3,538 research outputs found

    Taxonomic revision of the genus Alternanthera (Amaranthaceae) in Italy

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    A taxonomic revision of the genus Alternanthera (Amaranthaceae) in Italy is here presented. Field surveys were carried out during the period 2007–2013. Thirty-six herbaria (both European and American) were consulted as well as extensive literature was analyzed. Four taxa are recognized, all of them to be considered aliens native to South America. Information about nomenclature (accepted names, main synonyms, and types), morphology, chromosome number, alien status (at national and regional levels), occurrence in Italy (at regional and provincial scale), ecology (preferential habitat, phenology, and elevation), taxonomical notes, and Italian vernacular names were provided for each taxon. A diagnostic key was given. For the nomenclatural purposes the generic name Alternanthera and its type was discussed, and the names A. paronychioides and A. pungens were studied and typified (lecto- and neotype, respectively) on specimens preserved at PH and P

    Gradient flows and instantons at a Lifshitz point

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    I provide a broad framework to embed gradient flow equations in non-relativistic field theory models that exhibit anisotropic scaling. The prime example is the heat equation arising from a Lifshitz scalar field theory; other examples include the Allen-Cahn equation that models the evolution of phase boundaries. Then, I review recent results reported in arXiv:1002.0062 describing instantons of Horava-Lifshitz gravity as eternal solutions of certain geometric flow equations on 3-manifolds. These instanton solutions are in general chiral when the anisotropic scaling exponent is z=3. Some general connections with the Onsager-Machlup theory of non-equilibrium processes are also briefly discussed in this context. Thus, theories of Lifshitz type in d+1 dimensions can be used as off-shell toy models for dynamical vacuum selection of relativistic field theories in d dimensions.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, contribution to conference proceedings (NEB14); minor typos corrected in v

    The impact of environmental effects on AGN: a decline in the incidence of ionized outflows

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    AGN have been generally considered to be less frequent in denser environments due to the lower number of galaxy-galaxy interactions and/or the removal of their gas-rich reservoirs by the dense intergalactic medium. However, recent observational and theoretical works suggest that the effect of ram-pressure stripping might reduce the angular momentum of their gas, causing it to infall towards the super massive black hole (SMBH) at their centre, activating the AGN phase. In this work we explore the connection between environment and nuclear activity by evaluating the variation in the incidence of ionized outflows in AGN across different environments. We select a sample of ∼3300\sim3300 optical AGN from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 13 that we match with the group catalogue from Lim et al. 2017. We further probe their environment through the projected distance to the central galaxy of the group/cluster and the projected surface density to the 5th neighbour (δ5\delta_5). We find that at lower masses (<1010.3<10^{10.3}M⊙_{\odot}), the fraction of ionized outflows is significantly lower in satellite (∼7\sim7%) than in isolated (∼22\sim22%) AGN. The fraction of outflows in all satellite AGN decreases towards closer distances to the central, whereas only the lower-mass ones display a significant decline with δ5\delta_5. Although this study does not include AGN in the densest regions of galaxy clusters, our findings suggest that AGN in dense environments accrete less gas than those in the field potentially due to the removal of the gas reservoirs via stripping or starvation, consistent with a negative connection between environment and AGN activity. We propose that the observed change in the incidence of outflows towards denser regions of groups and clusters could contribute to the higher gas metallicities of cluster galaxies compared to field ones, especially at lower masses.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Nanoparticles engineered to bind cellular motors for efficient delivery

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    Background: Dynein is a cytoskeletal molecular motor protein that transports cellular cargoes along microtubules. Biomimetic synthetic peptides designed to bind dynein have been shown to acquire dynamic properties such as cell accumulation and active intra- and inter-cellular motion through cell-to-cell contacts and projections to distant cells. On the basis of these properties dynein-binding peptides could be used to functionalize nanoparticles for drug delivery applications. Results: Here, we show that gold nanoparticles modified with dynein-binding delivery sequences become mobile, powered by molecular motor proteins. Modified nanoparticles showed dynamic properties, such as travelling the cytosol, crossing intracellular barriers and shuttling the nuclear membrane. Furthermore, nanoparticles were transported from one cell to another through cell-to-cell contacts and quickly spread to distant cells through cell projections. Conclusions: The capacity of these motor-bound nanoparticles to spread to many cells and increasing cellular retention, thus avoiding losses and allowing lower dosage, could make them candidate carriers for drug delivery

    Las auditorías sociolaborales para un mundo cada vez más global-local. Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, beneficios, aportaciones y dificultades

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    Sustainable development is not a possibility but a necessity. Therefore, techniques that facilitate, directly or indirectly, the articulation of appropriate strategies and actions for each organization in accordance with the sustainable development goals (SDGs) are essential. On this basis, the work presents a teaching initiative consisting of the introduction of sustainability and the SDGs in the subject of Audit Techniques of the Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources of the University of Valencia. In a subject that contributes to the comprehensive training that professionals in the discipline must have in order to know how to do it, but also to know the social environment in which they work and to be able to analyze it critically, the process developed shows the interest in using this educational space and the instruments that are taught to enable the improvement of sustainability in the workplace of organizations.; El desarrollo sostenible no es una posibilidad sino una necesidad. Por ello, son imprescindibles técnicas que faciliten, de manera directa o indirecta, articular estrategias y actuaciones adecuadas a cada organización acordes con los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS). Sobre esta base, en el trabajo se presenta una iniciativa docente consistente en la introducción de la sostenibilidad y los ODS en la asignatura de Técnicas de Auditoría del Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos de la Universitat de València. En una asignatura que contribuye a la formación integral que deben tener los profesionales de la disciplina para saber hacer, pero también para conocer el medio social en el que trabajan y poder analizarlo críticamente, el proceso desarrollado pone de manifiesto el interés de utilizar este espacio educativo y los instrumentos que se enseñan para posibilitar la mejora de la sostenibilidad en el espacio laboral de las organizaciones

    Validation of whole slide imaging in the primary diagnosis of gynaecological pathology in a University Hospital

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    AIMS: Experience in the use of whole slide imaging (WSI) for primary diagnosis in pathology is very limited. We aimed to determine the accuracy of interpretation of WSI compared with conventional light microscopy (CLM) in the diagnosis of routine gynaecological biopsies. METHODS: All gynaecological specimens (n=452) received over a 2-month period at the Department of Pathology of the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona were analysed blindly by two gynaecological pathologists, one using CLM and the other WSI. All slides were digitised in a Ventana iScan HT (Roche diagnostics) at 200×. All discrepant diagnoses were reviewed, and a final consensus diagnosis was established. The results were evaluated by weighted κ statistics for two observers. RESULTS: The level of interobserver agreement between WSI and CLM evaluations was almost perfect (κ value: 0.914; 95% CI 0.879 to 0.949) and increased during the study period: κ value 0.890; 95% CI 0.835 to 0.945 in the first period and 0.941; 95%; CI 0.899 to 0.983 in the second period. Major discrepancies (differences in clinical management or prognosis) were observed in 9 cases (2.0%). All discrepancies consisted of small lesions (8 high grade squamous intraepithelial lesions of the uterine cervix, one lymph node micrometastasis of an ovarian carcinoma) underdiagnosed or missed in the WSI or the CLM evaluation. Discrepancies with no or minor clinical relevance were identified in 3.8% of the biopsies. No discrepancy was related to the poor quality of the WSI image. CONCLUSIONS: Diagnosis of gynaecological specimens by WSI is accurate and may be introduced into routine diagnosis

    Las cerámicas aborígenes de Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias) a través del yacimiento de La Cerera: materias primas, tecnología y función

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    [spa] Se analizan los materiales cerámicos prehispánicos del yacimiento de La Cerera en Gran Canaria (siglos VII-XIII D.C.). Se integra la clasificación morfotécnica y funcional, y la caracterización instrumental mediante fluorescencia de rayos X (FRX), difracción de rayos X (DRX), petrografía óptica (PO) y microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB) relacionando cada nivel de estudio aplicado. Comoresultado se detectaron diferentes cadenas operativas, conectadas con la función de los vasos y su cronología. Además se observaron importantes cambios diacrónicos en las características del material. Estos parecen coincidir con otros identificados en el registro del propio yacimiento y en otros sitios de la isla. También se discuten los posibles efectos de la intensificación de la producción sobre la homogeneidad de las fábricas cerámicas. [eng] Pre-Hispanic ceramics from the site of La Cerera at Gran Canaria are studied in this paper (7th century cal AD - 13th century cal AD). An integrated approach combining various levels of analysis has been carried out, employing morphological, technical and functional analysis of the pots, as well as instrumental characterization: X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, optical petrography and scanning electron microscopy. As result, different operative chains have been detected, linked to pots function and chronology. Other differences were observed, as important changes in the characteristics of the archaeological materials through time. Those transformations seem to coincide with others changes already observed for different elements of the aboriginal material culture at the site, as well as at other parts of the island. Effects of production intensification over the homogeneity of ceramic fabrics are also discussed

    Non-radial sign-changing solutions for the Schroedinger-Poisson problem in the semiclassical limit

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    We study the existence of nonradial sign-changing solutions to the Schroedinger-Poisson system in dimension N>=3. We construct nonradial sign-changing multi-peak solutions whose peaks are displaced in suitable symmetric configurations and collapse to the same point. The proof is based on the Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction
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