healing model compound, curcumin (CUR), was applied in the surface of the mesh and its diffusion was studied. It was observed that the dimensions of the meshes affected the permeation rate of CUR. Accordingly, the design of the mesh could be modified according to the patient’s needsThis work was supported by the Wellcome Trust Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (SS 213361/Z/18/Z) and the Society for Applied Microbiology Student Placement ScholarshipS

    Anti-Adherent Biomaterials for Prevention of Catheter Biofouling

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    Medical device-associated infections present a leading global healthcare challenge, and effective strategies to prevent infections are urgently required. Herein, we present an innovative anti-adherent hydrogel copolymer as a candidate catheter coating with complementary hydrophobic drug-carrying and eluting capacities. The amphiphilic block copolymer, Poloxamer 188, was chemically-derivatized with methacryloyl moieties and copolymerized with the hydrogel monomer, 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate. Performance of the synthesized copolymers was evaluated in terms of equilibrium swelling, surface water wettability, mechanical integrity, resistance to encrustation and bacterial adherence, and ability to control release of the loaded fluoroquinolone antibiotic, ofloxacin. The developed matrices were able to provide significant protection from fouling, with observed reductions of over 90% in both adherence of the common urinary pathogen Escherichia coli and encrusting crystalline deposits of calcium and magnesium salts relative to the commonly employed hydrogel, poly (hydroxyethyl methacrylate). Additionally, the release kinetics of a loaded hydrophobic drug could be readily tuned through facile manipulation of polymer composition. This combinatorial approach shows significant promise in the development of suitable systems for prevention of catheter-associated infections

    Photochemically controlled drug dosing from a polymeric scaffold

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    Purpose To develop the first photoactive biomaterial coating capable of controlled drug dosing via inclusion of synthesised drug-3,5-dimethoxybenzoin (DMB) conjugates in a poly(2-methyoxyethyl acrylate) (pMEA) scaffold. Methods Flurbiprofen- and naproxen-DMB conjugates were prepared via esterification and characterised via NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry following chromatographic purification. Conjugate photolysis was investigated in acetonitrile solution and within the pMEA matrix following exposure to low-power 365 nm irradiation. Photo-liberation of drug from pMEA into phosphate buffered saline was monitored using UV-vis spectroscopy. Results The synthetic procedures yielded the desired drug conjugates with full supporting characterisation. Drug regeneration through photolysis of the synthesised conjugates was successful in both acetonitrile solution and within the pMEA scaffold upon UV irradiation. Conjugates were retained within the pMEA scaffold with exclusive drug liberation following irradiation and increased drug dose with increasing exposure. Multi-dosing capacity was demonstrated though the ability of successive irradiation periods to generate further bursts of drug. Conclusion This study demonstrates the first application of photochemically controlled drug release from a biomaterial coating and the feasibility of using pMEA as a scaffold for housing the photoactive drug-DMB conjugates

    Three red suns in the sky: A transiting, terrestrial planet in a triple M-dwarf system at 6.9 pc

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    We present the discovery from Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) data of LTT 1445Ab. At a distance of 6.9 pc, it is the second nearest transiting exoplanet system found to date, and the closest one known for which the primary is an M dwarf. The host stellar system consists of three mid-to-late M dwarfs in a hierarchical configuration, which are blended in one TESS pixel. We use MEarth data and results from the Science Processing Operations Center data validation report to determine that the planet transits the primary star in the system. The planet has a radius of 1.380.12+0.13{1.38}_{-0.12}^{+0.13} R{R}_{\oplus }, an orbital period of 5.358820.00031+0.00030{5.35882}_{-0.00031}^{+0.00030} days, and an equilibrium temperature of 43327+28{433}_{-27}^{+28} K. With radial velocities from the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher, we place a 3σ upper mass limit of 8.4 M{M}_{\oplus } on the planet. LTT 1445Ab provides one of the best opportunities to date for the spectroscopic study of the atmosphere of a terrestrial world. We also present a detailed characterization of the host stellar system. We use high-resolution spectroscopy and imaging to rule out the presence of any other close stellar or brown dwarf companions. Nineteen years of photometric monitoring of A and BC indicate a moderate amount of variability, in agreement with that observed in the TESS light-curve data. We derive a preliminary astrometric orbit for the BC pair that reveals an edge-on and eccentric configuration. The presence of a transiting planet in this system hints that the entire system may be co-planar, implying that the system may have formed from the early fragmentation of an individual protostellar core.Accepted manuscrip

    A rocky planet transiting a nearby low-mass star

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    M-dwarf stars -- hydrogen-burning stars that are smaller than 60 per cent of the size of the Sun -- are the most common class of star in our Galaxy and outnumber Sun-like stars by a ratio of 12:1. Recent results have shown that M dwarfs host Earth-sized planets in great numbers: the average number of M-dwarf planets that are between 0.5 to 1.5 times the size of Earth is at least 1.4 per star. The nearest such planets known to transit their star are 39 parsecs away, too distant for detailed follow-up observations to measure the planetary masses or to study their atmospheres. Here we report observations of GJ 1132b, a planet with a size of 1.2 Earth radii that is transiting a small star 12 parsecs away. Our Doppler mass measurement of GJ 1132b yields a density consistent with an Earth-like bulk composition, similar to the compositions of the six known exoplanets with masses less than six times that of the Earth and precisely measured densities. Receiving 19 times more stellar radiation than the Earth, the planet is too hot to be habitable but is cool enough to support a substantial atmosphere, one that has probably been considerably depleted of hydrogen. Because the host star is nearby and only 21 per cent the radius of the Sun, existing and upcoming telescopes will be able to observe the composition and dynamics of the planetary atmosphere.Comment: Published in Nature on 12 November 2015, available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature15762. This is the authors' version of the manuscrip

    VEGAS: A VST Early-type GAlaxy Survey. II. Photometric study of giant ellipticals and their stellar halos

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    Observations of diffuse starlight in the outskirts of galaxies are thought to be a fundamental source of constraints on the cosmological context of galaxy assembly in the Λ\LambdaCDM model. Such observations are not trivial because of the extreme faintness of such regions. In this work, we investigate the photometric properties of six massive early type galaxies (ETGs) in the VEGAS sample (NGC 1399, NGC 3923, NGC 4365, NGC 4472, NGC 5044, and NGC 5846) out to extremely low surface brightness levels, with the goal of characterizing the global structure of their light profiles for comparison to state-of-the-art galaxy formation models. We carry out deep and detailed photometric mapping of our ETG sample taking advantage of deep imaging with VST/OmegaCAM in the g and i bands. By fitting the light profiles, and comparing the results to simulations of elliptical galaxy assembly, we identify signatures of a transition between "relaxed" and "unrelaxed" accreted components and can constrain the balance between in situ and accreted stars. The very good agreement of our results with predictions from theoretical simulations demonstrates that the full VEGAS sample of 100\sim 100 ETGs will allow us to use the distribution of diffuse light as a robust statistical probe of the hierarchical assembly of massive galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic