22 research outputs found

    Indexing multi-dimensional uncertain data with arbitrary probability density functions

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    Research Session 26: Spatial and Temporal DatabasesIn an "uncertain database", an object o is associated with a multi-dimensional probability density function (pdf), which describes the likelihood that o appears at each position in the data space. A fundamental operation is the "probabilistic range search" which, given a value p q and a rectangular area r q, retrieves the objects that appear in r q with probabilities at least p q. In this paper, we propose the U-tree, an access method designed to optimize both the I/O and CPU time of range retrieval on multi-dimensional imprecise data. The new structure is fully dynamic (i.e., objects can be incrementally inserted/deleted in any order), and does not place any constraints on the data pdfs. We verify the query and update efficiency of U-trees with extensive experiments.postprintThe 31st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2005), Trondheim, Norway, 30 August-2 September 2005. In Proceedings of 31st VLDB, 2005, v. 3, p. 922-93

    The current state-of-the-art of spinal cord imaging: methods.

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    A first-ever spinal cord imaging meeting was sponsored by the International Spinal Research Trust and the Wings for Life Foundation with the aim of identifying the current state-of-the-art of spinal cord imaging, the current greatest challenges, and greatest needs for future development. This meeting was attended by a small group of invited experts spanning all aspects of spinal cord imaging from basic research to clinical practice. The greatest current challenges for spinal cord imaging were identified as arising from the imaging environment itself; difficult imaging environment created by the bone surrounding the spinal canal, physiological motion of the cord and adjacent tissues, and small cross-sectional dimensions of the spinal cord, exacerbated by metallic implants often present in injured patients. Challenges were also identified as a result of a lack of "critical mass" of researchers taking on the development of spinal cord imaging, affecting both the rate of progress in the field, and the demand for equipment and software to manufacturers to produce the necessary tools. Here we define the current state-of-the-art of spinal cord imaging, discuss the underlying theory and challenges, and present the evidence for the current and potential power of these methods. In two review papers (part I and part II), we propose that the challenges can be overcome with advances in methods, improving availability and effectiveness of methods, and linking existing researchers to create the necessary scientific and clinical network to advance the rate of progress and impact of the research

    Optimization Tool for X-Ray Radiography NDE

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    The quality of x-ray radiography NDE is highly dependent on a large number of inspection parameters. Examples of these parameters are the generator settings: tube potential, tube current, exposure time,…; object parameters: orientation, thickness, distance from the source…; detector parameters: film type, source to detector distance, etc. Optimization of an x-ray nondestructive testing can be achieved by testing different settings and choosing the set of parameters that produces the best possible radiograph. The large dimensionality of the optimization problem, however, makes the process of manually changing the inspection parameters, and investigating the radiographs, not an easy task. The time and cost requirements of the optimization process can be reduced by resorting to advanced x-ray computer simulators.</p

    Wideband Electromagnetic Nearfield Imaging Using Compressed Sensing

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    Nearfield electromagnetic imaging (EMI) provides an attractive and simple medical imaging tool to reconstruct maps of tissue properties.  This research aims at dealing with resolution limitations of EMI, by implementing wideband multichannel system for energy excitation and adopting compressed sensing approach in image reconstruction. Simulation is conducted assuming a head model with tumor anomalies.  Inversion techniques based on orthogonal matching pursuit OMP are developed.  Results reveal the potential of the system in detecting tissue properties inside the human head

    Modeling of Electromagnetic NDE of Civil Structures

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    The inspection of civil structures, such as bridge decks, roadways and masonry is becoming an increasingly important area for the application of NDE methodologies. A variety of methods have been used for detecting flaws, cracks and voids as well as locating structural features such as reinforcing bars and tensioning cables. The large size of civil structures necessitates the use of an NDE technique that is capable of rapid inspection of large areas with good penetration. A candidate approach for such inspection is the microwave NDT method. Microwave energy penetrates dielectric materials such as those encountered in civil structures and consequently inspection can be accomplished using noncontact devices mounted on a fast scanning mechanism. The paper presents a numerical model for simulating electromagnetic scattering from two and three dimensional objects embedded in large structures. Such models are useful in the design and development of systems required for microwave imaging of civil structures.</p

    A Neural Network Approach for Solving Inverse Problems in NDE

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    Solution to inverse problems is of interest in many fields of science and engineering. In nondestructive evaluation [1], for example, inverse techniques are used to obtain quantitative estimates of the size, shape and nature of defects in materials. Inv.:rse scattering problems in electromagnetics deal with estimation of scatterer information from knowledge of incident and scattered fields. Inverse problems are frequently described by Fredholm integral equations in the form 1 ∫bak(x,y)z(y)dy=u(x)(c⩽x⩽d) where u(x) represents the measured data, z(y) represents the source function or the system states or parameters, and k(x,y) represents the kernel of the transformation. The objective of inverse problem is then to solve for the source or state function from known measurements. This problem is sensitive to the system parameters z, to the shape of the kernel k, and to the accuracy of the measurements u.</p