74 research outputs found

    Instalación eléctrica de una industria de fabricación de muebles metálicos

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    En este proyecto se ha realizado el diseño y cálculo de la instalación eléctrica completa de un complejo industrial dedicado a la fabricación de muebles metálicos. El proceso productivo se puede dividir en tres actividades principales: - Fabricación: Actividades relacionadas con la transformación de las materias primas. - Pintura: Actividades relacionadas con la apariencia de los productos. - Montaje: Actividades relacionadas con el ensamblaje final de los productos. La fábrica está formada por tres edificios: La nave principal, el edificio de servicios generales y el edificio administrativo. Se han realizado tres proyectos distintos: - El proyecto de la Red de Media Tensión, que consiste en la línea de media tensión que alimenta la fábrica a partir del punto de enganche de la compañía. - El proyecto del Centro de Transformación, que consiste en el paso de media a baja tensión para alimentar a todas las cargas de la fábrica. - El proyecto de la Red de Baja tensión, que consiste en la alimentación en baja tensión a todos los consumidores finales de la fábrica.Departamento de Ingeniería EléctricaMáster en Ingeniería Industria

    Changes in the gene expression profile of Arabidopsis thaliana after infection with Tobacco etch virus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Tobacco etch potyvirus </it>(TEV) has been extensively used as model system for the study of positive-sense RNA virus infecting plants. TEV ability to infect <it>Arabidopsis thaliana </it>varies among ecotypes. In this study, changes in gene expression of <it>A. thaliana </it>ecotype L<it>er </it>infected with TEV have been explored using long-oligonucleotide arrays. <it>A. thaliana </it>L<it>er </it>is a susceptible host that allows systemic movement, although the viral load is low and syndrome induced ranges from asymptomatic to mild. Gene expression profiles were monitored in whole plants 21 days post-inoculation (dpi). Microarrays contained 26,173 protein-coding genes and 87 miRNAs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Expression analysis identified 1727 genes that displayed significant and consistent changes in expression levels either up or down, in infected plants. Identified TEV-responsive genes encode a diverse array of functional categories that include responses to biotic (such as the systemic acquired resistance pathway and hypersensitive responses) and abiotic stresses (droughtness, salinity, temperature, and wounding). The expression of many different transcription factors was also significantly affected, including members of the R2R3-MYB family and ABA-inducible TFs. In concordance with several other plant and animal viruses, the expression of heat-shock proteins (HSP) was also increased. Finally, we have associated functional GO categories with KEGG biochemical pathways, and found that many of the altered biological functions are controlled by changes in basal metabolism.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>TEV infection significantly impacts a wide array of cellular processes, in particular, stress-response pathways, including the systemic acquired resistance and hypersensitive responses. However, many of the observed alterations may represent a global response to viral infection rather than being specific of TEV.</p

    Next Generation Sequencing and mass spectrometry reveal high taxonomic diversity and complex phytoplankton-phycotoxins patterns in Southeastern Pacific fjords

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    In fjord systems, Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) not only constitute a serious problem when affecting the wildlife and ecosystems, but also human health and economic activities related to the marine environment. This is mostly due to a broad spectrum of toxic compounds produced by several members of the phytoplankton. Nevertheless, a deep coverage of the taxonomic diversity and composition of phytoplankton species and phycotoxin profiles in HAB prone areas are still lacking and little is known about the relationship between these fundamental elements for fjord ecosystems. In this study, a detailed molecular and microscopic characterization of plankton communities was performed, together with an analysis of the occurrence and spatial patterns of lipophilic toxins in a HAB prone area, located in the Southeastern Pacific fjord region. Microscopy and molecular analyses based on the 18S rRNA gene fragment indicated high diversity and taxonomic homogeneity among stations. Four toxigenic genera were identified: Pseudo-nitzschia, Dinophysis, Prorocentrum, and Alexandrium. In agreement with the detected species, liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry revealed the presence of domoic acid (DA), pectenotoxin-2 (PTX-2), dinophysistoxin-2 (DTX-2), and 13-desmethyl spirolide C (SPX-1). Furthermore, a patchy distribution among DA in different net haul size fractions was found. Our results displayed a complex phytoplankton-phycotoxin pattern and for the first time contribute to the characterization of high-resolution phytoplankton community composition and phycotoxin distribution in fjords of the Southeastern Pacific region

    Metagenome sequencing of the microbial community of a solar saltern crystallizer pond at cáhuil lagoon, chile.

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    Cáhuil Lagoon in central Chile harbors distinct microbial communities in various solar salterns that are arranged as interconnected ponds with increasing salt concentrations. Here, we report the metagenome of the 3.0- to 0.2-µm fraction of the microbial community present in a crystallizer pond with 34% salinity

    Physiological and public health basis for assessing micronutrient requirements in children and adolescents. The EURRECA network

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    This paper provides an overview of the current knowledge relating to the nutritional requirements and corresponding recommended nutrient intake values of children and adolescents for micronutrients and specificities related to these requirements in the course of childhood and adolescence in Europe. Aspects that can influence micronutrient requirements, such as physiological requirements and bioavailability of the nutrients in the organism, are discussed. The methodology used to obtain the data and also the main knowledge gaps regarding these concepts are emphasized. Methodological critical points in achieving the data and physiological aspects of children and adolescents are important in order to standardize the reference values for micronutrients among Europe for these stages of life

    Postlaunch evidence-generation studies for medical devices in Spain: the RedETS approach to integrate real-world evidence into decision making

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    The Monitoring Studies (MS) program, the approach developed by RedETS to generate postlaunch real-world evidence (RWE), is intended to complement and enhance the conventional health technology assessment process to support health policy decision making in Spain, besides informing other interested stakeholders, including clinicians and patients. The MS program is focused on specific uncertainties about the real effect, safety, costs, and routine use of new and insufficiently assessed relevant medical devices carefully selected to ensure the value of the additional research needed, by means of structured, controlled, participative, and transparent procedures. However, despite a clear political commitment and economic support from national and regional health authorities, several difficulties were identified along the development and implementation of the first wave of MS, delaying its execution and final reporting. Resolution of these difficulties at the regional and national levels and a greater collaborative impulse in the European Union, given the availability of an appropriate methodological framework already provided by EUnetHTA, might provide a faster and more efficient comparative RWE of improved quality and reliability at the national and international levels

    Anexo 1. Dossier gráfico. Proyecto de Innovación Docente 99. Arquitectura, Paisaje y Arqueología.

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    El proyecto de innovación docente se construye en continuidad con las experiencias docentes y de investigación desarrolladas en los últimos años entre los equipos de la Universidade do Porto (Portugal), Università degli Studi RomaTre (Italia) y la Universidad de Valladolid, que plantean una nueva metodología de intervención arquitectónica en el Paisaje Cultural. En esta experiencia educativa de segundo ciclo se imparten simultáneamente materias similares e integradas en los planes de estudio de las tres universidades, mediante la realización de ejercicios prácticos con temas afines y una metodología experimental común: el workshop intensivo. La internacionalización del proyecto de innovación docente se convierte en uno de los puntos clave, con la participación de profesores de las tres universidades en cada uno de los programas, que se desarrollan durante jornadas de trabajo intensivas, aprovechando y optimizando los programas de movilidad Erasmus y de personal investigador. En la Universidad de Valladolid el esfuerzo se concentra en la celebración del Workshop Internacional El proyecto arquitectónico en Paisajes Culturales: Mota del Marqués, celebrado entre noviembre y diciembre de 2015, como trabajo conjunto de las materias “Paisaje, Arquitectura y Patrimonio” y “Proyectos de Restauración Arquitectónica”, ambas asignaturas optativas del Máster en Arquitectura. Para ello se ha contado con una amplia cobertura docente e interdisciplinar de la UVa y una presencia de profesores internacionales invitados, que han llevado a cabo una continua supervisión de los proyectos desarrollados por los estudiantes, cuyos resultados finales han alcanzado un alto nivel, con la consecución de diversos premios en concursos internacionales: -Concurso soluciones Schindler 2016, Tercer Premio al trabajo presentado por los estudiantes Antonio Olavarriaga Acebo, Katalín Rodríguez Martín y Paloma Vera Herrero. - Premio Internacional de Proyectos sobre Patrimonio Cultural para estudiantes de arquitectura AR&PA Joven 2016, en la categoría de Proyectos de protección e intervención en paisajes culturales: Segundo Premio al trabajo de Gonzalo Basulto Calvo, Lucía de Blas Noval y Estefanía Martín Carbajo y Mención al trabajo de los estudiantes Antonio Olavarrieta Acebo, Katalín Rodríguez Martín y Paloma Vera Herrero.Departamento de Teoría de la Arquitectura y Proyectos Arquitectónico