95 research outputs found

    Métodos de trabajo y resultados de refuerzos en madera de un forjado del siglo XVII de la Sacristía de San Miguel en Morón de la Frontera (Sevilla)

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    During the 20th century numerous solutions for reinforcing wood sub-floors with concrete slabs and frameworks were introduced with the aim of remedying malfunctions due to rheological reasons or the deterioration of some of the components. In certain cases, however, these solutions created an excessive load, and as time went by they aggravated the original pathologies, to the extent where props were required. This is precisely the case of one of the sub-floors in the sacristy that was abutted to the parish church of San Miguel in Morón during the 17th century. The sub-floors on both levels are made of timber beams and hollow plaster bricks. As part of the restoration works carried out in 2013, a concrete slab added for reinforcement in 1970 was removed and replaced with a new reinforcement made out of plywood, pre-tensioning the joints between the new and old pieces. This has significantly reduced the cambers, preserved all the principal elements and led to a more efficient performance. This paper describes the conditions prior to the intervention, the process followed and the results obtained during these restoration works. It also assesses the calculations and projections made.Durante el pasado siglo se pusieron en práctica numerosas soluciones de refuerzo de antiguos forjados de madera mediante losas que pretendían suplir las carencias de funcionamiento por causas reológicas o por deterioro de algunas de sus piezas. Algunas de estas soluciones, sin embargo, supusieron una sobrecarga innecesaria que agravó las patologías previas con el paso del tiempo, hasta el punto de requerir su apuntalamiento. Éste es el caso de uno de los forjados de la sacristía de la parroquia de San Miguel de Morón, un edificio levantado en el transcurso del siglo XVII anexo al templo. Los pisos de sus dos plantas estaban solucionados mediante forjados de vigas de madera y bovedillas de yeso. Como parte de los trabajos de restauración realizados en 2013, se desmontó un refuerzo previo realizado en 1970 mediante losa de hormigón, para ejecutar posteriormente un novedoso tipo de refuerzo con madera laminada, pretensando la unión entre las piezas nuevas y viejas, lo que ha permitido reducir de forma notable las flechas, mantener todos sus elementos principales y obtener un comportamiento más eficiente. La presente aportación expone las condiciones previas a la intervención, el proceso seguido y los resultados obtenidos durante esta restauración valorando los cálculos y previsiones realizadas

    Universitat i empresa química: un diàleg necessari entre dos mons complementaris

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    Un diàleg fluid entre les universitats i altres centres de recerca de Catalunya amb el teixit empresarial és, avui dia, una exigència social ineludible. La transferència de coneixement des dels centres de recerca públics a les nostres empreses ha de servir per millorar la seva competitivitat internacional. Entre les diferents formes de col·laboració, han pres força recentment els doctorats industrials. En aquest article es recullen les característiques bàsiques d'aquests doctorats, així com les experiències del nostre grup de treball i, en concret, el desenvolupament d'una nova síntesi industrial de l'entecavir, un potent fàrmac contra l'hepatitis B.A fluid dialogue between university (and other research centres) and the Catalan chemical companies emerges as an inescapable social demand. Knowledge transfer from public research centres should improve the international competitiveness of our chemical industry. Among the various forms of collaboration, the industrial doctorates have recently gained relevance. This article covers the basic features of these doctorates, as well as the experience of our research group in this field and specially the development of a new industrial synthesis of entecavir, a potent drug against hepatitis B

    Universitat i empresa química: un diàleg necessari entre dos mons complementaris

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    Un diàleg fluid entre les universitats i altres centres de recerca de Catalunya amb el teixit empresarial és, avui dia, una exigència social ineludible. La transferència de coneixement des dels centres de recerca públics a les nostres empreses ha de servir per millorar la seva competitivitat internacional. Entre les diferents formes de col·laboració, han pres força recentment els doctorats industrials. En aquest article es recullen les característiques bàsiques d'aquests doctorats, així com les experièn- cies del nostre grup de treball i, en concret, el desenvolupament d'una nova síntesi industrial de l'entecavir, un potent fàrmac contra l'hepatitis B

    Quantification of direct and indirect damage caused by Diceroprocta bulgara (Distant) (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) in lime

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    Objective: To quantify the direct and indirect damage caused by Diceroprocta bulgara in the cultivars of Persian lemon, Mexican with and without thorn, Colimex and Lise, in the Oaxaca Coast. Design/methodology/approach: The damage caused by D. bulgara was recorded their nests in each tree. In each plot, 15 trees were randomly selected to evaluate tree height, crown diameter, number of damaged vegetative growth flows, diameter of the first three flows, length of damage and oviposited eggs. In three planting densities of Lise and Colimex, the loss of fruit was estimated due to the indirect effect of the insect (kg ha-1). Results: The incidence of damage was from 79% (Mexican without spines) to 95% (Colimex). A slight correlation between tree size and damage was observed, larger trees showed a higher percentage of affected flows. The flow with the highest frequency of damage was the second (31.99%) and the first with the lowest (17.33%). The lowest number of eggs oviposited was 26 on the flow 1 in the Mexican lemon, and the maximum of 171 in the spineless one. The higher number of eggs was recorded in Persian lemon (371). A significant relationship was determined between the number of eggs with the length of damage and flow diameter (<0.05). The highest number of mummified fruits (15.6) was observed in Colimex (density 312 trees ha-1), estimating that up to 146 kg of fruit could be lost. Findings/conclusions: In the present work, the direct and indirect damage caused by the cicada D. bulgara was quantified for the first time, which represents a loss of fruit in productive trees. Studies on the biology of the insect are suggested for future integrated management plans.Objective: To quantify the direct and indirect damage caused by Diceroprocta bulgara in lime cultivars: Persian, Mexican with and without thorns, Colimex and Lise; on the Coast of Oaxaca, Mexico. Design/Methodology/Approach: The damage caused by D. bulgara was calculated by counting nests in trees of five lime cultivars (Persian, Mexican with thorns, Mexican without thorns, Colimex and Lise). In each plot, 15 trees were selected randomly to evaluate the variables: height, crown diameter, damaged growth flows, damaged growth diameter, damage length, and number of eggs. The loss of fruit from the indirect effect (kg ha-1), was estimated in three densities of Colimex and Lise. Results: The damage ranged between 78.6% (Mexican without thorns) and 94% (Colimex). The trees of largest size showed a higher percentage of affected flows. The second flow showed the highest frequency of damage (32%), while the lowest frequency was obtained in the first flow (17.3%). The lowest number of eggs was 26 in flow one in Mexican lime without thorns, while the highest was 171 in Mexican lime without thorns. The greatest number of eggs was observed in Persian lime (371). A significant relationship was determined between the number of eggs and the damage length and flow diameter (<0.05). The highest number of mummified fruits (15.6) was observed in Colimex (density of 312 trees ha-1) and the estimation that up to 146 kg of fruit could be lost. Findings/Conclusions: This study quantifies for the first time the direct and indirect damage caused by oviposition of the cicada D. bulgara, which represents a loss of fruit in productive trees. Studies on the insect’s biology are suggested for integral management plans

    Plasma copeptin as biomarker of disease progression and prognosis in cirrhosis

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Research on vasopressin (AVP) in cirrhosis and its role in the assessment of prognosis has been hindered by the difficulty of measuring AVP levels accurately. Copeptin, a 39-aminoacid glycopeptide, is released from the neurohypophysis together with AVP. Copeptin could have a role as biomarker of prognosis in cirrhosis as it may reflect circulatory dysfunction. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of copeptin as biomarker of disease progression and prognosis in cirrhosis. METHODS: This prospective study is divided in 2 study protocols including 321 consecutive patients. Plasma copeptin levels were measured in all patients at study inclusion. Protocol 1: to investigate the relationship of copeptin with kidney and circulatory function (56 patients). Protocol 2: to investigate the relationship between copeptin and prognosis, as assessed by the development of complications of cirrhosis or mortality at 3months (265 patients admitted to hospital for complications of cirrhosis). RESULTS: Patients with decompensated cirrhosis showed significantly higher plasma copeptin levels compared to those of patients with compensated cirrhosis. Copeptin levels had a significant positive correlation with model for end-satge liver disease (MELD) score, AVP, endogenous vasoconstrictor systems, and kidney function parameters. Patients developing complications of cirrhosis or mortality had significantly higher plasma copeptin levels compared to those of the remaining patients. Plasma copeptin levels were an independent predictive factor of both the development of complications and mortality at 3months. This was confirmed in a validation series of 120 patients. CONCLUSIONS: Copeptin is a novel biomarker of disease progression and prognosis in cirrhosis. LAY SUMMARY: Copeptin is a fragment of the vasopressin precursor, a hormone that is known to be increased in patients with cirrhosis and that plays a role in the development of complications of the disease. Vasopressin is difficult to measure, but copeptin is a more stable molecule and is easier to measure in blood. Solà and Kerbert and colleagues have shown in a series of 361 patients that copeptin is markedly increased in patients with cirrhosis who develop complications during the following 3months, compared to those patients who do not develop complications. Moreover, copeptin correlates with prognosis

    Bronchoscopist's perception of the quality of the single-use bronchoscope (Ambu aScope4™) in selected bronchoscopies: a multicenter study in 21 Spanish pulmonology services

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    Background: The disposable bronchoscope is an excellent alternative to face the problem of SARS-CoV-2 and other cross infections, but the bronchoscopist's perception of its quality has not been evaluated. Methods: To evaluate the quality of the Ambu-aScope4 disposable bronchoscope, we carried out a cross-sectional study in 21 Spanish pulmonology services. We use a standardized questionnaire completed by the bronchoscopists at the end of each bronchoscopy. The variables were described with absolute and relative frequencies, measures of central tendency and dispersion depending on their nature. The existence of learning curves was evaluated by CUSUM analysis. Results: The most frequent indications in 300 included bronchoscopies was bronchial aspiration in 69.3% and the median duration of these was 9.1 min. The route of entry was nasal in 47.2% and oral in 34.1%. The average score for ease of use, image, and aspiration quality was 80/100. All the planned techniques were performed in 94.9% and the bronchoscopist was satisfied in 96.6% of the bronchoscopies. They highlighted the portability and immediacy of the aScope4TM to start the procedure in 99.3%, the possibility of taking and storing images in 99.3%. The CUSUM analysis showed average scores > 70/100 from the first procedure and from the 9th procedure more than 80% of the scores exceeded the 80/100 score. Conclusions: The aScope4™ scored well for ease of use, imaging, and aspiration. We found a learning curve with excellent scores from the 9th procedure. Bronchoscopists highlighted its portability, immediacy of use and the possibility of taking and storing images

    Effectiveness of a strategy that uses educational games to implement clinical practice guidelines among Spanish residents of family and community medicine (e-EDUCAGUIA project):A clinical trial by clusters

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    This study was funded by the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias FIS Grant Number PI11/0477 ISCIII.-REDISSEC Proyecto RD12/0001/0012 AND FEDER Funding.Background: Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) have been developed with the aim of helping health professionals, patients, and caregivers make decisions about their health care, using the best available evidence. In many cases, incorporation of these recommendations into clinical practice also implies a need for changes in routine clinical practice. Using educational games as a strategy for implementing recommendations among health professionals has been demonstrated to be effective in some studies; however, evidence is still scarce. The primary objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of a teaching strategy for the implementation of CPGs using educational games (e-learning EDUCAGUIA) to improve knowledge and skills related to clinical decision-making by residents in family medicine. The primary objective will be evaluated at 1 and 6months after the intervention. The secondary objectives are to identify barriers and facilitators for the use of guidelines by residents of family medicine and to describe the educational strategies used by Spanish teaching units of family and community medicine to encourage implementation of CPGs. Methods/design: We propose a multicenter clinical trial with randomized allocation by clusters of family and community medicine teaching units in Spain. The sample size will be 394 residents (197 in each group), with the teaching units as the randomization unit and the residents comprising the analysis unit. For the intervention, both groups will receive an initial 1-h session on clinical practice guideline use and the usual dissemination strategy by e-mail. The intervention group (e-learning EDUCAGUIA) strategy will consist of educational games with hypothetical clinical scenarios in a virtual environment. The primary outcome will be the score obtained by the residents on evaluation questionnaires for each clinical practice guideline. Other included variables will be the sociodemographic and training variables of the residents and the teaching unit characteristics. The statistical analysis will consist of a descriptive analysis of variables and a baseline comparison of both groups. For the primary outcome analysis, an average score comparison of hypothetical scenario questionnaires between the EDUCAGUIA intervention group and the control group will be performed at 1 and 6months post-intervention, using 95% confidence intervals. A linear multilevel regression will be used to adjust the model. Discussion: The identification of effective teaching strategies will facilitate the incorporation of available knowledge into clinical practice that could eventually improve patient outcomes. The inclusion of information technologies as teaching tools permits greater learning autonomy and allows deeper instructor participation in the monitoring and supervision of residents. The long-term impact of this strategy is unknown; however, because it is aimed at professionals undergoing training and it addresses prevalent health problems, a small effect can be of great relevance. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02210442.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Impact of the Spanish Smoking Law on Exposure to Second-Hand Smoke and Respiratory Health in Hospitality Workers: A Cohort Study

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    A smoke-free law came into effect in Spain on 1st January 2006, affecting all enclosed workplaces except hospitality venues, whose proprietors can choose among totally a smoke-free policy, a partial restriction with designated smoking areas, or no restriction on smoking on the premises. We aimed to evaluate the impact of the law among hospitality workers by assessing second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure and the frequency of respiratory symptoms before and one year after the ban