79 research outputs found


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    The industry of BIPA (Indonesian for foreigners) has extensively increased both at home and overseas. As a result, its teaching needs to be well-planned and organized. Supported by the view that no best method for all, eclecticism can be selected as approach to teaching. This paper is purposed to describe the initial stages of syllabus design particularly for one-to-one teaching Indonesian using eclectic approach. Carried out by descriptive research as part of research and development design, non-structured interview, observation, and open-ended questionnaire were as instruments to collect the information about learner and previous teaching process. Using a framework of syllabus development by Graves, need analysis and first draft syllabus were taken place. The need analysis reveals the learner characteristics and need of learning, such as age, gender, motivation and expectation. Moreover, grounded by the result of gathered information from need analysis, the developed syllabus is then a combination of task-based approach of language learning and structural-based syllabus which embraces accuracy and fluency as well as covers the features of eclectic system.

    Yleissivistys ja osaaminen työelämässä 2030 : menestyksen eväät tulevaisuudessa. Hankkeen loppuraportti

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    ”Yleissivistys ja osaaminen työelämässä 2030 – menestyksen eväät tulevaisuudessa” -projekti toteutettiin Tulevaisuuden tutkimuskeskuksessa vuosina 2006-2008. Opetusministeriön rahoittaman ESR-tutkimuksen kohteena oli yhteiskunnallisen muutoksen ja murrosajan vaikutukset yleissivistykseen ja osaamiseen työelämässä vuonna 2030. Projektissa on kehitetty ja monipuolistettu ennakointimenetelmiä sekä tuotettu koulutusjärjestelmän toimijoille uusia ajatuksia ja uutta materiaalia tulevaisuuden päätöksenteon tueksi, toimijoiden yhteistyön lisäämiseksi ja uusien toimintamallien ja -tapojen löytämiseksi

    Venäjän kansallispatrioottinen vaihtoehto?

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    Correlation of Oncotype DX Recurrence Score with Histomorphology and Immunohistochemistry in over 500 Patients

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    Oncotype Dx is used to determine the recurrence risk (RR) in patients with estrogen receptor positive (ER+) and lymph node negative (LN−) breast cancer. The RR is divided into low (0-17), intermediat

    CemOrange2 fusions facilitate multifluorophore subcellular imaging in C. elegans

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    Due to its ease of genetic manipulation and transparency, Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) has become a preferred model system to study gene function by microscopy. The use of Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to proteins or targeting sequences of interest, further expanded upon the utility of C. elegans by labeling subcellular structures, which enables following their disposition during development or in the presence of genetic mutations. Fluorescent proteins with excitation and emission spectra different from that of GFP accelerated the use of multifluorophore imaging in real time. We have expanded the repertoire of fluorescent proteins for use in C. elegans by developing a codon-optimized version of Orange2 (CemOrange2). Proteins or targeting motifs fused to CemOrange2 were distinguishable from the more common fluorophores used in the nematode; such as GFP, YFP, and mKate2. We generated a panel of CemOrange2 fusion constructs, and confirmed they were targeted to their correct subcellular addresses by colocalization with independent markers. To demonstrate the potential usefulness of this new panel of fluorescent protein markers, we showed that CemOrange2 fusion proteins could be used to: 1) monitor biological pathways, 2) multiplex with other fluorescent proteins to determine colocalization and 3) gain phenotypic knowledge of a human ABCA3 orthologue, ABT-4, trafficking variant in the C. elegans model organism

    PATH2030 – An Evaluation of Finland’s Sustainable Development Policy

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    The PATH2030 project has produced an evaluation of Finland’s sustainable development policy and formulated concrete recommendations for the future. The evaluation is based on multidisciplinary meth-ods and broad and diverse material in the form of indicators, documents, and expert views gathered through surveys, interviews and workshops. The evaluation focused particularly on the time after the 2030 Agenda entered into force in 2016. No country has yet presented a credible plan for how to reach the goals of the 2030 Agenda. Finland has various national targets and programmes that point in the right direction, but the policy could be more transformative and coherent. Finland’s sustainable development policy has succeeded in being inclusive, which shows that sustainable development has become a broadly accepted aim in society. Reaching the 2030 goals requires, however, many system-level changes and the mediation of conflicts of interest. The evaluation shows that sustainable development policy should focus on climate change, environmental questions, consumption and increasing inequality. It is recommended that sustainable development should become the basis of future Government Programmes, that a roadmap for how to reach the goals should be created and that, for example, the indicators and the Expert Panel on Sustainable Development should be revised. Appendix 1-13 PATH2030: Detailed descriptions of the evaluations and documentation of data collection (separate document, in Finnish) Appendix 14 PATH2030: The 2030 Agenda, foreign policy and human rights (separate document, in Finnish)This publication is part of the implementation of the Government Plan for Analysis, Assessment and Research (tietokayttoon.fi). The content is the responsibility of the producers of the information and does not necessarily represent the view of the Government

    Knowledge, attitude, intention, and program implementation of iron supplementation among adolescent girls in Sidoarjo, Indonesia

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    Background. The government established an iron supplementation program as a solution to overcome anemia in adolescent girls in Indonesia. Research shows that various factors influence the compliance of adolescent girls in consuming iron supplements, including knowledge, attitude, intention, and program implementation. Objective. This study aims to determine adolescent girls’ knowledge, attitudes, and intentions and explore the program implementation of iron supplementation in high school adolescent girls in Sidoarjo, Indonesia. Materials and Methods. This was mixed-method research. Quantitative data was collected on 202 girls students from 3 high schools in Sidoarjo using a questionnaire.Qualitative data was collected by interviewing 13 high school girls from 3 schools in Sidoarjo and Focus Group Discussion with the health office and primary health center representatives in Sidoarjo. Results. Most adolescent girls’ knowledge about anemia was still poor (59.9%), but knowledge about iron supplements was mostly good (59.9%). The attitudes towards anemia and iron supplements and intentions to consume iron supplements in adolescent girls were mostly low (51.0% and 51.5%). The focus group discussion found that the program was already referred to national guidelines, but the pandemic affected the implementation. Findings from the interview with adolescent girls show that the distribution of iron supplements in schools was carried out in 3 ways: distributed with explanations, distributed without explanation, and distributed only to students who request it or feel anemic. Conclusion. There is a need to improve the knowledge, attitudes, and intentions of adolescent girls and improve the implementation of iron supplementation programs in schools in Sidoarjo, Indonesia

    The organization of functional neurocognitive networks in focal epilepsy correlates with domain-specific cognitive performance

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    Understanding and diagnosing cognitive impairment in epilepsy remains a prominent challenge. New etiological models suggest that cognitive difficulties might not be directly linked to seizure activity, but are rather a manifestation of a broader brain pathology. Consequently, treating seizures is not sufficient to alleviate cognitive symptoms, highlighting the need for novel diagnostic tools. Here, we investigated whether the organization of three intrinsic, resting-state functional connectivity networks was correlated with domain-specific cognitive test performance. Using individualized EEG source reconstruction and graph theory, we examined the association between network small worldness and cognitive test performance in 23 patients with focal epilepsy and 17 healthy controls, who underwent a series of standardized pencil-and-paper and digital cognitive tests. We observed that the specific networks robustly correlated with test performance in distinct cognitive domains. Specifically, correlations were evident between the default mode network and memory in patients, the central-executive network and executive functioning in controls, and the salience network and social cognition in both groups. Interestingly, the correlations were evident in both groups, but in different domains, suggesting an alteration in these functional neurocognitive networks in focal epilepsy. The present findings highlight the potential clinical relevance of functional brain network dysfunction in cognitive impairment.Peer reviewe