1,884 research outputs found

    The second Feng-Rao number for codes coming from telescopic semigroups

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    In this manuscript we show that the second Feng-Rao number of any telescopic numerical semigroup agrees with the multiplicity of the semigroup. To achieve this result we first study the behavior of Ap\'ery sets under gluings of numerical semigroups. These results provide a bound for the second Hamming weight of one-point Algebraic Geometry codes, which improves upon other estimates such as the Griesmer Order Bound

    On the ubiquity of trivial torsion on elliptic curves

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    The purpose of this paper is to give a "down--to--earth" proof of the well--known fact that a randomly chosen elliptic curve over the rationals is most likely to have trivial torsion

    Dynamics of an inelastic tagged particle under strong confinement

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    The dynamics of a tagged particle immersed in a fluid of particles of the same size but different mass is studied when the system is confined between two hard parallel plates separated a distance smaller than twice the diameter of the particles. The collisions between particles are inelastic while the collisions of the particles with the hard walls inject energy in the direction perpendicular to the wall, so that stationary states can be reached in the long-time limit. The velocity distribution of the tagged particle verifies a Boltzmann-Lorentz-like equation that is solved assuming that it is a spatially homogeneous gaussian distribution with two different temperatures (one associated to the motion parallel to the wall and another associated to the perpendicular direction). It is found that the temperature perpendicular to the wall diverges when the tagged particle mass approaches a critical mass from below, while the parallel temperature remains finite. Molecular Dynamics simulation results agree very well with the theoretical predictions for tagged particle masses below the critical mass. The measurements of the velocity distribution function of the tagged particle confirm that it is gaussian if the mass is not close to the critical mass, while it deviates from gaussianity when approaching the critical mass. Above the critical mass, the velocity distribution function is very far from a gaussian, being the marginal distribution in the perpendicular direction bimodal and with a much larger variance than the one in the parallel direction.ConsejerĂ­a de EconomĂ­a, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad de la Junta de AndalucĂ­a (Spain) throughGrant. US-1380729theMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn (Spain) throughGrant PID2021- 126348NB-100 FEDER fund

    Inducing nonclassical lasing via periodic drivings in circuit quantum electrodynamics

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    We show how a pair of superconducting qubits coupled to a microwave cavity mode can be used to engineer a single-atom laser that emits light into a nonclassical state. Our scheme relies on the dressing of the qubit-field coupling by periodic modulations of the qubit energy. In the dressed basis, the radiative decay of the first qubit becomes an effective incoherent pumping mechanism that injects energy into the system, hence turning dissipation to our advantage. A second, auxiliary qubit is used to shape the decay within the cavity, in such a way that lasing occurs in a squeezed basis of the cavity mode. We characterize the system both by mean-field theory and exact calculations. Our work may find applications in the generation of squeezing and entanglement in circuit QED, as well as in the study of dissipative few- and many-body phase transitions

    Structure and function of the alfa-rhizobia non-coding transcriptome investigated by RNAseq

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    Conferencia presentada en: I Spanish-Portuguese Congress on Beneficial Plant-Microbe Interactions (BeMiPlant) and XVIII National Meeting of the Spanish Society of Nitrogen Fixation (XVIII SEFIN). Oeiras, Portugal, 17-19 octubre (2022)This work was supported by grants BFU2017-82645-P and PID2020-114782GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe” (BFU2017-82645-P), and grant P20_00185 funded by Junta de Andalucía PAIDI/FEDER/EU, awarded to J.I.J.-Z., and by grant US-1250546 funded by FEDER/Universidad de Sevilla to J.M.V

    Scope for growth and dietary needs of Mediteranean Pinnids maintained in captivity

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    Abstract Background: The measurement of the energy available for growth (scope of growth, SFG) can be used in bivalves to make a long-term prediction in a short-term experiment of the condition of the individual. In order to tackle the best conditions for captive maintenance of Mediterranean Pinnids, a SFG study was conducted using Pinna rudis as a model species. Three diets were examined to test the viability of live microalgae and commercial products: i) a control diet using 100% of live microalgae based on the species Isochrysis galbana (t-ISO), ii) a 100% of commercial microalgae diet based on the product Shellfish Diet 1800®, and iii) a 50/50% mix diet of I. galbana (t-ISO) and Shellfish Diet 1800®. Results: SFG results showed significant differences among diets in the physiological functions measured and suggested lower acceptability and digestibility of the commercial product. Negative SFG values were obtained for the commercial diet which indicates that it should be rejected for both Pinnid maintenance. The mixed diet showed improved physiological performance compared to the commercial diet, resulting in a higher SFG that had no significant differences with the control diet. However, in the long-term, the lower digestibility of the mixed diet compared to the control diet could lead to a deterioration of individuals’ conditions and should be considered cautiously. Conclusions: This work represents the first case study of SFG in Pinna spp. and provides fundamental data on dietary needs for the critically endangered species, P. nobilis.En prens

    Mechanical barriers and transforming growth factor beta inhibitor on epidural fibrosis in a rabbit laminectomy model

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    Background: TGF-β has been described as a mediator of fibrosis and scarring. Several studies achieved reduction in experimental scarring through the inhibition of TGF-β. Fibroblasts have been defined as the cell population originating fibrosis, blocking fibroblast invasion may impair epidural fibrosis appearance. For this purpose, biocompatible materials used as mechanical barriers and a TGF-β inhibitor peptide were evaluated in the reduction of epidural fibrosis. Methods: A L6 laminectomy was performed in 40 New Zealand white rabbits. Divided into four groups, each rabbit was assigned to receive either collagen sponge scaffold (CS group), gelatin-based gel (GCP group), P144® (iTGFβ group), or left untreated (control group). Four weeks after surgery, cell density, collagen content, and new bone formation of the scar area were determined by histomorphometry. Two experienced pathologists scored dura mater adhesion, scar density, and inflammatory infiltrate in a blinded manner. Results: In all groups, laminectomy site was filled with fibrous tissue and the dura mater presented adhesions. Only GCP group presented a significant reduction in collagen content and scar density. Conclusion: GCP treatment reduces epidural fibrosis although did not prevent dura mater adhesion completely

    Experiencias en el uso de blogs como herramienta de aprendizaje

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    [ESP] El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EESS) supone una reflexión sobre el modelo de profesorado hasta ahora existente. La aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías, así como el paso del alumno a convertirse en protagonista de su propia formación supone que se realicen los cambios suficientes para que dicho cambio no resulte traumático para ambas partes implicadas en el proceso: profesor y alumno. Para ello, las universidades españolas necesitan ser más flexibles, dinámicas, creativas e innovadoras, sin perder de vista el marco pedagógico. En este entorno, el nuevo modelo en red Web 2.0 ha adquirido una importancia creciente en este proceso de adaptación al EEES. El modelo Web 2.0 permite que cualquier usuario sin especiales conocimientos de informática, pueda publicar en WWW sin apenas esfuerzo y de modo casi inmediato. Sin embargo, lo que caracteriza a la Web 2.0 es sobre todo, el hecho de constituir un espacio abierto a la colaboración. Entre las aplicaciones que representan el espíritu de esta nueva Internet como son las social-networking sites, wikis, video-sharing sites, hosted services, web applications, mashups and folksonomies, destacan los blogs, también llamados weblogs o bitácoras. Los blogs son publicaciones online que el usuario puede actualizar constantemente. Se componen de entradas cronológicas, y utilizan un simple interfaz que puede ser fácilmente usado por el usuario. Además el blog es interactivo en el sentido que los usuarios pueden responder con comentarios en unos pocos pasos

    rSPECT: a compact gamma camera based SPECT system for small-animal imaging

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    Proceeding of: 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC), Orlando, Florida, 25-31 October 2009We have developed a compact and modular gamma camera system and assessed its performance when used on a small-animal SPECT prototype (rSPECT). Each camera consists of a Hamamatsu H-8500 position sensitive photomultiplier tube coupled to a 30 x 30 NaI (Tl) scintillator array (1.4mm x 1.4mm x 6mm crystal size) and electronics for pre-processing and matching the detector signals to an in-house developed data acquisition system. The camera components are enclosed in a lead-shielded case with a receptacle to insert the collimators (parallel-hole or pinhole with different tungsten apertures). System performance has been assessed for a low energy high resolution parallel-hole collimator (LEHR), and for a 0.75 mm pinhole collimator with 60Âş aperture angle. In this paper we present details on the system implementation and results of performance measurements, as well as first tomographic images on phantoms and animals. This SPECT was conceived for compactness and cost-effective routine small-animal imaging, and acquisitions of living mice and rats carried out with the system demonstrate its ability to provide useful high-resolution images for in vivo research.This work is partially funded by the CD TEAM project, CENIT Program, Spanish Ministerio de Industria and with grants from the Ministerio de EducaciĂłn y Ciencia, Projects TEC2007 64731/TCM, TEC2008 06715 C02 01, SAF2009 08076 and the RECAVA RETIC Network

    Retrospective study of the prevalence of postanesthetic hypothermia in cats

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    A retrospective study of 275 anaesthetic records of cats was undertaken to examine the prevalence of postanaesthetic hypothermia, its clinical predictors and consequences. Temperature was recorded throughout anaesthesia. The temperature reached at the end was classified as hyperthermia (>39.50 °C), normothermia (38.50 to 39.50 °C), slight hypothermia (38.49 to 36.50 °C), moderate hypothermia (36.49 to 34.00 °C) or severe hypothermia (<34.00 °C). Statistical analysis consisted of multiple regression to identify the factors that affect the temperature at the end of the procedure. Before premedication, the mean (sd) temperature was 38.2 (1.0) °C. At 60, 120 and 180 minutes from induction, the temperature was 35.4 (1.4) °C, 35.0 (1.5) °C and 34.6 (1.5) °C, respectively. The prevalence of hypothermia was slight 26.5 per cent (95 per cent CI 21.7 to 32.0 per cent), moderate 60.4 per cent (95 per cent CI 54.5 to 66.0 per cent) and severe 10.5 per cent (95 per cent CI 7.4 to 14.7 per cent). The variables associated with a decrease in the temperature recorded at the end of anaesthesia were the duration of anaesthesia, the reason for anaesthesia (abdominal and orthopaedic surgeries significantly reduced the temperature when compared with minor procedures) and the anaesthetic risk (high-risk cats showed lower temperatures than low-risk cats). The temperature before premedication was associated with an increase in the final temperature.Ciencias Experimentale
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