6 research outputs found

    Endogenizing the Growth Effects of Human Capital, Technology, and Urbanization: A Derivation*

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    This paper seeks to derive an econometrically testable model which gauges the effects of human capital, technology, and urbanization on economic growth, with technological progress endogenized as a function of human capital and urbanization.  This paper does not, however, empirically test the model(s) derived.   It only seeks to build such a model which incorporates the impacts of human capital and technological progress, as two potential sources of growth emanating from non-tangible inputs, on sound theoretical basis. Keywords: Modeling Human Capital and Technology in Economic Growth, Modeling Urbanization in Economic Growt

    Monoclonal antibodies to human IgM

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    Mecmua ou Recueil de poésies

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    Soubhat el-ʿoushshakTohfet el-AhrarNumérisation effectuée à partir d'un document original.Comprenant des pièces en persan, mesnevis, ghazels, moukattaʿat (folio 2 verso), le commencement du Tohfet el-Ahrar de Ğami, des ghazels et autres pièces de Ǧelal Tanboura Shirazi, de Ahli Shirazi, de Maïli, de Mouhtashim, de Samiri, de Saʿdi, de Kismi, de Baba Fighani, de Lisani, de Vahshi, de Hamidi Bahbani, de Mouʿnisi Shoushteri ; des vers en arabe, en turc et en persan, avec des modèles d'écriture (folio 48 verso), de Vaïsi Efendi, de l'imam Shafi ʿi, du sultan Mourad III, fils du sultan Selim, fils du sultan Soleïman, de Baki, la Kaside d'Avicenne, sur la manière dont l'âme s'hypostasie dans le corps, des vers de Hilali, et du copiste de cette partie du manuscrit, qui se nommait Rizayi Vânî (folios 97 recto, 100 recto), du sheïkh el-lslam Yahya Efendi, de Kami, de Ahli Shirazi, de Mousalsil Safi, de Ǧevri, de Ğami, de Saʿdi, de Makhfi, de Lamiʿi, de Herati, de Adabi, de Mohyi ed-Din ibn el-ʿArabi, de ʿIraki, de Oumidi, de Baki, de Laʿli, du sultan Ahmed Khan, de Nafʿi, de Mouhibbi Herevi ; le سبحةالعشاق, petit poème, en mesnevis, par Latifi, dans lequel se trouvent cent traditions musulmanes, interprétées en vers turcs (folio 117 verso) ; le titre de ce poème est donné au folio 119 recto ; des fragments de poésies, en arabe, en persan et en turc (folio 129 recto), parmi lesquels le commencement d'un mesnevi mystique, en langue persane ; le تحفة الاحرار, poème en mesnevis, par Ğami (folio 149 verso), suivi de notes pharmaceutiques, de vers, etc., etc. (Blochet) F. 58v : gazel commençant “li-muharririhi Rızâyî-i Vânî” ; f. 59v kaside daté de 1044 et intitutlé “li-muharririhi” ; f.64r les trois beyit commençant avec “li-râkımıhi” laissent supposer que Rızâyî-i Vânî est l'assembleur de ce mecmua. F. 2v : sceau oval illisible . Ff. blancs : .10r-v, 48r, 51r, 57v, 61r, 62r, 63r, 70r, 71v-72r, 74r, 78r-v, 88r, 89v-90r, 106r, 116r-117r, 131r, 133r, 137r, 147r, 206r, 217r F.1r : Bu mecmuada ilm-i musikînin oniki makamı mevcuddur müteaddid rubâiyyât vardır gaflet olunmaya ki ehilden görülmüşdür ve bu üç satır altında yazılanlar dükeli taksimlerdir taksim-i evvel vb. … F. 54r-58r : panneau calligraphié en écriture nesih (hadith ) F. 60v : paroles d'Ali calligraphie (nesih) F. 61v : 2 couplets (beyit) de Rızâyî calligraphiés (ta‘lik), f. 62v hadith calligraphié (nesih), F. 66v : calligraphie ta‘lik : esmâ-i hüsnâ ; f.67r calligraphie (nesih) ; f.67v hadith calligraphié en nesih, ff.72v-73r calligraphie (ta‘lik et nesih) , ff.90v-92r calligraphie (ta‘lik) , ff. 147v-149v couplets (beyit) de Rızâyî calligraphiés en ta‘lik F.117v-128v : Kitab-ı Subhatü’l-uşşâk (traduction des 100 hadith) F.129r : des hadith ; ff.129v-130v des şarkı; ff.149r-205v Tuhfetü’l-ahrâr de Câmî Ff. 206v-208r : remèdes Gazel, kıt‘a, muhammes, kaside, lugaz, müfred, rubai, mesnevi ; Poésie en persan : Hilâlî, gazel; Nizâmî, beyt (nazire-i Câmî); Câmî, rubâî, Sa‘dî-i Şirâzi, Hayyam, Örfî (beyit), Câmî, couplets de Tuhfetü’l-ahrâr, Celal Tanbura Şirâzî, Ehlî-i Şirâzî, Meylî, Muhteşem, Zamîrî, Kısmî, Baba Figânî, Lisânî, Vahşî, Mûnisî, Şüsterî, Hâmidî Bahbânî (?) Müfred en persan : Kasım-ı Enverî, Nebâtî, Ehlî, Nergisî, Âgehî, Nizâmî, Mes‘ud, Firâkî, Haydar En arabe : eş-Şeyh Ali bin Sina, Kaside : İmam Şâfi‘î Gazel: Yahya, Nev‘î, Kâmî, Kâtibî-i Nişaburî, Fehmî, Sâfî, Cevrî, Mahfî, Lâmi‘î, Rûhî, Bâkî, Muhibbî, Ulvî, Sâkinî, Murâdî, Veysî, Hâletî, Edâyî, Zihnî, Âlî, Sultan Ahmed, Murâdî (Sultan Murad), Nef‘î, nazire-i Râkımî, Rızâyî, Fuzûlî, Kıt‘a: Veysî Efendi, Lâmi‘î, Kaside: Haylî, Rızâyî, Muhammes: Muhibbî Lugaz: Sultan Murad (der-ism-i Cüneyd, Necm, Nimet, Mehmed) Müfred: Rahmî Mesnevi: à propos de macun (pâte

    Abstracts of Tanzania Health Summit 2020

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    This book contains the abstracts of the papers/posters presented at the Tanzania Health Summit 2020 (THS-2020) Organized by the Ministry of Health Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC); President Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG); Ministry of Health, Social Welfare, Elderly, Gender, and Children Zanzibar; Association of Private Health Facilities in Tanzania (APHFTA); National Muslim Council of Tanzania (BAKWATA); Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC); & Tindwa Medical and Health Services (TMHS) held on 25–26 November 2020. The Tanzania Health Summit is the annual largest healthcare platform in Tanzania that attracts more than 1000 participants, national and international experts, from policymakers, health researchers, public health professionals, health insurers, medical doctors, nurses, pharmacists, private health investors, supply chain experts, and the civil society. During the three-day summit, stakeholders and decision-makers from every field in healthcare work together to find solutions to the country’s and regional health challenges and set the agenda for a healthier future. Summit Title: Tanzania Health SummitSummit Acronym: THS-2020Summit Date: 25–26 November 2020Summit Location: St. Gasper Hotel and Conference Centre in Dodoma, TanzaniaSummit Organizers: Ministry of Health Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC); President Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG); Ministry of Health, Social Welfare, Elderly, Gender and Children Zanzibar; Association of Private Health Facilities in Tanzania (APHFTA); National Muslim Council of Tanzania (BAKWATA); Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC); & Tindwa Medical and Health Services (TMHS)