871 research outputs found

    Impact of Agricultural Technology Management Agency on Different Enterprises for the Enhancement of Production and Income to the Rural Economy of Nagaland

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    The present study was conducted in Mokokchung and Peren Districts of Nagaland. A sample of 160 respondents (out of the total, 80 were beneficiaries and 80 were non-beneficiaries of ATMA programme) were selected from both the districts from blocks and further from 8 villages based on proportionate simple random sampling method. The study shows an impact on crops, livestock as well as other selected enterprises on production and productivity of the beneficiaries of ATMA programme it may be concluded that it is due to the adoption of good varieties / species and management skill developed by them in the study area with especial reference to selected field crops, cereals, pulses, oil seeds, vegetables, animal husbandry, fishery and plantation crops by the adoption of production techniques and available technology adopted in the study area, further to access the impact on income level z-test being adopted, which justified the study to have an positive impact on the different selected enterprises

    Changes in soil erosion associated with the shift from conventional tillage to a no-tillage system, documented using 137Cs measurements

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    Caesium-137 measurements have been used to document changes in the rate and extent of soil erosion associated with the shift from conventional tillage to a no-till system on a farm in south-central Chile. The study site is located in the Coastal Mountains of the 9th Region (38°37′S 73°04′W), and is characterized by Araucano series Ultisols (Typic Hapludult), a temperate climate and a mean annual precipitation of 1100 mm year-1. A field, which was under conventional tillage until May 1986 and which was subsequently managed using a no-till system, was selected for the study. An approach for using 137Cs measurements to quantify the medium-term erosion and deposition rates associated with the periods of contrasting land management documented previously was employed. This approach involves both a standard method and a simplified method, which permits a larger number of sampling points to be used. In this study, emphasis was placed on application of the simplified method, which has the important advantage of requiring only two 137Cs measurements per sampling point. The results obtained for the study field showed that the implementation of no-till practices, including crop residue management, coincided with a reduction in the net erosion rate by about 87% and the proportion of the study area subject to erosion from 100% to 57%, and therefore significantly decreased soil and nutrient loss. Reduced soil and nutrient loss has important on-site benefits, in terms of sustainable management of the soil resource and maintaining crop productivity, as well as reducing off-site problems associated with the degradation of river water quality

    Micro-Environment Causes Reversible Changes in DNA Methylation and mRNA Expression Profiles in Patient-Derived Glioma Stem Cells

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    In vitro and in vivo models are widely used in cancer research. Characterizing the similarities and differences between a patient\u27s tumor and corresponding in vitro and in vivo models is important for understanding the potential clinical relevance of experimental data generated with these models. Towards this aim, we analyzed the genomic aberrations, DNA methylation and transcriptome profiles of five parental tumors and their matched in vitro isolated glioma stem cell (GSC) lines and xenografts generated from these same GSCs using high-resolution platforms. We observed that the methylation and transcriptome profiles of in vitro GSCs were significantly different from their corresponding xenografts, which were actually more similar to their original parental tumors. This points to the potentially critical role of the brain microenvironment in influencing methylation and transcriptional patterns of GSCs. Consistent with this possibility, ex vivo cultured GSCs isolated from xenografts showed a tendency to return to their initial in vitro states even after a short time in culture, supporting a rapid dynamic adaptation to the in vitro microenvironment. These results show that methylation and transcriptome profiles are highly dependent on the microenvironment and growth in orthotopic sites partially reverse the changes caused by in vitro culturing

    Attacks by a piercing-sucking insect (Myzus persicae Sultzer) or a chewing insect (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) on potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) induce differential changes in volatile compound release and oxylipin synthesis

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    Plant defensive strategies bring into play blends of compounds dependent on the type of attacker and coming from different synthesis pathways. Interest in the field is mainly focused on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and jasmonic acid (JA). By contrast, little is known about the oxidized polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), such as PUFA-hydroperoxides, PUFA-hydroxides, or PUFA-ketones. PUFA-hydroperoxides and their derivatives might be involved in stress response and show antimicrobial activities. Hydroperoxides are also precursors of JA and some volatile compounds. In this paper, the differential biochemical response of a plant against insects with distinct feeding behaviours is characterized not only in terms of VOC signature and JA profile but also in terms of their precursors synthesized through the lipoxygenase (LOX)-pathway at the early stage of the plant response. For this purpose, two leading pests of potato with distinct feeding behaviours were used: the Colorado Potato Beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say), a chewing herbivore, and the Green Peach Aphid (Myzus persicae Sulzer), a piercing-sucking insect. The volatile signatures identified clearly differ in function with the feeding behaviour of the attacker and the aphid, which causes the smaller damages, triggers the emission of a higher number of volatiles. In addition, 9-LOX products, which are usually associated with defence against pathogens, were exclusively activated by aphid attack. Furthermore, a correlation between volatiles and JA accumulation and the evolution of their precursors was determined. Finally, the role of the insect itself on the plant response after insect infestation was highlighted

    Productivity, profitability and energy budgeting of maize (Zea mays)/ greengram (Vigna radiata) intercropping system under rainfed conditions of Eastern Himalayan Region

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    A field experiment was conducted at Nagaland during 2009 and 2010 to study the productivity, profitability and energy budgeting of maize [Zea mays (L.)]/greengram [Vigna radiata (L.) Witczek] intercropping system under rainfed conditions of Eastern Himalayan Region on a sandy loam soil. There was significant superiority in growth and yield attributes as well as yield of maize (3.37 tonnes/ha) and greengram (1.34 tonnes/ha) under sole cropping as compared to their intercropping system. Maize equivalent yield (5.64 tonnes/ha) land equivalent ratio (1.43), Area Time Equivalency Ratio (1.19), Land Equivalent Coefficient (0.49), and Monetary Advantage Indices (` 3 273) was significantly higher with intercropping system (1:1, closely followed by 1:2 ratio) over other intercropping system under study. Moreover, higher Crop Performance Ratio (3.81) was recorded with 1:3 maize–greengram intercropping system. Intercropping system recorded the higher net return and B: C ratio as compared to either of the sole cropping. Among different row proportions, 1:1 row ratio recorded maximum energy efficiency (19.1) and energy productivity (1569.4 g/MJ) than other intercropping system

    Histone demethylase Jumonji D3 (JMJD3) as a tumor suppressor by regulating p53 protein nuclear stabilization.

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    Histone methylation regulates normal stem cell fate decisions through a coordinated interplay between histone methyltransferases and demethylases at lineage specific genes. Malignant transformation is associated with aberrant accumulation of repressive histone modifications, such as polycomb mediated histone 3 lysine 27 (H3K27me3) resulting in a histone methylation mediated block to differentiation. The relevance, however, of histone demethylases in cancer remains less clear. We report that JMJD3, a H3K27me3 demethylase, is induced during differentiation of glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs), where it promotes a differentiation-like phenotype via chromatin dependent (INK4A/ARF locus activation) and chromatin independent (nuclear p53 protein stabilization) mechanisms. Our findings indicate that deregulation of JMJD3 may contribute to gliomagenesis via inhibition of the p53 pathway resulting in a block to terminal differentiation

    Increase in soil erosion after agricultural intensification: evidence from a lowland basin in France

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    International audienceChanges in agricultural practices impact sediment transfer in catchments and rivers. Long term archives of sediment deposits in agricultural plains of northwestern Europe are rarely available, however, for reconstructing and quantifying erosion and sedimentation rates for the second half of the 20th century. In this context, a multi-parameter analysis was conducted on sedimentary deposits accumulated in a pond created in the 11th century and draining a 24 km2 cultivated catchment in western France. This catchment is representative of cultivated and drained lowland environments where agriculture has intensified during the last 60 years.High resolution seismic profiles and surface sediment samples (n = 74) were used to guide the collection of cores (n = 3) representative of the sequence of sediment accumulated in the pond. The cores were analysed to quantify and characterize the evolution of sediment dynamics in the pond.The first land consolidation period (1954-1960) was characterized by a dominance of allochtonous material input to the pond. This input represents an erosion of 1900 to 2300 t.km−2.yr−1 originating from the catchment. Then, between 1970-1990, the terrigenous input decreased progressively and tended to stabilize. Eutrophication and associated primary production increased in the pond. These processes generated the majority of material accumulated in the pond during this period. Further land consolidation programs conducted in 1992 generated a new increase in soil erosion and sediment input to the reservoir. For the last 10 years, terrigenous input to the pond corresponds to a catchment-wide erosion rate between 90 and 102 t.km−2.yr−1. While a strong decrease is observed, it still represents a 60-fold increase of the sediment flux compared to the pre-intensification period. These large temporal variations of sedimentation rates over a few decades underline the dynamics of sediment transfer and raise questions about the sustainability of soil resources in lowland temperate environments

    A case report of bilateral synovial chondromatosis of the ankle

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Synovial chondromatosis is a rare, generally benign condition which affects synovial membranes. It most commonly involves large joints such as the knee, hip, and elbow, but its presence in smaller joints has also been reported. The diagnosis of synovial chondromatosis is commonly made following a thorough history, physical examination, and radiographic examination. Patients may report pain and swelling within a joint which is often aggravated with physical activity.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A rare case of bilateral synovial chondromatosis of the ankle is reviewed. A 26 year-old male presented with chronic bilateral ankle pain. Physical examination suggested and imaging confirmed multiple synovial chondromatoses bilaterally, likely secondary to previous trauma.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The clinical and imaging findings, along with potential differential diagnoses, are described. Since this condition tends to be progressive but self-limiting, indications for surgery depend on the level of symptomatic presentation in addition to the functional demands of the patient. Following a surgical consultation, it was decided that it was not appropriate to pursue surgery at the present time.</p