56 research outputs found

    A Well-Balanced SPH-ALE Scheme for Shallow Water Applications

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] In this work, a new discretization of the source term of the shallow water equations with non-flat bottom geometry is proposed to obtain a well-balanced scheme. A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation based on Riemann solvers is presented to solve the SWE. Moving-Least Squares approximations are used to compute high-order reconstructions of the numerical fluxes and, stability is achieved using the a posteriori MOOD paradigm. Several benchmark 1D and 2D numerical problems are considered to test and validate the properties and behavior of the presented schemes.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work has been partially supported by FEDER funds of the European Union, Grant #RTI2018-093366-B-I00 of the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades of the Spanish Government and by the Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria of the Xunta de Galicia (grant# ED431C 2018/41). Luis Ramírez also acknowledges the funding provided by the Xunta de Galicia through the program Axudas para a mellora, creación, recon~ecemento e estruturación de agrupacións estratéxicas do Sistema universitario de Galicia (reference # ED431E 2018/11)Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2018/41Xunta de Galicia; ED431E 2018/1

    Density-dependent effects as key drivers of intraspecific size structure of six abundant fish species in lakes across Europe

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    Fish size structure has traditionally been used for elucidating trophic interactions and patterns of energy transfer through trophic levels(Trebilco et al.2013). We analysed the siz estructure of six common freshwater fish species in several hundred European lakes. We found little effect on the strength of the environmental gradients of size structure. The intraspecific density-dependent effect was the strongest and most consistent predictor

    EPIC 219388192 b - an inhabitant of the brown dwarf desert in the Ruprecht 147 open cluster

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    We report the discovery of EPIC 219388192 b, a transiting brown dwarf in a 5.3-day orbit around a member star of Ruprecht-147, the oldest nearby open cluster association, which was photometrically monitored by K2 during its Campaign 7. We combine the K2 time-series data with ground-based adaptive optics imaging and high resolution spectroscopy to rule out false positive scenarios and determine the main parameters of the system. EPIC 219388192 b has a radius of RbR_\mathrm{b}=0.937±0.0420.937\pm0.042~RJup\mathrm{R_{Jup}} and mass of MbM_\mathrm{b}=36.50±0.0936.50\pm0.09~MJup\mathrm{M_{Jup}}, yielding a mean density of 59.0±8.159.0\pm8.1~gcm3\mathrm{g\,cm^{-3}}. The host star is nearly a Solar twin with mass MM_\star=0.99±0.050.99\pm0.05~M\mathrm{M_{\odot}}, radius RR_\star=1.01±0.041.01\pm0.04~R\mathrm{R_{\odot}}, effective temperature Teff\mathrm{T_{eff}}=5850±855850\pm85~K and iron abundance [Fe/H]=0.03±0.080.03\pm0.08~dex. Its age, spectroscopic distance, and reddening are consistent with those of Ruprecht-147, corroborating its cluster membership. EPIC 219388192 b is the first brown dwarf with precise determinations of mass, radius and age, and serves as benchmark for evolutionary models in the sub-stellar regime.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, submitted to AAS Journal

    EVIDENT 3 study: A randomized, controlled clinical trial to reduce inactivity and caloric intake in sedentary and overweight or obese people using a smartphone application study protocol

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    FUNDAMENTOS: La tecnología móvil, cuando se incluye dentro de las intervenciones de componentes múltiples, podría contribuir a una pérdida de peso más efectiva. El objetivo de este proyecto es evaluar el impacto de añadir el uso de la aplicación EVIDENT 3, diseñada para promover la salud a los hábitos de vida, a las estrategias de modificación tradicionales empleadas para la pérdida de peso. También se evaluarán otras conductas específicas (caminar, ingesta de calorías, tiempo sentado) y resultados (calidad de vida, marcadores inflamatorios, mediciones del envejecimiento arterial). MÉTODOS: Ensayo clínico aleatorio y multicéntrico con 2 grupos paralelos. El estudio se llevará a cabo en el ámbito de la atención primaria e incluirá 700 sujetos de 20 a 65 años, con un índice de masa corporal (27,5-40kg/m2), que están clínicamente clasificados como sedentarios. El resultado primario será la pérdida de peso. Los resultados secundarios incluirán cambios en la forma de caminar (pasos/d), el tiempo de permanencia sentado (min/sem), la ingesta calórica (kcal/d), la calidad de vida, el envejecimiento arterial (índice de aumento) y los niveles de marcadores proinflamatorios. Los resultados se medirán en la línea de base, después de 3 meses y después de 1 año. Los participantes serán asignados aleatoriamente al grupo de intervención (IG) o al grupo de control (CG). Ambos grupos recibirán el asesoramiento tradicional de estilo de vida de atención primaria antes de la asignación al azar. A los sujetos del IG se les prestará un teléfono inteligente y una banda inteligente por un período de 3 meses, correspondiente a la duración de la intervención. La aplicación del EVIDENTE 3 integra la información recogida por la banda inteligente sobre la actividad física y la información autodeclarada por los participantes sobre la ingesta diaria de alimentos. Utilizando esta información, la aplicación genera recomendaciones y objetivos personalizados para la pérdida de peso. DISCUSIÓN: Hay una gran diversidad en las aplicaciones utilizadas obteniendo diferentes resultados en la mejora del estilo de vida y la pérdida de peso. Las poblaciones estudiadas no son homogéneas y generan resultados diferentes. Los resultados de este estudio ayudarán a nuestra comprensión de la eficacia de las nuevas tecnologías, combinadas con el asesoramiento tradicional, para reducir la obesidad y permitir estilos de vida más saludables.INTRODUCTION: Mobile technology, when included within multicomponent interventions, could contribute to more effective weight loss. The objective of this project is to assess the impact of adding the use of the EVIDENT 3 application, designed to promote healthy living habits, to traditional modification strategies employed for weight loss. Other targeted behaviors (walking, caloric-intake, sitting time) and outcomes (quality of life, inflammatory markers, measurements of arterial aging) will also be evaluated. METHODS: Randomized, multicentre clinical trial with 2 parallel groups. The study will be conducted in the primary care setting and will include 700 subjects 20 to 65 years, with a body mass index (27.5–40kg/m2), who are clinically classified as sedentary. The primary outcome will be weight loss. Secondary outcomes will include change in walking (steps/d), sitting time (min/wk), caloric intake (kcal/d), quality of life, arterial aging (augmentation index), and pro-inflammatory marker levels. Outcomes will be measured at baseline, after 3 months, and after 1 year. Participants will be randomly assigned to either the intervention group (IG) or the control group (CG). Both groups will receive the traditional primary care lifestyle counseling prior to randomization. The subjects in the IG will be lent a smartphone and a smartband for a 3-month period, corresponding to the length of the intervention. The EVIDENT 3 application integrates the information collected by the smartband on physical activity and the self-reported information by participants on daily food intake. Using this information, the application generates recommendations and personalized goals for weight loss. DISCUSSION: There is a great diversity in the applications used obtaining different results on lifestyle improvement and weight loss. The populations studied are not homogeneous and generate different results. The results of this study will help our understanding of the efficacy of new technologies, combined with traditional counseling, towards reducing obesity and enabling healthier lifestyles.• Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y el Instituto de Salud Carlos III/Europa y Fondo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). Proyectos PI16/00101, PI16/00952, PI16/00765, PI16/00659, PI16/00421, PI16/00170 • Junta de Castilla y León. Ayuda GRS 1277/B/16peerReviewe

    Exoplanets around Low-mass Stars Unveiled by K2

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    We present the detection and follow-up observations of planetary candidates around low-mass stars observed by the K2 mission. Based on light-curve analysis, adaptive-optics imaging, and optical spectroscopy at low and high resolution (including radial velocity measurements), we validate 16 planets around 12 low-mass stars observed during K2 campaigns 5-10. Among the 16 planets, 12 are newly validated, with orbital periods ranging from 0.96-33 days. For one of the planets (K2-151b) we present ground-based transit photometry, allowing us to refine the ephemerides. Combining our K2 M-dwarf planets together with the validated or confirmed planets found previously, we investigate the dependence of planet radius RpR_p on stellar insolation and metallicity [Fe/H]. We confirm that for periods P2P\lesssim 2 days, planets with a radius Rp2RR_p\gtrsim 2\,R_\oplus are less common than planets with a radius between 1-2R\,R_\oplus. We also see a hint of the "radius valley" between 1.5 and 2R\,R_\oplus that has been seen for close-in planets around FGK stars. These features in the radius/period distribution could be attributed to photoevaporation of planetary envelopes by high-energy photons from the host star, as they have for FGK stars. For the M dwarfs, though, the features are not as well defined, and we cannot rule out other explanations such as atmospheric loss from internal planetary heat sources, or truncation of the protoplanetary disk. There also appears to be a relation between planet size and metallicity: those few planets larger than about 3 RR_\oplus are found around the most metal-rich M dwarfs.Comment: 29 pages, 21 figures, 6 tables, Accepted in Astronomical Journa

    Individual body mass and length dataset for over 12,000 fish from Iberian streams

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    We provide a unique fish individual body size dataset collected from our own sampling and public sources in north-eastern Spain. The dataset includes individual body size measures (fork length and mass) of 12,288 individuals of 24 fish species within 10 families collected at 118 locations in large rivers and small streams. Fish were caught by one-pass electrofishing following European standard protocols. The fish dataset has information on the local instream conditions including climatic variables (i.e., temperature and precipitation), topography (i.e., altitude), nutrient concentration (i.e., total phosphorus and nitrates), and the IMPRESS values (a measure of cumulative human impacts in lotic ecosystems). The potential uses of this new fish dataset are manifold, including developing size-based indices to further estimate the ecological status of freshwater ecosystems, allometric models, and analysis of variation in body size structure along environmental gradients

    Individual body mass and length dataset for over 12,000 fish from Iberian streams

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    We provide a unique fish individual body size dataset collected from our own sampling and public sources in north-eastern Spain. The dataset includes individual body size measures (fork length and mass) of 12,288 individuals of 24 fish species within 10 families collected at 118 locations in large rivers and small streams. Fish were caught by one-pass electrofishing following European standard protocols. The fish dataset has information on the local instream conditions including climatic variables (i.e., temperature and precipitation), topography (i.e., altitude), nutrient concentration (i.e., total phosphorus and nitrates), and the IMPRESS values (a measure of cumulative human impacts in lotic ecosystems). The potential uses of this new fish dataset are manifold, including developing size-based indices to further estimate the ecological status of freshwater ecosystems, allometric models, and analysis of variation in body size structure along environmental gradients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The K2-ESPRINT Project II: Spectroscopic follow-up of three exoplanet systems from Campaign 1 of K2

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    We report on Doppler observations of three transiting planet candidates that were detected during Campaign 1 of the K2 mission. The Doppler observations were conducted with FIES, HARPS-N, and HARPS. We measure the mass of EPIC 201546283b, and provide constraints and upper limits for EPIC 201295312b and EPIC 201577035b. EPIC 201546283b is a warm Neptune orbiting its host star in 6.77 days and has a radius of 4.45_(-0.33)^(+0.33)R_⊕ and a mass of 29.1_(-7.4)^(+7.5)M_⊕, which leads to a mean density of 1.80_(-0.55)^(+0.70) cm^(-3). EPIC 201295312b is smaller than Neptune with an orbital period of 5.66 days, a radius of 2.75_(-0.22^)(0.24)R_⊕, and we constrain the mass to be below 12 M_⊕ at 95% confidence. We also find a long-term trend indicative of another body in the system. EPIC 201577035b, which was previously confirmed as the planet K2-10b, is smaller than Neptune, orbiting its host star in 19.3 days, with a radius of 3.84_(-0.34)^(+0.35)R_⊕. We determine its mass to be 27_(-16)^(+17)M_⊕, with a 95% confidence upper limit at 57M_⊕, and a mean density of 2.6_(-1.6)^(+2.1)g cm^(-3). These measurements join the relatively small collection of planets smaller than Neptune with measurements or constraints of the mean density. Our code for performing K2 photometry and detecting planetary transits is now publicly available


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    We report on the discovery and characterization of the transiting planet K2-39b (EPIC 206247743b). With an orbital period of 4.6 days, it is the shortest-period planet orbiting a subgiant star known to date. Such planets are rare, with only a handful of known cases. The reason for this is poorly understood but may reflect differences in planet occurrence around the relatively high-mass stars that have been surveyed, or may be the result of tidal destruction of such planets. K2-39 (EPIC 206247743) is an evolved star with a spectroscopically derived stellar radius and mass of 3.88 [subscript -0.42] [superscript +0.48] R [subscript ⊙] and 1.53[subscript-0.12] [superscript +0.13] M[subscript ⊙], respectively, and a very close-in transiting planet, with a/R [subscript asterisk]= 3.4 Radial velocity (RV) follow-up using the HARPS, FIES, and PFS instruments leads to a planetary mass of 50.3 [subscript -9.4] [superscript +9.7] M [subscript ⊙]. In combination with a radius measurement of 8.3 ± 1.1 R [subscript oplus], this results in a mean planetary density of 0.50 [subscript -0.17] [superscript +0.29] g cm [superscript -3]. We furthermore discover a long-term RV trend, which may be caused by a long-period planet or stellar companion. Because K2-39b has a short orbital period, its existence makes it seem unlikely that tidal destruction is wholly responsible for the differences in planet populations around subgiant and main-sequence stars. Future monitoring of the transits of this system may enable the detection of period decay and constrain the tidal dissipation rates of subgiant stars