1,081 research outputs found

    Designing large quantum key distribution networks via medoid-based algorithms

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    The current development of quantum mechanics and its applications suppose a threat to modern cryptography as it was conceived. The abilities of quantum computers for solving complex mathematical problems, as a strong computational novelty, is the root of that risk. However, quantum technologies can also prevent this threat by leveraging quantum methods to distribute keys. This field, called Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is growing, although it still needs more physical basics to become a reality as popular as the Internet. This work proposes a novel methodology that leverages medoid-based clustering techniques to design quantum key distribution networks on commercial fiber optics systems. Our methodology focuses on the current limitations of these communication systems, their error loss and how trusted repeaters can lead to achieve a proper communication with the current technology. We adapt our model to the current data on a wide territory covering an area of almost 100,000 km2, and prove that considering physical limitations of around 45km with 3.1 error loss, our design can provide service to the whole area. This technique is the first to extend the state of the art network’s design, that is focused on up to 10 nodes, to networks dealing with more than 200 nodes

    Dealing with Qualitative and Quantitative Features in Legal Domains

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    In this work, we enrich a formalism for argumentation by including a formal characterization of features related to the knowledge, in order to capture proper reasoning in legal domains. We add meta-data information to the arguments in the form of labels representing quantitative and qualitative data about them. These labels are propagated through an argumentative graph according to the relations of support, conflict, and aggregation between arguments.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1903.0186

    Una lectura no canònica del Cant espiritual de Joan Maragall

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    Aquesta breu aportació només vol ser un comentari lliure i personal, no gens canònic, ifins i tot heterodox, del Cant espiritual de Maragall. Es tracta d'una glossa que alhora creu poder tipificar el que és i ha de ser el més genuí tarannà filosòfic: el tarannà de qui cerca la veritat, de qui només cerca i mai no deixa de cercar la veritat. Si hom cerca, és que encara no ha trobat allò que busca; com a cercador, doncs, el filòsof ha de restar lluny del dogmatisme gnòstic (sigui del signe que sigui). Però, si cerca, és que es mou ja en la direcció d'una eventual trobada; per tant, el filòsof tampoc no pot fer seva la postura escèptica que ha decidit la impossibilitat d'aquesta trobada. Com el poeta d'un Cant espiritual glossat com a Cant alhora mundanal i espiritual, el filòsof ha de mantenir-se en la corda fluixa de l'agnosticisme, lluny de la gnosi tant de la transcendència com de la immanència.This brief contribution only tries to be a personal and free comment non canonical and even heterodox of the Cant espiritual («Spiritual song») of Maragall. It's a gloss that at the same time wants to typify what is and must be the genuine philosophical mood: the mood of the person who seeks the truth, who only and ever seeks the truth. If someone seeks, it means he has not still found what he seeks; as a searcher, therefore, the philosopher must be far from gnostic dogmatism (no matter its sign). But if he seeks, it means that he moves already toward a possible finding; so the philosopher cannot assume the sceptical attitude that has decided the impossibility of this finding. Like the poet of a «Spiritual Song» glossed as «Worldly and at the same time Spiritual Song», the philosopher must keep himself on the tightrope of agnosticism, far from any gnosi of transcendence or immanence

    Design of a Direct Drive Wave Energy Conversion System for the Seaquest Concept

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    Abstract In this work the investigation and design of a Direct Drive Wave Energy Conversion System for the Seaquest Concept is presented. It involves all the steps of the project, from the marine environment analysis to the problems linked to the connection to the grid, passing through the sizing procedure of an innovative arc-shaped electrical generator, in which the flux-switching principle has been applied, then through its analysis, optimization and performance verification by FEA, and then the study of the most suitable control strategies. Particular attention has been given to all the specificities this new particular generator presents: non-constant rotational speed, reciprocating motion, border effects. This arch-shaped generator has then been compared to a traditional rotating machine directly coupled with the shaft and moved by the pendulu

    Discovering Rehabilitation trends in Spain: A bibliometric analysis

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    The main purpose of this study is to offer an overview of the rehabilitation research area in Spain from 1970 to 2018 through a bibliometric analysis. Analysis of performance and a co-word science mapping analysis were conducted to highlight the topics covered. The software tool SciMAT was used to analyse the themes concerning their performance and impact measures. A total of 3,564 documents from the Web of Science were retrieved. Univ Deusto, Univ Rey Juan Carlos and Basque Foundation for Science are the institutions with highest relative priority. The most important research themes are IntellectualDisability, Neck-Pain and Pain

    Incidencia de RINACE en el desarrollo de la investigación sobre eficacia escolar en América Latina

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    Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación son una importante vía de apropiación social del conocimiento del que pueden beneficiarse los países que han llegado tardíamente al proceso investigativo, a la vez que permiten la consolidación de comunidades científicas constituidas por componentes de diferente procedencia y formación específica. En este sentido, y como elemento que ha favorecido la difusión de la investigación sobre Eficacia Escolar en América Latina, se presenta la Red Iberoamericana de Investigación Sobre Cambio y Eficacia Escolar (RINACE), que con diez años de creación, setecientos miembros dediecinueve redes nacionales ha permitido fomentar la realización de investigaciones educativas de calidad, potenciar la difusión de las investigaciones realizadas, impulsar la utilización de los resultados de la investigación para la mejora de los sistemas educativos, las escuelas y las aulas y formar investigadores iberoamericanos de alto nivel sobre estas temática