53 research outputs found

    Difusión y Acceso a Datos e Información Científica y Tecnológica en la Normativa de Fondos Públicos para la Innovación en Chile

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    This paper analyzes the regulatory framework in the public funds of the National Innovation System in Chile regarding diffusion and access to scientific and technological data. The results show several failures in the innovation regulatory framework. Concerning data diffusion, most funds do not clearly define who should carry out the diffusion activities, do not promote sufficiently the diffusion of non-confidential information and show little interest in defining and planning diffusion activities. Regarding data sharing, it should be clearly specified the means in which R+D+i data and process are to be delivered. In addition, open access requirements to researchers present serious deficiencies, while compliance of commitments, although show better results, should further improve

    The effects of journal-writing on EFL pre-service teachers' development of writing skills

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    Tesis (Profesor de Inglés para la Enseñanza Básica y Media, Licenciado en Educación)Entre las cuatro habilidades del idioma Inglés, la escritura es normalmente conocida por ser la última competencia en ser adquirida, ya sea por estudiantes nativos o por estudiantes de segunda lengua. Además, también es considerado como el área más dificultosa del lenguaje para enseñar o evaluar como señaló D. Albrechtsen, K. Haastrup and B. Henriksen (2008). Por lo tanto, como el escribir en inglés parece ser un desafío para los alumnos, este estudio busca investigar si es posible superar efectivamente las dificultades de escritura y, así mismo, mejorarlos por medio de la asignación de escribir un diario semanalmente. Seis estudiantes de primer año de dos clases de la Universidad Andrés Bello en la Facultad de Educación de Santiago, Chile, fueron solicitados para participar en este estudio de investigación dado su rendimiento académico y su propia percepción sobre sus habilidades de escritura. Los resultados prueban que aunque la información numérica recogida en este estudio no demostró una mejora significativa en términos cuantitativos; en cuanto a la calidad se evidenció un uso progresivo de estructuras escritas más complejas y elaboradas.Among the four skills of the English language, writing is normally known for being the last competency to be acquired, for both native and second language learners. Besides, writing is also considered as the most difficult area of the language when teaching or testing, as proposed by Albrechtsen, Haastrup, and Henriksen (2008). Therefore, as writing in English seems to be challenging, this study seeks to investigate if learners can effectively overcome the writing difficulties and improve them by writing weekly journal assignments. Six firstyear students from two sections of the English teaching (ELTT) program at Universidad Andrés Bello in Santiago, Chile, were asked to participate in this research study due to their academic performance and their own perceptions about their writing skills. The findings substantiated that even though the numerical data collected in this study did not demonstrate significant improvement in quantitative terms, in quality they progressively evidenced the use of more complex and elaborated writing features

    ¿Es racional fomentar el crecimiento económico?

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    El paradigma dominante en la ciencia económica se asienta sobre unas premisas que se oponen diametralmente a los cuestionamientos sobre la sustentabilidad del crecimiento económico. En la primera parte de este artículo, se argumenta que la concepción tradicional del sistema económico como un sistema aislado del medio físico, ha impedido a la ciencia económica reconocer la imposibilidad física de llevar a cabo un crecimiento económico indefinido en un planeta finito, y aportar respuestas convincentes a la crisis ecológica global que comenzó a manifestarse a mediados del siglo XX. En la segunda parte del artículo se muestra que, además, el crecimiento económico no es necesariamente un objetivo de política económica deseable, puesto que no viene siempre acompañado de aumentos en el bienestar humano y la calidad de vida de las personas.Premises of the standard economic paradigm strongly oppose the issues that pose doubts about the sustainability of economic growth. In the first part of this paper, it is argued that the pre-analytical vision of standard economics about the economic system as an isolated system has prevented most economists to acknowledge that permanent economic growth is not possible in a finite world, and thus to give some convincing answers to the global ecological crisis that began to appear in the mid twentieth century. The second part proposes that economic growth not only is not possible but it is also not desirable, since it is not necessarily related to well-being and people’s quality of life.O paradigma dominante na ciência econômica é baseado em premissas que se opõem diametralmente aos questionamentos sobre a sustentabilidade do crescimento econômico. Na primeira parte deste artigo, argumenta-se que a concepção tradicional do sistema econômico como um sistema isolado do ambiente físico, tem impedido àeconomia reconhecer a impossibilidade física da realização de um crescimento econômico indefinido em um planeta finito, e contribuir como respostas convincentes para a crise ecológica global que começou a se manifestar em meados do século XX. Na segunda parte do artigo demonstra-se que, além disso, o crescimento econômico não é necessariamente um objetivo desejável da política econômica, pois nem sempre elevem acompanhado por um aumento no bem- estar e qualidade de vida das pessoas

    ¿Es racional fomentar el crecimiento económico?

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    El paradigma dominante en la ciencia económica se asienta sobre unas premisas que se oponen diametralmente a los cuestionamientos sobre la sustentabilidad del crecimiento económico. En la primera parte de este artículo, se argumenta que la concepción tradicional del sistema económico como un sistema aislado del medio físico, ha impedido a la ciencia económica reconocer la imposibilidad física de llevar a cabo un crecimiento económico indefinido en un planeta finito, y aportar respuestas convincentes a la crisis ecológica global que comenzó a manifestarse a mediados del siglo XX. En la segunda parte del artículo se muestra que, además, el crecimiento económico no es necesariamente un objetivo de política económica deseable, puesto que no viene siempre acompañado de aumentos en el bienestar humano y la calidad de vida de las personas.Premises of the standard economic paradigm strongly oppose the issues that pose doubts about the sustainability of economic growth. In the first part of this paper, it is argued that the pre-analytical vision of standard economics about the economic system as an isolated system has prevented most economists to acknowledge that permanent economic growth is not possible in a finite world, and thus to give some convincing answers to the global ecological crisis that began to appear in the mid twentieth century. The second part proposes that economic growth not only is not possible but it is also not desirable, since it is not necessarily related to well-being and people’s quality of life.O paradigma dominante na ciência econômica é baseado em premissas que se opõem diametralmente aos questionamentos sobre a sustentabilidade do crescimento econômico. Na primeira parte deste artigo, argumenta-se que a concepção tradicional do sistema econômico como um sistema isolado do ambiente físico, tem impedido àeconomia reconhecer a impossibilidade física da realização de um crescimento econômico indefinido em um planeta finito, e contribuir como respostas convincentes para a crise ecológica global que começou a se manifestar em meados do século XX. Na segunda parte do artigo demonstra-se que, além disso, o crescimento econômico não é necessariamente um objetivo desejável da política econômica, pois nem sempre elevem acompanhado por um aumento no bem- estar e qualidade de vida das pessoas

    ¿Es racional fomentar el crecimiento económico?

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    Reconstrucción de defectos faríngeos

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    Reconstruction of pharyngeal defects continues to present a clinical challenge for the head and neck surgeon. We have different reconstructive options to preserve speech, airway, and swallowing functions. Reconstructive surgery implies a balance between oncologic cure, patient morbidity, and quality of life. Classical reconstructive techniques include pedicled cervical cutaneous or myocutaneous flaps and distal myocutaneous flaps such as from the pectoralis major. Current microvascular techniqu

    Hearing Impairment and Quality of Life in Adults with Asymmetric Hearing Loss: Benefits of Bimodal Stimulation

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    Objectives: Bimodal stimulation for asymmetric hearing loss is an emerging treatment with proven audiometric outcomes. Our objectives are to assess the changes of the hearing impairment and the quality of life of patients treated with this type of stimulation, when compared to a unilateral Cochlear Implant (CI) stimulated condition. Materials and methods: 31 patients with asymmetric hearing loss (Group 1) were recruited for the study. They were divided into three groups, based on their hearing loss in the ear treated with the hearing aid: Group 1A (Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) between 41 and 70 decibels (dB)); Group 1B, (PTA between 71 and 80 dB) and Group 1C (PTA between 81 and 90 dB). 30 patients had profound, bilateral hearing loss. Then, users of a unilateral cochlear implant were recruited for the control group. Their hearing impairment and quality of life were analyzed with questionnaires Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB), Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale (SSQ) and the Health Utilities Index (HUI). They were followed up for at least 2 years. Results: The group with the asymmetric hearing loss obtains a statistically significant clinical improvement in the APHAB under category "with hearing aid" compared to "without hearing aid". The group with the asymmetric hearing loss benefits more across basically all variables compared with the control group in the SSQ. Group 1A obtains the best outcome of the sample in the HUI. Conclusion: Bimodal stimulation and better hearing in the ear treated with the hearing aid reduce hearing impairment and improve the quality of life

    Alcohol, binge drinking and associated mental health problems in young urban Chileans

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    OBJECTIVE: To explore the link between alcohol use, binge drinking and mental health problems in a representative sample of adolescent and young adult Chileans. METHODS: Age and sex-adjusted Odds Ratios (OR) for four mental wellbeing measures were estimated with separate conditional logistic regression models for adolescents aged 15-20 years, and young adults aged 21-25 years, using population-based estimates of alcohol use prevalence rates from the Chilean National Health Survey 2010. RESULTS: Sixty five per cent of adolescents and 85% of young adults reported drinking alcohol in the last year and of those 83% per cent of adolescents and 86% of young adults reported binge drinking in the previous month. Adolescents who reported binging alcohol were also more likely, compared to young adults, to report being always or almost always depressed (OR 12.97 [95% CI, 1.86-19.54]) or to feel very anxious in the last month (OR 9.37 [1.77-19.54]). Adolescent females were more likely to report poor life satisfaction in the previous year than adolescent males (OR 8.50 [1.61-15.78]), feel always or almost always depressed (OR 3.41 [1.25-9.58]). Being female was also associated with a self-reported diagnosis of depression for both age groups (adolescents, OR 4.74 [1.49-15.08] and young adults, OR 4.08 [1.65-10.05]). CONCLUSION: Young people in Chile self-report a high prevalence of alcohol use, binge drinking and associated mental health problems. The harms associated with alcohol consumption need to be highlighted through evidence-based prevention programs. Health and education systems need to be strengthened to screen and support young people. Focussing on policy initiatives to limit beverage companies targeting alcohol to young people will also be needed