733 research outputs found

    Some economic and socio-cultural factors associated with cerebral malaria among under-fives in Benin City, Nigeria.

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    Introduction: Risk factors associated with the occurrence of cerebral malaria in under fives are well documented. Outside these acknowledged factors of age, location, and nutrition, other socioeconomic/cultural factors could contribute to the maze of factors determining the occurrence of the morbidity. Methods: To unravel such factors a key informant interview was conducted among resident doctors in paediatrics at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital. Factors identified formed the basis of this cross-sectional, case control study involving 64 cases each of subjects and controls with uncomplicated malaria carried out at the Hospital. Such factors as delay in accessing competent intervention, prolonged use of anti-pyretics, material educational status, use of substandard medication and abdominal scarification as identified were evaluated in the two sets of patients. Others evaluated included mothers’ occupation and health seeking behaviours. Results: Factors found to be significantly associated with occurrence of cerebral malaria were initial treatment in clinics (X2 = 6.43, p = 0.011) presence of fresh abdominal scarification (X2 = 4.30, p=0.038) late presentation (X2 = 32.64; p=0.000) and non- use of mosquito nets (X2 = 9.14; p=0.002). Conclusion/Recommendations: Initial treatment either in clinics or non orthodox facilities contributed significantly to the occurrence of cerebral malaria. The implication of these is that pre- teaching hospital treatments were inadequate in managing the child meant to develop cerebral malaria. Attention should therefore be directed at these areas alongside use of mosquito nets if the objective is to minimise the occurrence of cerebral malaria.Key words: Cerebral malaria, Risk factors, Under fives, Economic factors & Socio-cultural factors

    Stephanofilaria sp em bovinos do município de São Carlos, Estado de São Paulo.

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    Estudos clínicas e laboratórios em ulceras do tipo "Chagas de Verão" em bovinos do Município de São Carlos. Observou-se uma dermatite nodular ulcerativa na região da quartela, jarrete, cruz, cabeça, teta, paleta

    Reconstruction of the eruptive history of Usu volcano, Hokkaido, Japan, inferred from petrological correlation between tephras and dome lavas

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    Usu volcano has erupted nine times since 1663. Most eruptive events started with an explosive eruption, which was followed by the formation of lava domes. However, the ages of several summit lava domes and craters remain uncertain. The petrological features of tephra deposits erupted from 1663 to 1853 are known to change systematically. In this study, we correlated lavas with tephras under the assumption that lava and tephra samples from the same event would have similar petrological features. Although the initial explosive eruption in 1663 was not accompanied by lava effusion, lava dome or cryptodome formation was associated with subsequent explosive eruptions. We inferred the location of the vent associated with each event from the location of the associated lava dome and the pyroclastic flow deposit distribution and found that the position of the active vent within the summit caldera differed for each eruption from the late 17th through the 19th century. Moreover, we identified a previously unrecognized lava dome produced by a late 17th century eruption; this dome was largely destroyed by an explosive eruption in 1822 and was replaced by a new lava dome during a later stage of the 1822 event at nearly the same place as the destroyed dome. This new interpretation of the sequence of events is consistent with historical sketches and documents. Our results show that petrological correlation, together with geological evidence, is useful not only for reconstructing volcanic eruption sequences but also for gaining insight into future potential disasters

    Cloprostenol administration in the first week postpartum reduces expression of oxytocin receptors in the endometrium in Holstein-Zebu cows.

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    ABSTRACT The present study investigated the hormonal profile and expression of prostaglandin F2? (PGF2?), oxytocin and estrogen receptors in uterine tissues of postpartum cows treated with cloprostenol. Twenty HolsteinZebu crossbred cows were treated with saline solution (treatment CONT) or cloprostenol (treatment CLO), both administered two and five days postpartum. Blood samples were collected on days two, seven, 14, 21 and 28 postpartum for progesterone, PGF2? metabolite (PGFM) and estradiol determination, and endometrial biopsy was performed in order to quantify the expression of oxytocin receptor (OXTR), prostaglandin F receptor (PTGFR) and estrogen receptor 1 (ERS1) genes. In the CLO treatment, expression of OXTR was reduced (P0.05) between treatments was found for PTGFR and ERS1 expression. Estrogen concentrations increased progressively until day 14 (P<0.05) and the highest OXTR expression and lowest PTGFR expression were observed on day 14 (P<0.05) in both treatments. Serum PGFM concentrations were high throughout the experiment. In conclusion, cloprostenol administration at days two and five of postpartum seems to reduce OXTR expression in the endometrium in crossbred cows

    Data on microbial and physicochemical assessment of mixed fruit wine produced from physically damaged fruits

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    The data described in this article was obtained in an experiment designed for the production of mixed fruit wine using physically damaged fruits in the process of fermentation. Three fruits (watermelon, pineapple and orange) were used in the wine production process. The fermentation process involved two stages; aerobic and anaerobic fermentation. The paper presents the data on microbial and physicochemical analyses carried out to monitor the fermentation and clarification processes

    Produtividade do maracujazeiro-azedo em função de idades da muda.

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    A produção de maracujá-azedo constitui uma interessante alternativa para diversificação da agricultura familiar, contribuindo como mais uma opção de geração de emprego e renda. A produção brasileira atingiu 690.364 t em 46.436 ha com uma produtividade média de 14,86 t.ha-1 (IBGE, 2020). O sucesso no cultivo do maracujazeiro-azedo depende de vários fatores entre os quais a qualidade da muda, que desempenha papel fundamental. Na qualidade da muda influenciam: qualidade da semente, formato e volume do recipiente, composição física, química e biológica do substrato, ambiente do viveiro (estufa, bancada, filmes e telas plásticas), tratamento fitossanitário no viveiro, irrigação, idade da muda entre outros (JUNGHANS et al.,2017

    Hematologic and hepatic responses of the freshwater fish Hoplias malabaricus after saxitoxin exposure.

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    The bioaccumulation of saxitoxins (STX) in the trophic chain, mainly in freshwater, are not completely known. This work aimed to elucidate the effects of STX on Hoplias malabaricus through trophic bioassay. The fish were fed once every five days with Astyanax sp. before being subjected to an intraperitoneal inoculation with the lysate of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii culture containing 97% STX and 3% by neosaxitoxin and gonyautoxin during 20 days. The animal?s liver was assessed using biomarkers as activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione S-transferase (GST), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and concentrations of reduced glutathione (GSH) and lipoperoxidation (LPO) and protein carbonylation (PCO). In the blood was analyzed the genotoxic and hematological parameters. The hepatosomatic index and the relative condition factor did not show a significant difference between the exposed and control groups. The values of mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration and mean corpuscular hemoglobin increased in the STX group. The hepatic tissue from both groups exhibited a typical pattern that have been already described for most teleost fish. The results suggested the generation of reactive oxygen species, with increased activity of GPx and concentrations of LPO and GSH; whereas the specific activity of SOD decreased. However, no changes were observed in the CAT, PCO, and DNA damage. Although the STX effects are known as neurotoxic, this cyanotoxin caused liver biochemical alterations that can be considered ecologically relevant

    FOLFIRI Plus Bevacizumab 5 mg/kg Versus 10 mg/kg as Second-line Therapy in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Who Have Failed First-line Bevacizumab Plus Oxaliplatin-based Therapy: A Randomized Phase III Study (EAGLE Study)

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    We planned a multicenter randomized phase III study to evaluate the efficacy of appropriate dose of bevacizumab (5 or 10 mg/kg) with FOLFIRI in patients with advanced/metastatic colorectal cancer who have failed prior bevacizumab plus oxaliplatin-based therapy. The primary endpoint is progression-free survival. The secondary endpoints are the toxicity, response rate, time to treatment failure, overall survival, overall survival from the start of the first-line treatment and second progression-free survival (time duration from the initiation of the first-line treatment until progression after the protocol treatment). A total of 370 patients were considered to be appropriate for this trial

    Eastern Mediterranean surface water temperatures and d18O composition during deposition of sapropels in the late Quaternary

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    Water column stratification increased at climatic transitions from cold to warm periods during the lateQuaternary and led to anoxic conditions and sapropel formation in the deep eastern Mediterranean basins. Highresolutiondata sets on sea-surface temperatures (SST) (estimated from U37k0 indices) and d18O of planktonicforaminifer calcite (d18Ofc) across late Pleistocene sapropel intervals show that d18Ofc decreased (between 1 and4.6%) and SST increased (between 0.7 and 6.7 C). Maximal d18Oseawater depletion of eastern Mediterraneansurface waters at the transition is between 0.5 and 3.0%, and in all but one case exceeded the depletion seen in awestern Mediterranean core. The depletion in d18Oseawater is most pronounced at sapropel bases, in agreementwith an initial sudden input of monsoon-derived freshwater. Most sapropels coincide with warming trends ofSST. The density decrease by initial freshwater input and continued warming of the sea surface pooled freshwater in the surface layer and prohibited deep convection down to ageing deep water emplaced during cold andarid glacial conditions. An exception to this pattern is glacial sapropel S6; its largest d18Oseawater depletion(3%) is almost matched by the depletion in the western Mediterranean Sea, and it is accompanied by surfacewater cooling following an initially rapid warming phase. A second period of significant isotopic depletion is inisotope stage 6 at the 150 kyr insolation maximum. While not expressed as a sapropel due to cold SST, it is inaccord with a strengthened monsoon in the southern catchment