91 research outputs found


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    Pengantar Sebuah seni pertunjukan di bali didominasi uraian tentang seni pertunjukan klasik atau tradisioanal dan mengabaikan gejala pertumbuhan seni pertunjukan modern.Dua buku penting yang berisi etnografi budaya dan seni pertunjukan bali,masing-masing The Island of Bali(1937)karya Miguel Covarrubies dan Dance and Drama in Bali (1938)karangan duet intelektual Beryl de Zoete dan Walter Spies,sama-sama memfokuskan uraianya pada anatomi,keberadaan,arti dan fungsi seni pertunjukan tradisional.Artikel ini merupakan usah awal untuk menelusuri keberadaan seni pertunjukan modern di bali.Studi awal ini dilaksanakan dengan meneliti teks media masa yang terbit di bali tahun 1920-an,seperti Surya Kanta (1925-1927)dan Bali Adnyana (1925-1929),khususnya yang mengimformasikan tentang pagelaran seni pertunjukan modern. Kesenian Bali dan Seni Pertunjukan Modern Berly de Zoete dan Walter Spies dan juga Covarrubias dalam bukunya tidak membedakan antara seni (pertunjukan)modern dan tradisional.ini terjadi karena mereka hanya menguraikan satu bentuk kesenian yaitu seni tari dan drama yang berkembang di masyarakat,yang berkaitan erat dengan adat agama,tradisi masyarakat bali.kategorisasi terhadap seni pertunjukan di bali bukannya tidak pernah dibuat sama sekali.Sejumlah pengamat barat,dengan dasar pemikiran dan sudut pandang yang berbeda-beda,menggolongkan seni pertunjukan Bali berdasarkan pendekatan yang paling dasar (lumbrah)yaitu oposisi binary (dua jenis yang berlawanan).konsep oposisi-binari tentu saja tidak paripurna,buktinya hasil kategori yang dibuat sering tumpang tindih.Untuk sebuah pertunjukan,para pengamat bisa memberikan labal yang bereda atau berlawanan. Pertunjukan Modern Zaman Kolonial dan Kritik Pers Sudah sejak lama dibantah bahwa modernisasi bukanlah westernisasi,dan hal-hal yang modern bukan identik dengan barat.akan tetapi,dalam kasus Indonesia,atau bali khususnya pada zaman colonial ,ide-ide modern,perilaku dan produk modern dominan muncul sebagai hasil pengaruh barat,dalam hal ini pemerintahan colonial belanda.Walaupun benar bahwa proses modernisasi di bali awal abad ke 20 tidak bisa dikatakan sebagai westernisasi atau belandanisasi,pemicu kearah itu banyak ditentukan oleh politik colonial belanda,terutama politik etis,politik pribumi(putra agung 1969,1972,1983;Djelantik 1997;Parker 2000;Darma Putra 2000c) Seni Pertunjukan Modern bukan Fenomena Baru Mengingat sandiwara atau tonil atau komidi yang berbahasa melayu,berbusana gaya eropa yang dipentaskan pemuda pelajar bali tahun 1920-andan 1930-an adalah genre seni pertunjukan modern atau teater,maka jelas informasi yang mengatakan teater di bali bermula tahun 1967 tidak bisa diterima

    Makin ramai berkat rancage: seratus tahun perkembangan sastra Bali modern

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    Makalah ini mengkaji perkembangan sastra Bali modern dalam seratus tahun terakhir dengan fokus peran hadiah sastra Racange sejak akhir 1990-an. Topik ini penting diteliti untuk mengetahui sebab-sebab kesenjangan dan perkembangan Sastra Bali Modern. Selain itu, penelitian ini bermaksud memberikan apresiasi pada Yayasan Kebudayaan Rancage yang sudah mengabdi lebih sekitar 30 tahun dalam membina perkembangan sastra daerah termasuk sasatra Sunda, Jawa, Bali, dan Batak

    A literary mirror; Balinese reflections on modernity and identity in the twentieth century

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    A literary mirror; Balinese reflections on modernity and identity in the twentieth century I Nyoman Darma Putra A literary mirror is the first English-language work to comprehensively analyse Indonesian-language literature from Bali from a literary and cultural viewpoint. It covers the period from 1920 to 2000. This is an extremely rich field for research into the ways Balinese view their culture and how they respond to external cultural forces. This work complements the large number of existing studies of Bali and its history, anthropology, traditional literature, and the performing arts. A literary mirror is an invaluable resource for those researching twentieth-century Balinese authors who wrote in Indonesian. Until now, such writers have received very little attention in the existing literature. An appendix gives short biographical details of many significant writers and lists their work. I Nyoman Darma Putra teaches Indonesian literature in the Faculty of Arts at Udayana University in Bali. He is the author of several books in Indonesian on a variety of literary and cultural topics, including Tonggak Baru Sastra Bali Modern (2000; 2010), Wanita Bali Tempo Doeloe Perspektif Masa Kini (2003; 2007) and Bali dalam Kuasa Politik (2008). From 2007 to 2010 he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Queensland, during which time a number of his articles were published in journals including Indonesia and the Malay World, Asian Studies Review and Rima

    Prambanan and Borobudur: Managing Tourism and Conservation in Indonesia

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    The paper examines the complex tourism and heritage management arrangements at two renowned temples in Indonesia

    Bali Tourism Destination and Russian-Tourist Market Development

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    Bali tourist destination areas, especially cultural and natural tourism activities have become an attraction for foreign tourists, especially Russian tourists. This research aims at investigating the development of Russian-tourist market in sustainable Bali tourism destination from economic, socio-cultural, and environmental aspects. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach starting with assumptions and theoretical framework. The study was conducted by observation, interviews with the informants were selected by purposive sampling. Data analysis was conducted with qualitative descriptive analysis and supported by tourism development theory. The results of the study revealed that Bali has the attraction of being a comfortable place to visit among Russian tourists. In addition, coordination between Bali Tourism stakeholders is needed for the development of marine tourism attractions, cultural appreciation that is based on the empowerment of local communities, and environmental preservation, which underlied by the local genius philosophy of Tri Hita Karana and Sad Kertih

    A New Framework for Information System Development on Instant Messaging for Low Cost Solution

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    The increasingly inexpensive Internet has spurred the growth of online information system services in various companies. Almost all services are available in forms on web or mobile applications. For small companies, this particular system is more difficult to implement as it requires a substantial cost allocated for hosting, domain and server devices. The solution is to develop a framework for building information system services through Instant Messaging (IM) such as Telegram, Line or XMPP / Jabber using the Design Science Research Methodology. This proposed framework has the ability to transform the existing information system services into chat services with RBAC role, session, validation and natural interaction using Indonesian-language conversations. The framework that consists of Initiate layers, business process and communication, memory group and OLTP DBMS will produce low-cost solution for the development of integrated information systems service

    Industri Kreatif Unggulan Produk Kriya Pandan Mendukung Kawasan Ekowisata Pangandaran, Jawa Barat

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    ABSTRACTPangandaran is known as one of many famous tourist destinations in West Java Province that possesspotential beautiful natural marine resources. This coastal area which streches 91 km and has sloping steeprocky beaches. Grows overabundant pandan (pandanus tectorius) plants, however conditions are verydamaged and there is no concern for good governance from the local government. This research aims toproduce eminent products of craft in supporting tourism by increasing the natural resources potentialand the local craftsmen resources from the surrounding areal environment. This article is result of appliedresearch in a type of practice-led research with a focus on the creative industries of craft products thatsupport tourism through the eco-design and eco-tourism approach. This research uses design-thinkingmethod, with Participation Action Research (PAR) approach and the Hexa Helix system. The result is aeminent product prototypes and start up business of craft art creative industries that support eco-designand eco-tourism park.Keywords: Creative Industry, Pangandaran Area, Pandan-based Craft, EcotourismABSTRAKPangandaran dikenal sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang memilikipotensi alam laut yang indah. Wilayah pantai membentang sepanjang 91 km terdiri dari kawasanpantai pasir yang landai dan pantai berbatu curam. Di wilayah Pangandaran banyak ditumbuhitanaman pandan (pandanus tectorius), namun kondisinya sangat rusak dan tidak ada kepeduliaantata kelola yang baik dari pemerintah setempat. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan produkprodukseni kriya unggulan daerah untuk menunjang pariwisata dengan mengangkat potensisumber daya alam dan sumber daya perajin dari lingkungan masyarakat setempat. Artikel inimerupakan salah satu hasil penelitian terapan jenis practice-led research dengan fokus industrikreatif produk seni kriya yang mendukung pariwisata melalui pendekatan eco-design dan ecotourism.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode design thinking, dengan pendekatan ParticipationAction Research (PAR) dan sistem Hexa Helix. Hasil dari penelitaian ini berupa prototipe produkunggulan dan terwujudnya start up-start up bisnis industri kreatif seni kriya pendukungekowisata berbasis kawasan.Kata Kunci: Industi Kreatif, Kawasan Pangandaran, Kriya Pandan, Ekowisat


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    This study was conducted with the aim of analyzing consumer decisions to visit Pujon Kidul Tourism Village, Malang Regency, East Java during the Covid-19 pandemic. There are five factors used in this study, namely motivation, perception, attitude, learning, and personality. This study uses the associative method with a quantitative approach. Data were collected using a questionnaire method with a sample of 100 visitors. To analyze the data, the researcher used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on PLS (Partial Least Square). This research concludes that motivation, perception, attitude, and learning have a significant positive effect on the decision to visit Pujon Kidul Tourism Village. The higher the motivation of tourists to travel, the better the perception of tourists towards a destination, the more information and knowledge about the description of a place as a tourist destination, and the easier it is for tourists to get information about tourist destinations, the higher the decision to visit. Meanwhile, personality has no significant positive effect on visiting decisions, which means that an increase in personality factors has an impact but is not significant on visiting decisions

    Fungsi dan Makna Yoga dalam Ganapati Tattwa

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    Ganapati Tattwa merupakan teks yang bersifat Siwaistik dengan tokoh utama Dewa Siwa dan Gana. Teks Ganapati Tattwa terdiri atas 60 bait sloka Sanskerta disertai dengan ulasan bahasa Kawi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis fungsi dan makna yoga dalam Ganapati Tattwa. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori semiotik. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa yoga berguna untuk latihan pernapasan, pengendalian diri dan meditasi. Sebagai suatu cara untuk mendekatkan diri dengan Tuhan, maka yoga merupakan wujud konkret cinta kasih, jalan karma dan jalan untuk mencapai moks
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