166 research outputs found

    The School Improvement and the Role of Principal on Enhancing Student Learning Outcomes

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    This article reviews literature related to school principals and their role in improving student learning outcomes, by presenting and providing many information and evidence provided by academic research related to the principals and their role in student achievement. The article emphasizes that the managers are able to play a positive role in improving students’ achievement and results. Although the academic materials indicate indirect influence of managers on student achievement, this indirect influence is important and necessary and contributes greatly to the development of the students and to raising their achievements

    LiFE (Logical iOS Forensics Examiner): An Open Source iOS Backup Forensics Examination Tool

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    In this paper, we present LiFE (Logical iOS Forensics Examiner), an open source iOS backup forensics examination tool. This tool helps both researchers and practitioners alike in both understanding the backup structures of iOS devices and forensically examining iOS backups. The tool is currently capable of parsing device information, call history, voice messages, GPS locations, conversations, notes, images, address books, calendar entries, SMS messages, Aux locations, facebook data and e-mails. The tool consists of both a manual interface (where the user is able to manually examine the backup structures) and an automated examination interface (where the tool pulls out evidence from known files). Additionally, LiFE is designed so that the evidence located in files would retain its integrity. It is important to note that most of the evidence examined by LiFE is parsed from SQLite databases that are backed up by iTunes. LiFE also offers an extensibility option to the user, where an examiner can add new evidence SQLite files to the application that can be automatically parsed, and these known files are then automatically populated in the automated GUI’s toolbar with an icon added to the investigator’s liking

    LiFE (Logical iOSForensics Examiner): An Open Source iOSBackup Forensics Examination Tool

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    In this paper, we present LiFE (Logical iOS Forensics Examiner), an open source iOS backup forensics examination tool. This tool helps both researchers and practitioners alike in both understanding the backup structures of iOS devices and forensically examining iOS backups. The tool is currently capable of parsing device information, call history, voice messages, GPS locations, conversations, notes, images, address books, calendar entries, SMS messages, Aux locations, facebook data and e-mails. The tool consists of both a manual interface (where the user is able to manually examine the backup structures) and an automated examination interface (where the tool pulls out evidence from known files). Additionally, LiFE is designed so that the evidence located in files would retain its integrity. It is important to note that most of the evidence examined by LiFE is parsed from SQLite databases that are backed up by iTunes. LiFE also offers an extensibility option to the user, where an examiner can add new evidence SQLite files to the application that can be automatically parsed, and these known files are then automatically populated in the automated GUI’s toolbar with an icon added to the investigator’s liking. Keywords: iOS forensics, Small Scale Digital Devices, iPhone forensics, iPad forensics, SQLite, Open source tools, iTunes backup, Extensible forensics software, File identification, LiF

    Neighborhub number of graphs

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    Let G be a graph. A neighborhub set (n-hub set) S of G is a set of vertices with the property that for any pair of vertices outside of S, there is a path between them with all intermediate vertices in S and G = S Uv∈S . The neighborhub number (n-hub number) hn(G) is then defined to be the size of a smallest neighborhub set of G. In this paper, the neighborhub number for several classes of graphs is computed, bounds in terms of other graph parameters are also determined.Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)MathScinetScopu

    Miscellaneous Properties Of Full Graphs

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    In this paper, we stablish miscellaneous properties of the full graph of a graph. We obtain characterizations of this graph. Also, we prove that for any connected graph G, the full graph of G is not separable

    On the Usability of Shortest Remaining Time First Policy in Shared Hadoop Clusters

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    International audienceHadoop has been recently used to process a diverse variety of applications, sharing the same execution infrastructure. A practical problem facing the Hadoop community is how to reduce job makespans by reducing job waiting times and ex- ecution times. Previous Hadoop schedulers have focused on improving job execution times, by improving data locality but not considering job waiting times. Even worse, enforcing data locality according to the job input sizes can be ineffi- cient: it can lead to long waiting times for small yet short jobs when sharing the cluster with jobs with smaller input sizes but higher execution complexity. This paper presents hSRTF, an adaption of the well-known Shortest Remaining Time First scheduler (i.e., SRTF) in shared Hadoop clus- ters. hSRTF embraces a simple model to estimate the re- maining time of a job and a preemption primitive (i.e., kill) to free the resources when needed. We have implemented hSRTF and performed extensive evaluations with Hadoop on the Grid’5000 testbed. The results show that hSRTF can significantly reduce the waiting times of small jobs and therefore improves their makespans, but at the cost of a rel- atively small increase in the makespans of large jobs. For instance, a time-based proportional share mode of hSRTF (i.e., hSRTF-Pr) speeds up small jobs by (on average) 45% and 26% while introducing a performance degradation for large jobs by (on average) 10% and 0.2% compared to Fifo and Fair schedulers, respectively

    النظام القانوني لجنسية الشخص الاعتباري في القانون الدولي الخاص

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    من المسلم به في القانون أن الجنسية حق من الحقوق الأساسية التي يتمتع بها الشخص الطبيعي والتي تُعدُّ نتاج تمتعه بالشخصية القانونية التي تمنحه مجموعة من الحقوق ومن ضمنها الحق في التمتع بالجنسية. حيث تعدُّ الجنسية الأداة الوحيدة المعترف بها دولياً والتي بمقتضاها يتم توزيع الأفراد جغرافياً وقانونياً على الوحدات السياسية، ومعيار تمييز المواطنين عن الأجانب فيها. ومع تطور فكرة الشخصية القانونية، وعدم اقتصارها فقط على الاشخاص الطّبيعيين وامتدادها لتشمل تجمعات الاشخاص والاموال التي نشأت بفعل الضرورات الاقتصادية وانفتاح المجتمعات وتطورها والتي اصطلح على تسميتهم بالأشخاص الاعتباريين الّذين أقرّ لهم القانون بصلاحية اكتساب الحقوق وتحمل الالتزامات إلاّ ما كان منها ملاصقاً للصفة الانسانية.                ورغم الاتفاق على عدم تمتع الشخص الاعتباري ببعض الحقوق التي يتمتع بها الشخص الطبيعي لتنافيها مع كيانه المادي البعيد عن عالم المشاعر والولاء والانتماء، إلاّ أن امكانية تمتعه ببعض الحقوق كانت محل جدل فقهي واسع ومنها حق الشخص الاعتباري في الحصول على الجنسية. وسنقوم في بحثنا بدراسة اشكالية تمتّع الأشخاص الاعتباريين بالجنسيّة وما ينتج عن ذلك في ضوء قواعد القانون الدولي الخاص، مع تبيان آراء الفقهاء والاجتهادات القضائية ذات الصلة مع الاشارة إلى موقف القانون السوري من هذه الظاهرة

    Revisit Data Partitioning in Data-intensive workflows

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    International audienc

    Towards a unified agent-based approach for real time computer forensic evidence collection

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    In this paper we present preliminary results for a real time computer forensics agent that logs computer activity on a Windows computer system for subsequent forensic investigation. The agent, which is developed using the .NET 2010 framework includes six modules. Each module is dedicated to keep track and record a specific category of user activities. For instance, the Windows Event Watcher logs the Windows OS events and the Removable Devices Detector logs any external devices that are plugged in or removed from a system. Currently, the aforementioned two modules are implemented and tested with carefully designed scenarios using Windows XP and Windows 7 operating systems. Copyright 2013 ACM