209 research outputs found

    El dibuix de la figura humana com a llenguatge expressiu

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    El dibuix de la figura humana utilitzat com a llenguatge expressiu es pot contemplar a diferents exposicions artístiques com a font d’informació històrica on es relacionen les vivències personals amb la seva representació pictòrica. Les exposicions més representatives d’aquest tema que han tingut lloc a la nostra ciutat en els darrers anys han estat La col·lecció Prinzhorn (Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, 2001), En guerra (Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, 2004) i Hi havia una vegada Txernòbil (Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, 2006). En el grup de recerca Salut Activitat Física i Esport (SAFE) de la Facultat de Psicologia Ciències de l’Educació i l’Esport Blanquerna, dins el projecte Dansa Esquema Corporal (DEC) hi ha una línia d’investigació dedicada a avaluar l’impacte de les sessions d’expressió corporal, entesa principalment com a vivència personal, i la seva representació gràfica en paper. Els objectius principals de la nostra recerca son examinar si el dibuix de la figura humana és una eina eficaç per avaluar el coneixement de l’esquema corporal en població general infantil i en població d’adolescents amb Síndrome de Down amb el test de Goodenough, i avaluar la repercussió de la sessió d’expressió corporal en el desenvolupament emocional amb el test de Koppitz

    Life-history trait of the Mediterranean keystone species Patella rustica: growth and microbial bioerosion

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    The age and shell growth patterns in populations of Patella rustica of the Adriatic Sea were determined by analyzing the inner growth lines visible in shell sections. Marginal increment analysis showed annual periodicity with annual growth line being deposited in May. The growth analysis of 120 individual shells showed that 90.8 % of collected individuals were less than 4 years of age and only two individuals (1.6 %) were older than 6 years. Population structure was described and the generalized von Bertalanffy growth parameters were calculated: asymptotic length (L∞) was 38.22 mm and the growth constant (K) was 0.30 year-1. Growth performance index value of P. rustica (Ø’) was 2.64 and is among the lowest ranges reported for limpet species. Patella rustica shells were degraded to different degrees by microbial bioerosion. Microboring organisms identified were pseudofilamentous and filamentous cyanobacteria Hormathonema paulocellulare, Hyella caespitosa, Mastigocoleus testarum and Leptolyngbya sp. The overall intensity of infestation was relatively low, but increased in severity with shell length. The damage was most often restricted to the oldest parts of the shell, i.e. apex of the shell, posing difficulties in determining the exact position of the first growth line. The present study is first to introduce the use of inner growth lines in Patella rustica shell sections as a reliable method for age determination and it provides the first insight into the growth patterns of this keystone species while taking the interference of microbial shell bioerosion in consideration

    An energy budget for the subtidal bivalve Modiolus barbatus (Mollusca) at different temperatures

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    Clearance rates, respiration rates and food absorption efficiencies of the commercially interesting subtidal bivalve Modiolus barbatus were measured at different temperatures under laboratory conditions and scope for growth calculated. Clearance rates were highest at temperatures from 20°C to 28°C, whereas respiration rate was maximal at 9°C and minimal at 26°C. Highest mean values of absorbed energy occurred at 20°C and 26°C. Scope for growth trend had negative values at 9°C, 15°C and 28°C and positive values at temperatures 20°C and 26°C. The profitable thermal window for M. barbatus to have energy sufficient for growth and reproduction corresponded to <5 months per year. Seawater temperature increases will potentially impact the ecophysiological responses of subtidal M. barbatus causing life history traits to change with important repercussions for subtidal biodiversity in the Mediterranea

    Cardiorespiratory coordination during exercise in adults with Down syndrome

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    Introduction: Down syndrome (DS) is a chromosomal disorder affecting simultaneously cardiovascular and respiratory systems. There is no research studying the coupling between these systems during cardiorespiratory exercise testing in a population with DS. Cardiorespiratory coordination (CRC), evaluated through principal component analysis (PCA), measures the covariation of cardiorespiratory variables during exercise. Objective: to investigate and compare CRC in adults with and without DS during maximal cardiorespiratory exercise testing. Methods: fifteen adults with DS and 15 adults without disabilities performed a maximal cardiorespiratory exercise test on a treadmill. First, the slope, and afterward the velocity was increased regularly until participants reached exhaustion. The time series of six selected cardiorespiratory variables [ventilation per minute, an expired fraction of O2, the expired fraction of CO2, heart rate, systolic blood pressure (SBP), and diastolic blood pressure (DBP)] were extracted for the analysis. The number of principal components (PCs), the first PC eigenvalues (PC1), and the information entropy were computed for each group (non-DS and DS) and compared using a t-test or a Mann-Whitney U test. Results: two PCs in the non-DS group and three PCs in the DS group captured the variance of the studied cardiorespiratory variables. The formation of an additional PC in the DS group was the result of the shift of SBP and DBP fromthe PC1 cluster of variables. Eigenvalues of PC1 were higher in the non-DS (U = 30; p = 0.02; d = 1.47) than in the DS group, and the entropy measure was higher in the DS compared with the non-DS group (U = 37.5; p = 0.008; d = 0.70). Conclusion: adults with Down syndrome showed higher CRC dimensionality and a higher entropy measure than participants without disabilities. Both findings point toward a lower efficiency of the cardiorespiratory function during exercise in participants with DS. CRC appears as an alternative measure to investigate the cardiorespiratory function and its response to exercise in the DS population

    Confirmatory factor analysis with missing data in a small sample: cognitive reserve in people with Down Syndrome

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    The presence of missing data and small sample sizes are very common in social and health sciences. Concurrently to present a methodology to solve the small sample size and miss- ing data, we aim to present a definition of Cognitive Reserve for people with Down Syn- drome. This population has become an appealing focus to study this concept because of the high incidence of dementia. The accidental sample comprised 35 persons with DS (16- 35 years). A total of 12 variables were acquired, four of them had missing data. Two types of multiple imputation were made. Confirmatory factor analysis with Bayesian estimations was performed on the final database with non-informative priors. However, to solve the sample size problem, two additional corrections were made: first, we followed the Jiang and Yuan (2017) schema, and second, we made a Jackknife correlation correction. The estimations of the confirmatory factor analysis, as well as the global fit, are adequate. As an applied perspective, the acceptable fit of our model suggests the possibility of opera- tionalizing the latent factor Cognitive Reserve in a simple way to measure it in the Down Syndrome population

    Measurement-Induced Entanglement for Excitation Stored in Remote Atomic Ensembles

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    A critical requirement for diverse applications in Quantum Information Science is the capability to disseminate quantum resources over complex quantum networks. For example, the coherent distribution of entangled quantum states together with quantum memory to store these states can enable scalable architectures for quantum computation, communication, and metrology. As a significant step toward such possibilities, here we report observations of entanglement between two atomic ensembles located in distinct apparatuses on different tables. Quantum interference in the detection of a photon emitted by one of the samples projects the otherwise independent ensembles into an entangled state with one joint excitation stored remotely in 10^5 atoms at each site. After a programmable delay, we confirm entanglement by mapping the state of the atoms to optical fields and by measuring mutual coherences and photon statistics for these fields. We thereby determine a quantitative lower bound for the entanglement of the joint state of the ensembles. Our observations provide a new capability for the distribution and storage of entangled quantum states, including for scalable quantum communication networks .Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures Submitted for publication on August 31 200

    Intellectual disability, exercise and aging: the IDEA study: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: People with intellectual disabilities (ID) have low levels of physical activity (PA) together with accelerated aging profiles. Adherence to PA interventions for persons with ID is low based on barriers such as motivation. The IDEA study aims to determine the effect of two types of exercise programs, continuous aerobic (CAEP) vs sprint interval training (SIT), designed for seniors with ID on health-related physical fitness, cardiovascular parameters, quality of life (QoL), and emotional and cognitive function. Methods: In this trial, ninety seniors with ID between the ages of 40 and 75 yrs. from occupational health centers from the Autonomous Region of Catalonia (Spain) will be recruited. Participants will be randomly allocated to the CAEP, SIT, and control group. Both intervention groups will train 3 days/week, 1.5 h/day over 6 months. Outcome variables will be assessed at baseline, 6 months and 12 months. The outcome variables include weight, height, body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle strength, balance, flexibility, cardiovascular parameters (blood pressure, pulse-wave velocity, pulse-wave analysis), QoL and cognitive function. The intervention effect will be determined with mixed models with repeated measures to assess changes in the outcome variables over time (baseline to month 12) and between study arms. Relationship between variables will be analyzed with appropriate regression analyses. Discussion: Various studies reported on CAEP and SIT as exercise interventions for persons with ID with beneficial outcomes on body composition, fitness and blood pressure. To our knowledge, this is the first trial designed to analyse the positive changes on fitness, PA levels, cardiovascular, QoL and cognitive function promoted by CAEP training and SIT in seniors with ID. The findings of this study will assist in the development of more effective exercise interventions to ensure better compliance and adherence to exercise in seniors with ID

    Association of Self-Reported and Device-Measured Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity with Health-Related Quality of Life among European Older Adults

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    Human movement behaviours such as physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) during waking time have a significant impact on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in older adults. In this study, we aimed to analyse the association between self-reported and device-measured SB and PA with HRQoL in a cohort of community-dwelling older adults from four European countries. A subsample of 1193 participants from the SITLESS trial (61% women and 75.1 ± 6.2 years old) were included in the analysis. The association between self-reported and objective measures of SB and PA with HRQoL were quantified using Spearman’s Rho coefficients. The strength of the associations between self-reported and device-measured PA and SB with self-rated HRQoL (mental composite score, MCS; physical composite score, PCS) were assessed through multivariate multiple regression analysis. Self-reported and device-measured PA and SB levels showed significant but poor associations with PCS (p < 0.05). The association with MCS was only significant but poor with self-reported light PA (LPA) and moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA). In conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that both self-reported and device-measured PA of all intensities were positively and significantly associated, while SB was negatively and significantly associated with the PCS of the SF-12

    Dental cell type atlas reveals stem and differentiated cell types in mouse and human teeth

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    Understanding cell types and mechanisms of dental growth is essential for reconstruction and engineering of teeth. Therefore, we investigated cellular composition of growing and non-growing mouse and human teeth. As a result, we report an unappreciated cellular complexity of the continuously-growing mouse incisor, which suggests a coherent model of cell dynamics enabling unarrested growth. This model relies on spatially-restricted stem, progenitor and differentiated populations in the epithelial and mesenchymal compartments underlying the coordinated expansion of two major branches of pulpal cells and diverse epithelial subtypes. Further comparisons of human and mouse teeth yield both parallelisms and differences in tissue heterogeneity and highlight the specifics behind growing and non-growing modes. Despite being similar at a coarse level, mouse and human teeth reveal molecular differences and species-specific cell subtypes suggesting possible evolutionary divergence. Overall, here we provide an atlas of human and mouse teeth with a focus on growth and differentiation. Unlike human teeth, mouse incisors grow throughout life, based on stem and progenitor cell activity. Here the authors generate single cell RNA-seq comparative maps of continuously-growing mouse incisor, non-growing mouse molar and human teeth, combined with lineage tracing to reveal dental cell complexity.Peer reviewe

    Cost-effectiveness of a programme to address sedentary behaviour in older adults: results from the SITLESS RCT

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    Background: This study details the within-trial economic evaluation and long-term economic model of SITLESS, a multi-country, three-armed randomized controlled trial comparing a combined intervention of exercise referral schemes (ERS) enhanced by self-management strategies (SMS) against ERS alone and usual care (UC). Methods: A cost-utility analysis, conducted from the base-case perspective of the National Health Service and personal and social services, estimated the incremental cost per incremental quality-adjusted life year (QALY) and years in full capability (YFC). A secondary analysis combined the costs with a broad set of outcomes within a cost-consequence framework, from a societal perspective. A Markov-type decision-analytic model was developed to project short-term changes in physical activity to long-term outcomes and costs, over a 5- and 15-year time horizon. Results: The results of the within-trial analysis show that SMS+ERS is highly likely to be cost-effective compared to ERS alone (ICER €4270/QALY), but not compared to UC. Participants allocated to the SMS+ERS group also showed an improvement in YFC compared to ERS alone and UC. The long-term analysis revealed that SMS+ERS is likely to be a cost-effective option compared to ERS and UC over a 5-year, but not with a 15-year horizon, being then dominated by ERS alone. Conclusion: This research provides new evidence that SMS is a cost-effective add-on to ERS strategies. This economic evaluation informs the case for further, cost-effective, refinement of lifestyle change programmes targeted to older adults, with the aim of ultimately reducing the impact of non-communicable diseases in this population