590 research outputs found

    Development of educational potential and life’s stategies of rural yiuth

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    This article reflects the integrative processes of modern rural education in the modernization of society. Development of rural areas is defined as a set of economic, social, political, spiritual, educational processes taking place in the village. Regarded as one of the factors in the development of the village development of the educational sphere. Defining the purpose of the operation and development of the education system is to increase the level of education of the population, including agriculture, which in modern conditions is considered as one of the components of human capital. Identified educational potential, life trajectories and the identification of young people with rural areas.В статье отражены интегративные процессы современного сельского образования в условиях модернизации общества. Развитие села определяется как совокупность экономических, социальных, политических, духовных, образовательных процессов, происходящих в селе. Рассматривается в качестве одного из факторов развития села развитие образовательной сферы. Определяющей целью функционирования и развития системы образования является повышение уровня образования населения, в том числе и сельского, которое в современных условиях рассматривается как одна из составляющих человеческого капитала. Выявлен образовательный потенциал, жизненные траектории и идентификация молодежи с сельской территорией

    Education as a factor of social and occupational mobility of rural youth

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    The article focuses on the results of a sociological research «Educational potential of rural family» conducted by the State scientific-research center of Family and demography of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan. The study of educational trajectories of young people proves that it is necessary to develop a training program for young people in agricultural occupationsРассмотрены результаты социологического исследования «Образовательный потенциал сельской семьи», проведенного Научно-исследовательским центром семьи и демографии Академии наук Республики Татарстан. Анализ образовательных траекторий молодежи позволяет сделать вывод о том, что необходимо разработать программу профессиональной подготовки молодежи по сельскохозяйственным профессия

    State target programs as actual form of assistance to people whith unlimited chances

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    The article explains the relevance of state programs for people with disabilities in the contemporary socio-economic conditions. Identifies key advantages of this form of state aid, and are problems that are inherent in the modern state programs for the disabled.В статье обосновывается актуальность государственных целевых программ для людей с ограниченными возможностями в современных социально-экономических условиях. Выявляются ключевые преимущества данной государственной формы помощи, а также приводятся проблемы, которые присуще современным государственным программам для инвалидов

    Desenvolvendo competência intercultural: um modelo baseado na introdução de uma análise literária em uma sala de aula de língua estrangeira

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    This article is concerned with developing students' intercultural competence through teaching a literary analysis as a part of teaching foreign languages and linguistics in higher education. The objective of the research is to design a model of developing intercultural competence through a literary analysis in a foreign language class. Modeling was applied as the leading method of the research as it regards the process of IC (intercultural competence) development as a task-oriented and organized pedagogical process. The submitted didactic model should develop the IC through knowledge, skills, a system of values, reflection and positive attitude to the culture under study, so it includes such components as objectives, motivation, organization, content, and evaluation; it determines the pedagogical conditions, organization, teaching methods and tools that together provide the targeted result. The formative experiment introduced the model into practice in a foreign-language class at university and showed positive results in developing the students' intercultural competence. The model provides pedagogical support of the process of developing IC as a part of foreign language teaching and can be applied within language, literature and linguistics-related courses.Este artículo se ocupa del desarrollo de la competencia intercultural de los estudiantes a través de la enseñanza de un análisis literario como parte de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras y lingüística en la educación superior. El objetivo de la investigación es diseñar un modelo de desarrollo de la competencia intercultural a través de un análisis literario en una clase de lengua extranjera. El modelado se aplicó como método principal de la investigación en lo que se refiere al proceso de desarrollo de la CI (competencia intercultural) como un proceso pedagógico organizado y orientado a tareas. El modelo didáctico presentado debe desarrollar el CI a través de conocimientos, habilidades, un sistema de valores, reflexión y actitud positiva hacia la cultura en estudio, por lo que incluye componentes tales como objetivos, motivación, organización, contenido y evaluación; determina las condiciones pedagógicas, la organización, los métodos de enseñanza y las herramientas que, en conjunto, proporcionan el resultado deseado. El experimento formativo introdujo el modelo en práctica en una clase de lengua extranjera en la universidad y mostró resultados positivos en el desarrollo de la competencia intercultural de los estudiantes. El modelo proporciona apoyo pedagógico al proceso de desarrollo de CI como parte de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras y puede aplicarse en cursos relacionados con la lengua, la literatura y la lingüística.Este artigo se preocupa em desenvolver a competência intercultural dos alunos por meio do ensino de uma análise literária como parte do ensino de línguas estrangeiras e lingüística no ensino superior. O objetivo da pesquisa é desenhar um modelo de desenvolvimento da competência intercultural por meio de uma análise literária em uma aula de língua estrangeira. A modelagem foi aplicada como o método principal da pesquisa, pois considera o processo de desenvolvimento de IC (competência intercultural) como um processo pedagógico organizado e orientado para a tarefa. O modelo didático apresentado deve desenvolver o CI por meio de conhecimentos, habilidades, um sistema de valores, reflexão e atitude positiva em relação à cultura em estudo, de modo que inclua componentes como objetivos, motivação, organização, conteúdo e avaliação; determina as condições pedagógicas, a organização, os métodos e ferramentas de ensino que, em conjunto, fornecem o resultado pretendido. A experiência formativa introduziu o modelo em prática em uma aula de língua estrangeira na universidade e mostrou resultados positivos no desenvolvimento da competência intercultural dos alunos. O modelo fornece suporte pedagógico para o processo de desenvolvimento de CI como parte do ensino de línguas estrangeiras e pode ser aplicado em cursos de línguas, literatura e relacionados à lingüística

    Формирование готовности и мотивации студентов к самостоятельной работе в высшем техническом учебном заведении

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    The article is devoted to the problem of organizing independent work of students in a higher technical educational institution, held in Tyumen Industrial University of the Nizhnevartovsk branch. This paper analyzes the requirements for students to master the skills of independent work on the basis of the competency model of a university graduate in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard of higher education. The competence of a successful specialist in any dynamically developing industry is considered. The author made an analysis of the works of scientists, teachers, researchers, dealing with the problem of motivation and improving the efficiency of the organization of work activities of students. The tendency to steady interest of students in additional material related to the profile of the main direction of study in the form of problem situations is revealed. Three forms of organization of independent work are highlighted and described in detail: extracurricular, classroom, and creative in the form of NIRS (students' research work). Express questionnaires of students were conducted to measure the time spent on independent work, to identify students' claims for research skills, for the types of independent work that are most laborious for respondents, diagnosing time spent on extracurricular work per week. According to the results of the study, graphs were made and diagnostic diagrams were constructed. The conclusion is formulated.El artículo está dedicado al problema de organizar el trabajo independiente de los estudiantes en una institución de educación técnica superior, celebrada en la Universidad Industrial de Tyumen de la sucursal de Nizhnevartovsk. Este documento analiza los requisitos para que los estudiantes dominen las habilidades del trabajo independiente sobre la base del modelo de competencia de un graduado universitario de acuerdo con los requisitos del estándar profesional de educación superior. Se considera la competencia de un especialista exitoso en cualquier industria en desarrollo dinámico. El autor realizó un análisis de los trabajos de científicos, docentes, investigadores, abordando el problema de la motivación y mejorando la eficiencia de la organización de las actividades laborales de los estudiantes. Se revela la tendencia a mantener el interés de los estudiantes en material adicional relacionado con el perfil de la dirección principal de estudio en forma de situaciones problemáticas. Se resaltan y describen en detalle tres formas de organización del trabajo independiente: extracurricular, aula y creativa en forma de NIRS (trabajo de investigación de los estudiantes). Se realizaron cuestionarios expresos a los estudiantes para medir el tiempo empleado en el trabajo independiente, para identificar los reclamos de los estudiantes sobre habilidades de investigación, para los tipos de trabajo independiente que son más laboriosos para los encuestados, diagnosticando el tiempo dedicado al trabajo extracurricular por semana. De acuerdo con los resultados del estudio, se realizaron gráficos y se construyeron diagramas de diagnóstico. La conclusión está formulada.Статья посвящена проблеме организации самостоятельной работы студентов в высшем техническом учебном заведении, проводимой в Тюменском индустриальном университете Нижневартовского филиала. В статье анализируются требования к студентам освоить навыки самостоятельной работы на основе модели компетенций выпускника вуза в соответствии с требованиями профессионального стандарта высшего профессионального образования. Рассматривается компетенция успешного специалиста в любой динамично развивающейся отрасли. Автором проведен анализ работ ученых, преподавателей, исследователей, занимающихся проблемой мотивации и повышения эффективности организации работы, виды деятельности студентов. Выявлена тенденция к устойчивому интересу студентов к дополнительному материалу, связанному с профилем основного направления обучения в виде проблемных ситуаций. Выделены и подробно описаны три формы организации самостоятельной работы: внеклассная, аудиторная и творческая в форме НИРС (научно-исследовательская работа студентов). Экспресс-анкетирование студентов проводилось с целью измерения времени, затраченного на самостоятельную работу, выявления притязаний студентов на исследовательские навыки, на виды самостоятельной работы, наиболее трудоемкие для респондентов, диагностики времени, затраченного на внеурочную работу в неделю. По результатам исследования построены графики и диагностические диаграммы. Сформулирован вывод

    Improving the Reliability of Power Supply Systems

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    The article considers the possibility of improving the reliability of power supply systems. It has proposed to use sectioning devices - recloses for organizing ATS and AR, under voltage protection, overcurrent protection, protection against single-phase earth faults, and connection of new consumers. The level of reliability and quality of power supply of the distribution network assessed, which is carried out according to the indicative indicators SAIFI, SAIDI, RNRE and ARAE, which characterize, respectively, the number and duration of outages in the network for the period under review, the relative efficiency of reconstruction and the average efficiency of the use of reclosers

    Assessment of the microbial communities and their petroleum hydrocarbon transformation potential in the northern Caspian sea

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    Marine bacterial biodiversity is an immense library of tools which have a potential in bioremediation of oil spills [1]. Oil industry is flourishing in the Caspian Sea which is effecting local environment and we hypothesize that natural seeps and historical anthropogenic leaks have sustained indigenous microbial communities, including hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms (Picture 1). Indigenous microbial communities of Northern part of the Sea and their overall metabolic potential have not been studied comprehensively. We aim to gain knowledge about the bacterial community, determine specific hydrocarbon degrading species and study their potential in bioremediation of oil-polluted Caspian Sea waters

    Theoretical and practical issues of introducing the institution of financial responsibility of legal entities

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    This article describes theoretical and practical issues of introducing the institution of financial and corporate responsibility of legal entities, an analysis of foreign and national legislation in the field of regulation of liability of legal entities, and gives suggestions and recommendations aimed at improving the legal norms of corporate legislation

    Climate and environmental reconstructions of bolshezemelskaya tundra based on subfossil cladocera remains from kotovo lake (Kharbey system)

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    © SGEM2017. All Rights Reserved. The aim of the study was the analysis of subfossil Cladocera community of the Kotovo lake (Kharbey lakes' system, Bolshezemelskaya tundra) and the qualitative rating of the changes in it and in the region of study. The relevance of the work is associated with the increasing interest to the study of the climate change on the example of the North intact territories, along with the insufficient knowledge of the biota of the area being studied. The predominance of some species, zoogeography and biotopic attachments of identified taxa, shifts in qualitative consist of subfossil Cladocera taxocenoses, which took place during the lake evolution, were revealed in frames of the investigation. In the consist of Kotovo lake 17 taxa of subfossil Cladocera community were registered. The greatest number of the identified taxa refers to the Chydoridae family, while the representatives of the Daphniidae and Bosminidae families are found in smaller quantities. The lack of the obvious dominants in Cladocera community was established by using Lubarsky scale, subdominants are represented by Chydorus cf. sphaericus, Alona affinis and Bosmina (Eubosmina) sp. In the column of lake bottom sediments the change of the predominant species was registered: previously prevalent representatives of the genus Alona were replaced by Chydorus cf. sphaericus. The reconstruction of the climatic and environmental conditions of the geological past of the region being studied were produced according to the received results; and the changes in environmental conditions were matched with a particular period of geological time. Subfossil Cladocera taxonomic diversity of the lakes Kotovo and Bolshoy Kharbey (largest lake of Kharbey system) was compared. The comparative analysis of the modern structure of the Cladocera from the lakes of the Kharbey system with remains of Cladocera from bental sediments was carried out. The analysis of the received results indicates the eutrophication of the lake, the expansion of the littoral zone and reflects the climate warming