2,279 research outputs found

    2d Gauge Theories and Generalized Geometry

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    We show that in the context of two-dimensional sigma models minimal coupling of an ordinary rigid symmetry Lie algebra g\mathfrak{g} leads naturally to the appearance of the "generalized tangent bundle" TMTMTM\mathbb{T}M \equiv TM \oplus T^*M by means of composite fields. Gauge transformations of the composite fields follow the Courant bracket, closing upon the choice of a Dirac structure DTMD \subset \mathbb{T}M (or, more generally, the choide of a "small Dirac-Rinehart sheaf" D\cal{D}), in which the fields as well as the symmetry parameters are to take values. In these new variables, the gauge theory takes the form of a (non-topological) Dirac sigma model, which is applicable in a more general context and proves to be universal in two space-time dimensions: A gauging of g\mathfrak{g} of a standard sigma model with Wess-Zumino term exists, \emph{iff} there is a prolongation of the rigid symmetry to a Lie algebroid morphism from the action Lie algebroid M×gMM \times \mathfrak{g}\to M into DMD\to M (or the algebraic analogue of the morphism in the case of D\cal{D}). The gauged sigma model results from a pullback by this morphism from the Dirac sigma model, which proves to be universal in two-spacetime dimensions in this sense.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures; To appear in Journal of High Energy Physic

    Universal quantum control of two-electron spin quantum bits using dynamic nuclear polarization

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    One fundamental requirement for quantum computation is to perform universal manipulations of quantum bits at rates much faster than the qubit's rate of decoherence. Recently, fast gate operations have been demonstrated in logical spin qubits composed of two electron spins where the rapid exchange of the two electrons permits electrically controllable rotations around one axis of the qubit. However, universal control of the qubit requires arbitrary rotations around at least two axes. Here we show that by subjecting each electron spin to a magnetic field of different magnitude we achieve full quantum control of the two-electron logical spin qubit with nanosecond operation times. Using a single device, a magnetic field gradient of several hundred milliTesla is generated and sustained using dynamic nuclear polarization of the underlying Ga and As nuclei. Universal control of the two-electron qubit is then demonstrated using quantum state tomography. The presented technique provides the basis for single and potentially multiple qubit operations with gate times that approach the threshold required for quantum error correction.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary Material included as ancillary fil

    An Analytic Result for the Two-Loop Hexagon Wilson Loop in N = 4 SYM

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    In the planar N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, the conformal symmetry constrains multi-loop n-edged Wilson loops to be basically given in terms of the one-loop n-edged Wilson loop, augmented, for n greater than 6, by a function of conformally invariant cross ratios. We identify a class of kinematics for which the Wilson loop exhibits exact Regge factorisation and which leave invariant the analytic form of the multi-loop n-edged Wilson loop. In those kinematics, the analytic result for the Wilson loop is the same as in general kinematics, although the computation is remarkably simplified with respect to general kinematics. Using the simplest of those kinematics, we have performed the first analytic computation of the two-loop six-edged Wilson loop in general kinematics.Comment: 17 pages. Extended discussion on how the QMRK limit is taken. Version accepted by JHEP. A text file containing the Mathematica code with the analytic expression for the 6-point remainder function is include

    Stuttered swallowing: Electric stimulation of the right insula interferes with water swallowing. A case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Various functional resonance imaging, magnetoencephalographic and lesion studies suggest the involvement of the insular cortex in the control of swallowing. However, the exact location of insular activation during swallowing and its functional significance remain unclear.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>Invasive electroencephalographic monitoring was performed in a 24-year-old man with medically intractable stereotyped nocturnal hypermotor seizures due to a ganglioglioma. During stimulation of the right inferior posterior insular cortex with depth electrodes the patient spontaneously reported a perception of a "stutter in swallowing". Stimulation of the inferior posterior insular cortex at highest intensity (4 mA) was also associated with irregular and delayed swallows. Swallowing was not impaired during stimulation of the superior posterior insular cortex, regardless of stimulation intensity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results indicate that the right inferior posterior insular cortex is involved in the neural circuitry underlying the control of swallowing.</p

    Association of Common Variants in TNFRSF13B, TNFSF13, and ANXA3 with Serum Levels of Non-Albumin Protein and Immunoglobulin Isotypes in Japanese

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    We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) on levels of serum total protein (TP), albumin (ALB), and non-albumin protein (NAP). We analyzed SNPs on autosomal chromosomes using data from 9,103 Japanese individuals, followed by a replication study of 1,600 additional individuals. We confirmed the previously- reported association of GCKR on chromosome 2p23.3 with serum ALB (rs1260326, Pmeta = 3.1×10−9), and additionally identified the significant genome-wide association of rs4985726 in TNFRSF13B on 17p11.2 with both TP and NAP (Pmeta = 1.2×10−14 and 7.1×10−24, respectively). For NAP, rs3803800 and rs11552708 in TNFSF13 on 17p13.1 (Pmeta = 7.2×10−15 and 7.5×10−10, respectively) as well as rs10007186 on 4q21.2 near ANXA3 (Pmeta = 1.3×10−9) also indicated significant associations. Interestingly, TNFRSF13B and TNFSF13 encode a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor and its ligand, which together constitute an important receptor-ligand axis for B-cell homeostasis and immunoglobulin production. Furthermore, three SNPs, rs4985726, rs3803800, and rs11552708 in TNFRSF13B and TNFSF13, were indicated to be associated with serum levels of IgG (P<2.3×10−3) and IgM (P<0.018), while rs3803800 and rs11552708 were associated with IgA (P<0.013). Rs10007186 in 4q21.2 was associated with serum levels of IgA (P = 0.036), IgM (P = 0.019), and IgE (P = 4.9×10−4). Our results should add interesting knowledge about the regulation of major serum components

    Acrocephalus orinus: A Case of Mistaken Identity

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    Recent discovery of the Large-billed Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus orinus) in museums and in the wild significantly expanded our knowledge of its morphological traits and genetic variability, and revealed new data on geographical distribution of the breeding grounds, migration routes and wintering locations of this species. It is now certain that A. orinus is breeding in Central Asia; however, the precise area of distribution remains unclear. The difficulty in the further study of this species lies in the small number of known specimens, with only 13 currently available in museums, and in the relative uncertainty of the breeding area and habitat of this species. Following morphological and genetic analyses from Svensson, et al, we describe 14 new A. orinus specimens from collections of Zoological Museums of the former USSR from the territory of Central Asian states. All of these specimens were erroneously labeled as Blyth's Reed Warbler (A. dumetorum), which is thought to be a breeding species in these areas. The 14 new A. orinus specimens were collected during breeding season while most of the 85 A. dumetorum specimens from the same area were collected during the migration period. Our data indicate that the Central Asian territory previously attributed as breeding grounds of A. dumetorum is likely to constitute the breeding territory of A. orinus. This rare case of a re-description of the breeding territory of a lost species emphasizes the importance of maintenance of museum collections around the world. If the present data on the breeding grounds of A. orinus are confirmed with field observations and collections, the literature on the biology of A. dumetorum from the southern part of its range may have to be reconsidered

    Dimebon Does Not Ameliorate Pathological Changes Caused by Expression of Truncated (1–120) Human Alpha-Synuclein in Dopaminergic Neurons of Transgenic Mice

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    Background: Recent clinical studies have demonstrated that dimebon, a drug originally designed and used as a non-selective antihistamine, ameliorates symptoms and delays progress of mild to moderate forms of Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s diseases. Although the mechanism of dimebon action on pathological processes in degenerating brain is elusive, results of studies carried out in cell cultures and animal models suggested that this drug might affect the process of pathological accumulation and aggregation of various proteins involved in the pathogenesis of proteinopathies. However, the effect of this drug on the pathology caused by overexpression and aggregation of alpha-synuclein, including Parkinson’s disease (PD), has not been assessed. Objective: To test if dimebon affected alpha-synuclein-induced pathology using a transgenic animal model. Methods: We studied the effects of chronic dimebon treatment on transgenic mice expressing the C-terminally truncated (1–120) form of human alpha-synuclein in dopaminergic neurons, a mouse model that recapitulates several biochemical, histopathological and behavioral characteristics of the early stage of PD. Results: Dimebon did not improve balance and coordination of aging transgenic animals or increase the level of striatal dopamine, nor did it prevent accumulation of alpha-synuclein in cell bodies of dopaminergic neurons. Conclusion: Our observations suggest that in the studied model of alpha-synucleinopathy dimebon has very limited effect on certain pathological alterations typical of PD and related diseases

    Comprehensive Analysis of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydrogenase (ALAD) Variants and Renal Cell Carcinoma Risk among Individuals Exposed to Lead

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    BACKGROUND: Epidemiologic studies are reporting associations between lead exposure and human cancers. A polymorphism in the 5-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) gene affects lead toxicokinetics and may modify the adverse effects of lead. METHODS: The objective of this study was to evaluate single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) tagging the ALAD region among renal cancer cases and controls to determine whether genetic variation alters the relationship between lead and renal cancer. Occupational exposure to lead and risk of cancer was examined in a case-control study of renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Comprehensive analysis of variation across the ALAD gene was assessed using a tagging SNP approach among 987 cases and 1298 controls. Occupational lead exposure was estimated using questionnaire-based exposure assessment and expert review. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated using logistic regression. RESULTS: The adjusted risk associated with the ALAD variant rs8177796(CT/TT) was increased (OR = 1.35, 95%CI = 1.05-1.73, p-value = 0.02) when compared to the major allele, regardless of lead exposure. Joint effects of lead and ALAD rs2761016 suggest an increased RCC risk for the homozygous wild-type and heterozygous alleles ((GG)OR = 2.68, 95%CI = 1.17-6.12, p = 0.01; (GA)OR = 1.79, 95%CI = 1.06-3.04 with an interaction approaching significance (p(int) = 0.06). No significant modification in RCC risk was observed for the functional variant rs1800435(K68N). Haplotype analysis identified a region associated with risk supporting tagging SNP results. CONCLUSION: A common genetic variation in ALAD may alter the risk of RCC overall, and among individuals occupationally exposed to lead. Further work in larger exposed populations is warranted to determine if ALAD modifies RCC risk associated with lead exposure

    Reassortment Patterns in Swine Influenza Viruses

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    Three human influenza pandemics occurred in the twentieth century, in 1918, 1957, and 1968. Influenza pandemic strains are the results of emerging viruses from non-human reservoirs to which humans have little or no immunity. At least two of these pandemic strains, in 1957 and in 1968, were the results of reassortments between human and avian viruses. Also, many cases of swine influenza viruses have reportedly infected humans, in particular, the recent H1N1 influenza virus of swine origin, isolated in Mexico and the United States. Pigs are documented to allow productive replication of human, avian, and swine influenza viruses. Thus it has been conjectured that pigs are the “mixing vessel” that create the avian-human reassortant strains, causing the human pandemics. Hence, studying the process and patterns of viral reassortment, especially in pigs, is a key to better understanding of human influenza pandemics. In the last few years, databases containing sequences of influenza A viruses, including swine viruses, collected since 1918 from diverse geographical locations, have been developed and made publicly available. In this paper, we study an ensemble of swine influenza viruses to analyze the reassortment phenomena through several statistical techniques. The reassortment patterns in swine viruses prove to be similar to the previous results found in human viruses, both in vitro and in vivo, that the surface glycoprotein coding segments reassort most often. Moreover, we find that one of the polymerase segments (PB1), reassorted in the strains responsible for the last two human pandemics, also reassorts frequently

    Ferroelectric polarization switching with a remarkably high activation energy in orthorhombic GaFeO3 thin films

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    This work was supported by the National Research Foundation (NRF) Grants funded by the Korea Government (MSIP) (Grant No. 2012R 1A1A2041628 and 2013R 1A2A2A01068274). The work at Cambridge was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). AG and RG thank the Department of Science and Technology for the financial support (Grant No. SB/S3/ME/29/2013).Orthorhombic GaFeO3 (o-GFO) with the polar Pna21 space group is a prominent ferrite owing to its piezoelectricity and ferrimagnetism, coupled with magnetoelectric effects. Herein, we demonstrate large ferroelectric remanent polarization in undoped o-GFO thin films by adopting either a hexagonal strontium titanate (STO) or a cubic yttrium-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) substrate. The polarization-electric-field hysteresis curves of the polar c-axis-grown o-GFO film on a SrRuO3/STO substrate show the net switching polarization of ~35 μC cm−2 with an unusually high coercive field (Ec) of ±1400 kV cm−1 at room temperature. The positive-up and negative-down measurement also demonstrates the switching polarization of ~26 μC cm−2. The activation energy for the polarization switching, as obtained by density-functional theory calculations, is remarkably high, 1.05 eV per formula unit. We have theoretically shown that this high value accounts for the extraordinary high Ec and the stability of the polar Pna21 phase over a wide range of temperatures up to 1368 K.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe