15 research outputs found

    Hall equilibrium of thin Keplerian disks embedded in mixed poloidal and toroidal magnetic fields

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    Axisymmetric steady-state weakly ionized Hall-MHD Keplerian thin disks are investigated by using asymptotic expansions in the small disk aspect ratio \epsilon. The model incorporates the azimuthal and poloidal components of the magnetic fields in the leading order in \epsilon. The disk structure is described by an appropriate Grad-Shafranov equation for the poloidal flux function \psi that involves two arbitrary functions of \psi for the toroidal and poloidal currents. The flux function is symmetric about the midplane and satisfies certain boundary conditions at the near-horizontal disk edges. The boundary conditions model the combined effect of the primordial as well as the dipole-like magnetic fields. An analytical solution for the Hall equilibrium is achieved by further expanding the relevant equations in an additional small parameter \delta that is inversely proportional to the Hall parameter. It is thus found that the Hall equilibrium disks fall into two types: Keplerian disks with (i) small (Rd ~\delta^0) and (ii) large (Rd > \delta^k, k > 0) radius of the disk. The numerical examples that are presented demonstrate the richness and great variety of magnetic and density configurations that may be achieved under the Hall-MHD equilibrium

    Compound Semiconductor Materials and Devices

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    Contains table of contents for Part I, table of contents for Section 1, reports on fourteen research projects and a list of publications.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency/National Center for Integrated Photonics TechnologyFannie and John Hertz Foundation Graduate FellowshipJoint Services Electronics Program Grant DAAH04-95-1-0038National Science Foundation Graduate FellowshipNTT CorporationNational Science FoundationU.S. Navy - Office of Naval ResearchToshiba CorporationAT&T Bell Laboratories Graduate Fellowshi

    First Peek of ASTRO-H Soft X-Ray Telescope (SXT) In-Orbit Performance

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    ASTRO-H (Hitomi) is a Japanese X-ray astrophysics satellite just launched in February, 2016, from Tanegashima, Japan by a JAXA's H-IIA launch vehicle. It has two Soft X-ray Telescopes (SXTs), among other instruments, that were developed by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in collaboration with ISAS/JAXA and Nagoya University. One is for an X-ray micro-calorimeter instrument (Soft X-ray Spectrometer, SXS) and the other for an X-ray CCD camera (Soft X-ray Imager, SXI), both covering the X-ray energy band up to 15 keV. The two SXTs were fully characterized at the 30-m X-ray beam line at ISAS/JAXA. The combined SXT+SXS system effective area is about 250 and 300 cm(exp 2) at 1 and 6 keV, respectively, although observations were performed with the gate valve at the dewar entrance closed, which blocks most of low energy X-rays and some of high energy ones. The angular resolution for SXS is 1.2 arcmin (Half Power Diameter, HPD). The combined SXT+SXI system effective area is about 370 and 350 cm (exp 2) at 1 and 6 keV, respectively. The angular resolution for SXI is 1.3 arcmin (HPD). The both SXTs have a field of view of about 16 arcmin (FWHM of their vignetting functions).The SXT+SXS field of view is limited to 3 x 3 arcmin by the SXS array size. In-flight data available to the SXT team was limited at the time of this conference and a point-like source data is not available for the SXT+SXS. Although due to lack of attitude information we were unable to reconstruct a point spread function of SXT+SXI, according to RXJ1856.5-3754 data, the SXT seems to be working as expected in terms of imaging capability. As for the overall effective area response for both SXT+SXS and SXT+SXI, consistent spectral model fitting parameters with the previous measurements were obtained for Crab and G21.5-0.9 data. On the other hand, their 2-10 keV fluxes differ by about 20% at this point. Calibration work is still under progress. The SXT is the latest version of the aluminum foil X-ray mirror, which is extremely light-weight and very low cost, yet produces large effective area over a wide energy-band. Its area-mass ratio is the largest, 16 cm(exp 2)/kg, among ASTRO-H, Chandra, and XMM-Newton mirrors. The aluminum foil mirror is a still compelling technology depending on the mission science goal