34 research outputs found

    The environmental responsibility as integrated of the future social pedagogenic person’s quality

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    The article is devoted to the problem of forming the ecological responsibility of students-social educators in the of a new educational paradigm’s context. The scientific-theoretical and methodological principles of the problem are highlighted there. The ways of ecological world outlook formation, future specialists of social sphere responsibility in the system of education are revealed. The authors analyzed the category of ecological responsibility as a scientific concept and subject of research. The scientific approaches to the definition of responsibility and environmental responsibility are considered, which extends the boundaries of understanding the origins and peculiarities of its formation in future social educators. The leading social, psychological and pedagogical factors contributing to the formation of ecological responsibility, ecological world outlook, ecological beliefs and ecological installations of future specialists are determined. There are presented the main topics of the content of the special course «Psychology of the responsibility of the future specialist» in the article. It is stated about implementation of the author’s comprehensive program of adaptation of the first-year students «Health-Motivation-Professional» and correctional training aimed at forming a higher level of students-social pedagogues’ environmental responsibility. The results of the empirical ecological installations research, the level of responsibility indicators and the degree of formation of environmental competence components from future specialists are presented, directions of further research on the implementation ideas of noosphere in the educational space of the University are outlined

    Tissue-Engineered Vascular Graft of Small Diameter Based on Electrospun Polylactide Microfibers

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    Tubular vascular grafts 1.1 mm in diameter based on poly(L-lactide) microfibers were obtained by electrospinning. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy data demonstrated that the samples treated at T=70°C for 1 h in the fixed state on a cylindrical mandrel possessed dense fibrous structure; their degree of crystallinity was approximately 44%. Strength and deformation stability of these samples were higher than those of the native blood vessels; thus, it was possible to use them in tissue engineering as bioresorbable vascular grafts. The experiments on including implantation into rat abdominal aorta demonstrated that the obtained vascular grafts did not cause pathological reactions in the rats; in four weeks, inner side of the grafts became completely covered with endothelial cells, and fibroblasts grew throughout the wall. After exposure for 12 weeks, resorption of PLLA fibers started, and this process was completed in 64 weeks. Resorbed synthetic fibers were replaced by collagen and fibroblasts. At that time, the blood vessel was formed; its neointima and neoadventitia were close to those of the native vessel in structure and composition

    Study on early inflorescence development in bread wheat (T. aestivum L.) lines with non-standard SCR-morphotype

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    Features of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) inflorescence development define its architecture and have an impact on yield potential. Wheat lines and forms with altered inflorescence morphology are important genetic resources for the study on the genetic mechanisms underlying plant developmental programs and inflorescence architecture; they are also important for practical use to increase productivity. Normally, wheat spikelets are arranged in two parallel rows along the spike axis. The SCR (screwed spike rachis) lines represent a non-standard morphotype, which is characterized by a spiral arrangement of spikelets along the spiked rachis. The study of the early stages of the inflorescence development in SCR-lines using light and scanning electron microscopy revealed that the spiral arrangement of spikelets were not related to changes at the early stage of inflorescence development, and resulted from spiral growth of spike rachis cells at later stages of spike growth. Thus, the spiral arrangement of spikelets in cereal inflorescence may have resulted not only from peculiarities of the mutual arrangement of spikelet meristems (phyllotaxis), but also from cell growth features at later stages of inflorescence growth. It was shown that SCR is inherited as a dominant monogenic trait; its expression can be modified by genotypic background. The SCR-lines characterized using light and scanning electron microscopy represent an important genetic resource for further study of the molecular-genetic mechanisms determining plant architecture. Furthermore, they can be used to develop wheat lines and cultivars with new inflorescence phenotypes

    The study of genetic factors that determine the awned glume trait in bread wheat

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    Awns are bristle‐like structures, typically extending from the tip end of the lemmas in the florets of cereal species, including such economically important crops as wheat (Triticum aestivum L., T. durum Desf.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.), and rye (Secale cereale L.). The presence of long awns adhered at tip end of glumes is a characteristic feature of “Persian wheat” T. carthlicum Nevski spike. Glume outgrowth of T. carthlicum Nevski spike passes into a long awn, equal in length to the lemma awn. Awned glumes can be formed in T. aestivum and T. aethiopicum wheats, however, such forms are rare. Features of the awned glume development and the genetic determinants of this trait have been little studied. In this paper, we described the features of the development and inheritance of the tetra-awness (awned glume) trait of the bread wheat T. aestivum line CD 1167-8, using classical genetic analysis, molecular genetic mapping, and scanning electron microscopy. It was shown that the trait is inherited as a recessive monogenic. The gene for the awned glume trait of CD 1167-8 was mapped in the long arm of chromosome 5A, using the Illumina Infinium 15K Wheat Array (TraitGenetics GmbH), containing 15,000 SNPs associated with wheat genes. Results of allelism test and molecular-genetic mapping suggest that the gene for awned glumes in bread wheat is a recessive allele of the B1 awn suppressor. This new allele was designated the b1.ag (b1. awned glume). Analysis of the CD 1167-8 inflorescence development, using scanning electron microscopy, showed that awns had grown from the top of the lemmas and glumes simultaneously, and no differences in patterns of their development were found

    Contribution of Inelastic Rescatterring to Bππ,KKˉB \to \pi \pi, K \bar{K} Decays

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    We discuss multichannel inelastic rescatterring effects in B decays into a pair PPPP of pseudoscalar mesons (PP=ππPP = \pi \pi or KKˉK\bar{K}). In agreement with short-distance models it is assumed that initially BB meson decays dominantly into jet-like states composed of two flying-apart low-mass resonances M1M2M_1 M_2 which rescatter into PPPP. Since from all S-matrix elements involving PPPP only some (i=M1M2i = M_1 M_2) contribute to the final state rescatterring, the latter is treated as a correction only. The rescatterring of resonance pair M1M2M_1 M_2 into the final PPPP state is assumed to proceed through Regge exchange. Although effects due to a single intermediate state M1M2M_1 M_2 are small, it is shown that the combined effect of all such states should be large. In particular, amplitudes of B decays into KKˉK\bar{K} become significantly larger than those estimated through short-distance penguin diagrams, to the point of being comparable to the BππB\to \pi \pi amplitudes.Comment: 25 LaTeX pages, 6 figures in one .ps fil

    Современные технологии в подготовке специалистов по клинической лабораторной диагностике в одесском национальном медицинском университете

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    Підготовка фахівців з клінічної лабораторної діагностики на сучасному рівні потребує втілення новітніх технологій у практичну складову навчання, як на до -, так і післядипломному етапах. Цьому сприяє нова міжкафедральна клінічна лабораторія ОНМедУ, яка надає можливість навчання на сучасному обладнанні та дозволяє засвоїти сучасні технології лікарям-інтернам, підвищує інтерес до проходження спеціалізації і підвищення кваліфікації на базі ОНМедУ слухачівлаборантів циклів підвищення кваліфікації.Training specialists in clinical laboratory diagnostics at the present stage involves the introduction of new technologies in the practical component of training at the pre- and postgraduate stages. This is facilitated by the new interdisciplinary clinical laboratory of ONMedU, which gives the opportunity to study the programme on modern equipment and allows students and interns to master the latest technologies, increases interest in specialization and advanced training in ONMED among laboratory doctors.Подготовка специалистов по клинической лабораторной диагностике на современном этапе предполагает внедрение новейших технологий в практическую составляющую обучения на до- и последипломном этапах. Этому способствует новая межкафедральная клиническая лаборатория ОНМедУ, дающая возможность обучения на современном оборудовании и позволяющая усвоить новейшие технологии студентам, врачам - интернам, повышает интерес к прохождению специализации и повышения квалификации в ОНМедУ у врачейлаборантов


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    The inflammatory periodontal diseases (IPD) take the second place after caries of teeth therefore the questions of treatment and prevention of IPD are especially actual. In the IPD treatment are the most effective, it is possible to allocate the surgical methods. In the present article questions of improvement of traditional techniques of surgical treatment, and also development and deployment of the new are considered.Воспалительные заболевания пародонта (ВЗП) по своей распространенности занимают 2-е место после кариеса зубов, поэтому вопросы лечения и профилактики ВЗП являются особенно актуальными. В лечении ВЗП как наиболее эффективные можно выделить хирургические методы. Рассматриваются вопросы совершенствования традиционных методик хирургического лечения, а также разработка и внедрение новых методик

    Легочные осложнения у детей и подростков после трансплантации гемопоэтических стволовых клеток

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    Relevance. Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) makes it possible to treat severe malignant and non-malignant hematopoietic disorders system. Pulmonary complications (PC) occur in 40–60 % of patients after allo-HSCT. However to date, the effect of HSCT on functional and morphological pulmonary changes in recipients remains insufficiently studied.The objective of current study was to evaluate risk factors affecting long-term survival in children and adolescents after allo-HSCT.Methods and materials. The current study was both retrospective and prospective. The analysis included 362 patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML), aged 5 months to 18 years, who received allo-HSCT at Raisa Gorbacheva Memorial Research Institute for Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Transplantation in 2000–2018. All the patients underwent chest computed tomography (CT). When detecting CT changes, we performed fibrobronchoscopy (FBS) with microbiological examination of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL).Results. PC were diagnosed in 124 patients (64 %) who received allo-HSCT in 2014–2018. Decrease of overall survival (OS) is associated with PC development during the first year after allo-HSCT(р<0,001).The development of early PC in remission of the underlying disease significantly affected OS (p=0.001).The probability of PC development is 2.26 times higher in patients older than 9 years (p=0.006). When comparing the intensity of conditioning regimens (MACvsRIC) in remission of the underlying disease, we did not get significant differences in the incidence of PC (p>0.05). Graft source, donor type, HLA-compatibility, recipient gender did not affect the incidence of PC (p>0.05). When using graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) prophylaxis (ptCYvsATG), the 5-year OS in patients without PC was 78.8 % and 62.8 %respectively. The 5-year OS in patients with PC was 51.8 % and 42.4 % respectively (р=0.007). Decrease of OS in patients with PC is associated with chGVHD(58.3 %,) (р=0.03).Conclusion. Pulmonary complications (infectious and non-infectious) in allo-HSCT recipients are more likely to occur in the first year after transplantation. Among bacterial pathogens, the predominance of Gr(-) flora remains. The incidence of pulmonary complications was significantly lower when using ptCY as a prevention of GVHD. Введение. Аллогенная трансплантация гемопоэтических стволовых клеток (алло-ТГСК) позволяет излечить тяжелые злокачественные и незлокачественные заболевания системы крови. Легочные осложнения (ЛО) после алло-ТГСК встречаются у 40–60% пациентов. Однако до настоящего времени остается недостаточно изученным влияние ТГСК на функциональные и морфологические изменения в легких у реципиентов.Цель – изучить факторы риска, влияющие на долгосрочную выживаемость у детей и подростков после алло-ТГСК.Методы и материалы. Настоящее исследование было как ретроспективным, так и проспективным. В анализ включены 362 пациента с острым лимфобластным лейкозом (ОЛЛ) и острым миелоидным лейкозом (ОМЛ), в возрасте от 5 месяцев до 18 лет, получивших алло-ТГСК в НИИ ДОГиТ им. Р. М. Горбачёвой в период с 2000 по 2018 г. Всем пациентам проводилась компьютерная томография (КТ) грудной клетки. При обнаружении изменений на КТ мы выполняли диагностическую фибробронхоскопию (ФБС) с микробиологическим исследованием бронхоальвеолярного лаважа (БАЛ). Результаты. ЛО диагностированы у 124 (64 %) пациентов из 193 пациентов, получавших алло-ТГСК с 2014 по 2018 г. Снижение общей выживаемости (ОВ) ассоциировано с развитием ЛО в течение первого года после алло-ТГСК (р<0,001). Развитие ранних легочных осложнений в ремиссии основного заболевания значимо влияло на ОВ (р=0,001). Шанс развития ЛО в 2,26 раза выше у пациентов старше 9 лет (р=0,006). При сравнении интенсивности режимов кондиционирования (миелоаблативные (МАК) режимы и режимы со сниженной интенсивностью доз (РИК)) в ремиссии основного заболевания нами не было получено значимых различий в частоте возникновения легочных осложнений (р>0,05). Источник трансплантата, тип донора, совместимость по генам HLA-системы, пол реципиента не оказывали влияния на частоту развития легочных осложнений (р>0,05). При использовании режима профилактики реакции «трансплантат против хозяина» (РТПХ) (птЦФ против АТГ) 5-летняя ОВ у пациентов без ЛО составила 78,8 и 62,8 % соответственно. У пациентов с ЛО 5-летняя ОВ – 51,8 и 42,4 % соответственно (р=0,007). Ухудшение общей выживаемости у пациентов с ЛО ассоциировано с хРТПХ (58,3 %) (р=0,03).Заключение. Легочные осложнения (инфекционные и неинфекционные) у реципиентов алло-ТГСК чаще возникают в первый год после выполнения трансплантации. Среди бактериальных возбудителей сохраняется преобладание Гр(-)-флоры. Частота развития легочных осложнений была значительно ниже при использовании птЦФ в качестве профилактики РТПХ.

    Ten millennia of hepatitis B virus evolution

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) has been infecting humans for millennia and remains a global health problem, but its past diversity and dispersal routes are largely unknown. We generated HBV genomic data from 137 Eurasians and Native Americans dated between ~10,500 and ~400 years ago. We date the most recent common ancestor of all HBV lineages to between ~20,000 and 12,000 years ago, with the virus present in European and South American hunter-gatherers during the early Holocene. After the European Neolithic transition, Mesolithic HBV strains were replaced by a lineage likely disseminated by early farmers that prevailed throughout western Eurasia for ~4000 years, declining around the end of the 2nd millennium BCE. The only remnant of this prehistoric HBV diversity is the rare genotype G, which appears to have reemerged during the HIV pandemic

    Major genes determining yield-related traits in wheat and barley

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