27 research outputs found

    Garden with health benefits for reduced stress amongst employees : an evidence based design

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    Naturen har en förmÄga att hjÀlpa mÀnniskan att lindra och ÄterhÀmta sig frÄn stress. Trots det pÄgÄr en förtÀtning i stÀder och gröna omrÄden bebyggs, samtidigt som fler mÀnniskor lider av stressrelaterade sjukdomar till följd av arbetsmiljö. I det hÀr arbetet ges förslag pÄ hur en trÀdgÄrd med fokus pÄ stressÄterhÀmtning kan se ut för personal pÄ en vÄrdcentral som ligger i en urban miljö. Metoden för arbetet Àr evidensbaserad design, vilket innebÀr att gestaltningsval görs utifrÄn vetenskaplig grund. Tre specifika teorier har anvÀnts som ramverk för gestaltningen; The Psycho-Evolutionary Theory, Attention Restorative Theory och Perceived Sensory Dimensions. I arbetet presenteras de tre olika teorierna för att sedan tillÀmpas i en gestaltning av en stressÄterhÀmtande trÀdgÄrd i anslutning till RÄsunda VÄrdcentral, Solna. Resultatet blev en trÀdgÄrd uppdelad i tre delar med olika design och funktion; en social del med möjlighet till social interaktion och odlingsmöjlighet, en del med japansk trÀdgÄrdsstruktur dÀr man kan sitta skyddat för sig sjÀlv med element som porlande vatten, fÄgelbad och stenblock., samt en savannlik del som med sin utformning ger en kÀnsla av trygghet.Stressrelated symtoms due to stressful work environment increases, while the green spaces in urban cities become smaller to make room for more buildings. The stress that people experience can be reduced by spending time in nature. In this thesis, evidence-based design will be used to present a garden design for a stress-recovery garden outside a health centre. The theories that will be used are The Psycho-Evolutionary Theory, Attention Restorative Theory and Perceived Sensory Dimensions. The thesis resulted in a garden with three areas with different functions; one social area where you can socialize or take part in horticural activities, one sheltered area designed like a japanese garden with water and stonerocks where you can sit by yourself, and an area that looks a bit like a savanna

    Dialogue-based evaluation as a creative climate indicator

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    This paper examines how different forms of performance evaluation relate to aspects of the creative climate in a major pharmaceutical company. The study was based on a large employee-attitude survey that was distributed to all company employees. The study analyses survey results from 5,333 employees at five R&D sites. The results indicate that management’s evaluation of employees (either dialogue-based or control-based) relates to the type of motivation (intrinsic or extrinsic) that drives employees, to their style of thinking (value-focused thinking) and on their attitudes to organizational creativity. The paper then discusses implications of these findings for HRM

    Lekotopen FĂ„gelriket

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    NĂ€r man vistas i naturen, framförallt under barndomen, skapar man en relation till den. En tidig och nĂ€ra relation till naturen leder till att man vĂ€rderar naturen högre och engagerar sig i miljöfrĂ„gor, vilket kan vara positivt i arbetet för att skapa ett hĂ„llbart samhĂ€lle. För att barn ska vistas i naturen, behöver det finnas platser dĂ€r barn fĂ„r utrymme. Begreppet lekotoper Ă€r ett svenskt initiativ för att reformera hur lekplatser byggs i Sverige, med naturbaserade lösningar i fokus. En lekotop Ă€r en lekmiljö som bidrar med bĂ„de höga lekvĂ€rden och höga naturvĂ€rden. Det hĂ€r arbetet har syftet att undersöka vilka gestaltningsprinciper som kan anvĂ€ndas vid gestaltning av lekotoper som erbjuder möjligheter för barn att fĂ„ lĂ€ra sig om och skapa en relation till naturen. Gestaltningsprinciperna prövas sedan pĂ„ en specifik plats i det planerade naturnĂ€ra bostadsomrĂ„det Ormbacka i JĂ€rfĂ€lla, Stockholm. En förstudie har anvĂ€nts för att undersöka och definiera de gestaltningsprinciper som sedan gestaltningsförslaget bygger pĂ„. Förstudien bestĂ„r bland annat av en allmĂ€n litteraturöversikt med teorier som berör vetenskapliga och praktiska publikationer om lekotoper och barns lek. För att fĂ„ en större inblick i lekotoper och hur gestaltningsprocessen för dem ser ut, har intervjuer gjorts med Mimmi Beckman och Emma Simonsson som bĂ„da har varit med och utvecklat lekotop som begrepp och som gestaltningspraktik. Redan byggda lekotoper i Örebro och JĂ€rfĂ€lla har besökts för att analysera lekotoper pĂ„ plats och för kunskapsinhĂ€mtning till gestaltningen av platsen i JĂ€rfĂ€lla. I arbetet drogs slutsatsen att man vid gestaltning av lekotoper bland annat bör hĂ€rma naturen, skapa variation i topografi och rumslighet, samt att tillhandahĂ„lla löst material. Att vuxna ska uppleva lekotopen som attraktiv och att det finns möjlighet att komma fysiskt nĂ€ra djur och natur Ă€r ocksĂ„ viktiga egenskaper för att ge möjlighet till barn att skapa relation till naturen. Gestaltningsförslaget utgĂ„r frĂ„n ett tematiskt koncept med namnet FĂ„gelriket, dĂ€r parken har delats upp i olika omrĂ„den som frĂ€mjar bĂ„de lek och allmĂ€n rekreation.If children spend time in nature during childhood, they have a higher chance of valuing nature and developing a strong relationship to it. A strong relationship to nature can lead to environmentally friendly habits, which is positive for the work against the climate change that the world is facing. For children to be able to spend time in nature, we need to create outdoor spaces for children. The Swedish word “Lekotoper” is a design practice for how to build playgrounds that combine play and ecological values, to reform the way we design spaces for children. The aim of this master thesis is to research and define design principles for Lekotoper, to create possibilities for children to connect to and learn about nature. The design principles are then applied to a site specific design proposal in JĂ€rfĂ€lla in northern Stockholm, Sweden. A pre-study is used to define the design principles that is later used for a design proposal. The pre-study consists of a literature review, with theories about children's play, learning about and connecting to nature. To get an insight to what is important when working with Lekotoper, interviews have been held with Mimmi Beckman and Emma Simonsson, who both were a part of inventing the word and concept of Lekotoper. Playgrounds that have already been built with the concept of Lekotoper have been visited and analysed, to gain knowledge for the design by experiencing on site projects. The conclusion is that, to design a place where children will learn and connect to nature, you can mimic nature and create variation in topography and spatiality. To provide loose parts is a good way to enhance play. It is important for adults to be attracted to the place, since they decide where children spend their time. To encourage learning and connecting, one can provide possibilities to experience animals and nature from up close. The design proposal has a design theme called The Kingdom of Birds and the park has been divided into different areas that provide both play and recreation

    Dialogue-based evaluation as a creative climate indicator: evidence from the pharmaceutical industry

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    This paper examines how different forms of performance evaluation relate to aspects of the creative climate in a major pharmaceutical company. The study was based on a large employee-attitude survey that was distributed to all company employees. The study analyses survey results from 5,333 employees at five R&D sites. The results indicate that management's evaluation of employees (either dialogue-based or control-based) relates to the type of motivation (intrinsic or extrinsic) that drives employees, to their style of thinking (value-focused thinking) and on their attitudes to organizational creativity. The paper then discusses implications of these findings for HRM

    An instrument for measuring health-related quality of life in patients with Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT): development and validation of Deep Venous Thrombosis Quality of Life (DVTQOL) questionnaire

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    BACKGROUND: Few studies have evaluated patient-reported outcomes in connection with a primary event of deep venous thrombosis, partly due to a lack of disease-specific measures. The aim here was to develop a disease-specific health-related quality of life (HRQL) measure, the deep venous thrombosis quality of life questionnaire (DVTQOL), for patients with recent exposition and treatment of proximal deep venous thrombosis. METHODS: A total of 121 consecutive outpatients (50 % males; mean age 61.2 ± 14 years) treated with warfarin (Waran(Ÿ)) for symptomatic proximal deep venous thrombosis were included in the study. Patients completed the SF-36, EQ-5D and the pilot version of the DVTQOL. RESULTS: Items having: high ceiling and floor effect, items with lower factor loadings than 0.50 and items loading in several factors were removed from the pilot version of DVTQOL. In addition, overlapping and redundant items identified by the Rasch analysis were excluded. The final DVTQOL questionnaire consists of 29 items composing six dimensions depicting problems with: emotional distress; symptoms (e.g. pain, swollen ankles, cramp, bruising); limitation in physical activity; hassle with coagulation monitoring; sleep disturbance; and dietary problems. The internal consistency reliability was high (alpha value ranged from 0.79 to 0.93). The relevant domains of the SF-36 and EQ-5D significantly correlated with DVTQOL, thereby confirming its construct validity. CONCLUSIONS: The DVTQOL is a short and user-friendly instrument with good reliability and validity. Its test-retest reliability and responsiveness to change in clinical trials, however, must be explored

    Atrial fibrillation and heart failure: Factors influencing the choice of oral anticoagulant.

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) and heart failure (HF) frequently coexist. AF is identified in approximately one third of patients with HF and is linked to increased morbidity and mortality than from either condition alone. AF is relatively more common in HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) than with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Nevertheless, the risk of stroke and systemic embolism (SSE) is significantly increased with both HF types and the absolute risk is heavily influenced by the presence and severity of associated additional stroke risk factors. The European Society of Cardiology has very recently introduced a third HF subtype entitled HF with mid-range ejection fraction (HFmrEF). At present oral anticoagulation is recommended for all patients with AF and HF, independent of HF type. In addition to warfarin there are currently four non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants (NOACs, previously called novel oral anticoagulants) that have been approved for the prevention of SSE. They consist of one direct thrombin inhibitor, dabigatran and three factor Xa inhibitors: rivaroxaban, apixaban and, most recently, edoxaban. In this review article we present an overview of the evidence to support the use of NOACs for the prevention of SSE in patients with AF and HF and review the influence of HF subtype and co-morbidities on the potential choice of oral anticoagulant

    Katastrofobligationer : Vad Àr det och varför investera i dem?

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    For a little over twenty years, the niched asset class catastrophe bonds have existed. Despite of their now relatively long existence, they are still unknown to many and are usually only available for large, institutional investors, mainly within the insurance market, pension funds and hedge funds. Catastrophe bonds differ from traditional assets for many reason, the main one being the risk dependent of a predetermined event within a geographic area, such as an earthquake in Tokyo or a hurricane in Miami. Because the risk is dependent of other factors than traditional asset classes, there is a widespread knowledge of the possibilities to diversify the portfolio by investing in catastrophe bonds, which have a low covariance with other assets in the portfolio. Other asset classes who have similar characteristics have proved to be hedge funds, real estate, infrastructure and agriculture. The lack of competence some people have worried about investors have to be able to invest in these niched asset classes have been found to be relevant for all asset classes, not just these non-traditional assets. Also, it is always difficult to know when an investor is taking more risk than they are being compensated for, moreover this is individual for all investors. Lastly, catastrophe bonds contribute with public welfare in addition to the economic advantage; catastrophe bonds show low volatility and high returns while raising capital to help regions affected by natural catastrophes.I drygt tjugo Är har nu det speciella tillgÄngsslaget katastrofobligationer funnits, trots detta Àr det relativt okÀnt och anses vara en investering endast för de stora aktörerna inom frÀmst försÀkringsbranschen, pensionsfonder och hedgefonder. Katastrofobligationer skiljer sig frÄn traditionella tillgÄngsslag av en rad anledningar, den frÀmsta för att risken beror pÄ en fördefinierad hÀndelse inom ett geografiskt omrÄde, sÄsom en jordbÀvning i Tokyo eller en orkan i Miami. Tack vare att risken beror pÄ andra faktorer Àn klassiska tillgÄngsslag finns en bred vetskap inom branschen att detta Àr ett enkelt sÀtt för att skapa diversifiering i portföljen och katastrofobligationer har lÄg samvariation med övriga tillgÄngar i portföljen. Andra tillgÄngsslag som har liknande egenskaper och ocksÄ skapar diversifiering har visat sig vara hedgefonder, fastigheter, infrastruktur och jordbruk. Det kan konstateras att det Àr svÄrt att avgöra om det faktiskt föreligger en kunskapsbrist för specifikt katastrofobligationer eller om detta gÀller tillgÄngar, likvÀl som det ofta Àr en subjektiv bedömning ifall den risk som tas ocksÄ blir kompenserad tillrÀckligt. Slutligen bidrar obligationerna med en viss samhÀllsnytta utöver den ekonomiska nyttan, katastrofobligationer uppvisar lÄg volatilitet och hög avkastning samtidigt som att de frigör kapital för katastrofdrabbade omrÄden

    Katastrofobligationer : Vad Àr det och varför investera i dem?

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    For a little over twenty years, the niched asset class catastrophe bonds have existed. Despite of their now relatively long existence, they are still unknown to many and are usually only available for large, institutional investors, mainly within the insurance market, pension funds and hedge funds. Catastrophe bonds differ from traditional assets for many reason, the main one being the risk dependent of a predetermined event within a geographic area, such as an earthquake in Tokyo or a hurricane in Miami. Because the risk is dependent of other factors than traditional asset classes, there is a widespread knowledge of the possibilities to diversify the portfolio by investing in catastrophe bonds, which have a low covariance with other assets in the portfolio. Other asset classes who have similar characteristics have proved to be hedge funds, real estate, infrastructure and agriculture. The lack of competence some people have worried about investors have to be able to invest in these niched asset classes have been found to be relevant for all asset classes, not just these non-traditional assets. Also, it is always difficult to know when an investor is taking more risk than they are being compensated for, moreover this is individual for all investors. Lastly, catastrophe bonds contribute with public welfare in addition to the economic advantage; catastrophe bonds show low volatility and high returns while raising capital to help regions affected by natural catastrophes.I drygt tjugo Är har nu det speciella tillgÄngsslaget katastrofobligationer funnits, trots detta Àr det relativt okÀnt och anses vara en investering endast för de stora aktörerna inom frÀmst försÀkringsbranschen, pensionsfonder och hedgefonder. Katastrofobligationer skiljer sig frÄn traditionella tillgÄngsslag av en rad anledningar, den frÀmsta för att risken beror pÄ en fördefinierad hÀndelse inom ett geografiskt omrÄde, sÄsom en jordbÀvning i Tokyo eller en orkan i Miami. Tack vare att risken beror pÄ andra faktorer Àn klassiska tillgÄngsslag finns en bred vetskap inom branschen att detta Àr ett enkelt sÀtt för att skapa diversifiering i portföljen och katastrofobligationer har lÄg samvariation med övriga tillgÄngar i portföljen. Andra tillgÄngsslag som har liknande egenskaper och ocksÄ skapar diversifiering har visat sig vara hedgefonder, fastigheter, infrastruktur och jordbruk. Det kan konstateras att det Àr svÄrt att avgöra om det faktiskt föreligger en kunskapsbrist för specifikt katastrofobligationer eller om detta gÀller tillgÄngar, likvÀl som det ofta Àr en subjektiv bedömning ifall den risk som tas ocksÄ blir kompenserad tillrÀckligt. Slutligen bidrar obligationerna med en viss samhÀllsnytta utöver den ekonomiska nyttan, katastrofobligationer uppvisar lÄg volatilitet och hög avkastning samtidigt som att de frigör kapital för katastrofdrabbade omrÄden