43 research outputs found

    La Campanya contra el Quart Cinturó : un moviment social urbà

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    This article is a case study of what is known as urban social movements. The term refers to the threat that is represented by urbanistic action. We present an analysis of the internal and external aspects of the urban social movements as seen specifically in the Vallès Oriental and Occidental. This urban social movement began as a reaction to the construction of the Quart Cinturó, initiated in 1994, and is still active.En este artículo se hace referencia a los movimientos sociales urbanos, con especial incidencia en los que son motivados por la amenaza que representa la acción urbanística. Concretamente, se presenta un análisis de los aspectos internos y externos del movimiento social urbano originado en el Vallès Oriental y Occidental como reacción al proyecto de construcción del Cuarto Cinturón, redactado en 1966. Este movimiento se articulará a través de la Campaña contra el Cuarto Cinturón, iniciada en 1994 y todavia hoy activa

    Changes in Access to Health Services of the Immigrant and Native-Born Population in Spain in the Context of Economic Crisis

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    Aim: To analyze changes in access to health care and its determinants in the immigrant and native-born populations in Spain, before and during the economic crisis. Methods: Comparative analysis of two iterations of the Spanish National Health Survey (2006 and 2012). Outcome variables were: unmet need and use of different healthcare levels; explanatory variables: need, predisposing and enabling factors. Multivariate models were performed (1) to compare outcome variables in each group between years, (2) to compare outcome variables between both groups within each year, and (3) to determine the factors associated with health service use for each group and year. Results: unmet healthcare needs decreased in 2012 compared to 2006; the use of health services remained constant, with some changes worth highlighting, such as the decline in general practitioner visits among autochthons and a narrowed gap in specialist visits between the two populations. The factors associated with health service use in 2006 remained constant in 2012. Conclusion: Access to healthcare did not worsen, possibly due to the fact that, until 2012, the national health system may have cushioned the deterioration of social determinants as a consequence of the financial crisis. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the effects of health policy responses to the crisis after 2012

    [Determinants of the use of different healthcare levels in the General System of Social Security in Health in Colombia and the Unified Health System in Brazil].

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the use of different healthcare levels, and its determinants, in two different health systems, the General System of Social Security in Health (GSSSH) and the Unified Health System (UHS) in municipalities in Colombia and Brazil. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out, based on a population survey in two municipalities in Colombia (n=2163) and two in Brazil (n=2155). Outcome variables consisted of the use of primary care services, outpatient secondary care services, and emergency care in the previous 3 months. Explanatory variables were need and predisposing and enabling factors. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed by healthcare level and country. RESULTS: The determinants of use differed by healthcare level and country: having a chronic disease was associated with a greater use of primary and outpatient secondary care in Colombia, and was also associated with the use of emergency care in Brazil. In Colombia, persons enrolled in the contributory scheme more frequently used the services of the GSSSH than persons enrolled with subsidized contributions in primary and outpatient secondary care and more than persons without insurance in any healthcare level. In Brazil, the low-income population and those without private insurance more frequently used the UHS at any level. In both countries, the use of primary care was increased when persons knew the healthcare center to which they were assigned and if they had a regular source of care. Knowledge of the referral hospital increased the use of outpatient secondary care and emergency care. CONCLUSIONS: In both countries, the influence of the determinants of use differed according to the level of care used, emphasizing the need to analyze healthcare use by disaggregating it by level of care

    Millora de l’aprenentatge a les assignatures pràctiques de Química Analítica mitjançant una planificació integral basada en l’avaluació continuada i nous instruments d’avaluació

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    Projecte: 2016PID-UB/014En aquest projecte s’ha treballat en la millora de l’aprenentatge de les classes pràctiques de laboratori de l’assignatura Química Analítica del Grau de Farmàcia. Aquesta assignatura és de primer curs, on el nombre anual d’estudiants implicats és molt gran, de l’ordre de 500, i les pràctiques de laboratori s’han de programar en grups reduïts, simultàniament al desenvolupament de les classes de teoria i seminaris. D’acord a la nostra experiència, el gran nombre de grups de classes pràctiques de laboratori, de professorat implicat i la varietat de coneixements teòrics previs dels estudiants comporta sovint poca homogeneïtat en l’aprenentatge i en l’assoliment de les diferents competències, així com en la seva posterior avaluació. A més, les pràctiques de laboratori es porten a terme en parelles i el programa inclou més de 30 experiències que es simultaniegen i s’avaluen de forma continuada amb l’objectiu de fomentar el desenvolupament de les competències transversals i específiques dels estudiants. Aquest projecte ha permès desenvolupar i implementar durant els cursos 2016-2017 i 2017-2018 una planificació integral innovadora de les pràctiques de laboratori basada en la coordinació de l’equip docent, en l’establiment d’itineraris de pràctiques tancats, en l’avaluació continuada i en la introducció de nous materials d’aprenentatge i instruments d’avaluació. Totes les innovacions desenvolupades es continuen aplicant a l’actualitat

    Una planificación innovadora y nuevos instrumentos de evaluación para la mejora del aprendizaje en un laboratorio de prácticas de Química Analítica básica

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    Este trabajo presenta las acciones realizadas para la mejora del aprendizaje en el laboratorio de prácticas de una asignatura de Química Analítica Básica, como es la Química Analítica del Grado de Farmacia de la Universidad de Barcelona. Lo que comenzó en el marco de un proyecto de innovación docente, se ha consolidado para vertebrar el funcionamiento de estas prácticas de laboratorio hasta la actualidad, involucrando satisfactoriamente del orden de 350 estudiantes y 20 profesores por curso

    Estratègies d’aula inversa basades en eines web 2.0 per a la millora del procés d’aprenentatge de l’estudiant

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    Projecte: 2018PID-UB/029Es presenta com a informe final la difusió portada a terme en el marc del projecte d’innovació docent “Estratègies d’aula inversa basades en eines web 2.0 per a la millora del procés d’aprenentatge de l’estudiant” (2018PID-UB/029). El projecte se centra en el desenvolupament i implementació de noves metodologies docents fonamentades en estratègies d’aula inversa basades en eines web 2.0 que potenciïn l’ús i l’aplicació de les TIC en la nostra activitat docent per garantir el correcte seguiment de l’avaluació continuada de l’estudiant i de l’assoliment de les competències de l’assignatura, fomentar la motivació i participació a classe de l’estudiant, a més de facilitar-ne una retroacció activa, àgil i constant, en definitiva, millorar-ne el seu procés d’aprenentatg

    The role of Prenatal Care and Social Risk Factors in the relationship between immigrant status and neonatal morbidity: A retrospective cohort study

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    Background and Aim Literature evaluating association between neonatal morbidity and immigrant status presents contradictory results. Poorer compliance with prenatal care and greater social risk factors among immigrants could play roles as major confounding variables, thus explaining contradictions. We examined whether prenatal care and social risk factors are confounding variables in the relationship between immigrant status and neonatal morbidity. Methods Retrospective cohort study: 231 pregnant African immigrant women were recruited from 2007–2010 in northern Spain. A Spanish population sample was obtained by simple random sampling at 1:3 ratio. Immigrant status (Spanish, Sub-Saharan and Northern African), prenatal care (Kessner Index adequate, intermediate or inadequate), and social risk factors were treated as independent variables. Low birth weight (LBW < 2500 grams) and preterm birth (< 37 weeks) were collected as neonatal morbidity variables. Crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR) were estimated by unconditional logistic regression with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Results Positive associations between immigrant women and higher risk of neonatal morbidity were obtained. Crude OR for preterm births in Northern Africans with respect to nonimmigrants was 2.28 (95% CI: 1.04–5.00), and crude OR for LBW was 1.77 (95% CI: 0.74–4.22). However, after adjusting for prenatal care and social risk factors, associations became protective: adjusted OR for preterm birth = 0.42 (95% CI: 0.14–1.32); LBW = 0.48 (95% CI: 0.15–1.52). Poor compliance with prenatal care was the main independent risk factor associated with both preterm birth (adjusted OR inadequate care = 17.05; 95% CI: 3.92–74.24) and LBW (adjusted OR inadequate care = 6.25; 95% CI: 1.28–30.46). Social risk was an important independent risk factor associated with LBW (adjusted OR = 5.42; 95% CI: 1.58– 18.62). Conclusions Prenatal care and social risk factors were major confounding variables in the relationship between immigrant status and neonatal morbidity

    Descriptive analysis of childbirth healthcare costs in an area with high levels of immigration in Spain

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study was to estimate the cost of childbirth in a teaching hospital in Barcelona, Spain, including the costs of prenatal care, delivery and postnatal care (3 months). Costs were assessed by taking into account maternal origin and delivery type.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed a cross-sectional study of all deliveries in a teaching hospital to mothers living in its catchment area between October 2006 and September 2007. A process cost analysis based on a full cost accounting system was performed. The main information sources were the primary care program for sexual and reproductive health, and hospital care and costs records. Partial and total costs were compared according to maternal origin and delivery type. A regression model was fit to explain the total cost of the childbirth process as a function of maternal age and origin, prenatal care, delivery type, maternal and neonatal severity, and multiple delivery.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The average cost of childbirth was 4,328€, with an average of 18.28 contacts between the mother or the newborn and the healthcare facilities. The delivery itself accounted for more than 75% of the overall cost: maternal admission accounted for 57% and neonatal admission for 20%. Prenatal care represented 18% of the overall cost and 75% of overall acts. The average overall cost was 5,815€ for cesarean sections, 4,064€ for vaginal instrumented deliveries and 3,682€ for vaginal non-instrumented deliveries (p < 0.001). The regression model explained 45.5% of the cost variability. The incremental cost of a delivery through cesarean section was 955€ (an increase of 31.9%) compared with an increase of 193€ (6.4%) for an instrumented vaginal delivery. The incremental cost of admitting the newborn to hospital ranged from 420€ (14.0%) to 1,951€ (65.2%) depending on the newborn's severity. Age, origin and prenatal care were not statistically significant or economically relevant.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Neither immigration nor prenatal care were associated with a substantial difference in costs. The most important predictors of cost were delivery type and neonatal severity. Given the impact of cesarean sections on the overall cost of childbirth, attempts should be made to take into account its higher cost in the decision of performing a cesarean section.</p

    Perinatal outcomes among immigrant mothers over two periods in a region of central Italy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The number of immigrants has increased in Italy in the last twenty years (7.2% of the Italian population), as have infants of foreign-born parents, but scanty evidence on perinatal outcomes is available. The aim of this study was to investigate whether infants of foreign-born mothers living in Italy have different odds of adverse perinatal outcomes compared to those of native-born mothers, and if such measures changed over two periods.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The source of this area-based study was the regional hospital discharge database that records perinatal information on all births in the Lazio region. We analysed 296,739 singleton births born between 1996-1998 and 2006-2008. The exposure variable was the mother's region of birth. We considered five outcomes of perinatal health. We estimated crude and adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) to evaluate the association between mother's region of birth and perinatal outcomes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Perinatal outcomes were worse among infants of immigrant compared to Italian mothers, especially for sub-Saharan and west Africans, with the following crude ORs (in 1996-1998 and 2006-2008 respectively): 1.80 (95%CI:1.44-2.28) and 1.95 (95%CI:1.72-2.21) for very preterm births, and 1.32 (95%CI:1.16-1.50) and 1.32 (95%CI:1.25-1.39) for preterm births; 1.18 (95%CI:0.99-1.40) and 1.17 (95%CI:1.03-1.34) for a low Apgar score; 1.22 (95%CI:1.15-1.31) and 1.24 (95%CI:1.17-1.32) for the presence of respiratory diseases; 1.47 (95%CI:1.30-1.66) and 1.45 (95%CI:1.34-1.57) for the need for special or intensive neonatal care/in-hospital deaths; and 1.03 (95%CI:0.93-1.15) and 1.07 (95%CI:1.00-1.15) for congenital malformations. Overall, time did not affect the odds of outcomes differently between immigrant and Italian mothers and most outcomes improved over time among all infants. None of the risk factors considered confounded the associations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings suggest that migrant status is a risk factor for adverse perinatal health. Moreover, they suggest that perinatal outcomes improved over time in some immigrant women. This could be due to a general improvement in immigrants' health in the past decade, or it may indicate successful application of policies that increase accessibility to mother-child health services during the periconception and prenatal periods for legal and illegal immigrant women in Italy.</p