1,071 research outputs found

    The inheritance of onion bulb shape and its component measurements

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    Variability in bulb shape of selected onion inbreds and their hybrids

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    Typescript (photocopy) Thesis (M.S.)--Iowa State University, 1964. Includes bibliography

    Rollover stability of partially filled heavy-duty elliptical tankers using trammel pendulums to simulate fluid sloshing

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    Partially filled tankers undergoing turns or lane change maneuvers have a lower rollover threshold than any other type of vehicle. In order to study and simulate the lateral fluid sloshing effects in partially filled elliptical and cylindrical tankers a trammel pendulum has been utilized. The fundamental basis of selecting the appropriate pendulum parameters have been obtained by matching the pendulum dynamic effects with fluid sloshing dynamic effects obtained using Finite Element (FE) fluid models. Elliptical tankers with different aspect ratios and different levels of fill were considered. The trammel pendulum effects were verified against fluid models from two packages (FLUENT and LS_Dyna 3D) as well as the literature within and beyond the linear range of pendulum oscillation. The trammel pendulum produced up to 20% more lateral forces and moments than the fluid models beyond the linear range, which renders the pendulum model more conservative from the tanker stability point of view.;Two- and three-dimensional tanker models were used to simulate the tanker\u27s lateral stability using the trammel pendulums. The effects of several parameters such as ellipse ratio, fluid polar moment of inertia, suspension compliance, and the frequency of excitation on tanker stability were studied. The models predicted critical fill levels that agree with the experimental results and the values reported in the literature based on much more complex and time consuming experimental and analytical methods. In addition, the rollover thresholds were predicted with acceptable level of accuracy (+8%), especially with the more detailed models

    Study on Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction on the Mobile Phone Provider : A Case of Postgraduate Students in Al-Fateh University of Libya

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    This study was to find out whether there is a relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. This study examined the relationship between service quality dimensions (reliability,tangibles,responsiveness,assurance and empathy) and customer satisfaction among mobile phone customers of two mobile phone service providers - the Al Mader and Libyana at the Alfateh University in Libya. This study is designed to provide the benefit for marketing practitioners. It is hoped that the study offer a holistic and in-depth overview of how customer forms, experience and exploit their satisfaction towards services that offered by the mobile phone provider.There are five dimensions service quality which are: reliability, tangibles, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. A total of 205 postgraduate students participated in the study. Data were collected using questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 23 items measuring service quality and 8 items on customer satisfaction. On the whole,the results of the study suggest that there exist a significant relationship between the five dimensions of service quality and customer satisfaction


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    The problems of microwave antenna synthesis with a dielectriccoatings, which use the desired radiation pattern characteristics as inputinformation, are very important. Based on the method of auxiliary sourcesand integro-functional equations, a solution of the three-dimensional directand inverse problems for excitation of microwave antenna array, whichconsists of a few slot emitters under a finite-size dielectric layer, isintroduced. The results of research for the antennas radiation pattern with agiven the distribution of the sources and synthesis of the amplitude and phasevoltage distribution for the slot antenna array according to the desiredradiation pattern are discussed

    Spektrofluorimetrijsko određivanje ciklopiroks olamina prevođenjem u ternarni kompleks s Tb(III) i EDTA

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    A highly sensitive and selective spectrofluorimetric method was developed for the determination of ciclopirox olamine in raw material and in dosage forms. The proposed method is based on the formation of a ternary complex with Tb(III) in the presence of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. It was found that this complex manifests intense fluorescence at λem 489 and 545 nm with excitation at 295 nm. Different experimental parameters affecting the fluorescence intensity of the complex were carefully studied and incorporated into the procedure. Under the described conditions, the method is applicable over the concentration range of 30150 and 1070 ng mL-1 with minimum detectability of 6.7 and 0.9 ng mL-1 at λem 489 and 545 nm, respectively. The mean percentage recovery at λem 489 and λem 545 nm ranged between 98.7 and 100.2 for the pure substance, solution, and cream. Relative error of 0.10.4% and RSD up to 0.9% were estimated at λem 489 and 545 nm. A proposal of the reaction pathway is given.Razvijena je vrlo osjetljiva i selektivna spektrofluorimetrijska metoda za određivanje antimikotika ciklopiroks olamina, kao čiste supstancije i u ljekovitim oblicima. Metoda se temelji na stvaranju kompleksa s Tb(III) u prisutnosti etilendiamintetraoctene kiseline. Nakon ekscitacije pri 295 nm taj kompleks intenzivno fluorescira pri λem 489 i 545 nm. Proučavani su različiti eksperimentalni parametri koji utječu na intenzitet fluorescencije kompleksa. Za opisane uvjete metoda se može primijeniti u koncentracijskom području 30150 i 10 70 ng mL-1. Minimalna koncentracija koja se može odrediti je 6,7, odnosno 0,9 ng mL-1 na λem 489, odnosno 545 nm. Analitički povrat pri λem 489 i λem 545 nm iznosio je 98,7100,2% za čistu supstanciju, otopinu i kremu. Relativna pogreška metode je 0,10,4%, a relativna standardna devijacija 0,9%. Predložena je jednažba kemijske reakcije

    Control System for Electrical Power Grids with Renewables using Artificial Intelligence Methods

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    Modern electrical and electronic devices are very sensitive to the power supply and require steady and stable electric power. Factories may also need electric power within a specific standard range of voltage, frequency, and current to avoid defects in the production. For these reasons electric power utilities must produce an electric power of a specific standard of power quality parameters [EN50160]. Nowadays, renewable energy sources, such as wind energy and solar energy are used to generate electric power as free and clean power sources as well to reduce fuel consumption and environmental pollution as much as possible. Renewable energy, e.g. wind speed or solar irradiance, are not stable or not constant energies over the time. Therefore smart control systems (SCSs) are needed for operate the power system in optimal way which help for producing a power with good quality from renewable sources. The forecasting and prediction models play a main role in these issues and contribute as the important part of the smart control system (SCS). The main task of the SCS is to keep the generated power equal to the consumed power as well as to consider standard levels of power quality parameters as much as possible. Some of previous studies have focused on forecasting power quality parameters, power load, wind speed and solar irradiance using machine learning models as neural networks, support vector machines, fuzzy sets, and neuro fuzzy. This thesis proposes designing forecasting systems using machine learning techniques in order to be use in control and operate an electrical power system. In this study, design and tested forecasting systems related to the power and renewable energies. These systems include wind speed forecasting, power load forecasting and power quality parameters forecasting. The main part of this thesis is focus in power quality parameters forecasting in short-term, these parameters are: power frequency, magnitude of the supply voltage, total harmonic distortion of voltage (THDu), total harmonic distortion of current (THDi), and short term flicker severity (Pst) according to the definition in [EN50160]. The output of the forecasting models of power quality parameters can be used in shifting the load to run in switch time which will help for correct and optimize the quality of the power.Modern electrical and electronic devices are very sensitive to the power supply and require steady and stable electric power. Factories may also need electric power within a specific standard range of voltage, frequency, and current to avoid defects in the production. For these reasons electric power utilities must produce an electric power of a specific standard of power quality parameters [EN50160]. Nowadays, renewable energy sources, such as wind energy and solar energy are used to generate electric power as free and clean power sources as well to reduce fuel consumption and environmental pollution as much as possible. Renewable energy, e.g. wind speed or solar irradiance, are not stable or not constant energies over the time. Therefore smart control systems (SCSs) are needed for operate the power system in optimal way which help for producing a power with good quality from renewable sources. The forecasting and prediction models play a main role in these issues and contribute as the important part of the smart control system (SCS). The main task of the SCS is to keep the generated power equal to the consumed power as well as to consider standard levels of power quality parameters as much as possible. Some of previous studies have focused on forecasting power quality parameters, power load, wind speed and solar irradiance using machine learning models as neural networks, support vector machines, fuzzy sets, and neuro fuzzy. This thesis proposes designing forecasting systems using machine learning techniques in order to be use in control and operate an electrical power system. In this study, design and tested forecasting systems related to the power and renewable energies. These systems include wind speed forecasting, power load forecasting and power quality parameters forecasting. The main part of this thesis is focus in power quality parameters forecasting in short-term, these parameters are: power frequency, magnitude of the supply voltage, total harmonic distortion of voltage (THDu), total harmonic distortion of current (THDi), and short term flicker severity (Pst) according to the definition in [EN50160]. The output of the forecasting models of power quality parameters can be used in shifting the load to run in switch time which will help for correct and optimize the quality of the power.410 - Katedra elektroenergetikyvyhově

    Efekat savremenih gradjevinskih sistema i materijala na funkcionalne i estetske performanse enterijera na modelskom primeru restorana

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    Arhitektura je majka umetnosti i ona je u najvećem kontaktu sa čovekom, arhitektura sadrži ljudski život u različitim oblicima. Zbog toga arhitektonska dela moraju da obezbede odgovarajuće funkcionalne prostore za obavljanje određene aktivnosti, a arhitektonski prostor je važan i osnovni alat, koji omogućuje korisniku da postigne željeni efekat. Da biste analizirali arhitektonsku prazninu i njene komponente, možete se pozvati na inženjerski nivo ovog dela (građevinski materijali, građevinski sistemi, prostorne proporcije, blokovi, otvori,) i proučite efekat svakog od ovih nivoa na formiranje arhitektonske praznine i na njegov odnos prema ostatku prostora u jednom bloku. Arhitektonski prostor postiže se obezbeđivanjem odgovarajućih građevinskih materijala i njihovom upotrebom za formiranje strukture u uravnoteženim, koordinisanim blokovima, uz pojačanje prostora funkcionalnim i estetski odgovarajućom konstrukcijom za uspostavljanje uravnoteženog strukturnog sistema koji je efikasan u formiranju prostora. Ovo moderno istraživanje bavi se savremenim građevinskim sistemima i materijalima i njihovim funkcionalnim i estetskim uticajem na arhitektonske prostore, a ima za cilj da identifikuje građevinske materijale i sisteme, njihov funkcionalni i estetski uticaj na arhitektonskeprostore. Što se tiče istraživačkog problema, istraživanje pokušava da odgovori na sledeće pitanje: Da li savremeni građevinski sistemi i materijali utiču na arhitektonsku prazninu uopšte i na korisnike arhitektonskih prostora i da li ovi sistemi i materijali igraju značajnu ulogu u poboljšanju kvaliteta arhitektonskog prostora i samim tim uspeh ili neuspeh prostora? Studija je zaključena sa nizom rezultata, od kojih je najvažniji da su savremeni građevinski sistemi i materijali suštinski deo uspešnog arhitektonskog dizajna i da na izborsavremenih građevinskih sistema i materijala utiče niz faktora, od kojih je najvažniji funkcionalni i estetski faktor

    Effects of urea supplementation on nutrient digestibility, nitrogen utilisation and rumen fermentation in sheep fed diets containing dates

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    Summary: The aim of the study was to determine the influence of increasing levels of urea (i.e., 0 (U0); 10 (U10); and 15 (U15) g kg–1 of concentrate) in sheep fed diets containing dates (local name: Azzawi), on nutrient intake and digestibility, N utilisation and ruminal fermentation. To maintain iso-nitrogenous and iso-metabolisable energy diets, the dates were added with increasing levels of urea. Sheep were fed a 400:600 (dry matter (DM) basis) concentrate:berseem hay (Trifolium alexandrinum) diet. Twelve Barki sheep (53.871.95 kg body weight) with three/diet were used in a randomised block design to determine digestibility and N balance, while four ruminally cannulated Barki sheep (56.672.15 kg body weight) were used in a 3 3 Latin square design to determine rumen function. Experimental periods were 22 days with the first 15 days for adaptation. The calculated metabolisable energy (MJ kg–1 DM) and actual crude protein (CP; g kg–1 DM) contents were 12.17 and 156.1, 12.69 and 158.2 and 12.60 and 154.8, for the U0, U10 and U15 diets, respectively. Increased urea feeding increased (Po0.05) digestibility of DM, organic matter (OM) and CP. Rumen ammonia N concentrations, allantoin in urine and the resultant microbial N supply increased linearly (Po0.05), as did the total ruminal volatile fatty acid concentrations. Results suggest that urea supplementation to sheep diets containing dates improved DM, OM and CP digestibility and substantially increased rumen microbial growth as well as ruminal fermentation function