16 research outputs found

    Mediterranean winter rainfall in phase with African monsoons during the past 1.36 million years

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    Mediterranean climates are characterized by strong seasonal contrasts between dry summers and wet winters. Changes in winter rainfall are critical for regional socioeconomic development, but are difficult to simulate accurately1 and reconstruct on Quaternary timescales. This is partly because regional hydroclimate records that cover multiple glacial–interglacial cycles2,3 with different orbital geometries, global ice volume and atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are scarce. Moreover, the underlying mechanisms of change and their persistence remain unexplored. Here we show that, over the past 1.36 million years, wet winters in the northcentral Mediterranean tend to occur with high contrasts in local, seasonal insolation and a vigorous African summer monsoon. Our proxy time series from Lake Ohrid on the Balkan Peninsula, together with a 784,000-year transient climate model hindcast, suggest that increased sea surface temperatures amplify local cyclone development and refuel North Atlantic low-pressure systems that enter the Mediterranean during phases of low continental ice volume and high concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases. A comparison with modern reanalysis data shows that current drivers of the amount of rainfall in the Mediterranean share some similarities to those that drive the reconstructed increases in precipitation. Our data cover multiple insolation maxima and are therefore an important benchmark for testing climate model performance

    The Marine Isotope Stage 12 pollen record from Lake Ohrid (SE Europe): Investigating short-term climate change under extreme glacial conditions

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    Characterised by a maximum expansion of continental ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere, Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 12 (similar to 478-424 ka before present) was one of the strongest glacials of the Quaternary. Because the information currently available on MIS 12 is predominantly derived from marine records, the imprint of this extreme glaciation on the terrestrial realm - and notably on terrestrial ecosystems - has remained poorly constrained. Here we present a new, centennial-scale-resolution pollen record from Lake Ohrid (Balkan Peninsula, SE Europe) augmented by pollen-based quantitative temperature and precipitation estimates. Our dataset, which spans the period from 488 to 420 ka, shows that the forest cover around Lake Ohrid decreased substantially over the course of MIS 12; this decrease was associated with a gradual lowering of winter and mean annual temperatures (and to a lesser extent of summer temperatures) as well as mean annual precipitation. Superimposed on this long-term development, abrupt changes in regional forest cover indicate a pronounced millennial-scale climate variability that bears strong resemblance to the interstadial and stadial events of the Last Glacial. This variability is expressed by repeated high-amplitude forest expansions and contractions around Lake Ohrid during MIS 12c and the oldest part of 12b substage (i.e., from similar to 477 to similar to 448 ka). The forest oscillations can be correlated to previously documented episodes of surface-water variability and ice-rafted debris deposition in the North Atlantic. This pattern suggests a coupling between the climatically forced treepopulation changes in SE Europe and the variability of the Atlantic Meridional Ocean Circulation during MIS 12c and partially 12b on millennial timescales. In contrast, the youngest part of MIS 12b and MIS 12a (i.e., from similar to 448 to 424 ka) lack high-amplitude forest expansions and contractions around Lake Ohrid. Comparison with sea-level reconstructions for MIS 12 suggests that millennial-scale vegetation variability in Lake Ohrid was strongest when sea level was between 30 and 100 m lower than today, whereas it was absent when sea level was lower than 100 m relative to the present. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Late Pliocene vegetation turnover on the NE Tibetan Plateau (Central Asia) triggered by early Northern Hemisphere glaciation

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    To reconstruct the timing and underlying forcing of major shifts in the composition of terrestrial ecosystems in arid Central Asia during the late Cenozoic (past ~7 Ma), we carry out palynological analysis of lake sediments from the Qaidam Basin (NE Tibetan Plateau, China). Our results show that the steppe/semi-desert biomes dominating the Qaidam Basin experienced marked turnovers at ~3.6 and 3.3 Ma. Most notably, the younger of these turnover events is characterized by a two- to three-fold expansion of Artemisia at the expense of other steppe/semi-desert taxa. This turnover event led to the replacement of the Ephedraceae/Chenopodiaceae-dominated and Nitraria-rich steppe/semi-deserts that were dominant in the Qaidam Basin during the Paleogene and abundant during the Miocene by Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae-dominated steppe/semi-deserts as they exist until today. The vegetation turnover events are synchronous with shifts towards drier conditions in Central Asia as documented in climate records from the Chinese Loess Plateau and the Central North Pacific Ocean. On a global scale, they can be correlated to early glaciation events in the Northern Hemisphere during the Pliocene. Integration of our palynological data from the Qaidam Basin with Northern Hemisphere climate-proxy and regional-scale tectonic information suggests that the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau posed ecological pressure on Central Asian plant communities, which made them susceptible to the effects of early Northern Hemisphere glaciations during the late Pliocene. Although these glaciations were relatively small in comparison to their Pleistocene counterparts, the transition towards drier/colder conditions pushed previously existing plant communities beyond their tolerance limits, thereby causing a fundamental reorganization of arid ecosystems. The Artemisia dominance since ~3.3 Ma resulting from this reorganization marks a point in time after which the Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae pollen ratio can serve as a reliable indicator for moisture availability in Central Asia

    Centennial-scale vegetation dynamics and climate variability in SE Europe during Marine Isotope Stage 11 based on a pollen record from Lake Ohrid

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    To better understand climate variability during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11, we here present a new, centennial-scale-resolution pollen record from Lake Ohrid (Balkan Peninsula) derived from sediment cores retrieved during an International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) campaign. Our palynological data, augmented by quantitative pollen-based climate reconstructions, provide insight into the vegetation dynamics and thus also climate variability in SE Europe during one of the best orbital analogues for the Holocene. Comparison of our palynological results with other proxy data from Lake Ohrid as well as with regional and global climate records shows that the vegetation in SE Europe responded sensitively both to long-and short-term climate change during MIS 11. The chronology of our palynological record is based on orbital tuning, and is further supported by the detection of a new tephra from the Vico volcano, central Italy, dated to 410 +/- 2 ka. Our study indicates that MIS 11c (similar to 424-398 ka) was the warmest interval of MIS 11. The younger part of the interglacial (i.e., MIS 11b-11a;similar to 398-367 ka) exhibits a gradual cooling trend passing over into MIS 10. It is characterized by considerable millennial scale variability as inferred by six abrupt forest-contraction events. Interestingly, the first forest contraction occurred during full interglacial conditions of MIS 11c; this event lasted for similar to 1.7 kyrs (406.2 -404.5 ka) and was characterized by substantial reductions in winter temperature and annual precipitation. Most notably, it occurred similar to 7 ka before the end of MIS 11c and similar to 15 ka before the first strong ice-rafted debris event in the North Atlantic. Our findings suggest that millennial-scale climate variability during MIS 11 was established in Southern Europe already during MIS 11c, which is earlier than in the North Atlantic where it is registered only from MIS 11b onwards. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Palynological data from cores SG-1 and SG-1b from the Qaidam Basin (Tibetan Plateau) spanning the past ~7 Ma

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    To reconstruct the timing and underlying forcing of major shifts in the composition of terrestrial ecosystems in arid Central Asia during the late Cenozoic (past ~7 Ma), we carry out palynological analysis of lake sediments from the Qaidam Basin (NE Tibetan Plateau, China). Our results show that the steppe/semi-desert biomes dominating the Qaidam Basin experienced marked turnovers at ~3.6 and 3.3 Ma. Most notably, the younger of these turnover events is characterized by a two- to three-fold expansion of Artemisia at the expense of other steppe/semi-desert taxa. This turnover event led to the replacement of the Ephedraceae/Chenopodiaceae dominated and Nitraria-rich steppe/semi-deserts that were dominant in the Qaidam Basin during the Paleogene and abundant during the Miocene by Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae-dominated steppe/semi-deserts as they exist until today. The vegetation turnover events are synchronous with shifts towards drier conditions in Central Asia as documented in climate records from the Chinese Loess Plateau and the Central North Pacific Ocean. On a global scale, they can be correlated to early glaciation events in the Northern Hemisphere during the Pliocene. Integration of our palynological data from the Qaidam Basin with Northern Hemisphere climate-proxy and regional-scale tectonic information suggests that the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau posed ecological pressure on Central Asian plant communities, which made them susceptible to the effects of early Northern Hemisphere glaciations during the late Pliocene. Although these glaciations were relatively small in comparison to their Pleistocene counterparts, the transition towards drier/colder conditions pushed previously existing plant communities beyond their tolerance limits, thereby causing a fundamental reorganization of arid ecosystems. The Artemisia dominance since ~3.3 Ma resulting from this reorganization marks a point in time after which the Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae pollen ratio can serve as a reliable indicator for moisture availability in Central Asia

    1.36 million years of Mediterranean forest refugium dynamics in responseto glacial-interglacial cycle strength

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    The sediment record from Lake Ohrid (Southwestern Balkans) represents the longest continuous lake archive in Europe, extending back to 1.36 Ma. We reconstruct the vegetation history based on pollen analysis of the DEEP core to reveal changes in vegetation cover and forest diversity during glacial-interglacial (G-IG) cycles and early basin development. The earliest lake phase saw a significantly different composition rich in relict tree taxa and few herbs. Subsequent establishment of a permanent steppic herb association around 1.2 Ma implies a threshold response to changes in moisture availability and temperature and gradual adjustment of the basin morphology. A change in the character of G-IG cycles during the Early-Middle Pleistocene Transition is reflected in the record by reorganization of the vegetation from obliquity-to eccentricity-paced cycles. Based on a quantitative analysis of tree taxa richness, the first large-scale decline in tree diversity occurred around 0.94 Ma. Subsequent variations in tree richness were largely driven by the amplitude and duration of G-IG cycles. Significant tree richness declines occurred in periods with abundant dry herb associations, pointing to aridity affecting tree population survival. Assessment of long-term legacy effects between global climate and regional vegetation change reveals a significant influence of cool interglacial conditions on subsequent glacial vegetation composition and diversity. This effect is contrary to observations at high latitudes, where glacial intensity is known to control subsequent interglacial vegetation, and the evidence demonstrates that the Lake Ohrid catchment functioned as a refugium for both thermophilous and temperate tree species

    1.36 million years of Mediterranean forest refugium dynamics in response to glacial-interglacial cycle strength

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    The sediment record from Lake Ohrid (Southwestern Balkans) represents the longest continuous lake archive in Europe, extending back to 1.36 Ma. We reconstruct the vegetation history based on pollen analysis of the DEEP core to reveal changes in vegetation cover and forest diversity during glacial-interglacial (G-IG) cycles and early basin development. The earliest lake phase saw a significantly different composition rich in relict tree taxa and few herbs. Subsequent establishment of a permanent steppic herb association around 1.2 Ma implies a threshold response to changes in moisture availability and temperature and gradual adjustment of the basin morphology. A change in the character of G-IG cycles during the Early-Middle Pleistocene Transition is reflected in the record by reorganization of the vegetation from obliquity-to eccentricity-paced cycles. Based on a quantitative analysis of tree taxa richness, the first large-scale decline in tree diversity occurred around 0.94 Ma. Subsequent variations in tree richness were largely driven by the amplitude and duration of G-IG cycles. Significant tree richness declines occurred in periods with abundant dry herb associations, pointing to aridity affecting tree population survival. Assessment of long-term legacy effects between global climate and regional vegetation change reveals a significant influence of cool interglacial conditions on subsequent glacial vegetation composition and diversity. This effect is contrary to observations at high latitudes, where glacial intensity is known to control subsequent interglacial vegetation, and the evidence demonstrates that the Lake Ohrid catchment functioned as a refugium for both thermophilous and temperate tree species