67 research outputs found

    Los saberes matemáticos de la cultura achuar : estudio de caso en las comunidades Saum y Tsunkintsa

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    The present investigation about the mathematical knowledge of the Achuar culture, case study in the Saum and Tsunkintsa communities, aims to establish the Achuar numbering practice and the measurement of the Achuar culture, since at present the Achuar young people no longer use the ancestral numeration, and also the parents do not know their knowledge, which constitutes a serious problem in the identity of the Achuar culture. The present work is intended to provide a bibliographic material that each school center of all the communities of Achuar nationality can use to strengthen ancestral knowledge, from the point of view of mathematics, would be available to all, both students and of teachers so they can review and apply the material, both in the teaching-learning process and in daily practice, in order to achieve an appreciation of the cultural identity of the Achuar people. Throughout the development of this topic, we had the opportunity to reflect, mainly at the time of interviewing the elders, since they provided the necessary information to be able to translate it into this work. In addition, that the customs of the elderly do not have to be abandoned, because it is like losing our identity, the Achuar numbering has a high cultural value that has been inherited from the ancestors, with the purpose of discovering the wisdom of the elders of a concrete and clear way.La presente investigación sobre los saberes matemáticos de la cultura achuar, estudio de caso en las comunidades Saum y Tsunkintsa tiene como objetivo establecer la práctica de la numeración achuar y la medición de la cultura achuar, puesto que en la actualidad los jóvenes achuar ya no utilizan la numeración ancestral, y además los padres no tansmiten sus conocimientos, lo cual constituye un grave problema en la identidad de la cultura achuar. Con el presente trabajo se pretende brindar un material bibliográfico que cada centro centro educativo de todas las comunidades de nacionalidad achuar pueda emplear para fortalecer los conocimientos ancestrales, desde el punto de vista de la matemática, estaría a disposición de todos, tanto de los estudiantes como de docentes para que puedan revisar y aplicar el material, tanto en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje como en la práctica cotidiana, con el fin de lograr una valoración de la identidad cultural del pueblo achuar. A lo largo del desarrollo de este tema, se tuvo la oportunidad de reflexionar, principalmente en el momento de hacer la entrevista a los mayores, ya que ellos proporcionaron la información necesaria para poder plasmarla en este trabajo. Además, que las costumbres de los mayores no se tienen que abandonar, debido a que es como perder nuestra identidad, la numeración achuar tiene un alto valor cultural que se ha heredado de los ancestros, con la finalidad de descubrir las sabidurías de los mayores de una manera concreta y clara

    2DE vs cromatografía líquida ProteomeLab PF 2DE en embrión de trigo

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    Secuencia didáctica para desarrollo de las competencias del área de comunicación en estudiante de cuarto grado del nivel primaria en una institución educativa publica de Wijint, Datem del Marañón, Loreto

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    Este trabajo de suficiencia profesional tiene como finalidad proponer una secuencia de actividades didácticas para el desarrollo de las competencias comunicativas en estudiantes de cuarto grado de primaria en la institución educativa publica de Wijint, Andoas, Datem del Marañón, Loreto. A su vez, busca desarrollar acciones pedagógicas de acuerdo a las secuencias didácticas propuestas por el currículo nacional del Perú. Este planteamiento ha sido según las necesidades de los estudiantes a fin de mejorar su enseñanza – aprendizaje. Esta propuesta será útil para los docentes de las diversas comunidades, ya que estamos planteando una estructura organizada brindando herramientas que ayudaran a potenciar su habilidad comunicativa.The purpose of this professional sufficiency work is to propose a sequence of didactic activities for the development of communication skills in fourth grade students at the public educational institution of Wijint, Andoas, Datem del Marañón, Loreto. In turn, it seeks to develop pedagogical actions according to the didactic sequences proposed by the national curriculum of Peru. This approach has been according to the needs of the students in order to improve their teaching - learning. This proposal will be useful for teachers from different communities, since we are proposing an organized structure providing tools that will help enhance their communication skills

    Transcriptomic and proteomic profiling of maize embryos exposed to camptothecin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Camptothecin is a plant alkaloid that specifically binds topoisomerase I, inhibiting its activity and inducing double stranded breaks in DNA, activating the cell responses to DNA damage and, in response to severe treatments, triggering cell death.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Comparative transcriptomic and proteomic analyses of maize embryos that had been exposed to camptothecin were conducted. Under the conditions used in this study, camptothecin did not induce extensive degradation in the genomic DNA but induced the transcription of genes involved in DNA repair and repressed genes involved in cell division. Camptothecin also affected the accumulation of several proteins involved in the stress response and induced the activity of certain calcium-dependent nucleases. We also detected changes in the expression and accumulation of different genes and proteins involved in post-translational regulatory processes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study identified several genes and proteins that participate in DNA damage responses in plants. Some of them may be involved in general responses to stress, but others are candidate genes for specific involvement in DNA repair. Our results open a number of new avenues for researching and improving plant resistance to DNA injury.</p

    Propuesta didáctica de las competencias del área de matemáticas en estudiantes del tercer grado del nivel primario en una institución educativa pública de Puerto Rubina, Datem del Marañón, Loreto

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    Nuestra investigación académica de suficiencia profesional plantea una propuesta didáctica con el fin de alcanzar las competencias matemáticas. Inicialmente se presenta el contexto social y cultural de la Institución Educativa. El segundo capítulo presenta a tres investigadores del aprendizaje: Piaget que propone los estadios del desarrollo cognitivo; Vygotsky, fundamenta las tres zonas de desarrollo en el aprendizaje, así como el contexto socio-cultural de la persona; por último, Ausubel propone el aprendizaje significativo y funcional. El tercer capítulo detalla el desarrollo de la programación anual correspondiente al grado y nivel, priorizado en competencias, capacidades y desempeños que los estudiantes deben alcanzar al finalizar el año académico. Finalmente, la propuesta didáctica plantea sugerencias para cada integrante de la comunidad educativa: directores, docentes, estudiantes y padres de familia.Our academic research of professional sufficiency proposes a didactic proposal in order to achieve mathematical competencies. Initially, the social and cultural context of the Educational Institution is presented. The second chapter presents three learning researchers: Piaget, who proposes the stages of cognitive development; Vygotsky, who bases the three developmental zones in learning, as well as the socio-cultural context of the person; finally, Ausubel proposes meaningful and functional learning. The third chapter details the development of the annual program corresponding to the grade and level, prioritized in competencies, capacities and performances that students must achieve at the end of the academic year. Finally, the didactic suggestions for each member of the educational community: principals, teachers, students and parents, teachers, students and parents.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    Role of Plant-Specific N-Terminal Domain of Maize CK2β1 Subunit in CK2β Functions and Holoenzyme Regulation

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    Protein kinase CK2 is a highly pleiotropic Ser/Thr kinase ubiquituous in eukaryotic organisms. CK2 is organized as a heterotetrameric enzyme composed of two types of subunits: the catalytic (CK2α) and the regulatory (CK2β). The CK2β subunits enhance the stability, activity and specificity of the holoenzyme, but they can also perform functions independently of the CK2 tetramer. CK2β regulatory subunits in plants differ from their animal or yeast counterparts, since they present an additional specific N-terminal extension of about 90 aminoacids that shares no homology with any previously characterized functional domain. Sequence analysis of the N-terminal domain of land plant CK2β subunit sequences reveals its arrangement through short, conserved motifs, some of them including CK2 autophosphorylation sites. By using maize CK2β1 and a deleted version (ΔNCK2β1) lacking the N-terminal domain, we have demonstrated that CK2β1 is autophosphorylated within the N-terminal domain. Moreover, the holoenzyme composed with CK2α1/ΔNCK2β1 is able to phosphorylate different substrates more efficiently than CK2α1/CK2β1 or CK2α alone. Transient overexpression of CK2β1 and ΔNCK2β1 fused to GFP in different plant systems show that the presence of N-terminal domain enhances aggregation in nuclear speckles and stabilizes the protein against proteasome degradation. Finally, bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assays show the nuclear and cytoplasmic location of the plant CK2 holoenzyme, in contrast to the individual CK2α/β subunits mainly observed in the nucleus. All together, our results support the hypothesis that the plant-specific N-terminal domain of CK2β subunits is involved in the down-regulation of the CK2 holoenzyme activity and in the stabilization of CK2β1 protein. In summary, the whole amount of data shown in this work suggests that this domain was acquired by plants for regulatory purposes

    Jisar Aakmartin Achuarjai 1 : manual de escritura achuar

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    Este texto permite a docentes de EIB conocer más su lengua originaria, contar con orientaciones para el uso del alfabeto oficial y normas de escritura consensuadas, y avanzar en la construcción de estilos escritos que se vayan estandarizando por acción de los hablantes de esta lengua originaria. Todo esto es necesario para desarrollar la propuesta pedagógica de EIB y promover competencias comunicativas en la lengua originaria como lengua materna de los niños y niñas. Este material es el resultado de un trabajo conjunto entre lingüistas, docentes, representantes de organizaciones indígenas, especialistas de EIB y sabio(a)s quienes hablan y/o escriben competentemente en dicha lengua. Lo ponemos a disposición de los maestros y maestras de las instituciones educativas donde asisten estudiantes del pueblo achuar para que consulten diversos aspectos respecto a la escritura en esta lengua. Un docente que maneja en forma oral y escrita la lengua originaria de sus estudiantes y desarrolla competencias comunicativas en ella, contribuirá a lograr los cambios necesarios para llevar a cabo el modelo de servicio EIB en sus diferentes formas de atención y, por lo tanto, al desarrollo de aprendizajes pertinentes en los estudiantes de los pueblos originarios

    The prospects for the water management framework in the Douro, Portugal

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    The implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) has represented a unique opportunity to enhance the regulatory capacity of public agencies and restore the ecological condition of water bodies in the European Union. This paper examines the experience of translating the new Directive into practical policy-making in the Douro River Catchment in the north of Portugal. Regional development and the evolution of water management are initially described, which then inform the assessment of the achievements and failures of the new regulatory regime. The higher level of concern for environmental impacts and the integration of responses that follow the WFD can be identified as positive steps in the direction of resolving lasting water management problems. However, the translation of the Directive into national legislation has also reinforced techno-bureaucratic practices and politico-economic centralisation, as well as led to various forms of contestation and protest. It is suggested that two main reasons account for those difficulties: the sociospatial rigidity (i.e. the fragmented and static understanding of ecological and social interactions) and the monotonic categorisation of water management issues (i.e. upfront decisions with limited scope for innovation and creativity at the local level). Overall, the success of the WFD seems to fundamentally depend on the ability to perceive the broader socionatural complexity of water management and on the pursuit of more effective forms of negotiation and social inclusion

    High resolution X-ray spectroscopy on hydrothermal fluids

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    Les connaissances des propriétés des fluides hydrothermaux, c'est-à-dire des solutions aqueuses à haute température (T) et haute pression (P), sont essentielles dans les domaines des sciences de la terre, chimie prébiotique, industrie nucléaire ou encore des sciences environnementales. Près du point critique (Pc, Tc) et dans les conditions pseudocritiques (i.e. à la densité critique au dessus de la Tc-Pc), les propriétés des fluides changent de manière radicale. Ces modifications ont lieu à différentes échelles: à l’échelle macroscopique (changements de densité et de compressibilité), à l’échelle mésoscopique (processus d’agglomération entre les différentes clusters) et enfin à l’échelle moléculaire (organisation local entre les atomes et les molécules, par exemple les liaisons hydrogène, H).Cette étude est centrée sur les effets de la solvatation aqueuse de différents électrolytes en fonction de la température, pression et concentration. L'étude expérimentale a été conduite par les mesures d’Absorption X, technique de choix pour mesurer d'une part l'évolution de la densité du fluide et d'autre part sonder l'environnement atomique local autour des solutés. Cette étude a été faite sur l'eau pure et sur différentes solutions salines à différentes pressions (jusqu'à ~1.3Pc) et à température variable (jusqu'à ~2Tc), pour passer du domaine liquide au domaine supercritique, dans une cellule permettant de découpler totalement l’effet de la pression et de la température.Nous avons obtenu des preuves expérimentales du déplacement du point critique et de l'isochore et de leur dépendance en fonction de la concentration en sel pour NaCl (0,3, 0,5 et 1,0 moles NaCl par kilogramme d'eau). Nous avons également observé une anomalie de densité dans la région supercritique (SC) et l'apparition d'une séparation des phases liquide-vapeur pour certaines solutions aqueuses. L'augmentation de la densité relative dans cette zone critique est plus prononcée pour Cs>Rb>K>Na>Li pour les bromures et les chlorures. Le changement structural dans cette région a été suivi par spectroscopie XANES haute résolution au seuil K du brome pour différents bromures d'alcalin. L'interprétation des spectres XANES indiquent clairement un changement drastique dans la structure locale du fluide au moment de l'apparition de cette anomalie pouvant être interprétée par l'apparition des paires ioniques.Ces nouvelles observations sont a relier au changement structurale du solvant et principalement à l'évolution de son pouvoir de solvatation lié à l'évolution des liaisons hydrogène à hautes T-P.Knowledge of the properties of hydrothermal fluids, i.e. aqueous solutions at high temperature (T) and high pressure (P), are essential in the fields of earth sciences, prebiotic chemistry, nuclear industry and environmental sciences. Near the critical point (Pc, Tc) and under the pseudocritic conditions (i.e. at the critical density at T-P above Tc-Pc), the fluid properties change radically. These changes take place at different scales: the macroscopic scale (density and compressibility changes), the mesoscopic scale (agglomeration process between different clusters) and finally, the molecular scale (local organization of atoms and molecules, for example hydrogen bonds, H).This study focuses on the solvation effects in different electrolytes as a function of temperature, pressure and concentration. The experimental study was carried out by X-ray absorption measurements, the technique suitable for probing both fluid density evolution and local atomic environment around the solutes. This study was carried out on pure water and salt solutions at different pressures (up to ~ 1.3Pc) and temperatures (up to ~ 2Tc), to pass from the liquid to the supercritical domain, using a cell permitting to completely decouple the effects of pressure and temperature.We have obtained experimental proofs of the displacement of the critical point and the isochore and their dependence on the salt concentration in the case of NaCl (0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 moles NaCl per kilogram of water). We have also observed a density anomaly in the supercritical region (SC) and the appearance of liquid-vapor phase separation for some aqueous solutions. The relative density increase in the critical zone is more pronounced for Cs>Rb>K>Na>Li for bromides and chlorides. The structural change in this region was followed by high-resolution XANES spectroscopy at the K-threshold of bromine for various alkali bromide. The interpretation of the XANES spectra clearly indicates a drastic changes in the fluid structure related to this anomaly, which can be interpreted by the appearance of ionic pairs.These new observations are in link with water structure and solvation properties evaluation and consequently with hydrogen bonding changes under high T-P

    Spectroscopie X haute résolution appliquée à l'étude des fluides hydrothermaux

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    Knowledge of the properties of hydrothermal fluids, i.e. aqueous solutions at high temperature (T) and high pressure (P), are essential in the fields of earth sciences, prebiotic chemistry, nuclear industry and environmental sciences. Near the critical point (Pc, Tc) and under the pseudocritic conditions (i.e. at the critical density at T-P above Tc-Pc), the fluid properties change radically. These changes take place at different scales: the macroscopic scale (density and compressibility changes), the mesoscopic scale (agglomeration process between different clusters) and finally, the molecular scale (local organization of atoms and molecules, for example hydrogen bonds, H).This study focuses on the solvation effects in different electrolytes as a function of temperature, pressure and concentration. The experimental study was carried out by X-ray absorption measurements, the technique suitable for probing both fluid density evolution and local atomic environment around the solutes. This study was carried out on pure water and salt solutions at different pressures (up to ~ 1.3Pc) and temperatures (up to ~ 2Tc), to pass from the liquid to the supercritical domain, using a cell permitting to completely decouple the effects of pressure and temperature.We have obtained experimental proofs of the displacement of the critical point and the isochore and their dependence on the salt concentration in the case of NaCl (0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 moles NaCl per kilogram of water). We have also observed a density anomaly in the supercritical region (SC) and the appearance of liquid-vapor phase separation for some aqueous solutions. The relative density increase in the critical zone is more pronounced for Cs>Rb>K>Na>Li for bromides and chlorides. The structural change in this region was followed by high-resolution XANES spectroscopy at the K-threshold of bromine for various alkali bromide. The interpretation of the XANES spectra clearly indicates a drastic changes in the fluid structure related to this anomaly, which can be interpreted by the appearance of ionic pairs.These new observations are in link with water structure and solvation properties evaluation and consequently with hydrogen bonding changes under high T-P.Les connaissances des propriétés des fluides hydrothermaux, c'est-à-dire des solutions aqueuses à haute température (T) et haute pression (P), sont essentielles dans les domaines des sciences de la terre, chimie prébiotique, industrie nucléaire ou encore des sciences environnementales. Près du point critique (Pc, Tc) et dans les conditions pseudocritiques (i.e. à la densité critique au dessus de la Tc-Pc), les propriétés des fluides changent de manière radicale. Ces modifications ont lieu à différentes échelles: à l’échelle macroscopique (changements de densité et de compressibilité), à l’échelle mésoscopique (processus d’agglomération entre les différentes clusters) et enfin à l’échelle moléculaire (organisation local entre les atomes et les molécules, par exemple les liaisons hydrogène, H).Cette étude est centrée sur les effets de la solvatation aqueuse de différents électrolytes en fonction de la température, pression et concentration. L'étude expérimentale a été conduite par les mesures d’Absorption X, technique de choix pour mesurer d'une part l'évolution de la densité du fluide et d'autre part sonder l'environnement atomique local autour des solutés. Cette étude a été faite sur l'eau pure et sur différentes solutions salines à différentes pressions (jusqu'à ~1.3Pc) et à température variable (jusqu'à ~2Tc), pour passer du domaine liquide au domaine supercritique, dans une cellule permettant de découpler totalement l’effet de la pression et de la température.Nous avons obtenu des preuves expérimentales du déplacement du point critique et de l'isochore et de leur dépendance en fonction de la concentration en sel pour NaCl (0,3, 0,5 et 1,0 moles NaCl par kilogramme d'eau). Nous avons également observé une anomalie de densité dans la région supercritique (SC) et l'apparition d'une séparation des phases liquide-vapeur pour certaines solutions aqueuses. L'augmentation de la densité relative dans cette zone critique est plus prononcée pour Cs>Rb>K>Na>Li pour les bromures et les chlorures. Le changement structural dans cette région a été suivi par spectroscopie XANES haute résolution au seuil K du brome pour différents bromures d'alcalin. L'interprétation des spectres XANES indiquent clairement un changement drastique dans la structure locale du fluide au moment de l'apparition de cette anomalie pouvant être interprétée par l'apparition des paires ioniques.Ces nouvelles observations sont a relier au changement structurale du solvant et principalement à l'évolution de son pouvoir de solvatation lié à l'évolution des liaisons hydrogène à hautes T-P