9 research outputs found

    Percepci贸n de los hijos y sus padres sobre las pr谩cticas parentales y su relaci贸n con el rendimiento acad茅mico de estudiantes de primaria de una Instituci贸n Educativa de Gesti贸n Privada

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    Usualmente se toma en cuenta a los docentes, estudiantes y las pol铆ticas educativas como los principales actores en el proceso educativo, dejando de lado el rol de los padres de familia y su importancia en lograr la meta de una educaci贸n de calidad. Es por ello que la presente investigaci贸n tiene por objetivo determinar la percepci贸n de los hijos y sus padres sobre las pr谩cticas parentales y su relaci贸n con el rendimiento acad茅mico de estudiantes de primaria de una instituci贸n educativa de gesti贸n privada. La presente investigaci贸n es del tipo cuantitativo, con un dise帽o descriptivo, correlacional y transversal. La selecci贸n de la muestra fue del tipo censal, es as铆 que la poblaci贸n fue de 112 estudiantes del sexo femenino que se encontraban cursando el quinto (32.1%) y sexto grado (67.9%) del nivel primario en una instituci贸n educativa privada de la ciudad de Arequipa. Se aplic贸 el cuestionario sobre Pr谩cticas Parentales de Alabama (Shelton, Frick & Wootton, 1996) y el rendimiento fue tomado del registro de notas. Los principales resultados indican que hay una relaci贸n estad铆sticamente significativa entre las notas de los estudiantes y su percepci贸n sobre el involucramiento de sus madres (蠂2=14.255; p< .001), su percepci贸n sobre la parentalidad positiva de sus padres (蠂2=10.819; p= .004) y su percepci贸n sobre la pobre supervisi贸n de sus padres (蠂2=4.585; p= .032). Se concluye que pr谩cticas parentales que implican un mayor involucramiento de los padres en la educaci贸n de sus hijos se asocian con un mayor rendimiento acad茅mico

    Fecundidad de adolescentes en el Per煤. Un estudio basado en la ENDES 2021

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    Objetivo. Determinar la tasa de fecundidad de las adolescentes y su relaci贸n con las caracter铆sticas sociodemogr谩ficas y uso de m茅todos anticonceptivos en el Per煤 seg煤n la ENDES 2021. M茅todos. Estudio de tipo b谩sico, cuantitativo, no experimental, transversal y descriptivo correlacional simple. Se realiz贸 a partir del ENDES 2021, con una muestra de 8211 encuestas de adolescentes. Se estimaron recuentos no ponderados y ponderados, se utiliz贸 la prueba chi cuadrado para establecer relaci贸n de variables. Resultados. La tasa de fecundidad para el 2021, fue de 102.78 nacimientos por cada 1000 adolescentes. Las adolescentes embarazadas o que ya eran madres en su mayor铆a se encontraban entre 18 y 19 a帽os (57.9%), ten铆an nivel educativo secundario (81.3%), 铆ndice de riqueza muy pobre (37.2%), usaron m茅todos anticonceptivos modernos (81.8%) y proven铆an de las regiones del norte (Loreto, La Libertad y Piura). Conclusiones. Por cada 1000 adolescentes entre 12 y 19 a帽os a nivel nacional, existe 102 nacimientos; la fecundidad se relaciona muy significativamente con la edad, el nivel educativo, el 铆ndice de riqueza, los m茅todos anticonceptivos modernos y el lugar de procedencia. (p = 0.000).Objective. To determine the adolescent fertility rate and its relationship with sociodemographic characteristics and use of contraceptive methods in Peru according to the ENDES. Methods. Basic, quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional and simple descriptive-correlational study. It was carried out based on the ENDES 2021, with a sample of 8211 adolescent surveys. Unweighted and weighted counts were estimated, and the chi-square test was used to establish the relationship between variables. Results. The fertility rate for 2021 was 102.78 births per 1000 adolescents. Most of the adolescents who were pregnant or already mothers were between 18 and 19 years of age (57.9%), had secondary education (81.3%), had a very poor wealth index (37.2%), used modern contraceptive methods (81.8%) and came from the northern regions (Loreto, La Libertad and Piura). Conclusions. Nationally, for every 1000 adolescents between 12 and 19 years of age, there were 102 births; fertility is very significantly related to age, educational level, wealth index, modern contraceptive methods and place of origin. (p = 0.000)

    Determinaci贸n de los objetivos parciales de un proyecto, aplicando la ruta m谩s larga

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    This document is about the problem of what it means to establish the partial project objectives addressed when its importance is minimized or is unfounded. Sometimes they resort to Gantt chart as a solution, but as you will see later, this is not the best option. A wrong approach to these objectives can alter the allocation of tasks and therefore not arrive at the expected results, manifest lack of control in material and human resources.The proposal is to use the technique of Project Evaluation and Review Technique, on estimates for determining the activities to time. Hence, to conform to group what are the partial objectives? This is a proposal that avoids imposing objectives, and activities that bring together rationally, these goals are established as a consequence and not as a condition.En el presente documento se aborda la problem谩tica聽de lo que significa el establecer los objetivos parciales聽de un proyecto, cuando se minimiza su importancia聽o se carece de fundamento. En ocasiones se recurre聽al diagrama de Gantt como soluci贸n, pero como se聽ver谩 m谩s adelante, 茅sta no es la mejor opci贸n. Un聽mal planteamiento de estos objetivos, puede alterar聽la asignaci贸n de tareas y por ello, el no arribar a los聽resultados esperados, en un descontrol manifiesto en聽recursos materiales y humanos. La propuesta consiste en recurrir a la t茅cnica de聽Project Evaluation and Review Technique, que permite聽determinar en tiempos estimados las actividades a聽desarrollar. De ah铆颅, al agruparlas se conforman lo que聽son los objetivos parciales. Esta es una propuesta que聽evita la imposici贸n de objetivos, ya que al aglutinar聽actividades de manera racional, estos objetivos se聽establecen como una consecuencia y no como una聽condici贸n

    The limit of the right to health based on the analysis of the Constitutional Court Judgment in File No. 01146-2021

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    Este trabajo expone y analiza la Sentencia emitida en el Expediente N掳 01146-2021-AA/TC por el Tribunal Constitucional, originado por un recurso de agravio constitucional interpuesto por el ciudadano Zapata Silva, Andr茅s Am铆lcar, a favor de Zapata L贸pez, Pablo Jos茅 en contra la Segunda Sala Especializada en lo Civil de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima, ello debido a que el demandante pretend铆a que se inaplique el numeral 8, literal b), del art铆culo 29掳 del Decreto Supremo N掳 002-2015-IN - Reglamento de la Ley del Fondo de Aseguramiento en Salud de la Polic铆a Nacional del Per煤, el cual imped铆a que la Gerencia General de SALUDPOL, adquiera y entregue a su favor material biom茅dico de ayuda auditiva, conculcando as铆 los derechos de igualdad ante la Ley, a la salud, a la vida, a la seguridad social; y, al libre desarrollo de la personalidad de una persona con discapacidad. Para realizar el an谩lisis del caso, hemos consultado diversas bases conceptuales; entre 茅stos, normas jur铆dicas, Sentencias del Tribunal Constitucional, art铆culos cient铆ficos y libros. Con ello, concordamos con la decisi贸n adoptada por el Tribunal Constitucional, y consideramos que era necesario que el caso se resolviera de esa forma, amparando la demanda, flexibilizando la normas que regulaban las exclusiones sobre la cobertura del seguro policial, atendiendo a los derechos fundamentales y en resguardo del bienestar de las personas con discapacidad, quienes tambi茅n tienen derecho a gozar de la protecci贸n a su derecho a la salud en forma 贸ptima en un estado social y de derecho.This work exposes and analyzes the Judgment issued in File No. 01146-2021-AA/TC by the Constitutional Court, originated by a constitutional grievance appeal filed by the citizen Zapata Silva, Andr茅s Am铆lcar, in favor of Zapata L贸pez, Pablo Jos茅 against the Second Specialized Civil Matters Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Lima, this is because the plaintiff sought to disapply numeral 8, literal b), of article 29 of Supreme Decree No. 002-2015- IN - Regulation of the Law of the Health Insurance Fund of the National Police of Peru, which prevented the General Management of SALUDPOL from acquiring and delivering biomedical hearing aid material in its favor, thus violating the rights of equality before the Law , to health, to life, to social security; and, to the free development of the personality of a person with a disability. To carry out the analysis of the case, we have consulted various conceptual bases; among these, legal norms, rulings of the Constitutional Court, scientific articles and books. We agree with the decision adopted by the Constitutional Court, and we consider that it was necessary for the case to be resolved in this way, protecting the claim , making the regulations that regulated exclusions on police insurance coverage more flexible, taking into account fundamental rights and safeguarding the well-being of people with disabilities, who also have the right to enjoy the protection of their right to health in an optimal way in a social and legal state.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    Source specific exposure and risk assessment for indoor aerosols

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    Poor air quality is a leading contributor to the global disease burden and total number of deaths worldwide. Humans spend most of their time in built environments where the majority of the inhalation exposure occurs. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is challenged by outdoor air pollution entering indoors through ventilation and infiltration and by indoor emission sources. The aim of this study was to understand the current knowledge level and gaps regarding effective approaches to improve IAQ. Emission regulations currently focus on outdoor emissions, whereas quantitative understanding of emissions from indoor sources is generally lacking. Therefore, specific indoor sources need to be identified, characterized, and quantified according to their environmental and human health impact. The emission sources should be stored in terms of relevant metrics and statistics in an easily accessible format that is applicable for source specific exposure assessment by using mathematical mass balance modelings. This forms a foundation for comprehensive risk assessment and efficient interventions. For such a general exposure assessment model we need 1) systematic methods for indoor aerosol emission source assessment, 2) source emission documentation in terms of relevant a) aerosol metrics and b) biological metrics, 3) default model parameterization for predictive exposure modeling, 4) other needs related to aerosol characterization techniques and modeling methods. Such a general exposure assessment model can be applicable for private, public, and occupational indoor exposure assessment, making it a valuable tool for public health professionals, product safety designers, industrial hygienists, building scientists, and environmental consultants working in the field of IAQ and health

    Health-status outcomes with invasive or conservative care in coronary disease

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    BACKGROUND In the ISCHEMIA trial, an invasive strategy with angiographic assessment and revascularization did not reduce clinical events among patients with stable ischemic heart disease and moderate or severe ischemia. A secondary objective of the trial was to assess angina-related health status among these patients. METHODS We assessed angina-related symptoms, function, and quality of life with the Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ) at randomization, at months 1.5, 3, and 6, and every 6 months thereafter in participants who had been randomly assigned to an invasive treatment strategy (2295 participants) or a conservative strategy (2322). Mixed-effects cumulative probability models within a Bayesian framework were used to estimate differences between the treatment groups. The primary outcome of this health-status analysis was the SAQ summary score (scores range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating better health status). All analyses were performed in the overall population and according to baseline angina frequency. RESULTS At baseline, 35% of patients reported having no angina in the previous month. SAQ summary scores increased in both treatment groups, with increases at 3, 12, and 36 months that were 4.1 points (95% credible interval, 3.2 to 5.0), 4.2 points (95% credible interval, 3.3 to 5.1), and 2.9 points (95% credible interval, 2.2 to 3.7) higher with the invasive strategy than with the conservative strategy. Differences were larger among participants who had more frequent angina at baseline (8.5 vs. 0.1 points at 3 months and 5.3 vs. 1.2 points at 36 months among participants with daily or weekly angina as compared with no angina). CONCLUSIONS In the overall trial population with moderate or severe ischemia, which included 35% of participants without angina at baseline, patients randomly assigned to the invasive strategy had greater improvement in angina-related health status than those assigned to the conservative strategy. The modest mean differences favoring the invasive strategy in the overall group reflected minimal differences among asymptomatic patients and larger differences among patients who had had angina at baseline

    Initial invasive or conservative strategy for stable coronary disease

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    BACKGROUND Among patients with stable coronary disease and moderate or severe ischemia, whether clinical outcomes are better in those who receive an invasive intervention plus medical therapy than in those who receive medical therapy alone is uncertain. METHODS We randomly assigned 5179 patients with moderate or severe ischemia to an initial invasive strategy (angiography and revascularization when feasible) and medical therapy or to an initial conservative strategy of medical therapy alone and angiography if medical therapy failed. The primary outcome was a composite of death from cardiovascular causes, myocardial infarction, or hospitalization for unstable angina, heart failure, or resuscitated cardiac arrest. A key secondary outcome was death from cardiovascular causes or myocardial infarction. RESULTS Over a median of 3.2 years, 318 primary outcome events occurred in the invasive-strategy group and 352 occurred in the conservative-strategy group. At 6 months, the cumulative event rate was 5.3% in the invasive-strategy group and 3.4% in the conservative-strategy group (difference, 1.9 percentage points; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.8 to 3.0); at 5 years, the cumulative event rate was 16.4% and 18.2%, respectively (difference, 121.8 percentage points; 95% CI, 124.7 to 1.0). Results were similar with respect to the key secondary outcome. The incidence of the primary outcome was sensitive to the definition of myocardial infarction; a secondary analysis yielded more procedural myocardial infarctions of uncertain clinical importance. There were 145 deaths in the invasive-strategy group and 144 deaths in the conservative-strategy group (hazard ratio, 1.05; 95% CI, 0.83 to 1.32). CONCLUSIONS Among patients with stable coronary disease and moderate or severe ischemia, we did not find evidence that an initial invasive strategy, as compared with an initial conservative strategy, reduced the risk of ischemic cardiovascular events or death from any cause over a median of 3.2 years. The trial findings were sensitive to the definition of myocardial infarction that was used