1,624 research outputs found

    Continguts del treball i incapacitat temporal en la cohort "Casa Gran" de treballadors de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona

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    Descripció del recurs: 13 novembre 2002Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaIntroducció: L'anàlisi de l'absentisme s'ha abordat des de diverses perspectives teòriques. Des de la d'aquesta tesi, L'absentisme laboral és contemplat com un indicador de funcionament, les causes S'han de cercar en les condicions i organització del treball i en les relacions socials de producció i de gènere. L'objectiu general de la tesi és analitzar la relació entre la freqüència d'episodis d'incapacitat laboral (IT) i els continguts del treball entre els treballadors de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona durant els anys 1984 i 1993. Els objectius específics són analitzar les diferències en la freqüència d'episodis d'IT de curta i llarga durada entre homes i dones i identificar les característiques dels continguts del treball que poden influenciar la freqüència d'episodis de IT. Subjectes i Mètodes: El disseny és longitudinal retrospectiu. La població d'estudi inclogué totes les persones que entre l'1 de gener de 1984 i el 31 de desembre de 1993 van treballar un mínim de 6 mesos i un dia a l'Ajuntament de Barcelona. La cohort quedà constituïda per 20.648 persones, que contribuïren a 78.524,81 persones - any de seguiment pels homes i 56.403,89 per a les dones. Tota la informació socio-demogràfica i laboral s'obtingué del Sistema Integrat de Personal de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona. Es classificà la població en categories administratives i en grups de llocs de treball amb continguts homogenis. Es calcularen les taxes crues i específiques per a cada categoria, grup de llocs de treball, i edat, així com les acumulades per a tot el període d'estudi i les raons de taxes per categories i grups de llocs de treball. L' anàlisi fou específica per gènere. Resultats: La incapacitat temporal es relaciona de manera diferenciada amb el gènere, l'edat, la categoria professional i els continguts del treball. Les dones presentaren taxes (crues i ajustades) d'IT més altes que els homes, tant d'episodis de curta com de llarga durada. L'análisi específica per gènere mostrà l'existència d'una doble segregació laboral en base a aquest: la raó dones / homes que ocupaven llocs de treball de major responsabilitat i salari fou molt desfavorable per a aquestes, alhora que es constatà l'existència de grups de llocs de treball i categories administratives específiques de gènere. S'observà una clara relació entre la categoria administrativa i les taxes d'IT de curta i de llarga durada, les categories manuals presentaren majors taxes que les no manuals, patró més evident per a les taxes de llarga durada i pels homes. Entre les dones,els resultats foren menys explicatius que entre els homes. Els mateixos patrons s'observaren en relació als continguts del treball, les raons de taxes foren generalment superiors per a les categories amb menors continguts. Conclusions: Els resultats recolzen la hipòtesi de que l'estat de salut es realciona més amb la incidència d'episodis d'IT de llarga durada que amb els de curta durada. Els factors de risc relacionats amb el treball de reproductiu (familiar i domèstic), i els recursos personals que el treball proporciona (en termes de control sobre el treball i suport social), podrien tenir més importància en la incidència d'episodis de curta durada. La segregació laboral i del treball familiar i domèstic en base al gènere explicarien principalment les majors taxes femenines. També recolzen la hipòtesi de que l'absentisme laboral ha ser analitzat des de la perspectiva d'un indicador de funcionament, i no només de salut, i que està fortament relacionat amb la classe social i amb els continguts del treball.Introduction: Analysis of absenteeism has been done under diverse theoretical theories. In this research, work absenteeism is seen as a functioning indicator. Working conditions, organisation of work and social relations of production and gender have to be analysed when looking for its causes. The general objective is to analyse the relationship of sickness leave (SL) with the job contents among the Barcelona city council civil servants during the 1984 - 1993 period. Specific objectives are to analyse the differences in the frequency of SL episodes of short and long duration and to identify the characteristics of the contents of the job that can influence it. Population and Methods. The study was a retrospective cohort including all people who worked for more than six months for the City Council of Barcelona from 1/1/1984 to 31/12/1993. The cohort was composed of 20,648 people who contribute to 78,524.81 person/years of follow-up for men and 56,403.89 for women. All information was obtained from company records. The study population was classified into administrative categories and occupational groups based on homogeneous job contents. Crude and age, category and occupational group specific rates of SL were computed and cumulative rates for all the period as well in a gender-specific analysis. Results: SL related to gender, age, and administrative category and job contents. Women showed generally higher SL rates than men for both short and long episodes. Gender specific analysis showed the double labour segregation. The women / men ratio among higher categories was very desfavourable for women, and there were gender-specific categories and workplaces. A clear relationship between administrative category and SL rates was found, manual categories had higher rates than non -manual. This trend was more evident for men and for long episodes. Among women, results were less explicative than among men. Similar results were found referring job contents, rate ratios were generally higher for those occupational groups with poorest contents of the job. Conclusions: These results support the hypothesis that the health status is more related to the incidence of long episodes of SL than to short episodes. The incidence of short episodes could be more related to the reproductive work and to the personal resources that the work provides in terms of control over the work and social support. The gender-based segregation of productive and reproductive work could explain the higher rates of women. These results also support the hypothesis that work absenteeism should be analysed under the perspective of a functioning indicator and that is related to health, social class and the contents of the job

    Metal Catalyzed Formation of Aliphatic Polycarbonates Involving Oxetanes and Carbon Dioxide as Monomers

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    Biodegradable aliphatic polycarbonates are important components of non-toxic thermoplastic elastomers, which have a variety of medical applications. Industrially, aliphatic polycarbonates derived from six-membered cyclic carbonates such as trimethylene carbonate (TMC or 1,3-dioxan-2-one) are produced via ring-opening polymerization (ROP) processes in the presence of a tin catalyst. It is worth mentioning that TMC is readily obtained by transesterification of 1,3-propanediol with various reagents including phosgene and its derivatives. Therefore, it has been of great interest to investigate greener routes for the production of this important class of polymers. Toward this goal, the synthesis of aliphatic polycarbonates via the metal catalyzed alternative coupling of oxetanes and carbon dioxide represents an attractive alternative. The use of an abundant, inexpensive, non-toxic, and biorenewable resource, carbon dioxide, makes this method very valuable. Furthermore, in this reaction, the sixmembered cyclic carbonate byproduct, TMC, can also be ring-opened and transformed into the same polycarbonate. For over a decade, the Darensbourg research group has successfully utilized metal salen complexes as catalysts for the epoxide/CO2 copolymerization process. Hence, this dissertation focuses on the examination of these complexes as catalysts for the oxetane/CO2 copolymerization reaction and the further elucidation of its mechanism. Chromium(III) salen derivatives in the presence of an azide ion initiator were determined to be very effective catalysts for the coupling of oxetanes and carbon dioxide providing polycarbonates with minimal amounts of ether linkages. Kinetic and mechanistic investigations performed on this process suggested that copolymer formation proceeded by two routes. These are the direct enchainment of oxetane and CO2, and the intermediacy of trimethylene carbonate, which was observed as a minor product of the coupling reaction. Anion initiators which are good leaving groups, e.g. bromide and iodide, are effective at affording TMC, and hence, more polycarbonate can be formed by the ROP of preformed trimethylene carbonate. Research efforts at tuning the selectivity of the oxetane/CO2 coupling process for TMC and/or polycarbonate produced from the homopolymerization of preformed TMC have been performed using cobalt(II) salen derivatives along with anion initiators. Lastly, investigations of this process involving 3-methoxy-methyl-3-methyloxetane will be presented

    Acute insulin response following exercise and its association to lipid changes in sedentary African-American women

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    Sedentary African-American (AA) women are at increased risk of hypertension, dyslipidemias, metabolic syndrome, and impaired insulin response to exercise. The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of a single bout of aerobic exercise on fasting serum insulin and glucose concentrations following 1464 kJ (350 kcal) of exercise and to determine if this response was associated with serum lipid concentrations in overweight AA women. Premenopausal AA women (n = 11, mean ± SD, age = 32.5 ± 4.8 yr., BMI = 29.8 ± 4.8 kg·m-2, % fat = 35.6 ± 6.3, VO2peak = 21.5 ± 3.6 ml·kg-1·min-1, total cholesterol = 4.8 ± 0.6 mmol·L-1, triglycerides = 0.60 ± 0.2 mmol·L-1, HDLC = 3.3 ± 0.5 mg·dL-1) performed 1464 kJ (350 kcal) of treadmill exercise at 60%-70%VO2peak. Fasting plasma insulin and glucose concentrations were collected 24-h prior to, and immediately, 24-h, and 48 h following exercise. Fasting insulin concentration increased immediately following exercise (Baseline=77.1 ± 10.42 vs. Immediately=117.4 ± 15.28 μU·mL-1, 95%CI= 32.71, 47.89; P<0.05). The change in insulin concentration from 24-h pre- to 24-h post-exercise was correlated with BMI (r= 0.51), VO2peak (r= -0.47), and the change in lipoprotein lipase activity (r=0.37) (P<0.05 for all). In conclusion, in sedentary AA women, the insulin response immediately following exercise may be elevated, and is not suppressed below pre-exercise concentrations during the 48-h following exercise. The insulin response 24-h following exercise is modestly associated with markers of lipoprotein metabolism

    Módulos de entrenamiento para la medición y adquisición de datos (Módulo de visión)

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    The Project proposes a design for the implementation of a laboratory tool which aims to contribute toward a solution for the current defecit in methods of student training in electrical engineering in the National University of Engineering. As well as in the area of industrial automatization, specifically in the acquisition and processing of images. The system of artificial vision to be implemented has the capacity to allow for different practical studies in the areas of acquisition and image processing. Included in the application are the following: the detection of manufacturing faults in different products, such as, electrical fuses integrated within HSIP capping, circular objects etc; Information on bar codes; Visual character recognition; Visual oversight of analogical, digital indicators (LCD). The hardware components meet the regulation standards IEEE 1394 (Sensor and Acquisition Hardware) and the processing software is implemented using the platform of LabVIEW. Different scenarios have been incorporated into the hardware component. These include, camera position, amount of illumination in relation to the object under scrutiny and guaranteed acquisition of data with which to evaluate and compare use and application. The software exemplifies the different methods and algorithms of image processing, recreating applications which are typically found in Nicaraguan Industry. To ensure the greatest advantage and adequate use, the necessary documentation regarding use and maintainance of the system is included. Keywords: Viewing machines; image processing; quality control; data acquisition.DOI: 10.5377/nexo.v22i2.43Nexo: Revista Científica Vol. 22, No. 02, pp.56-60/Diciembre 2009En este artículo se presenta el proyecto de diseño e implementación de una herramienta de laboratorio, que pretende contribuir a solucionar el déficit existente de medios de entrenamiento para los estudiantes de la carrera de Ingeniería Electrónica de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. El proyecto está enmarcado dentro del área de automatización industrial, específicamente en la adquisición y procesamiento de imágenes. El sistema de Visión Artificial implementado tiene capacidad de permitir la realización de diferentes prácticas en el área de adquisición y procesamiento de imágenes. Entre las aplicaciones que este sistema ofrece se destacan: Detección de fallas en la fabricación de diferentes productos tales como: Fusibles, Integrados con encapsulado HSIP, Objetos circulares, etc; Lectura de códigos de barras; Reconocimiento óptico de caracteres; Supervisión óptica de indicadores digitales (LCD) y analógicos. Los componentes de hardware cumplen con los estándares de la norma IEEE 1394 (Sensor y Hardware de Adquisición) y el software de procesamiento se implementó utilizando la plataforma LabVIEW. Dentro de los componentes del hardware, se diseñaron diferentes escenarios que incluyeron la posición de la cámara y la cantidad de iluminación en función del objeto a inspeccionar y que a su vez garantizó la adquisición adecuada de los datos, lo que permitió evaluar y contrastar sus usos y aplicaciones. Por su parte el software, ejemplifica los diferentes métodos y algoritmos de procesamiento de imágenes, recreando aplicaciones comunes en la industria nicaragüense. Para asegurar el aprovechamiento y uso adecuado del sistema se incluyó la documentación necesaria para conocer el sistema, lo cual es necesario para su correcto uso y mantenimiento. Palabras claves: maquinas de visión; procesamiento de imágenes; control de calidad; adquisición de datos.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/nexo.v22i2.43Nexo: Revista Científica Vol. 22, No. 02, pp.56-60/Diciembre 200

    Módulos de entrenamiento para la medición y adquisición de datos (Módulo de visión)

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    En este artículo se presenta el proyecto de diseño e implementación de una herramienta de laboratorio, que pretende contribuir a solucionar el déficit existente de medios de entrenamiento para los estudiantes de la carrera de Ingeniería Electrónica de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. El proyecto está enmarcado dentro del área de automatización industrial, específicamente en la adquisición y procesamiento de imágenes. El sistema de Visión Artificial implementado tiene capacidad de permitir la realización de diferentes prácticas en el área de adquisición y procesamiento de imágenes. Entre las aplicaciones que este sistema ofrece se destacan: Detección de fallas en la fabricación de diferentes productos tales como: Fusibles, Integrados con encapsulado HSIP, Objetos circulares, etc; Lectura de códigos de barras; Reconocimiento óptico de caracteres; Supervisión óptica de indicadores digitales (LCD) y analógicos. Los componentes de hardware cumplen con los estándares de la norma IEEE 1394 (Sensor y Hardware de Adquisición) y el software de procesamiento se implementó utilizando la plataforma LabVIEW. Dentro de los componentes del hardware, se diseñaron diferentes escenarios que incluyeron la posición de la cámara y la cantidad de iluminación en función del objeto a inspeccionar y que a su vez garantizó la adquisición adecuada de los datos, lo que permitió evaluar y contrastar sus usos y aplicaciones. Por su parte el software, ejemplifica los diferentes métodos y algoritmos de procesamiento de imágenes, recreando aplicaciones comunes en la industria nicaragüense. Para asegurar el aprovechamiento y uso adecuado del sistema se incluyó la documentación necesaria para conocer el sistema, lo cual es necesario para su correcto uso y mantenimiento. Palabras claves: maquinas de visión; procesamiento de imágenes; control de calidad; adquisición de datos. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/nexo.v22i2.43 Nexo: Revista Científica Vol. 22, No. 02, pp.56-60/Diciembre 200

    Human colon cancer cell lines show a diverse pattern of nitric oxide synthase gene expression and nitric oxide generation.

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    A panel of human colonic adenocarcinoma cell lines was examined both for expression of mRNAs of the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) gene family and for evidence of enzymic activity based on citrulline and nitrite (NO2-) formation. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), revealed that all lines (SW480, SW620, DLD-1 and WiDr) expressed mRNA for the Ca(2+)-dependent endothelial (e)NOS, while SW480 cells also expressed the Ca(2+)-dependent neuronal (n)NOS. The mRNA for the Ca(2+)-independent inducible (i)NOS was expressed both by cytokine-stimulated and by unstimulated SW480, SW620 and DLD-1 cells, but none was seen at any time in the WiDr cells. There was, however, little correlation between mRNA expression and enzymic activity based on citrulline and NO2- formation. Thus none of the cell lines exhibited measurable Ca(2+)-dependent NOS activity, while Ca(2+)-independent NOS activity was seen in all but the WiDr cells. Furthermore, DLD-1 cells generated citrulline with resultant NO2- formation only after stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and/or cytokines, while SW480 and SW620 did so constitutively. Thus RT-PCR studies indicate that tumour cells of similar epithelial origin display a diverse pattern of NOS gene family expression, and parallel biochemical studies clearly indicate that such expression does not always result in measurable enzymic activity leading to the generation of NO

    Cryptosporidium y blastocistis hominis como agentes patógenos en el síndrome diarréico

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    En una comunidad de escasos recursos de Bogotá se tomaron muestras de heces de niños menores de diez años con diarrea y de niños sin diarrea. Las muestras del grupo de estudio y del grupo control resultaron negativas para el Cryptosporidium. Se encontraron positivas para Blastocistis hominis 17 muestras del grupo de estudio (8.3%). y 5 del grupo control (10.4%). Los síntomas predominantes fueron fiebre, dolor abdominal y pérdida del apetito. El B. hominis se asoció con la Escherichia coli, Salmonella campylobacter, E. histiolytica, Giardia lamblia, Ascaris lumbricoides y rotavírus. No se confirmó el papel que en los últimos años se le atribuye al Cryptosporidium y al B. hominis como agentes productores de diarrea