155 research outputs found

    Amy Landau. From Poet to Painter: Allegory and Metaphor in a Seventeeth-Centurt Persian Paintings by Muhammad Zaman, Master of Farangī-Sāzī

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    L’A. revient sur la carriĂšre d’un des peintres les plus cĂ©lĂšbres de la pĂ©riode moderne : Moáž„ammad Zamān. Cet article, issue de sa thĂšse consacrĂ©e Ă  l’artiste et soutenue en 2006, se concentre sur les peintures ajoutĂ©es Ă  la ážȘamse de Ơāh áčŹahmāsp, produite entre 946/1539 et 949/1543. Trois scĂšnes portent la signature de Moáž„ammad Zamān : Bahram Gur tuant le dragon, Fitna Ă©tonnant Bahram Gur et une derniĂšre faussement identifiĂ©e comme Bahram Gur et la princesse indienne. Par une analyse iconograp..

    Jeremiah Losty et Malini Roy. Mughal India, Art Culture and Empire.

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    Trente ans aprĂšs l’exposition organisĂ©e par Jeremiah Losty (The Art of the Book in India, Londres, 1982.), la British Library consacre une exposition aux productions de peinture durant le long rĂšgne la dynastie moghole. Le catalogue, richement illustrĂ© s’organise en quatre chapitres. Il s’ouvre sur une carte du sous-continent, une gĂ©nĂ©alogie des souverains moghols et un glossaire. Le catalogue contient 167 entrĂ©es associĂ©es Ă  une bibliographie exhaustive des publications. Le premier chapitre ..

    Amy Landau. Visibly foreign, visibly female: The eroticization of zan-e farangi in seventeenth-century Persian painting

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    A. Landau s’intĂ©resse ici la figure fĂ©minine europĂ©enne dans la peinture persane du XVIIe siĂšcle. L’article revient dans un premier temps sur les prĂ©mices de l’érotisation de l’EuropĂ©enne par les artistes et crĂ©e un parallĂšle intĂ©ressant avec les figures Ă©rotiques de la poĂ©sie persane. Dans un second temps, l’A. analyse diffĂ©rentes sources iconographiques prenant part Ă  la construction de la figure fĂ©minine sensuelle et exotique. Sont ainsi passĂ©es en revue plusieurs peintures de Moáž„ammad Zam..


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    Introduction to the 2018 SPS conferenc

    Un nouvel atelier de potiers de la fin de l’ñge du Fer dĂ©couvert Ă  Simorre (Gers)

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    Le site de la rue de CassaĂ«t Ă  Simorre (Gers) a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couvert de maniĂšre fortuite, en 2001, par Robert Abila (inrap), chez un particulier, Ă  l’occasion du creusement d’une tranchĂ©e dans laquelle a Ă©tĂ© mise au jour une fosse dĂ©potoir de la TĂšne finale. En mars 2002, une opĂ©ration archĂ©ologique de sauvetage a permis d’assurer le dĂ©capage et le relevĂ© des structures protohistoriques encore prĂ©servĂ©es sur la bande de terrain assiette des travaux d’extension de la cantine scolaire. Une sĂ©rie de fours a pu ĂȘtre Ă©tudiĂ©e ainsi qu’une succession d’amĂ©nagements connexes liĂ©s Ă  l’activitĂ© quotidienne de l’atelier : fosse d’extraction d’argile, fosse dĂ©potoir, foyer sur pierres chauffĂ©es. Des structures en creux ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© fouillĂ©es : elles tĂ©moignent de l’amĂ©nagement de l’espace artisanal et permettent de confirmer la prĂ©sence d’une installation pĂ©renne de l’artisanat de la poterie sur le site de Simorre au dĂ©but du Ier s. av. J.-C.The rue de CassaĂ«t site at Simorre (Gers), was fortuitously discovered in 2001 by Robert Abila (INRAP), on private land. During the excavation of a trench, a La TĂšne deposit was brought to light. In March 2002, a rescue archaeological operation allowed the exposure and survey of this protohistoric site. The structures were still well preserved on the surface of an area where an extension of a school canteen was constructed. This work allowed us to study a series of ovens, as well as a sequence of features related to the daily activity of a workshop: a clay extraction pit, a dump, and a hearth on heated stones. Negative features were also excavated: they confirmed the installation of artisan spaces and allow us to confirm the presence of permanent potters' installations on the Simorre site of at the beginning of the first century BC

    Un nouvel atelier de potiers de la fin de l’ñge du Fer dĂ©couvert Ă  Simorre (Gers)

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    Le site de la rue de CassaĂ«t Ă  Simorre (Gers) a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couvert de maniĂšre fortuite, en 2001, par Robert Abila (inrap), chez un particulier, Ă  l’occasion du creusement d’une tranchĂ©e dans laquelle a Ă©tĂ© mise au jour une fosse dĂ©potoir de la TĂšne finale. En mars 2002, une opĂ©ration archĂ©ologique de sauvetage a permis d’assurer le dĂ©capage et le relevĂ© des structures protohistoriques encore prĂ©servĂ©es sur la bande de terrain assiette des travaux d’extension de la cantine scolaire. Une sĂ©rie de fours a pu ĂȘtre Ă©tudiĂ©e ainsi qu’une succession d’amĂ©nagements connexes liĂ©s Ă  l’activitĂ© quotidienne de l’atelier : fosse d’extraction d’argile, fosse dĂ©potoir, foyer sur pierres chauffĂ©es. Des structures en creux ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© fouillĂ©es : elles tĂ©moignent de l’amĂ©nagement de l’espace artisanal et permettent de confirmer la prĂ©sence d’une installation pĂ©renne de l’artisanat de la poterie sur le site de Simorre au dĂ©but du Ier s. av. J.-C.The rue de CassaĂ«t site at Simorre (Gers), was fortuitously discovered in 2001 by Robert Abila (INRAP), on private land. During the excavation of a trench, a La TĂšne deposit was brought to light. In March 2002, a rescue archaeological operation allowed the exposure and survey of this protohistoric site. The structures were still well preserved on the surface of an area where an extension of a school canteen was constructed. This work allowed us to study a series of ovens, as well as a sequence of features related to the daily activity of a workshop: a clay extraction pit, a dump, and a hearth on heated stones. Negative features were also excavated: they confirmed the installation of artisan spaces and allow us to confirm the presence of permanent potters' installations on the Simorre site of at the beginning of the first century BC

    In Vitro Reconstitution of SARS-Coronavirus mRNA Cap Methylation

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    SARS-coronavirus (SARS-CoV) genome expression depends on the synthesis of a set of mRNAs, which presumably are capped at their 5â€Č end and direct the synthesis of all viral proteins in the infected cell. Sixteen viral non-structural proteins (nsp1 to nsp16) constitute an unusually large replicase complex, which includes two methyltransferases putatively involved in viral mRNA cap formation. The S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet)-dependent (guanine-N7)-methyltransferase (N7-MTase) activity was recently attributed to nsp14, whereas nsp16 has been predicted to be the AdoMet-dependent (nucleoside-2â€ČO)-methyltransferase. Here, we have reconstituted complete SARS-CoV mRNA cap methylation in vitro. We show that mRNA cap methylation requires a third viral protein, nsp10, which acts as an essential trigger to complete RNA cap-1 formation. The obligate sequence of methylation events is initiated by nsp14, which first methylates capped RNA transcripts to generate cap-0 7MeGpppA-RNAs. The latter are then selectively 2â€ČO-methylated by the 2â€ČO-MTase nsp16 in complex with its activator nsp10 to give rise to cap-1 7MeGpppA2â€ČOMe-RNAs. Furthermore, sensitive in vitro inhibition assays of both activities show that aurintricarboxylic acid, active in SARS-CoV infected cells, targets both MTases with IC50 values in the micromolar range, providing a validated basis for anti-coronavirus drug design

    Représentations graphiques et indicateurs des mobilités et des dynamiques de peuplement : contribution bibliographique

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    La Base Endnote sera adressĂ©e Ă  toute personne en faisant la demande auprĂšs de Françoise Dureau : [email protected] main goal of the MOBIDYC research project (Mobilities and population movement: graphics and indicators) was to contribute to the definition of processing sequences that integrate both temporal and spatial dimensions of information related to spatial mobility (be it migration, residential mobility or daily mobility). Workshops were held on a quarterly basis to bring team members together. Between meetings, members worked separately on their own datasets. A first workshop was dedicated to the sharing of experience from previous work by members of the team. Then we focused on inventorying other experiences through bibliographic research. The aim of this article is to make the results of this research available to the scientific community. After stating the whys and hows of the collection of this bibliographic corpus, we present the material in the appendix: an Endnote set of references, along with a descriptive table synthesizing the content of these references. Finally, we present the main lessons we have learned through the analysis of this bibliographic corpus and from tests we carried out based on the methods described in the literature.L'objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral du projet MOBIDYC (MobilitĂ©s et dynamiques de peuplement : reprĂ©sentations graphiques et production d'indicateurs) Ă©tait d'avancer dans la dĂ©finition de chaĂźnes de traitement de l'information sur les mobilitĂ©s spatiales (biographies migratoires et rĂ©sidentielles, trajectoires de mobilitĂ© quotidienne) intĂ©grant les deux dimensions, temporelles et spatiales, de l'information. La mĂ©thode de travail a consistĂ© en un atelier rĂ©unissant les membres de l'Ă©quipe Ă  un rythme trimestriel ; entre les sĂ©ances de l'atelier, les chercheurs impliquĂ©s dans le projet ont travaillĂ© en parallĂšle sur leurs corpus de donnĂ©es respectifs. AprĂšs une premiĂšre Ă©tape consacrĂ©e Ă  la mutualisation de nos expĂ©riences respectives, l'accent a Ă©tĂ© mis sur la recherche bibliographique et la recension des expĂ©riences dans le champ du projet. L'objectif de cet article est de mettre Ă  disposition de la communautĂ© scientifique le rĂ©sultat de ce travail bibliographique. AprĂšs avoir rappelĂ© les objectifs et conditions de rĂ©alisation de la base de donnĂ©es bibliographiques, nous prĂ©sentons les informations mises Ă  disposition en annexes de cet article : tableau de description synthĂ©tique des rĂ©fĂ©rences bibliographiques, et la base Endnote des rĂ©fĂ©rences . Enfin, nous livrons les principaux enseignements que nous avons tirĂ©s de l'analyse de ce corpus bibliographique, et des tests effectuĂ©s Ă  partir des mĂ©thodes identifiĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature

    Aspergillus PCR in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid for the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Aspergillosis in Patients With Hematological and Non-hematological Conditions

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    Objectives: We evaluated the usefulness of an Aspergillus fumigatus quantitative PCR assay performed in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL) for the diagnosis and prognosis of both invasive and non-invasive aspergillosis.Methods: This 4-year retrospective study involved 613 at-risk patients who had either hematological disorders or other immunosuppressive conditions, notably solid organ transplants. Thirty-five patients had proven/probable aspergillosis and thirteen had chronic non-invasive aspergillosis. We compared PCR, galactomannan index and mycological analysis of BAL.Results: For invasive aspergillosis (IA), PCR performed in BAL yielded 88.6% sensitivity and 95.5% specificity. Comparatively, galactomannan index and mycological examination yielded only 56.3 and 63.6% sensitivity and 97.6 and 94.5% specificity, respectively. Considering the 13 chronic aspergillosis cases, PCR, galactomannan index and mycological examination yielded 76.9, 15.4, and 84.6% sensitivity and 92.2, 94.9, and 93% specificity, respectively. Fungal load in BAL evaluated by PCR was able to discriminate between aspergillosis and contamination, but not between invasive and non-invasive forms. Finally, fungal load was predictive of 90-day mortality, with 23.1% mortality for patients with less than 500 copies/mL versus 68.4% for patients above that cut-off (p < 0.05).Conclusion: Our results indicate that Aspergillus PCR in BAL is of particular interest for both the diagnosis and the prognosis of IA. It is likewise an interesting tool for the diagnosis of non-invasive forms

    Darwin’s wind hypothesis: does it work for plant dispersal in fragmented habitats?

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    Using the wind-dispersed plant Mycelis muralis, we examined how landscape fragmentation affects variation in seed traits contributing to dispersal. Inverse terminal velocity (Vt−1) of field-collected achenes was used as a proxy for individual seed dispersal ability. We related this measure to different metrics of landscape connectivity, at two spatial scales: in a detailed analysis of eight landscapes in Spain and along a latitudinal gradient using 29 landscapes across three European regions. In the highly patchy Spanish landscapes, seed Vt−1 increased significantly with increasing connectivity. A common garden experiment suggested that differences in Vt−1 may be in part genetically based. The Vt−1 was also found to increase with landscape occupancy, a coarser measure of connectivity, on a much broader (European) scale. Finally, Vt−1 was found to increase along a south–north latitudinal gradient. Our results for M. muralis are consistent with ‘Darwin’s wind dispersal hypothesis’ that high cost of dispersal may select for lower dispersal ability in fragmented landscapes, as well as with the ‘leading edge hypothesis’ that most recently colonized populations harbour more dispersive phenotypes.
