544 research outputs found

    Effect of castration age on carcass traits and meat quality of Simmental bulls

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    RiassuntoEffetto dell'eta di castrazione su caratteristiche della carcassa e qualita della carne di tori Pezzati Rossi. Il posticipo dell'eta di castrazione sembra limitare la riduzione delle performance produttive, mantenendo gli effetti positivi sulla qualita della carne. In proposito, su 24 tori di razza Pezzata Rossa, lo studio ha valutato l'effetto della castrazione a 10 o 12 mesi (Anticipata vs. Tardiva; periodo di ingrasso: 191 vs. 151 giorni) sulle caratteristiche qualitative della carcassa e del Longissimus thoracis. Sulla carne sono state analizzate composizione chimica, colore, tenerezza e gusto, con tecniche strumentali e sensoriali. La castrazione anticipata comporta l'ottenimento di carne a piu elevato tenore lipidico che migliora la tenerezza, aumenta la luminosita e riduce le perdite di cottura. Nel caso degli animali castrati tardivamente, la minor marezzatura sembra invece favorire la produzione di carne con un piu elevato valore dell'indice del rosso e dal gusto piu apprezzato alla valu..

    PM2.5 Size Distribution and Characterization by Carbon Isotope in Tuscany (Italy)

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    This study is focused on the numerical distribution and isotopic description of PM2.5 developed within the PATOS II (Particolato Atmosferico TOScana) regional project about the characterization and source apportionment of atmospheric aerosol (PM2.5) in Tuscany. PM isotopic analysis can play an important role in the individuation of primary and secondary sources and also in the determination of the natural/biogenic or anthropogenic/combustion contribution to the measured concentration. In addition, the PM2.5 particle number concentrations and the relative contribution of ultrafine particles are interpreted to identify the emission sources, the main atmospheric processes and the factors related with the dispersion of atmospheric pollutants. The analytical results in term of δ13C parameter show a greater variability in the urban and suburban background sites than in the urban traffic site, where the δ13C parameter does not vary significantly: this could be strictly correlated with traffic emissions and independently from the total particles number. On the contrary, urban and suburban background sites are affected by the meteorology and atmospheric processes. For this reason we can observe a wider variability in the δ13C values due to the contribution of different emissions sources. Despite all, in urban background we can observe lower δ13C values related with high number of total particles; this effect could be related with a traffic emission transport, because the δ13C parameter is similar to the δ13C value of urban traffic site

    Grotta Romanelli (Southern Italy, Apulia). Legacies and issues in excavating a key site for the Pleistocene of the Mediterranean

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    Grotta Romanelli, located on the Adriatic coast of southern Apulia (Italy), is considered a key site for the Mediterranean Pleistocene for its archaeological and palaeontological contents. The site, discovered in 1874, was re-evaluated only in 1900, when P. E. Stasi realised that it contained the first evidence of the Palaeolithic in Italy. Starting in 1914, G. A. Blanc led a pioneering excavation campaign, for the first-time using scientific methods applied to systematic palaeontological and stratigraphical studies. Blanc proposed a stratigraphic framework for the cave. Different dating methods (C-14 and U/Th) were used to temporally constrain the deposits. The extensive studies of the cave and its contents were mostly published in journals with limited distribution and access, until the end of the 1970s, when the site became forgotten. In 2015, with the permission of the authorities, a new excavation campaign began, led by a team from Sapienza University of Rome in collaboration with IGAG CNR and other research institutions. The research team had to deal with the consequences of more than 40 years of inactivity in the field and the combined effect of erosion and legal, as well as illegal, excavations. In this paper, we provide a database of all the information published during the first 70 years of excavations and highlight the outstanding problems and contradictions between the chronological and geomorphological evidence, the features of the faunal assemblages and the limestone artefacts

    A Microbial Co-Culturing System for Producing Cellulose-Hyaluronic Acid Composites

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    In this study, a co-culture system combining bacterial cellulose (BC) producers and hyaluronic acid (HA) producers was developed for four different combinations. AAB of the genus Komagataeibacter sp. and LAB of the Lactocaseibacillus genus were used to produce BC and HA, respectively. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction were used to investigate changes in BC-HA composites chemical and morphological structure. Water absorption, uptake, and antibacterial properties were also tested. Outcomes highlighted a higher bacterial cellulose yield and the incorporation of hyaluronic acid into the composite. The presence of hyaluronic acid increased fiber dimension-nearly doubled for some combinations-which led to a decreased crystallinity of the composites. Different results were observed based on the BC producer and HA producer combination. However, water holding capacity (WHC) in all the samples improved with the presence of HA, while water uptake worsened. A thymol-enriched BC-HA composite showed high antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli DSM 30083(T) and Staphylococcus aureus DSM 20231(T). Results could contribute to opening new applications in the cosmetics or pharmaceutical fields

    Humans as the third evolutionary stage of biosphere engineering of rivers

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    We examine three fundamental changes in river systems induced by innovations of the biosphere, these being: (1) the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis; (2) the development of vascular plants with root systems; and (3) the evolution of humans. The first two innovations provide context for the degree of human-induced river change. Early river systems of the Precambrian Archean Eon developed in an atmosphere with no free oxygen, and fluvial sediments accumulated ‘reduced detrital’ minerals. By 2.4 Ga the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis produced an oxygenated atmosphere and ‘reduced detrital’ minerals mostly disappeared from rivers, affording a distinct mineralogical difference from subsequent fluvial deposits. Rivers of the Precambrian and early Phanerozoic were dominantly braided, but from 0.416 Ga, the evolution of vascular plants with roots bound floodplain sediments and fostered fine-grained meandering rivers. Early meandering river deposits show extensive animal activity including fish and arthropod tracks and burrows. Homo sapiens, appearing about 150 ka BP, has, in recent millennia, profoundly modified river systems, altering their mineralogical, morphological and sedimentary state. Changes in sediment fluxes caused by human ‘reverse engineering’ of the terrestrial biosphere include deforestation, irrigation and agriculture. Sediment retention has been encouraged by the construction of dams. Modern river systems are associated with extensive human trace fossils that show a developing complexity from ancient civilizations through to megacities. Changes induced by humans rank in scale with those caused by earlier biosphere innovations at 2.4 and 0.416 Ga, but would geologically soon revert to a “pre-human” state were humans to become extinct.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2213305415000089

    Vegetation, climate and environmental history of the last 4500 years at lake Shkodra (Albania/Montenegro)

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    Three parallel overlapping cores have been taken in the Albanian side of Lake Shkodra (Albania/Montenegro). The chronological frame of the record, spanning approximately the last 4500 years, has been assessed using four radiocarbon dates and four well-known tephra layers of Italian volcanoes. Multidisciplinary analyses turned out to be decisive to understand environmental, climatic changes and human impact. Here, we focus on palynology. The humidity at Shkodra was always enough to allow the developing of a luxuriant arboreal vegetation. The pollen percentage diagram does not record important changes in terrestrial plants percentages. Arboreal pollen (AP) shows only a rather slight decrease, with ‘natural forests’ replaced by intensive cultivation of chestnut and walnut in the last seven/eight centuries. The rather minimal changes in composition and dominance are because of the fact that the pollen rain comes from different vegetation belts, from the Mediterranean to the alpine one. Two major periods of humidity are found, one at the base of the pollen concentration and influx diagram, before 4100 yr BP, the other at 1300 yr BP. Minima in pollen influx and concentration occurred soon before 4000, at ca. 2900 and at ca. 1450 yr BP These minima, interpreted as aridity crises, show a temporal coincidence with the so-called Bond events 1-3 already found in other central and eastern Mediterranean records. The minimum in AP occurring after 500 yr BP could represent the record of the ‘Little Ice Age’, even if it could be the effect of a strong land use

    The effect of l-thymidine, acyclic thymine and 8-bromoguanine on the stability of model G-quadruplex structures

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    Background Guanine-rich oligonucleotides are capable of forming tetrahelical structures known as G-quadruplexes with interesting biological properties. We have investigated the effects of site-specific substitution in the loops and in the tetrads model G-quadruplexes using thymine glycol nucleic acid (GNA) units, l-thymidine and 8-Br-2′-deoxyguanosine. Methods Modified oligonucleotides were chemically synthesized and spectroscopic techniques were used to determine the relative stability of the modified G-quadruplex. The double 8-BrdG-modified quadruplexes were further characterized by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Binding to thrombin of selected quadruplex was analyzed by gel electrophoresis retention assay. Results The most interesting results were found with a 8-bromoG substitution that had the larger stabilization of the quadruplex. NMR studies indicate a tight relationship between the loops and the tetrads to accommodate 8-bromoG modifications within the TBA. Conclusions The substitutions of loop positions with GNA T affect the TBA stability except for single modification in T7 position. Single l-thymidine substitutions produced destabilization of TBA. Larger changes on quadruplex stability are observed with the use of 8-bromoG finding a single substitution with the highest thermal stabilization found in thrombin binding aptamers modified at the guanine residues and having good affinity for thrombin. Double 8-BrdG modification in anti positions of different tetrads produce a conformational flip from syn to anti conformation of 8-Br-dG to favor loop-tetrad interaction and preserve the overall TBA stability

    Geochemical investigation of a sediment core from the Trajan basin at Portus, the harbor of ancient Rome

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    International audiencea journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: a b s t r a c t From the 1st century AD and for the duration of the Roman Empire, the Portus complex was the main harbor of Rome. Its location on the Tiber delta next to the Tyrrhenian Sea produced rapid environmental changes that, together with historical vicissitudes, largely determined the fate of the harbor. We have assembled data on the mineralogy, sedimentology, geochemistry, and ostracod populations of a sediment core drilled in the access channel of the hexagonal basin of Trajan, with the expectation that such a combined data set will shed new light on how the connections of the inland Trajan basin with the Tiber river, the earlier Claudius harbor on the nearby shoreline, and the sea evolved through the centuries. The data define four distinct periods which geochemistry characterizes by different conditions of salinity and oxygenation. These in turn can be related to historical periods and events by means of 1

    Exploring the stabilizing effect on the i-motif of neighboring structural motifs and drugs

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    Cytosine-rich DNA sequences may fold into a structure known as i-motif, with potential in vivo modulation of gene expression. The stability of the i-motif is residual at neutral pH values. To increase it, the addition of neighboring moieties, such as Watson-Crick stabilized loops, tetrads, or non-canonical base pairs have been proposed. Taking a recently described i-motif structure as a model, the relative effect of these structural moieties, as well as several DNA ligands, on the stabilization of the i-motif has been studied. To this end, not only the original sequence but different mutants were considered. Spectroscopic techniques, PAGE, and multivariate data analysis methods have been used to model the folding/unfolding equilibria induced by changes of pH, temperature, and the presence of ligands. The results have shown that the duplex is the moiety that is responsible of the stabilization of the i-motif structure at neutral pH. The T:T base pair, on the contrary, shows little stabilization of the i-motif. From several selected DNA-binding ligands, the G-quadruplex ligand BA41 is shown to interact with the duplex moiety, whereas non-specific interaction and little stabilization has been observed within the i-motif