175 research outputs found

    La delgadez, las dietas hipocalóricas y la salud : un estudio transcultural

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    La mayoría de los estudios transculturales relacionados con cuestiones alimentarias e ima-gen corporal, establecen comparaciones entre nativos occidentales y extranjeros de otras etnias, residentes en el mismo país. A diferencia de los mismos, nos propusimos realizar una comparación parcial entre mujeres argentinas y japonesas que viven en Argentina y Japón, respectivamente, ya que partimos del supuesto de que las pautas culturales están menos contaminadas en el lugar de origen. Dado que la relación peso/altura es un buen indicador del estado nutricional y de salud de una población, y el japonés promedio tiene peso nor-mal, mientras que el argentino tiene sobrepeso, nos resultó de interés analizar qué puede estar influyendo: cuáles son los factores protectores y predisponentes que contribuyen a moldear la conducta alimentaria y la relación con el propio cuerpo. Nuestro objetivo fue in-dagar si en ambos países está presente la tendencia a realizar dietas hipocalóricas y si la misma se fundamenta, entre otras razones, en una percepción sobredimensionada que la delgadez y las dietas hipocalóricas tienen respecto de la salud. Los resultados mostraron que las mujeres argentinas y japonesas consideran que la delgadez es sinónimo de salud. Sin embargo, solo las argentinas perciben como una necesidad permanente el estar a dieta y consideran que los alimentos dietéticos son más saludables. Para esta investigación, cuya metodología es cuantitativa, creamos dos pruebas sencillas que analizan la asociación entre delgadez y salud: Prueba de las fotos y Alimentos preferidos/saludables.Most cross-cultural studies on food behavior and body image, draw comparisons between Western natives and foreigners of other nationalities or cultures, living in the same coun-try. Unlike them, we intend to make a partial comparison between Argentine and Japanese women living in Argentina and Japan, respectively, since we assume that cultural patterns are less contaminated in the place of origin. Since the weight/height relation is a good predictor of nutritional status and health of a population, and the average Japanese has normal weight, while Argentina is overweight, we found it interesting to analyze what may be influencing: which are the protective and predisposing factors that shape eating behav-ior and the relationship with one's body. Our aim was to investigate if, in both countries, there is a trend towards low calorie diets and wether it is based, among other reasons, in an oversized perception of the importance that thinness and low-calorie diets have on health. The results showed that Japanese and Argentine women believe that thinness is synonym of health. However, only Argentina's perceived dieting as a permanent need and consider that dietary foods are healthier. For this quantitative research, we created two simple tests that examine the association between thinness and health: Photo Test and Fa-vorite Foods/Healthy Foods

    Thinness, low-calorie diets and health: a cross-cultural study

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    La mayoría de los estudios transculturales relacionados con cuestiones alimentarias e ima-gen corporal, establecen comparaciones entre nativos occidentales y extranjeros de otras etnias, residentes en el mismo país. A diferencia de los mismos, nos propusimos realizar una comparación parcial entre mujeres argentinas y japonesas que viven en Argentina y Japón, respectivamente, ya que partimos del supuesto de que las pautas culturales están menos contaminadas en el lugar de origen. Dado que la relación peso/altura es un buen indicador del estado nutricional y de salud de una población, y el japonés promedio tiene peso nor-mal, mientras que el argentino tiene sobrepeso, nos resultó de interés analizar qué puede estar influyendo: cuáles son los factores protectores y predisponentes que contribuyen a moldear la conducta alimentaria y la relación con el propio cuerpo. Nuestro objetivo fue in-dagar si en ambos países está presente la tendencia a realizar dietas hipocalóricas y si la misma se fundamenta, entre otras razones, en una percepción sobredimensionada que la delgadez y las dietas hipocalóricas tienen respecto de la salud. Los resultados mostraron que las mujeres argentinas y japonesas consideran que la delgadez es sinónimo de salud. Sin embargo, solo las argentinas perciben como una necesidad permanente el estar a dieta y consideran que los alimentos dietéticos son más saludables. Para esta investigación, cuya metodología es cuantitativa, creamos dos pruebas sencillas que analizan la asociación entre delgadez y salud: Prueba de las fotos y Alimentos preferidos/saludables.Most cross-cultural studies on food behavior and body image, draw comparisons between Western natives and foreigners of other nationalities or cultures, living in the same coun-try. Unlike them, we intend to make a partial comparison between Argentine and Japanese women living in Argentina and Japan, respectively, since we assume that cultural patterns are less contaminated in the place of origin. Since the weight/height relation is a good predictor of nutritional status and health of a population, and the average Japanese has normal weight, while Argentina is overweight, we found it interesting to analyze what may be influencing: which are the protective and predisposing factors that shape eating behav-ior and the relationship with one's body. Our aim was to investigate if, in both countries, there is a trend towards low calorie diets and wether it is based, among other reasons, in an oversized perception of the importance that thinness and low-calorie diets have on health. The results showed that Japanese and Argentine women believe that thinness is synonym of health. However, only Argentina's perceived dieting as a permanent need and consider that dietary foods are healthier. For this quantitative research, we created two simple tests that examine the association between thinness and health: Photo Test and Fa-vorite Foods/Healthy Foods

    Estudo Cariotípico Em Duas Espécies De Cuculiformes Americanos (Aves) ()

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    Two species of birds of the Cuculidae Family, Playa cayana (Phaenicophaeinae) and Crotophaga major (Crotophaginae), captured in Manaus (AM, Brazil) region have been cytogenetically studied. The chromosomes were preparared for 4 hours in culture using bone narrow cells. The karyotypic analyses were done by convencional methods from which numerical, morphological and metrical data of the chromosomes were drawn. The mean size of the macrochromosomes, the Relative Lengths (PR) and Arm Ratlos (B) were calculated on the basis of the measurements obtained. A system on decreasing order of size was used to arrange the chromosomes, designating each chromosome individually. The macrochromosomes were morphologically classified according to Levan et al. (1964). All chromosomes that had PR equal or bigger than 4% were considered as macrochromosomes. P. cayana has 2n complement of 76 chromosomes, from which 22 are considered as macrochromosomes. The Z chromosome is submetacentric and the second of the karyotype, however the W is subtelocentric and the eleventh in size. C. major has 64 chromosomes, from which 22 are macro-chromosomes. The Z chromosome is metacentric and the fourth of the karyotype, but the W chromosome is submetacentric and the sixth in size.Foram estudadas citogeneticamente duas espécies de aves da Família CuculidaePlaya cayana (Phaenicophaeinae) e Crotophaga major (Crotophoginae) capturadas na região de Manaus (AM). Os cromossomos foram preparados a partir de células da medula óssea, em cultura de curta duração (4 horas). A análise cariotípica foi realizada por métodos convencionais, obtendo-se dados numéricos, morfológicos e métricos dos cromossomos destas duas espécies. A classificação dos cromossomos obedeceu à proposição de Levan et al. (1964). Os cromossomos foram divididos em três gruposdois de macrocromossomos (grupos A e B) e um de microcromossomos (grupo C). Foram considerados como macrocromossomos, todos aqueles que apresentaram Proporção Relativa maior ou igual a 4%. Playa cayana apresentou 76 cromossomos como número diplóide, dos quais 22 foram considerados como macrocromossomos. O cromossomo Z é submetacêntrico e o segundo do cariótipo, enquanto o W é subtelocêntrico e o décimo primeiro em tamanho. Crotophaga major apresentou 64 cromossomos, dos quais, 22 foram considerados como macrocromossomos. O cromossomo Z é metacêntrico e o quarto do cariótipo, enquanto o cromossomo W é submetacêntrico e o sexto em tamanho

    Los derechos sociales y las políticas públicas: una psicología social entre la autoorganización social y el ejercicio de la ciudadanía

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    Our presentation is twofold: to expose the complex articulation between public policies in Buenos Aires City and the main trends in housing and food; and analyze their relationships with practices and representations of different levels of responsibility officers and agents, about de recipients of those policies. The qualitative research is based on document analysis, interviews and observational strategies. The analysis showed us a paradoxical relationship between the dismantling of the welfare state from the ‘90s economic recession and changes in public policies related to housing, according to international agreements. In the implementation of these policies we detected a marked tension between three types of staff concepts and relative positions about beneficiaries, ranging from a strong interactional commitment to a beneficiary communities conceptualization as a source of risk and a non community nature.Nuestra presentación tiene un doble propósito: exponer la compleja articulación entre las políticas públicas en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y sus principales tendencias en vivienda y alimentos hasta el año 2011, y analizar las relaciones de las mismas con las prácticas y representaciones de funcionarios y agentes de distintos niveles de responsabildad, respecto de los destinatarios de dichas políticas. La metodología es cualitativa y las principales técnicas usadas son análisis de documentos, entrevistas y estrategias observacionales. El análisis nos permitió identificar una relación paradojal entre el desmantelamiento del estado de bienestar a partir de la recesión económica de los ’90 y las transformaciones de las políticas públicas relativas a la vivienda acorde con los tratados internacionales. En la implementación de dichas políticas detectamos una marcada tensión entre tres tipos de concepciones en los funcionarios y sus respectivos posicionamientos relativos respecto de los beneficiarios, que van desde un fuerte compromiso interaccional a una conceptualización de las comunidades beneficiarias como fuente de riesgo y de naturaleza contracomunitaria

    Los derechos sociales y las políticas públicas: una psicología social entre la autoorganización social y el ejercicio de la ciudadanía

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    Our presentation is twofold: to expose the complex articulation between public policies in Buenos Aires City and the main trends in housing and food; and analyze their relationships with practices and representations of different levels of responsibility officers and agents, about de recipients of those policies. The qualitative research is based on document analysis, interviews and observational strategies. The analysis showed us a paradoxical relationship between the dismantling of the welfare state from the ‘90s economic recession and changes in public policies related to housing, according to international agreements. In the implementation of these policies we detected a marked tension between three types of staff concepts and relative positions about beneficiaries, ranging from a strong interactional commitment to a beneficiary communities conceptualization as a source of risk and a non community nature.Nuestra presentación tiene un doble propósito: exponer la compleja articulación entre las políticas públicas en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y sus principales tendencias en vivienda y alimentos hasta el año 2011, y analizar las relaciones de las mismas con las prácticas y representaciones de funcionarios y agentes de distintos niveles de responsabildad, respecto de los destinatarios de dichas políticas. La metodología es cualitativa y las principales técnicas usadas son análisis de documentos, entrevistas y estrategias observacionales. El análisis nos permitió identificar una relación paradojal entre el desmantelamiento del estado de bienestar a partir de la recesión económica de los ’90 y las transformaciones de las políticas públicas relativas a la vivienda acorde con los tratados internacionales. En la implementación de dichas políticas detectamos una marcada tensión entre tres tipos de concepciones en los funcionarios y sus respectivos posicionamientos relativos respecto de los beneficiarios, que van desde un fuerte compromiso interaccional a una conceptualización de las comunidades beneficiarias como fuente de riesgo y de naturaleza contracomunitaria

    Poliploidia em Bovinos da Raça Simental (Bos Taurus Taurus) e Nelore (Bos Taurus Indicus)

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    Resumo: fenômeno da poliploidia, em bovinos, encontra-se pouco esclarescido, uma vez que os trabalhos na literatura científica que discutem a poliploidia serem escassos e pouco específicos, referentes aos possíveis fatores que levaram a ocorrência de células poliplóides. Palavras-chave: Cromossomos. Citogenética. Biotecnologia

    Analysis of genetic susceptibility to mercury contamination evaluated through molecular biomarkers in at-risk amazon amerindian populations

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    We investigated Individual differences in susceptibility to methylmercury (MeHg) contamination and its relationship with polymorphisms of the detoxifying enzyme glutathione S-transferase (GST). In Brazil, some Amerindian tribes from the Amazon region have an increased level of mercury in their hair. Samples of hair and blood were taken from inhabitants of two villages in the Kayabi and Munduruku Amerindian communities to investigate mercury levels in association with genetic polymorphism of GSTs. Other molecular biological markers were also studied, such as hemoglobin, haptoglobin and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH). Higher levels of mercury contamination were found in the Kayabi villagers, who had a null genotype (GSTM1 0/0, also denominated GSTM1 null) frequency of 26%, than in the Munduruku villagers, for which the null genotype frequency was 0%. Individuals with the GSTM1 null phenotype had higher concentrations of mercury in their hair than individuals with GSTM1+/+ phenotypes (F = 21.51, p < 0.0001). No association with other markers studied was observed. This study suggests that GSTM1 may be involved in the biotransformation of mercury in humans

    Clinicopathological and dermoscopic features of angio-eccrine hyperplasia in clear cell acanthoma

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    While the histological epidermal criteria (psoriasiform acanthosis, pale-appearing keratinocytes, parakeratosis, and neutrophilic exocytosis) of clear cell acanthoma (CCA) are usually well known,1 the dermal ones have been less investigated. We attempted to evaluate the frequency of vascular and eccrine findings in CCA and to correlate them with dermoscopy (Fig 1 and Supplemental Fig 1 [available at http://www.jaad.org])

    CXCR4 involvement in neurodegenerative diseases

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    Neurodegenerative diseases likely share common underlying pathobiology. Although prior work has identified susceptibility loci associated with various dementias, few, if any, studies have systematically evaluated shared genetic risk across several neurodegenerative diseases. Using genome-wide association data from large studies (total n = 82,337 cases and controls), we utilized a previously validated approach to identify genetic overlap and reveal common pathways between progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), frontotemporal dementia (FTD), Parkinson's disease (PD) and Alzheimer's disease (AD). In addition to the MAPT H1 haplotype, we identified a variant near the chemokine receptor CXCR4 that was jointly associated with increased risk for PSP and PD. Using bioinformatics tools, we found strong physical interactions between CXCR4 and four microglia related genes, namely CXCL12, TLR2, RALB, and CCR5. Evaluating gene expression from post-mortem brain tissue, we found that expression of CXCR4 and microglial genes functionally related to CXCR4 was dysregulated across a number of neurodegenerative diseases. Furthermore, in a mouse model of tauopathy, expression of CXCR4 and functionally associated genes was significantly altered in regions of the mouse brain that accumulate neurofibrillary tangles most robustly. Beyond MAPT, we show dysregulation of CXCR4 expression in PSP, PD, and FTD brains, and mouse models of tau pathology. Our multi-modal findings suggest that abnormal signaling across a 'network' of microglial genes may contribute to neurodegeneration and may have potential implications for clinical trials targeting immune dysfunction in patients with neurodegenerative diseases