15 research outputs found

    Preferensi Pemilih Muslim Milenial pada Pemilihan Presiden-Wakil Presiden 2019

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    This paper discusses the issue of the tendency to vote of millennial Muslim voters in presidential-vice presidential elections 2019. This issue is answered through three questions. Applying mix-methods of quantitative and qualitative, the data was obtained through surveys and interviews as well as literature studies. The results were analyzed using a descriptive-analytical analysis. These results of this research show three important things. First, millennial Muslim voters in the presidential-vice presidential election 2019 tend to choose civilians as potential leaders. Civilians are considered capable of overcoming problems and can advance Indonesia in the future. Second, there are variations in the reasons for voters voting their candidates. In addition to performance factors, firmness and competency factors are the drivers for voters to make choices regarding contending candidates. Third, differences in political choices have an impact on polarization among Muslim communities. Different choices lead to new groupings in Muslim societies and even tend to emerge hates and dislikes from each other

    Diskriminasi Muslim dalam Birokrasi Studi pada Pemerintahan Kota Jayapura

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    This article explains the phenomena of discrimination of Papuan Muslims in the local government in Jayapura Municipality of Papua. In the practice of bureaucracy especially the determination of officials, Papuan Muslims are not involved, even though they are indigenous Papuans. Conditions provide an explanation that there are problems that accompany Muslim travel in Jayapura. This study finds out that of the total 43 units of Regional Working Units (SKPD) which 5 are led by Muslims, while non-Muslims lead others. This composition is unequal of the population in this region, which has a 45% proportion of Protestants and, 41% of Muslims. This paper emphasizes three important points: first, special autonomy for Papua not only affects how regional sentiments are strengthened, but also impacts the treatment of particular groups, especially Muslims. Second, the determination of office in the government is strongly influenced by the similarity of primordial identity, especially ethnicity and religion. Third, from some positions held by Muslims, none of them are from Papuan Muslims.Artikel ini menjelaskan mengenai diskriminasi Muslim Papua dalam birokrasi pemerintahan di Kota Jayapura Papua. Dalam praktik birokrasi khususnya penentuan pejabat, Muslim Papua tidak dilibatkan, meskipun mereka merupakan penduduk asli Papua. Kondisi memberikan penjelasan bahwa terdapat persoalan yang mengiringi perjalanan Muslim di Jayapura. Studi ini menemukan bahwa dari keseluruhan Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) yang berjumlah 43, sebanyak 5 dipimpin oleh Muslim, sedangkan yang lain dipimpin oleh non-Muslim. Hal ini sangat tidak sebanding dengan komposisi penduduk di daerah ini yang memiliki perimbangan 45 % Protestan dan 41 % Muslim. Tulisan ini menegaskan tiga hal penting, pertama, otonomi khusus bagi Papua tidak hanya berdampak pada bagaimana sentimen kedaerahan semakin menguat, tetapi juga memberikan dampak pada perlakuan terhadap kelompok tertentu, khususnya Muslim. Kedua, penentuan jabatan di lingkungan pemerintahan sangat kuat dipengaruhi oleh kesamaan identitas primordial khususnya etnis dan agama. Ketiga, dari beberapa jabatan yang jabat oleh Muslim, tidak ada satu pun dari mereka yang berasal dari orang Papua Muslim

    Potret Tradisi Bib Maaf pada Keberangkatan Haji Masyarakat Desa Dullah Laut Kepulauan Kei Maluku Tenggara

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    Artikel ini bertujuan memaparkan secara komprehensif tentang Tradisi Bib Maaf di Desa Dullah Laut Kepulauan Kei Maluku Tenggara. Merupakan penelitian kualitatif, menggunakan paradigma fenomenologi sosial. Melakukan observasi partisipatoris pasif, kedalaman wawancara serta dokumentasi. Menggunakan teknik analisis model alir dari Milles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian: Tradisi Bib Maaf? yang dilakukan masyarakat Kei di Desa Dullah Laut merupakan tradisi keberangkatan ibadah Haji. Merupakan momentum saling memaafkan dan memanjatkan doa agar menjalankan ibadah Haji dengan selamat. Bib Maaf atau kambing maaf merupakan tradisi lisan yang dikembangkan masyarakat Muslim Kepulauan Kei. Kekeluargaan pada masyarakat Kei bermakna luas mencakup seluruh dimensi kehidupan manusia. Sikap optimis orang Kei dalam tradisi Bib Maaf yaitu: Pertama, Sikap rela menolong. Kedua, Sikap percaya bahwa orang lain akan membantu. Ketiga, Sikap hormat menghormati. Maren atau Hamaren dipahami sebagai tanggung jawab bersama warga dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan yang dilaksanakan secara spontan dan sukarela. Yellim merupakan rentetan tradisi, berbentuk pemberian untuk meringankan beban pelaksanaan tradisi yang memiliki kebermanfaatan dalam tradisi, menunjukkan kedermawanan masyarakat. Nit Ni Wang, Barzanji dan Dok Mol merupakan rangkaian tradisi dalam bentuk memanjatkan do?a kepada Sang pencipta Allah Subhanahu wa Ta?ala, dan puji-pujian pada Nabi Muhammad, Shallallahu ?Alaihi wa Sallam, serta pada leluhur agar perjalanan Haji memperoleh keselamatan


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    Purpose of the study: This study seeks to show that religious contestation in Jayapura, as apparent through the widespread use of religious symbols in the city, is not only a form of resistance against other faiths but also reflective of historical apprehensiveness. Studies on Muslim-Christian relations tend to deny the historical perspective by giving more attention to economic and political factors. Methodology: As the basis of its analysis, this study uses visual data in the form of photographs. Further data was collected from informants through unstructured interviews. Using a phenomenological approach, data were analyzed to ascertain the meaning of the studied phenomenon. Main Findings: This study shows that religious contestation in Papua, as manifested in public religious symbols, is not only a form of resistance against other faiths but also a continuation of unresolved interfaith tensions. Applications of this study: Knowledge of the interfaith contestation, as manifested through the public display of religious symbols, is of paramount importance in creating a spatial planning policy that accommodates a multiethnic and multireligious society. Novelty/Originality of this study: While previous studies have tended to show the causes of interfaith conflict, often by emphasizing religious differences, this study finds a shared space that offers an opportunity for religious accommodation and the resolution of interfaith tensions

    Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Islam dalam Tradisi Damar pada Masyarakat Kampung Patipi Pulau Kabupaten Fak-Fak

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    Abstract: The study's goal was to explain Islamic education ideals in the Damar tradition in Patipi Pulau Village, Fak-fak Regency. It is a qualitative study with a social phenomenological method, involving observations, interviews, and recording utilizing Miles and Huberman's flow model analysis technique. The study's findings: The festiveness of the mosque on the night of Lailatul Qadar is a practice carried out by the community in Patipi Pulau Village by participating in religious rituals together, with delight, such as breaking the fast, offering alms, torch procession, and reading the Qur'an. Volunteerism, which is honesty and refraction, is the basis for alms to mosque administrators. People's lives are affected by high kinship values. Culture and religion come together to produce a sense of community among residents, a sense of solidarity that is raised spontaneously by the community in the practice of traditions. Devotion, charity, alms, al-ukhuwah, Khuluqiyah, al-Masuuliyyah, al-Munfiqun, and friendship are among the Islamic educational ideals taught in the tradition. Mosque administrators carry out their duties and obligations with seriousness since caring for the mosque is a noble responsibility that is passed down from generation to generation or passed down via inheritance. The community retains meaningful traditions (beliefs, knowledge, and habits) as a means of organizing, accepting, and creating subsequent interactions and acts based on common understanding.Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menjabarkan nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam dalam tradisi Damar di Kampung Patipi Pulau Kabupaten Fak-fak. Merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan pendekatan fenomenologi social, melakukan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, dengan menggunakan tehnik analisis model alir dari Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian: Meriahnya Masjid pada malam Lailatul Qadar merupakan pembiasaan yang dilakukan masyarakat di Kampung Patipi Pulau dengan melakukan aktivitas keagamaan bersama, dengan kegembiraannya melalui berbuka puasa, pemberian sedekah, pawai obor, membaca Qur’an. Sedekah pada pengurus Masjid didasarkan kesukarelaan yang merupakan ketulusan serta pembiasan. Nilai-nilai kekerabatan yang tinggi mempengaruhi kehidupan masyarakat. Budaya dan agama menyatu menciptakan kebersamaan diantara warga, merupakan solidaritas yang dimunculkan masyarakat secara spontan dalam pelaksanaan tradisi. Rangkaian kegiatan dalam tradisi mengandung nilai pendidikan Islam seperti: Ketaqwaan, Amaliyah, Sedekah, al-ukhuwah, Khuluqiyah, al-Masuuliyyah, al-Munfiqun, serta silaturahmi. Pengurus Masjid melakukan tugas dan tanggungjawabnya dengan keikhlasan, disebabkan mengurus Masjid adalah tugas mulia yang dilakukan turun temurun atau pewarisan. Masyarakat mempertahankan tradisi yang memiliki makna (keyakinan, pengetahuan serta kebiasaan), sebagai cara mengatur, menerima, berbagai tradisi yang dianggap baik serta mendasari pemahaman bersama dan mengembangkan interaksi dan tindakan lebih lanjut

    Muslim Millennial Perspective on the Existence and Co-Existence of Religious Minorities in Indonesia

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    The practice of tolerance in a pluralistic society in terms of religion holds the potential for the birth of a mutually accepting relationship on the one hand, and an attitude of mutual negation on the other. This paper specifically discusses the practice of tolerance among millennial Muslims in Indonesia by looking at the reasons underlying their attitude towards the existence of religious minority groups. Data analyzed are obtained through questionnaires, interviews, and literature studies. Questionnaires distributed to millennial Muslims contain requests to choose choices and write opinions about the existence of minority religious groups. This paper shows two responses to the existence of minority religious groups. First, respondents accept the existence of non-Islamic religious groups (out of 412 respondents, as many as 280 or 67, 96%) for various reasons. Second, most respondents reject the existence of Islamic religious groups, especially Shiites and Ahmadis. In this case, 383 respondents (93%) state their rejection. Both forms of response have their respective reasons. This study recommends the importance of cultivating an attitude of respect for differences so that conflicts based on religion can be avoided in the future

    Pendidikan Agama Islam Dan Tantangannya: (Studi Perkembangan Pendidikan Berbasis Agama Islam Di Kota Jayapura)

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    This article aims to find out about Islamic education and the challenges in its implementation in Jayapura City. The method of data collection was carried out by interviews, observation and FGD (Focus Group Discussion). The data which has been classified are made narrative by giving an interpretation and data display. The results of this study found that religious education in non Muslim majority areas like Jayapura is facing serious  challenges. Besides  it demanded to give contribution, Islamic education must be able to adapt with others religious group. For Muslims internal it becomes something that should be implemented, they should performance activities that also respect to other religions and also expected to give contribution in actualizing human being who are able to compete in global world but also still on the values of submission to Allah SWT. For that reason, Islamic education in Jayapura must be adapt with the religious life conditions where it can create a harmony and peaceful life of people and Islamic education are also required to arrange the fundamental change steps and seek innovative alternative education models

    Preferensi Pemilih Muslim Milenial pada Pemilihan Presiden-Wakil Presiden 2019

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    This paper discusses the issue of the tendency to vote of millennial Muslim voters in presidential-vice presidential elections 2019. This issue is answered through three questions. Applying mix-methods of quantitative and qualitative, the data was obtained through surveys and interviews as well as literature studies. The results were analyzed using a descriptive-analytical analysis. These results of this research show three important things. First, millennial Muslim voters in the presidential-vice presidential election 2019 tend to choose civilians as potential leaders. Civilians are considered capable of overcoming problems and can advance Indonesia in the future. Second, there are variations in the reasons for voters voting their candidates. In addition to performance factors, firmness and competency factors are the drivers for voters to make choices regarding contending candidates. Third, differences in political choices have an impact on polarization among Muslim communities. Different choices lead to new groupings in Muslim societies and even tend to emerge hates and dislikes from each other


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    New Student Admission (PPDB) is carried out by educational institutions every year to get new students. To attract the interest of prospective students, the right strategy is needed to optimize the quantity and quality of the expected students. This research was conducted at MTs Yaa Bunayya Jayapura City because the school was only established in early 2020 which in terms of quantity and quality of students still needs to be improved. This study aims to find out how the madrasa principal's strategy in increasing the acceptance of new students at MTs Yaa Bunayya Jayapura City. This research uses descriptive qualitative research with data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. The data analysis technique of this research uses the Miles and Huberman analysis technique, namely data reduction, data modeling, and verification or drawing conclusions. The results obtained from this study are that the strategies for increasing the acceptance of new students at MTs Yaa Bunayya Jayapura City are: 1) PPDB planning is carried out with careful preparation, namely by holding a meeting to form a new student admissions team, setting goals, targets, requirements, governance method, setting the schedule and determining the capacity to accept new students. 2) Organizing is done by optimizing the cooperation of the PPDB team consisting of school principals, teachers, and education staff. 3) The strategy to increase quantity is carried out by utilizing social media and word of mouth while building the quality it is carried out by selection tests. 4) Evaluation of PPDB implementation is carried out for future improvements. The results of this study are expected to be used as a reference by managers of educational institutions related to strategies in increasing the quantity and quality of new students

    SATU TUNGKU TIGA BATU (Kerja Sama Tiga Agama Dalam Kehidupan Beragama di Fakfak)

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    Religion harmony in Fakfak is religious livelihood harmony based on cultural value and ethic remains attaches. Actually, religious diversity is not obstruction for interacting mutually, whereas kinship relationship being maintained through local culture. Term neret/magan in Fakfak is able to unify their diversity religion. The existed cooperation potentially moderating religion inter-group relationship through solidarity and local value thus it can prevent various issues in society. Satu Tungku Tiga Batu is a control means in maintaining religion livelihood harmoniousness among Patipi society. Patipi social behavior is structured on society history. On their behalf, live is not merely for completing individual need, but to defend and maintains social livelihood. Conflict will break the viability and social system function harmony. In other word, social integration only can be met through functional unity between subs-system within society. Religious activity descriptions in Teluk Patipi society were gained during observation and interview. Satu Tungku Tiga Batu remains able considered as slogan potentially reducing religious conflict in Patipi, Fakfak district which government participate declaring it through community-based program. Inhabitant�s cooperation in Patipi is not only in religious activity but also inside whole life activity as economic, social, and religious activities which turns this habit as harmonious life model and establishes mutual respect. However, ideological issue sometime being exploited by some people who cashing their position and reputation which deflects from initial habit. Hence, religious diversity awareness is not an obstruction for Patipi people since them ability to live peacefully through Satu Tungku Tiga Batu philosophy that means one in diversity religious. The point should be anticipated is radical religion movement potentially demoralizes concepts existences