734 research outputs found

    Don José Romero Escassi

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    Intervención de D. Eduardo Ybarra Hidalgo en la sesión Pública de la Real Academia Sevillana de Buenas Letras en recuerdo de D. José Romero Esccasi el 4 de Noviembre de 1994

    Insights into temperature controls on rockfall occurrence and cliff erosion

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    A variety of environmental triggers have been associated with the occurrence of rockfalls however their role and relative significance remains poorly constrained. This is in part due to the lack of concurrent data on rockfall occurrence and cliff face conditions at temporal resolutions that mirror the variability of environmental conditions, and over durations for large enough numbers of rockfall events to be captured. The aim of this thesis is to fill this data gap, and then to specifically focus on the role of temperature in triggering rockfall that this data illuminates. To achieve this, a long-term multiannual 3D rockfall dataset and contemporaneous Infrared Thermography (IRT) monitoring of cliff surface temperatures has been generated. The approaches used in this thesis are undertaken at East Cliff, Whitby, which is a coastal cliff located in North Yorkshire, UK. The monitored section is ~ 200 m wide and ~65 m high, with a total cliff face area of ~9,592 m². A method for the automated quantification of rockfall volumes is used to explore data collected between 2017–2019 and 2021, with the resulting inventory including > 8,300 rockfalls from 2017–2019 and > 4,100 rockfalls in 2021, totalling > 12,400 number of rockfalls. The analysis of the inventory demonstrates that during dry conditions, increases in rockfall frequency are coincident with diurnal surface temperature fluctuations, notably at sunrise, noon and sunset in all seasons, leading to a marked diurnal pattern of rockfall. Statistically significant relationships are observed to link cliff temperature and rockfall, highlighting the response of rock slopes to absolute temperatures and changes in temperature. This research also shows that inclement weather constitutes the dominant control over the annual production of rockfalls but also quantifies the period when temperature controls are dominant. Temperature-controlled rockfall activity is shown to have an important erosional role, particularly in periods of iterative erosion dominated by small size rockfalls. As such, this thesis provides for the first high-resolution evidence of temperature controls on rockfall activity, cliff erosion and landform development

    Interactions between ants, treehoppers, flowers and flower visitors in cerrado vegetations : experimental study with Byrsonima intermedia A. Juss

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    Orientador: Paulo Sérgio Moreira Carvalho de OliveiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: As plantas e as formigas são os organismos predominantes em ecossistemas terrestres; e como tais, comumente interagem entre si. Na maioria das vezes estas interações são mutualistas, visto que formigas podem reduzir o número de herbívoros e/ou contribuir na dispersão de sementes em troca de alimento e/ou abrigo fornecido pelas plantas. No entanto, a presença de formigas nas flores é comumente considerada como uma relação antagônica, já que normalmente as formigas não as polinizam, mas sim utilizam os recursos oferecidos pelas flores aos polinizadores, reduzindo ou alterando a frequência ou eficiência da visitação de polinizadores. As interações formiga-planta são muito comuns no cerrado. Embora muitos estudos já tenham investigado os efeitos da presença das formigas nos herbívoros, ou a relação das formigas com a presença de nectários extraflorais (NEFs), o efeito da visitação de formigas a flores foi pouco estudado neste bioma. Associações entre formigas e insetos trofobiontes próximo a inflorescências podem alterar a abundância local e o comportamento de formigas, o que potencialmente perturbando as interações entre plantas e polinizadores. Byrsonima intermedia (conhecida no Brasil como murici-do-campo) é uma planta comum no bioma de cerrado. Esta planta possui elaióforos (glândulas que produzem óleo) na base das flores. O óleo produzido é coletado por abelhas, principalmente do gênero Epicharis, que em troca polinizam a planta por meio da polinização por vibração. Observações em campo permitiram evidenciar que formigas raramente visitam as inflorescências na ausência de membracídeos trofobiontes. Assim, a presente dissertação investiga os efeitos da presença da associação formiga-membracídeo na reprodução de B. intermedia. Observações naturais e manipulações experimentais em campo da presença de formigas e da associação formiga-membracídeo demonstraram que a presença de formigas nas inflorescências de B. intermedia causa uma diminuição no tempo de visita de abelhas polinizadoras, reduzindo a quantidade de frutos produzidos pela planta. Os resultados experimentais sugerem ainda que os efeitos negativos da associação formiga-membracídeo sobre a reprodução das plantas são devidos ao aumento do número de formigas nas inflorescências e não pelo efeito direto da herbivoria do membracídeoAbstract: Ants and plants are dominant organisms in terrestrial ecosystems; as such, ants are commonly found visiting plants. Often, ant presence benefits plants, reducing the number of herbivores and/or contributing to seed dispersion, and in turn, benefiting themselves by feeding and sheltering in structures offered by plants. However, the presence of ants in flowers is commonly considered as antagonistic, because ants rarely pollinate but collect floral resources, modifying and reducing other insects¿ floral visitation frequency or efficiency. Ant-plant interactions are very common in the Cerrado. Although many studies have investigated the effects of the presence of ants on herbivore attacks or the relation between ants and the presence of Extrafloral Nectaries (EFNs), the effect of ant floral visitation in this biome remains understudied. Associations between ants and honeydew-producing insects present near inflorescences can modify the local abundance and behavior of ants, potentially disturbing pollinator-plant interactions. Byrsonima intermedia (known in Brazil as murici-do-campo) is commonly found in the Cerrado savanna. This plant has elaiophores (oil-producing glands) in the base of flowers. The oil produced is collected by bees, which in turn, pollinate this plant through buzz-pollination. Field observations allowed us to confirm that ants rarely visit B. intermedia inflorescences when there are no treehoppers. Considering this, the focus of this dissertation is to study the effects of the presence of the ant-treehopper association in the reproduction of B. intermedia. Direct observation and experimental manipulations of the presence of ants and ant-treehopper association in the field showed that the presence of ants in inflorescences reduce the duration of the visit of pollinators, which, in turn, reduces the fruit set of the plant. Furthermore, the results of our experiments suggest that the negative effects of the ant-treehopper association on plant reproduction are caused by the increased number of ants visiting inflorescences and not by the herbivory effectMestradoEcologiaMestre em Ecologia2014/12486-8, 2014/23141-1FAPES


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    The main purpose of this paper is to present the results of the construction of a methodological instrument called the Subnational Local Governance Index (ISGL). This Index was built to contribute to the assessments of institutional capacities of local governments, in order to resolve public problems in Mexico. The construction of the Index was founded on four main features: 1) The lack of public policy in education, health, public services and housing quality, measured by the level of social backwardness, 2) the structure of government and administration, measured by the institutional capacities, 3) the quality of local government, measured by the level of credibility of the citizens through subnational governance and 4) the local financial capacity, measured by the ability to generate income and to manage the public debt. Basically, the following questions have been used to build the Index: What is the level of social backwardness at the local level? What kind of institutional structure exists at the local level? What is the profile of the public policy managers at the local level? What is the capacity to generate income? What is the level of citizens’ confidence in local governance

    The Accelerating Jet of 3C 279

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    Analysis of the proper motions of the sub-parsec scale jet of the quasar 3C 279 at 15 GHz with the VLBA shows significant accelerations in four of nine superluminal features. Analysis of these motions is combined with the analysis of flux density light curves to constrain values of Lorentz factor and viewing angle (and their derivatives) for each component. The data for each of these components is consistent with significant changes to the Lorentz factor, viewing angle and azimuthal angle, suggesting jet bending with changes in speed. We see that for these observed components Lorentz factors are in the range Γ = 10−41, viewing angles are in the range ϑ = 0.1◦ −5.0◦ , and intrinsic (source frame) flux density is in the range, Fν , int = 1.5×10−9−1.5×10−5 Jy. Considering individual components, the Lorentz factors vary from Γ = 11 − 16 for C1, Γ = 31 − 41 for C5, Γ = 29 − 41 for C6 and Γ = 9 − 12 for C8, indicating that there is no single underlying flow speed to the jet and likely we are seeing pattern speeds from shocks in the jet. The viewing angles vary in time from 0.6◦ to 1.5◦ in the case of C1 (the least extreme example), vary from 0.5◦ to 5.0◦ in the case of C8 and vary from 0.1◦ to 0.9◦ for C5 (the last two being the most extreme examples). The intrinsic flux density varies by factors from 1.4 for C8 and 430 for C5. Theoretical analysis of the accelerations also indicates potential jet bending. In addition, for one component, C5, polarization measurements also set limits to the trajectory of the jet

    Implantación del sistema de telecomunicaciones móviles GSM R en una línea ferroviaria

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    El presente proyecto consiste en el estudio, diseño y desarrollo de una línea ferroviaria en el tramo Palencia-León donde se va a implantar, de forma ficticia, el sistema de telecomunicaciones móviles GSM-R (Global System for Mobile Railways). Para ello, se definirán los emplazamientos necesarios para dar cobertura al tramo en cuestión, teniendo en cuenta el rango de frecuencias de GSM-R y el tráfico que soporta la red, en el peor de los casos, asegurando el servicio tanto de voz como de datos en los 108 km aproximadamente que forman el trayecto.This project consists of the study, design and fictitious development of a railway line where the GSM-R (Global System for Mobile Railways) mobile telecommunications system will be implemented. For this, the necessary locations will be defined to cover the section in question, taking into account the GSM-R frequency range and the traffic that the network supports, in the worst case, ensuring both voice and data service throughout the journey.Grado en Ingenieria en Tecnologías de Telecomunicació

    Self-assessment, peer assessment and co-assessment: conceptualization and practice in spanish higher education institutions

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    Este artículo analiza el concepto y uso de tres modalidades de evaluación emergentes en las universidades españolas: autoevaluación, evaluación entre iguales y coevaluación. Un estudio bibliométrico en publicaciones especializadas y un análisis de contenido de las regulaciones de las universidades españolas ponen de manifiesto tres importantes conclusiones. En primer lugar, existe una confusión terminológica. En segundo lugar, estas modalidades de evaluación no se mencionan en las directrices y orientaciones que las universidades españolas ofrecen sobre el modo de afrontar la evaluación del aprendizaje. Y, en tercer lugar, más de la mitad de las universidades españolas dedican sus regulaciones y recomendaciones a los exámenes. Un cambio de la situación actual que facilite la introducción de nuevas modalidades de evaluación requiere una aclaración conceptual y la definición de unas políticas institucionales sobre evaluación que integren dichas modalidades y abran así la puerta a la participación de los estudiantes en la evaluación.This article looks at the concept and use of three emerging forms of assessment in Spanish universities: self-assessment, peer assessment and co-assessment. A bibliometric analysis of definitions related with assessment and a content analysis of the regulations of the Spanish universities highlight three important conclusions. First, confusion exists in the terms used. Second, self-assessment, peer assessment and co-assessment are not mentioned in the guidelines and guidance that Spanish universities offer on how to deal with learning assessment. And thirdly, more than half of Spanish universities devote their regulations and recommendations at examinations. A change in current situation that can facilitate introducing of new forms of assessment requires a conceptual clarification and definition of policies on assessment institutions able to 199integrate those modalities and open the door to the participation of students in the assessment
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