43 research outputs found

    Lima, la moderna: las migraciones europeas y el desarrollo de la arquitectura peruana en el siglo XX (1937-1969). Los edificios en altura como patrimonio arquitectónico

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    Descargue el texto completo en el repositorio institucional de la Università della Svizzera italiana: http://hdl.handle.net/11573/1553520La participación de europeos en el planeamiento urbano de la llamada Ciudad de los Reyes, principal centro administrativo de los territorios sudamericanos dominados por la Corona española entre los siglos XVI y XIX, se ha mantenido en el siglo XX. Esta característica, fruto de las relaciones seculares entre el país andino y la Península Ibérica, no ha sido aún tema de interés para los historiadores de la arquitectura. La investigación se propone llenar este "vacío" historiográfico analizando los canales a través de los cuales la cultura moderna occidental ha migrado hacia la región latinoamericana. Para entender la difusión del modernismo en el Perú se ha analizado en primer lugar las relaciones históricas entre el Viejo y el Nuevo Continente que han establecido una hegemonía cultural europea y que han influido en gran medida en los cambios del siglo pasado en la ciudad de Lima. Posteriormente, la investigación se ha focalizado en el estudio de los arquitectos e ingenieros europeos más activos en el Perú, el alemán Paul Linder, el italiano Mario Bianco y el suizo Theodor Cron, cuyas biografías documentaron las motivaciones políticas, económicas y culturales de su emigración

    La revista El Arquitecto Peruano y el rol de la fotografía en la conformación del discurso contemporáneo latinoamericano

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    El Arquitecto Peruano was a periodic publication on architecture and urbanism, founded and directed by Fernando Belaúnde Terry during its first 23 years of life. It did not only passively document the evolution of the professional practice of architecture in the Andean country, but it also actively contributed to the consolidation of an identity in the regional architecture through the analysis of planning and architecture in Latin America during the Pre-Hispanic, Colonial, Republican and Contemporary periods. The purpose of this work is to investigate the role of the magazine in the strengthening of the Latin American architectural discourse in the 20th century. To this end, in the following pages, we analyse its editorial production, focusing our study on the architectural work of one of the most productive professional figures in this field, Enrique Seoane Ros (1915-1980).El Arquitecto Peruano es una publicación periódica de arquitectura y urbanismo fundada y dirigida durante sus 23 años primeros años de vida por Fernando Belaúnde Terry. La publicación no solo ilustra pasivamente la evolución de la práctica profesional en el país andino. Además, mediante el estudio de la planificación y arquitectura en América Latina en los periodos prehispánico, colonial, republicano y contemporáneo contribuye activamente a la consolidación de una identidad en la arquitectura regional. El objetivo de la presente comunicación es el de indagar cual es el rol de la revista en el fortalecimiento del discurso arquitectónico latinoamericano en el siglo XX. Con este propósito en las siguientes páginas se examina su producción editorial, focalizando el estudio en la obra arquitectónica de una de las figuras profesionales más prolíficas en este medio, Enrique Seoane Ros (1915-1980)

    Premature ejaculation: therapist perspectives

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    Premature Ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual dysfunction affecting approximately 20-30% of men (Porst, et al., 2007). Despite important issues relating to PE definition, diagnosis, and therapy, there is a paucity of research investigating the experiences of practitioners delivering PE treatment. For the present study, interviews were conducted with eight Psychosexual Therapists and subjected to Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. Four master themes emerged from the analysis. These were Romantic Relationships, Vulnerability, Culture, and Diagnosis and Assessment. The Romantic Relationships theme included three sub-themes: Intimacy; Involvement; and Distress. Two sub-themes formed the Vulnerability theme: Self-Esteem; and Anxiety. The Culture theme contained three sub-themes: Religion and Ethnicity; Pornography; and Masculinity. The Diagnosis and Assessment theme included two sub-themes: Referral and Definitions. Findings have important implications for the diagnosis and treatment of PE. Future research should investigate therapist perceptions further, including those factors which impact on engagement with clients and PE treatment success

    From Dysbiosis to Neurodegenerative Diseases through Different Communication Pathways: An Overview

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    The microbiome research field has rapidly evolved over the last few decades, becoming a major topic of scientific and public interest. The gut microbiota (GM) is the microbial population living in the gut. The GM has many functions, such as maintaining gut homeostasis and host health, providing defense against enteric pathogens, and involvement in immune system development. Several studies have shown that GM is implicated in dysbiosis and is presumed to contribute to neurodegeneration. This review focuses mainly on describing the connection between the intestinal microbiome alterations (dysbiosis) and the onset of neurodegenerative diseases to explore the mechanisms that link the GM to nervous system health, such as the gut-brain axis, as well as the mitochondrial, the adaptive humoral immunity, and the microvesicular pathways. The gut-brain communication depends on a continuous bidirectional flow of molecular signals exchanged through the neural and the systemic circulation. These pathways represent a possible new therapeutic target against neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. Progress in this context is desperately needed, considering the severity of most neurodegenerative diseases and the current lack of effective treatments

    Treatment of obsessive morbid jealousy with cognitive analytic therapy: An adjudicated hermeneutic single-case efficacy design evaluation

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    OBJECTIVE: The evidence base for the treatment of morbid jealousy with integrative therapies is thin. This study explored the efficacy of cognitive analytic therapy (CAT). DESIGN: An adjudicated hermeneutic single-case efficacy design evaluated the cognitive analytic treatment of a patient meeting diagnostic criteria for obsessive morbid jealousy. METHOD: A rich case record was developed using a matrix of nomothetic and ideographic quantitative and qualitative outcomes. This record was then debated by sceptic and affirmative research teams. Experienced psychotherapy researchers acted as judges, assessed the original case record, and heard the affirmative-versus-sceptic debate. Judges pronounced an opinion regarding the efficacy of the therapy. RESULTS: The efficacy of CAT was supported by all three judges. Each ruled that change had occurred due to the action of the therapy, beyond any level of reasonable doubt. CONCLUSIONS: This research demonstrates the potential usefulness of CAT in treating morbid jealousy and suggests that CAT is conceptually well suited. Suggestions for future clinical and research directions are provided. PRACTITIONER POINTS: The relational approach of CAT makes it a suitable therapy for morbid jealousy. The narrative reformulation component of CAT appears to facilitate early change in chronic jealousy patterns. It is helpful for therapists during sessions to use CAT theory to diagrammatically spell out the patterns maintaining jealousy

    Borderline personality disorder and emotion information processing

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    Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a disabling chronic clinical condition that is not adequately managed by mental health services generally, and therefore associated with substantial social costs. BPD is not easily identifiable or well understood. Clinicians describe this client group as one of the most difficult and testing to treat. Hence, developing more reliable and effective ways of identifying and treating BPD is essential. Interpersonal difficulties figure prominently in BPD. Theoreticians have questioned whether vulnerability to troubled interpersonal relationships in BPD may be related to biases in processing emotionally salient information. A review of the literature suggests that BPD individuals preferentially attend to emotionally threatening information, and they appraise others as rejecting when the emotional information is ambiguous. Research was carried out to investigate whether BPD individuals misread other’s emotional facial expressions as malevolent, and whether this is exacerbated by heightened emotional arousal. The predictions of this study were related to the notion that emotion dysregulation is at the core of BPD and tie in with models of BPD that link emotion dysregulation to a hypersensitivity to interpersonal cues signalling threat of rejection and an expectation of hostility from others. The BPD participants in this study were able to identify facial emotional expressions but they displayed a specific response bias towards disgust when the information was ambiguous. The mood condition did not reveal effects. These findings may be interpreted as a negativity bias toward social rejection and are therefore compatible with theories of BPD. Implications for assessment and treatment are discussed

    Lo impalpable en Blanca Varela

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    Resumen: En este ensayo se indaga sobre de dóndesurge el genio creador de la poeta peruana Blanca Varela,y se apela a las propias palabras de la autora y a los datosde otras investigadoras para encontrar las raíces de sulírica en sus juegos de palabras desde niña y en la genealogía:en su familia, encontramos una larga línea de mujeresescritoras, si bien no siempre conocidas. En el análisis desu obra, se propone lo visual/lo rítmico/lo impalpable,como tres ejes en la lírica de Blanca Varela. Se constatala tendencia a lo onírico, y la influencia del surrealismo,relacionando estas propensiones con las experienciasde la generación del 50, con su vivencia cercana de dosguerras mundiales. El resultado es la expresión irónica,en voz seca y austera, la desgarradora soledad, la náuseaexistencial. Blanca Varela, una de las figuras más importantesde la poética latinoamericana del siglo XX, empleafiguras literarias como el oxímoron, las aliteraciones, lasmetáforas, con osadía de terrible certeza.Palabras clave: Blanca Varela, poesía peruana, surrealismo,generación del 50The Impalpable in Blanca VarelaAbstract: This essay explores the origin of the creativegenius of the Peruvian poet Blanca Varela, y and herown words as well as the data from other researches areappealed to in order to find the roots of her lyricism in herchildhood word-games and in genealogy: in her family wefind a long line of women writers, although not alwaysknown. In the analysis of her work this essay proposes thevisual / the rhythmic, / the impalpable as three axes in herpoems. There is also trend to the oniric, and the influenceof surrealism. These traits are related to the experience ofthe poetic “Generation of the 50´s”, with their nearnessto two World Wars. The result is ironic expression, a dry,austere voice, the heart-rending solitude, the existentialnausea. Blanca Varela, one of the most important figuresof Latina American poetry in the XX century, uses literaryfigures such as the oxymoron, alliterations, metaphors,with the daring of a terrible certitude.Key Words: Blanca Varela, Peruvian poetry, surrealism,“Generation of the 50’s


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    Asthma is a complex condition with a multifaceted etiology that is not fully understood. Several endotypes have been identified in asthmatic pathology. The most common endotype is severe Type 2 asthma, which is characterized by Th2 lymphocyte polarization mediated by dendritic cells. This activation causes the induction of the inflammatory cytokine cascade, which is keyed by IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13. Several effects are induced by the cytokine-mediated inflammatory action, including the hyperplasia of goblet cells, the loss of barrier function, the excessive deposition of subepithelial collagen, the proliferation of myofibroblasts, the hyperplasia of airway smooth muscle, mucus secretion, airway hyper-reactivity, and tissue remodeling.This research seeks to study the inflammatory pathway characteristic of Th2 severe asthma on a culture model that is innovative in that it combines the immune component with a three-dimensional culture model. Th2 lymphocytes initiate the inflammatory process, and thus it is possible to obtain a co-culture model that mimics ex vivo the pathological conditions present in vivo. A model of this kind therefore represents an indispensable component of the second phase of the study, which is concerned with the assessment of the impact of the monoclonal antibody dupilumab, which acts by inhibiting the activity of the key cytokines involved in this pathological process, namely IL-4 and IL-13. This approach, which is characterised by an interdisciplinary perspective, makes a significant contribution to our understanding of asthma pathophysiology and underscores the potential of targeted therapies to transform the landscape of asthma treatment