541 research outputs found

    Breve panorama sobre los estudios de lexicografía bilingüe ítalo-española (2000-2009)

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    none1noEn estas páginas comentamos brevemente la labor que se ha venido desarrollando en los últimos diez años (2000-2009) con respecto al léxico italiano y español en contraste / en contacto, tanto desde un punto de vista teórico como práctico. Para ello, se comenta la labor de algunos centros de investigación al respecto, se pasa revista a los últimos congresos de lexicografía que se han ocupado de lexicografía bilingüe de este par de lenguas y se señalan las publicaciones más recientes de crítica lexicográfica, así como los diccionarios italiano-español que han salido a la luz en el período indicado. Como resultado, se observa que la lexicografía crítica ítalo-española actualmente se desarrolla fundamentalmente en Italia y que la causa de la atención que recibe dicha materia en este país se debe, en gran parte, al aumento de la didáctica del español en la escuela obligatoria (y en la universidad).Volume monografico, "Lexicografía en el ámbito hispánico", C. Calvo Rigual, B. Lépinette e J-C. Ascombre (eds.).noneM. Carreras i GoicoecheaM. Carreras i Goicoeche

    Differential chemosensitivity to antifolate drugs between RAS and BRAF melanoma cells.

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    BACKGROUND: The importance of the genetic background of cancer cells for the individual susceptibility to cancer treatments is increasingly apparent. In melanoma, the existence of a BRAF mutation is a main predictor for successful BRAF-targeted therapy. However, despite initial successes with these therapies, patients relapse within a year and have to move on to other therapies. Moreover, patients harbouring a wild type BRAF gene (including 25% with NRAS mutations) still require alternative treatment such as chemotherapy. Multiple genetic parameters have been associated with response to chemotherapy, but despite their high frequency in melanoma nothing is known about the impact of BRAF or NRAS mutations on the response to chemotherapeutic agents. METHODS: Using cell proliferation and DNA methylation assays, FACS analysis and quantitative-RT-PCR we have characterised the response of a panel of NRAS and BRAF mutant melanoma cell lines to various chemotherapy drugs, amongst them dacarbazine (DTIC) and temozolomide (TMZ) and DNA synthesis inhibitors. RESULTS: Although both, DTIC and TMZ act as alkylating agents through the same intermediate, NRAS and BRAF mutant cells responded differentially only to DTIC. Further analysis revealed that the growth-inhibitory effects mediated by DTIC were rather due to interference with nucleotide salvaging, and that NRAS mutant melanoma cells exhibit higher activity of the nucleotide synthesis enzymes IMPDH and TK1. Importantly, the enhanced ability of RAS mutant cells to use nucleotide salvaging resulted in resistance to DHFR inhibitors. CONCLUSION: In summary, our data suggest that the genetic background in melanoma cells influences the response to inhibitors blocking de novo DNA synthesis, and that defining the RAS mutation status could be used to stratify patients for the use of antifolate drugs

    Insights on the economic estimates of the climate costs of the aviation sector due to air management in 2018-19

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    Air navigation service providers ensure that aircrafts keep safely apart by prescribing vertical and horizontal distances to each other. In the European Union and its associated members, regulation is carried out via a performance scheme which measures and sets targets for the different key performance areas. For the environmental area, targets in terms of CO2 and other pollutants were set by assuming that there would be continuous improvements for the Key performance Environment indicator based on actual trajectory. However, although a higher Horizontal Flight Efficiency (HFE) measurement usually means a more direct flight trajectory, this does not necessarily translate into a climate optimal trajectory. Thus, vertical flight efficiency also needs to be considered. There is also an interdependency between airspace and Air Traffic Management Capacity and Environment: when the offered capacity falls short of the demand for flights, ground delays, holdings and traffic shifts to adjacent areas occur. This entails detours and a deterioration of the HFE-indicator. Results show that total climate costs for 2018 and 2019 may be as high as 1 bn EUR, of which about 34% is due to CO2 emissions. In particular, the climate costs of CO2 emissions due to capacity constraints range from 54 to 301 million EUR, depending on whether CO2 costs are measured in terms of avoidance costs or under the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). Following the first criterion and the short to medium run up to 2030, the estimated costs would amount to 112 million EUR. In the long run, from 2040 to 2060, these costs would amount to 301 Million EUR. With the estimates of the EU ETS, the cost by 2030 would be close to 54 million EUR and 153.5 million EUR for the long run. Volatility of carbon pricing may play a very significant role, but fortunately can be hedged. Therefore, a shortfall of capacity leads to delay costs and considerable environmental costs. As capacity is planned in the medium to long-term, traffic forecasts are a crucial element. This means that further research is warranted into the interdependency of traffic forecasts, capacity and environmental costs. © 2021 Publicaciones Dyna Sl. All rights reserved.This research is supported by the Basque Government through the BERC 2018-2021 programme and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through BC3 María de Maeztu excellence accreditation MDM-2017-0714. Further support is provided by the project MINECO RTI 2018-093352-B-I00

    Ser de donde no soy : identidades en conflicto en el ámbito social y educativo

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    La incorporación de los adolescentes inmigrados latinoamericanos al sistema educativo español se da en un escenario complejo en el que se presentan diversos componentes. Un ámbito específico corresponde al impacto de la experiencia migratoria en adolescentes y niños inmigrados; enfrentar un sistema educativo desconocido -cuyas reglas han de irse descubriendo paulatina y, a veces, traumáticamente- pone a prueba las bases de la seguridad emocional e intelectual. En este trabajo se presenta algunos hallazgos de un estudio acerca de las formas que adopta la inserción de los adolescentes latinoamericanos en la sociedad española, llevado a cabo con adolescentes entre los 12 y 17 años de edad que asistían a la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, en el curso 2005-2006, en centros educativos públicos y concertados en Madrid, Murcia y Valladolid. El trabajo muestra, primero, algunos elementos del contexto migratorio en el que ocurren las vivencias de los adolescentes, constituidos en inmigrantes involuntarios; y, en segundo lugar, examina algunas de las experiencias a las que los adolescentes se hallan expuestos en el ámbito educativo y social, que asignan rasgos particulares al proceso de construcción de la identidad. Integrarse en el sistema educativo es uno de los primeros retos que enfrentan chicos y chicas latinos que asisten a la ESO, dado que la escuela constituye para ellos el espacio en el cual se sientan las bases para determinada socialización en la vida española. En esta cobran expresión las dificultades que, en parte provenientes de su origen nacional y familiar, encaran los adolescentes latinoamericanos durante el proceso de inserción social y educativa. Todas las dificultades afloran a través de las formas que adoptan los intercambios con la sociedad de acogida. Y dentro de esos intercambios importan significativamente las condiciones que el alumnado de origen extranjero encuentra en la sociedad y en las escuelas españolas. De una parte, la sociedad española vive con particular sensibilidad la irrupción migratoria y, en algunos sectores de ella, el fenómeno es respondido con manifestaciones de racismo y xenofobia que, en cierta medida, repercuten en la escuela. De otra parte, en el sistema educativo se experimentan desafíos no resueltos, provenientes del intenso cambio social de las últimas décadas, a los que se suma la llegada del contingente de jóvenes inmigrados, para quienes no se ha desarrollado mecanismos de adaptación específicos. Desde una y otra vertiente proceden tensiones que recaen en el proceso de construcción del joven latinoamericano inmigrado, que este trabajo esboza

    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) as bioprotector agents against wilt induced by Verticillium spp. in pepper.

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    Verticillium dahliae Kleb. is a vascular pathogen that alters water status and growth of pepper plants and causes drastic reductions in yield. Its control is difficult because it can survive in field soil for several years. The application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) as bioprotector agents against V. dahliae is an alternative to the use of chemicals which, in addition, is more respectful with the environment. The establishment of the mutualistic association of plant roots and AMF involves a continuous cellular and molecular dialogue between both symbionts that includes the preactivation of plant defense responses that may enhance the resistance or tolerance of mycorrhizal plants to soil-borne pathogens. Some AMF can improve the resistance of Capsicum annuum L. against V. dahliae. This is especially relevant for pepper cultivars (i.e. cv. Piquillo) that exhibit high susceptibility to this pathogen. Compared with non-mycorrhizal plants, mycorrhizal pepper can exhibit more balanced antioxidant metabolism in leaves along the first month after pathogen inoculation, which may contribute to delay both the development of disease symptoms and the decrease of photosynthesis in Verticillium-inoculated plants with the subsequent benefit for yield. In stems, mycorrhizal pepper show earlier and higher deposition of lignin in xylem vessels than nonmycorrhizal plants, even in absence of the pathogen. Moreover, AMF can induce new isoforms of acidic chitinases and superoxide dismutase in roots. Mycorrhizal-specific induction of these enzymatic activities together with enhanced peroxidase and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase in roots may also be involved in the bioprotection of Verticillium-induced wilt in pepper by AM

    Gender issues in the translation of scientific texts on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)

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    En la traducción al español de artículos científicos redactados en italiano sobre reproducción asistida es necesario tener en cuenta un enfoque de género totalmente ignorado en los textos originales. Los estudiantes italianos suelen desconocer la sensibilidad española hacia las cuestiones de género, y hay que hacer una labor muy importante en el aula para lograr que se respeten los parámetros culturales actuales de nuestra lengua. Con esta comunicación queremos comentar las diferencias culturales con respecto al género que emergen de la lectura y comparación de artículos científicos publicados en revistas especializadas en italiano y en español, centrándonos en un sector como el de la reproducción asistida, donde el destinatario de los tratamientos es, muy a menudo, la mujer, una comparación que tiene como fin sensibilizar a los estudiantes de traducción científico-técnica, que tanto piensan en las TIC y tan poco en documentarse culturalmente.When translating scientific articles on assisted reproduction from Italian into Spanish, the translator must maintain a focus on gender that is entirely absent from the original text. Italian students are often unaware of Spanish sensitivity regarding gender issues, and considerable work in the classroom is required to make students respect the current cultural parameters of our language. In this article, we want to comment on the cultural differences regarding gender that emerge when reading and comparing scientific articles published in specialized journals and written in Italian and Spanish. We will focus on one sector, Assisted Reproductive Technology, where the recipient of therapy is quite often female. We will end the comparison with raising the awareness of students of scientific and technical translation, who think often about Information and Communication Technologies but think rarely about becoming culturally knowledgeable

    Pearl millet growth and biochemical alterations determined by mycorrhizal inoculation, water availability and atmospheric CO2 concentration

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    Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) is an important fodder and is a potential feedstock for fuel ethanol production in dry areas. Our objectives were to assess the effect of elevated CO2 and/or reduced irrigation on biomass production and levels of sugars and proteins in leaves of pearl millet and to test whether mycorrhizal inoculation could modulate the effects of these abiotic factors on growth and metabolism. Results showed that mycorrhizal inoculation and water regime most influenced biomass of shoots and roots; however, their individual effects were dependent on the atmospheric CO2 concentration. At ambient CO2, mycorrhizal inoculation helped to alleviate effects of water deficit on pearl millet without significant decreases in biomass production, which contrasted with the low biomass of mycorrhizal plants under restricted irrigation and elevated CO2. Mycorrhizal inoculation enhanced water content in shoots, whereas reduced irrigation decreased water content in roots. The triple interaction between CO2, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and water regime significantly affected the total amount of soluble sugars and determined the predominant soluble sugars in leaves. Under optimal irrigation, elevated CO2 increased the proportion of hexoses in pearl millet that was not inoculated with AMF, thus improving the quality of this plant material for bioethanol production. By contrast, elevated CO2 decreased the levels of proteins in leaves, thus limiting the quality of pearl millet as fodder and primary source for cattle feed

    A Novel Approach to Study the Variability of NGC 5548

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    Understanding the properties of the continuum radiation and broad emission lines of active galactic nuclei provides significant information not only to model the radiation mechanism and constrain the geometry and kinematics of the broad-line region (BLR) but also to probe the central engine of the sources. Here we investigate the multifractal behavior of the Hβ emission line and the 5100 Å continuum flux light curves of NGC 5548. The aim is to search for multiscaling signatures in the light curves and heck if there is a possible nonlinear relationship between them. To this end, we use a multifractality analysis technique called the Multifractal Detrended Moving Average analysis. We detect multifractal (nonlinear) signatures in the full monitoring and densely sampled period of the Hβ line and 5100 Å continuum light curves of NGC 5548, possibly indicating the presence of complex and nonlinear interaction in the 5100 Å continuum and Hβ emission line regions. Moreover, the degree of multifractality of the Hβ line is found to be about twice that of the 5100 Å continuum. The nonlinearity of both emissions could be generated when the BLR reprocesses the radiation from the central compact source. Finally, we found that antipersistent long-range temporal correlation is the main source of the multifractality detected in both light curves.We warmly thank the anonymous referee for valuable suggestions and comments. A.B. acknowledges a CAPES PhD fellowship. L.J.G. acknowledges support by the MINECO/AEI/FEDER-UE grant AYA2017-89815-P and the University of Cantabria