78 research outputs found

    TNFα Transport Induced by Dynamic Loading Alters Biomechanics of Intact Intervertebral Discs

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    Objective Intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration is an important contributor to the development of back pain, and a key factor relating pain and degeneration are the presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines and IVD motion. There is surprisingly limited understanding of how mechanics and inflammation interact in the IVD. This study investigated interactions between mechanical loading and pro-inflammatory cytokines in a large animal organ culture model to address fundamental questions regarding (i.) how inflammatory mediators arise within the IVD, (ii.) how long inflammatory mediators persist, and (iii.) how inflammatory mediators influence IVD biomechanics. Methods Bovine caudal IVDs were cultured for 6 or 20-days under static & dynamic loading with or without exogenous TNFα in the culture medium, simulating a consequence of inflammation of the surrounding spinal tissues. TNFα transport within the IVD was assessed via immunohistochemistry. Changes in IVD structural integrity (dimensions, histology & aggrecan degradation), biomechanical behavior (Creep, Recovery & Dynamic stiffness) and pro-inflammatory cytokines in the culture medium (ELISA) were assessed. Results TNFα was able to penetrate intact IVDs when subjected to dynamic loading but not static loading. Once transported within the IVD, pro-inflammatory mediators persisted for 4–8 days after TNFα removal. TNFα exposure induced changes in IVD biomechanics (reduced diurnal displacements & increased dynamic stiffness). Discussion This study demonstrated that exposure to TNFα, as might occur from injured surrounding tissues, can penetrate healthy intact IVDs, induce expression of additional pro-inflammatory cytokines and alter IVD mechanical behavior. We conclude that exposure to pro-inflammatory cytokine may be an initiating event in the progression of IVD degeneration in addition to being a consequence of disease

    Development of a standardized histopathology scoring system for human intervertebral disc degeneration: an Orthopaedic Research Society Spine Section Initiative

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    Abstract: Background: Histopathological analysis of intervertebral disc (IVD) tissues is a critical domain of back pain research. Identification, description, and classification of attributes that distinguish abnormal tissues form a basis for probing disease mechanisms and conceiving novel therapies. Unfortunately, lack of standardized methods and nomenclature can limit comparisons of results across studies and prevent organizing information into a clear representation of the hierarchical, spatial, and temporal patterns of IVD degeneration. Thus, the following Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) Spine Section Initiative aimed to develop a standardized histopathology scoring scheme for human IVD degeneration. Methods: Guided by a working group of experts, this prospective process entailed a series of stages that consisted of reviewing and assessing past grading schemes, surveying IVD researchers globally on current practice and recommendations for a new grading system, utilizing expert opinion a taxonomy of histological grading was developed, and validation performed. Results: A standardized taxonomy was developed, which showed excellent intra‐rater reliability for scoring nucleus pulposus (NP), annulus fibrosus (AF), and cartilaginous end plate (CEP) regions (interclass correlation [ICC] > .89). The ability to reliably detect subtle changes varied by IVD region, being poorest in the NP (ICC: .89‐.95) where changes at the cellular level were important, vs the AF (ICC: .93‐.98), CEP (ICC: .97‐.98), and boney end plate (ICC: .96‐.99) where matrix and structural changes varied more dramatically with degeneration. Conclusions: The proposed grading system incorporates more comprehensive descriptions of degenerative features for all the IVD sub‐tissues than prior criteria. While there was excellent reliability, our results reinforce the need for improved training, particularly for novice raters. Future evaluation of the proposed system in real‐world settings (eg, at the microscope) will be needed to further refine criteria and more fully evaluate utility. This improved taxonomy could aid in the understanding of IVD degeneration phenotypes and their association with back pain

    In vitro and biomechanical screening of polyethylene glycol and poly(trimethylene carbonate) block copolymers for annulus fibrosus repair

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    Herniated intervertebral discs (IVDs) are a common cause of back and neck pain. There is an unmet clinical need to seal annulus fibrosus (AF) defects, as discectomy surgeries address acute pain but are complicated by reherniation and recurrent pain. Copolymers of polyethylene glycol with trimethylene carbonate (TMC) and hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) end-groups were formulated as AF sealants as the HDI form covalent bonds with native AF tissue. TMC adhesives were evaluated and optimized using the design criteria: stable size, strong adherence to AF tissue, high cytocompatibility, restoration of IVD biomechanics to intact levels following in situ repair, and low extrusion risk. TMC adhesives had high adhesion strength as assessed with a pushout test (150kPa), and low degradation rates over 3weeks in vitro. Both TMC adhesives had shear moduli (220 and 490kPa) similar to, but somewhat higher than, AF tissue. The adhesive with three TMC moieties per branch (TMC3) was selected for additional in situ testing because it best matched AF shear properties. TMC3 restored torsional stiffness, torsional hysteresis area and axial range of motion to intact states. However, in a failure test of compressive deformation under fixed 5 degrees flexion, some herniation risk was observed with failure strength of 5.9MPa compared with 13.5MPa for intact samples; TMC3 herniated under cyclic organ culture testing. These TMC adhesives performed well during in vitro and in situ testing, but additional optimization to enhance failure strength is required to further this material to advanced screening tests, such as long-term degradation. Copyright (c) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Improved regeneration and de novo bone formation in a diabetic zebrafish model treated with paricalcitol and cinacalcet

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    Bone changes related to diabetes have been well stablished, but few strategies have been developed to prevent this growing health problem. In our work, we propose to investigate the effects of calcitriol as well as of a vitamin D analog (paricalcitol) and a calcimimetic (cinacalcet), in fin regeneration and de novo mineralization in a zebrafish model of diabetes. Following exposure of diabetic transgenic Tg(ins: nfsb-mCherry) zebrafish to calcitriol, paricalcitol and cinacalcet, caudal fins were amputated to assess their effects on tissue regeneration. Caudal fin mineralized and regenerated areas were quantified by in vivo alizarin red staining. Quantitative real-time PCR was performed using RNA from the vertebral column. Diabetic fish treated with cinacalcet and paricalcitol presented increased regenerated and mineralized areas when compared with non-treated diabetic group, while no significant increase was observed in nondiabetic fish treated with both drugs. Gene expression analysis showed an up-regulation for runt-related transcription factor 2b (runx2b), bone gamma-carboxyglutamic acid-containing protein (bglap), insulin a (insa) and insulin b (insb) and a trend of increase for sp7 transcription factor (sp7) in diabetic groups treated with cinacalcet and paricalcitol. Expression of insra and vdra was up-regulated in both diabetic and nondiabetic fish treated with cinacalcet. In nondiabetic fish treated with paricalcitol and cinacalcet a similar increase in gene expression could be observed but not so pronounced. The increased mineralization and regeneration in diabetic zebrafish treated with cinacalcet and paricalcitol can be explained by increased osteoblastic differentiation and increased insulin expression indicating pro-osteogenic potential of both drugs.European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the COMPETE-Operational Competitiveness ProgramFCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia [PEst-CCMAR/Multi/04326/2013]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Harmonization and standardization of nucleus pulposus cell extraction and culture methods

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    BACKGROUND: In vitro studies using nucleus pulposus (NP) cells are commonly used to investigate disc cell biology and pathogenesis, or to aid in the development of new therapies. However, lab-to-lab variability jeopardizes the much-needed progress in the field. Here, an international group of spine scientists collaborated to standardize extraction and expansion techniques for NP cells to reduce variability, improve comparability between labs and improve utilization of funding and resources. METHODS: The most commonly applied methods for NP cell extraction, expansion, and re-differentiation were identified using a questionnaire to research groups worldwide. NP cell extraction methods from rat, rabbit, pig, dog, cow, and human NP tissue were experimentally assessed. Expansion and re-differentiation media and techniques were also investigated. RESULTS: Recommended protocols are provided for extraction, expansion, and re-differentiation of NP cells from common species utilized for NP cell culture. CONCLUSIONS: This international, multilab and multispecies study identified cell extraction methods for greater cell yield and fewer gene expression changes by applying species-specific pronase usage, 60-100 U/ml collagenase for shorter durations. Recommendations for NP cell expansion, passage number, and many factors driving successful cell culture in different species are also addressed to support harmonization, rigor, and cross-lab comparisons on NP cells worldwide

    Harmonization and standardization of nucleus pulposus cell extraction and culture methods

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    Background In vitro studies using nucleus pulposus (NP) cells are commonly used to investigate disc cell biology and pathogenesis, or to aid in the development of new therapies. However, lab-to-lab variability jeopardizes the much-needed progress in the field. Here, an international group of spine scientists collaborated to standardize extraction and expansion techniques for NP cells to reduce variability, improve comparability between labs and improve utilization of funding and resources. Methods The most commonly applied methods for NP cell extraction, expansion, and re-differentiation were identified using a questionnaire to research groups worldwide. NP cell extraction methods from rat, rabbit, pig, dog, cow, and human NP tissue were experimentally assessed. Expansion and re-differentiation media and techniques were also investigated. Results Recommended protocols are provided for extraction, expansion, and re-differentiation of NP cells from common species utilized for NP cell culture. Conclusions This international, multilab and multispecies study identified cell extraction methods for greater cell yield and fewer gene expression changes by applying species-specific pronase usage, 60–100 U/ml collagenase for shorter durations. Recommendations for NP cell expansion, passage number, and many factors driving successful cell culture in different species are also addressed to support harmonization, rigor, and cross-lab comparisons on NP cells worldwide

    Harmonization and standardization of nucleus pulposus cell extraction and culture methods

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    Background: In vitro studies using nucleus pulposus (NP) cells are commonly used to investigate disc cell biology and pathogenesis, or to aid in the development of new therapies. However, lab‐to‐lab variability jeopardizes the much‐needed progress in the field. Here, an international group of spine scientists collaborated to standardize extraction and expansion techniques for NP cells to reduce variability, improve comparability between labs and improve utilization of funding and resources. Methods: The most commonly applied methods for NP cell extraction, expansion, and re‐differentiation were identified using a questionnaire to research groups worldwide. NP cell extraction methods from rat, rabbit, pig, dog, cow, and human NP tissue were experimentally assessed. Expansion and re‐differentiation media and techniques were also investigated. Results: Recommended protocols are provided for extraction, expansion, and re‐differentiation of NP cells from common species utilized for NP cell culture. Conclusions: This international, multilab and multispecies study identified cell extraction methods for greater cell yield and fewer gene expression changes by applying species‐specific pronase usage, 60–100 U/ml collagenase for shorter durations. Recommendations for NP cell expansion, passage number, and many factors driving successful cell culture in different species are also addressed to support harmonization, rigor, and cross‐lab comparisons on NP cells worldwide

    Confocal imaging protocols for live/dead staining in three-dimensional carriers

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    In tissue engineering, a variety of methods are commonly used to evaluate survival of cells inside tissues or three-dimensional (3D) carriers. Among these methods confocal laser scanning microscopy opened accessibility of 3D tissue using live cell imaging into the tissue or 3D scaffolds. However, although this technique is ideally applied to 3D tissue or scaffolds with thickness up to several millimetres, this application is surprisingly rare and scans are often done on slices with thickness <20 ÎŒm. Here, we present novel protocols for the staining of 3D tissue (e.g. intervertebral disc tissue) and scaffolds, such as fibrin gels or alginate beads

    Combined anti-inflammatory and anti-AGE drug treatments have a protective effect on intervertebral discs in mice with diabetes.

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    Diabetes and low back pain are debilitating diseases and modern epidemics. Diabetes and obesity are also highly correlated with intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration and back pain. Advanced-glycation-end-products (AGEs) increase reactive-oxygen-species (ROS) and inflammation, and are one cause for early development of diabetes mellitus. We hypothesize that diabetes results in accumulation of AGEs in spines and associated spinal pathology via increased catabolism. We present a mouse model showing that: 1) diabetes induces pathological changes to structure and composition of IVDs and vertebrae; 2) diabetes is associated with accumulation of AGEs, TNFα, and increased catabolism spinal structures; and 3) oral-treatments with a combination of anti-inflammatory and anti-AGE drugs mitigate these diabetes-induced degenerative changes to the spine.Three age-matched groups of ROP-Os mice were compared: non-diabetic, diabetic (streptozotocin (STZ)-induced), or diabetic mice treated with pentosan-polysulfate (anti-inflammatory) and pyridoxamine (AGE-inhibitor). Mice were euthanized and vertebra-IVD segments were analyzed by ΌCT, histology and Immunohistochemistry.Diabetic mice exhibited several pathological changes including loss in IVD height, decreased vertebral bone mass, decreased glycosaminoglycan content and morphologically altered IVDs with focal deposition of tissues highly expressing TNFα, MMP-13 and ADAMTS-5. Accumulation of larger amounts of methylglyoxal suggested that AGE accumulation was associated with these diabetic degenerative changes. However, treatment prevented or reduced these pathological effects on vertebrae and IVD.This is the first study to demonstrate specific degenerative changes to nucleus pulposus (NP) morphology and their association with AGE accumulation in a diabetic mouse model. Furthermore, this is the first study to demonstrate that oral-treatments can inhibit AGE-induced ROS and inflammation in spinal structures and provide a potential treatment to slow progression of degenerative spine changes in diabetes. Since diabetes, IVD degeneration, and accumulation of AGEs are frequent consequences of aging, early treatments to reduce AGE-induced ROS and Inflammation may have broad public-health implications
