929 research outputs found

    Estimation of the total inelasticity coefficient in interaction of greater than or equal to 20 TeV hadrons with lead

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    Experimental data on the interaction mean free path of hadrons with energy E 20 TeV in lead obtained with multilayer X-ray emulsion chambers(XEC) are compared with results of simulation of nuclear-electromagnetic cascades in lead chamber. It is shown that, to explain experimental data, the value of the inelasticity coefficients, K .8 should be assumed

    Reconstruction of boundary controls in parabolic systems

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    In the paper, an inverse dynamic problem is considered. It consists in reconstructing a priori unknown boundary controls in dynamical systems described by boundary value problems for partial differential equations of parabolic type. The source information for solving the inverse problem is the results of approximate measurements of the states of the observed system's motion. The problem is solved in the static case; i. e., to solve it, we use all the measurement data accumulated during some specified observation interval. The problem under consideration is ill-posed. To solve it, we propose the Tikhonov method with a stabilizer containing the sum of the mean-square norm and total time variation of the control. The use of such nondifferentiable stabilizer allows us to obtain more precise results than the approximation of the desired control in the Lebesgue spaces. In particular, this method provides the pointwise and piecewise uniform convergences of regularized approximations and makes possible the numerical reconstruction of the subtle structure of the desired control. In the paper, the subgradient projection method for obtaining a minimizing sequence for the Tikhonov functional is described and substantiated. Also, we demonstrate the two-stage finitedimensional approximation of the problem and present the results of numerical simulation. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Degradation and Restoration of Superconducting Parameters of HTS Tapes under Mechanical Loads and Heat Treatment

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    As it is known, the current-carrying properties of HTS tapes are structurally sensitive parameters, and largely depend on the grain size, morphology, texture, presence of pinning centers and others. These structural parameters may be changed by shock loading actions. The report presents the results of research of varying intensity shock loads effects from 0.35 to 100 J/cm2 on the structure and characteristics of superconducting Bi-2223 tapes. A strong degradation of the critical current


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    Building a digital profile of food product with use of modern mathematical apparatus of basic matrices is a solution to the problem of designing innovative beverage recipes. In this regard, for the effective use of the food resource base, modeling and production of high-quality food products, there is an acute problem of developing a methodology for identifying food products using the full range of the currently available analytical base. The article discusses an algorithm for constructing a flexible experimental design for the new identification criteria development, taking into account the laboratory research peculiarities in the beverage industry. The application of software in experiment designing is considered and a practical example of integrated designing based on the construction of an identification criterion for wine materials is presented

    Формирование готовности и мотивации студентов к самостоятельной работе в высшем техническом учебном заведении

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    The article is devoted to the problem of organizing independent work of students in a higher technical educational institution, held in Tyumen Industrial University of the Nizhnevartovsk branch. This paper analyzes the requirements for students to master the skills of independent work on the basis of the competency model of a university graduate in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard of higher education. The competence of a successful specialist in any dynamically developing industry is considered. The author made an analysis of the works of scientists, teachers, researchers, dealing with the problem of motivation and improving the efficiency of the organization of work activities of students. The tendency to steady interest of students in additional material related to the profile of the main direction of study in the form of problem situations is revealed. Three forms of organization of independent work are highlighted and described in detail: extracurricular, classroom, and creative in the form of NIRS (students' research work). Express questionnaires of students were conducted to measure the time spent on independent work, to identify students' claims for research skills, for the types of independent work that are most laborious for respondents, diagnosing time spent on extracurricular work per week. According to the results of the study, graphs were made and diagnostic diagrams were constructed. The conclusion is formulated.El artículo está dedicado al problema de organizar el trabajo independiente de los estudiantes en una institución de educación técnica superior, celebrada en la Universidad Industrial de Tyumen de la sucursal de Nizhnevartovsk. Este documento analiza los requisitos para que los estudiantes dominen las habilidades del trabajo independiente sobre la base del modelo de competencia de un graduado universitario de acuerdo con los requisitos del estándar profesional de educación superior. Se considera la competencia de un especialista exitoso en cualquier industria en desarrollo dinámico. El autor realizó un análisis de los trabajos de científicos, docentes, investigadores, abordando el problema de la motivación y mejorando la eficiencia de la organización de las actividades laborales de los estudiantes. Se revela la tendencia a mantener el interés de los estudiantes en material adicional relacionado con el perfil de la dirección principal de estudio en forma de situaciones problemáticas. Se resaltan y describen en detalle tres formas de organización del trabajo independiente: extracurricular, aula y creativa en forma de NIRS (trabajo de investigación de los estudiantes). Se realizaron cuestionarios expresos a los estudiantes para medir el tiempo empleado en el trabajo independiente, para identificar los reclamos de los estudiantes sobre habilidades de investigación, para los tipos de trabajo independiente que son más laboriosos para los encuestados, diagnosticando el tiempo dedicado al trabajo extracurricular por semana. De acuerdo con los resultados del estudio, se realizaron gráficos y se construyeron diagramas de diagnóstico. La conclusión está formulada.Статья посвящена проблеме организации самостоятельной работы студентов в высшем техническом учебном заведении, проводимой в Тюменском индустриальном университете Нижневартовского филиала. В статье анализируются требования к студентам освоить навыки самостоятельной работы на основе модели компетенций выпускника вуза в соответствии с требованиями профессионального стандарта высшего профессионального образования. Рассматривается компетенция успешного специалиста в любой динамично развивающейся отрасли. Автором проведен анализ работ ученых, преподавателей, исследователей, занимающихся проблемой мотивации и повышения эффективности организации работы, виды деятельности студентов. Выявлена тенденция к устойчивому интересу студентов к дополнительному материалу, связанному с профилем основного направления обучения в виде проблемных ситуаций. Выделены и подробно описаны три формы организации самостоятельной работы: внеклассная, аудиторная и творческая в форме НИРС (научно-исследовательская работа студентов). Экспресс-анкетирование студентов проводилось с целью измерения времени, затраченного на самостоятельную работу, выявления притязаний студентов на исследовательские навыки, на виды самостоятельной работы, наиболее трудоемкие для респондентов, диагностики времени, затраченного на внеурочную работу в неделю. По результатам исследования построены графики и диагностические диаграммы. Сформулирован вывод


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    O papel dos animais no ecossistema é determinado por uma ampla gama de fatores. Este é, antes de tudo, o número, a biomassa e a natureza da alimentação. Devido ao fato de que a taxa metabólica em diferentes grupos de animais não é a mesma, o indicador mais importante de sua importância no funcionamento do ecossistema é o fluxo de energia que passa pela comunidade (energia transformável). O artigo apresenta dados sobre o uso de energia transformável para avaliar os recursos de espécies terrestres de vertebrados nas condições da fazenda de caça "Sviyazhskoe. A abordagem implementada pode ser aplicada a diferentes territórios. Uma limitação fundamental pode ser apenas a ausência de dados sistemáticos sobre os registros de todos os grupos.The role of animals in the ecosystem is determined by a wide range of factors. This is, first of all, the number, biomass and nature of feeding. Due to the fact, that the metabolic rate in different groups of animals is not the same, the most integral indicator of their significance in the functioning of ecosystem is the energy flow, passing through the community (transformable energy). The article presents data on the use of transformable energy for assessing the resources of terrestrial vertebrate species in the conditions of the hunting farm "Sviyazhskoe. The implemented approach can be applied to different territories. A fundamental limitation can only be the absence of systematic data on the records of all groups.El papel de los animales en el ecosistema está determinado por una amplia gama de factores. Este es, en primer lugar, el número, la biomasa y la naturaleza de la alimentación. Debido al hecho de que la tasa metabólica en diferentes grupos de animales no es la misma, el indicador más integral de su importancia en el funcionamiento del ecosistema es el flujo de energía, que pasa a través de la comunidad (energía transformable). El artículo presenta datos sobre el uso de energía transformable para evaluar los recursos de las especies de vertebrados terrestres en las condiciones de la granja de caza "Sviyazhskoe. El enfoque implementado puede aplicarse a diferentes territorios. Una limitación fundamental solo puede ser la ausencia de datos sistemáticos sobre Los registros de todos los grupos

    Synanthropic flora of Kuzbass

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    The article presents the materials of studies of the adventive flora of the Kemerovo region. For the territory of the Kemerovo region, we identified 244 alien species belonging to 162 genera and 50 families. As a result of the increasing process of invasion of new species into the territory of the region, the need for constant monitoring of alien species for the degree of their naturalization, especially in natural cenoses, is urgent. The problem of synanthropic plant species is becoming increasingly important not only for economically developed territories, but also for the relatively preserved mountain regions of Kuzbass. As a result of the studies, it was found that the synanthropic fraction of the Kuzbass flora, consisting of adventive and apophyte species, accounts for about 18% of the total composition of the flora of vascular plants in the Kemerovo region (60 apophyte species, 244 – advent ones). The revealed heterogeneity in the chorological, ecological and biological terms of the species of the adventive fraction makes it possible to find suitable conditions in various types of ecotopes on the territory of the Kemerovo region. This type of work can serve as a basis for developing a strategy for the preservation of natural phytosystems of Kuzbas