33 research outputs found

    Hindrance of ^{16}O+^{208}Pb fusion at extreme sub-barrier energies

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    We analyze the fusion data for 16^{16}O+208^{208}Pb using coupled-channels calculations. We include couplings to the low-lying surface excitations of the projectile and target and study the effect of the (16^{16}O,17^{17}O) one-neutron pickup. The hindrance of the fusion data that is observed at energies far below the Coulomb barrier cannot be explained by a conventional ion-ion potential and defining the fusion in terms of ingoing-wave boundary conditions (IWBC). We show that the hindrance can be explained fairly well by applying the M3Y double-folding potential which has been corrected with a calibrated, repulsive term that simulates the effect of nuclear incompressibility. We show that the coupling to one-neutron transfer channels plays a crucial role in improving the fit to the data. The best fit is achieved by increasing the transfer strength by 25% relative to the strength that is required to reproduce the one-neutron transfer data. The larger strength is not unrealistic because the calculated inelastic plus transfer cross section is in good agreement with the measured quasielastic cross section. We finally discuss the problem of reproducing the fusion data at energies far above the Coulomb barrier. Here we do not account for the data when we apply the IWBC but the discrepancy is essentially eliminated by applying the M3Y+repulsion potential and a weak, short-ranged imaginary potential.Comment: text and 8 fifure

    Situaţia politică a Daciei la jumătatea secolului al III-lea în lumina istoriei lui Sextus Aurelius Victor

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    The author analyses the 33rd chapter of Sextus Aurelius Victor's De Caesaribus, referring to the reign of the Roman emperor Licinius Gallienus, 218-268. The text approaches the beginning of the Roman empire's division into microstates, caused by the diminishing of the authority coming from Rome, following Valerianus's death, Gallienus's father. The centrifugal tendency of all the states included in the empire by force is increasing, but it can mainly be found in the formations from Gallia,Britannia, Palmyra and partially from Dacia. This state of things is synhcronic

    Fresh Water Resources in the Natura 2000 Pricop-Huta Certeze and Tisa Superioară Protected Areas

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    The Transcarpatic Basin which includes the Maramureş Basin (and within it the PHCTS area) is the largest intra-Carpathian lowland area, structured on a substrate with different geology, consisting in igneous rocks and crystalline schists, in the high areas and sandstones, conglomerates, marl, clay and sands in the central lower part. These features along with important rainfall amounts (up to 1800 mm in Ukrainian side) create conditions for a surplus in water resources budget, along with extreme hydrological events which are becoming very common. The average discharge values in PCHTS area go up to 40 l/s.km2 in high mountain area, while in the lowland space the values are around to 5 l/s.km2. Although, the surface water resource is plentiful its capitalization is facing serious problems due to pollution of various origins, from the one related to former mining activities, to those linked to the existence of human habitats which provides different residues. As for the underground water resource, the relatively impermeable substrate creates poor conditions for reserves accumulation and gives unfavorable chemical properties for accumulated water. Overall, water balance is in surplus with rainfall values nearly double compared to the drainage ones and aridity index values which barely exceed 0.5

    Postero-lateral approach with open view vertebroplasty - ”eggshell” technique

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    Since august 2008 we used in Spine Surgery Department, Emergency Clinical Hospital “Bagdasar-Arseni”, Bucharest, a new technique for the surgical treatment of thoraco-lumbar burst fractures. This technique is based on a postero-lateral approach of the thoraco-lumbar spine, reconstruction of anterior column using cement (PMMA) and stabilization of posterior column using metallic instrumentation uni- or bilateral. The paper presents the technical and biomechanical data of this spinal procedure

    Strategies of the treatment of cardiac prosthetic valve thrombosis

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    Departamentul Cardiochirurgie, Spitalul Clinic Republican, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Fenomenul de tromboză şi „pannus” tromboză rămîne printre complicaţiile ce necesită intervenţie promptă în cardiochirurgie. Material şi metode: Din 1670 de pacienţi operaţi în departamentul nostru – 1260 (74,2%) prezentau patologii valvulare. S-au protezat 1164 valve cardiace: din ele 145 – cu proteze biologice; 1019 – cu proteze mecanice. Tromboza protezelor s-a depistat la 28 pacienţi (60% din cazurile disfuncţiilor de proteză şi 2,2% din numărul total al pacienţilor), cu vîrstă cuprinsă între 35 şi 63 de ani. Tratament chirurgical s-a efectuat la 9 pacienţi, tromboliză – la 19 pacienţi. Rezultate: În ultimii 6-7 ani, tratamentul medicamentos de tromboliză în trombozele protezelor valvulare, se realizează reuşit cu alteplaza şi reteplaza. Tromboliza a fost efectuată la 19 pacienţi. Efecte: în 17 cazuri – recuperarea completă a funcţiilor protezelor cu normalizarea gradientului transprotetic şi a presiunii sistolice în ventricolul drept. Au survenit complicaţii: un caz – atac ischemic tranzitor cerebral şi 2 cazuri letale. Concluzii: Pacienţii cu tomboză a protezelor valvulare în stare critică (edem acut pulmonar, hipotensiune, insuficienţă cardiacă IV NYHA) se supun, după confirmare ecografică, terapiei trombolitice intravenoase. Tratamentul de tromboliză are o eficacitate înalta în tromboza protezelor valvulare, rata complicaţiilor cu embolii este joasă, motiv din care tratamentul respectiv poate fi implementat ca unul de primă linie în tromboza protezelor valvulare, în absenţa contraindicaţiilor. În cazul răspunsului parţial la tratamentul de tromboliză, pacientul poate fi operat în condiţii hemodinamice satisfăcătoare şi cu un risc scăzut.Introduction: The phenomenon of thrombosis and “pannus” thrombosis prevails among the complications that require prompt intervention in cardiac surgery. Material and methods: In our department 1670 patients were operated on: 1260 had valve pathology (74.2%). Totally 1164 heart valves were replaced: 145 – biological prostheses and 1019 – mechanical ones. Prosthesis thrombosis took place in 28 patients (60% of prosthetic dysfunction and 2.2% of the total number of operated patients) aged from 35 to 63 years old. Nine patients underwent surgical treatment, 19 patients – were treated by thrombolysis. Results: During last 6-7 years the thrombolysis treatment with alteplase and reteplase has been successfully implemented in the therapy of thrombosis of prosthetic valve. Thrombolysis was performed in 19 patients. The results are the following: in 17 cases – complete recovery of the prosthesis function with normalization of trans-prosthetic gradient and systolic pressure in right ventricle was observed. One case has been complicated with cerebral transitory ischemic attack and 2 cases of mortality were registered. Conclusions: The patients with prosthesis thrombosis who are in critical condition (acute pulmonary edema, hypotension, heart failure NYHA IV) should immediately receive ultrasound confirmation of the need of intravenous thrombolitic therapy. The thrombolysis efficacy in prosthesis thrombosis is high; the rate of embolic complications is low, which can be used as the first line treatment for all patients with prosthetic thrombosis in the absence of contraindications. In the case of partial response to the thrombolysis patient can be operated in satisfactory hemodynamic conditions and with decreased surgical risk

    The diagnosis and surgical treatment of cardiac tumors

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    Departamentul Cardiochirurgie, Spitalul Clinic Republican, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Cu toate că tumorile cardiace se întâlnesc destul de rar, diagnosticul precoce stabilit ne oferă posibilitatea de a efectua un tratament chirurgical radical şi eficace. Material şi metode: Au fost analizate protocoalele intervenţiilor chirurgicale la 86 de pacienţi cu tumori cardiace, care s-au tratat pe parcursul anilor 1983-2014 (primele 6 luni), vârsta bolnavilor a variat între 15-73 ani (media 53,7 ani). La 79 (91,8%) pacienţi tumorile au fost benigne şi la 7 (8,2%) – maligne. Rezultate: Diagnoza preoperatorie a fost stabilită analizând evoluţia simptomelor clinice şi rezultatele investigaţiilor instrumentale (ecocardiografia, CT, RMN). Morfologia tumorilor se prezintă în felul următor: mixoame – 71 de cazuri, rabdomioame – 2 cazuri, leiomioame – 2 cazuri, hemangiom – 1 caz, fibrom – 1 caz, mezoepitelioame – 2 cazuri, diferite sarcoame – 7 cazuri. Recidivă a mixomului atrial stâng s-a întâlnit la 2 pacienţi (2,8%), care au fost cu succes reoperaţi. Mortalitatea postoperatorie a constituit 8,2% (7 pacienţi), fapt care demonstrează eficacitatea tratamentului chirurgical. Concluzii: Tumorile cardiace primare trebuie înlăturate chirurgical. Vârsta pacienţilor şi severitatea insuficienţei cardiace nu poate servi ca contraindicaţie către operaţie. Tumorile cardiace maligne au un prognostic nefavorabil.Introduction: Although cases of cardiac tumors are very rare, the early determined diagnosis gives us the possibility to perform an efficient and radical surgical treatment. Material and methods: The surgical records of 86 patients with cardiac tumors who were operated during 1983-2014 (first 6 months) were analyzed; patients age varies between 15-73 years (mean 53.7 years). In 79 (91.8%) patients the tumors were benign and in 7 (8.2%) cases – malignant.Results: Analyzing the evolution of clinical symptoms, the instrumental investigations results (echocardiography, CT, RMN) the preoperative diagnosis was determined. The morphology of the tumors were presented as follows: myxoma – 71 cases, rhabdomyoma – 2 cases, leiomyoma – 2 cases, hemangioma – 1 case, fibroids – 1 case, myoepithelioma – 2 cases, various sarcomas – 7 cases. Left atrial myxoma recurrence was determined in 2 patients (2.8%) who were successfully supposed to the repeated intervention. Postoperative mortality was 8.2 % (7 patients), that demonstrates the effectiveness of surgical treatment. Conclusions: The primary cardiac tumors should be removed in a surgical way. The patients' age and the severity of heart failure could not serve as a contraindication for surgery. Malignant cardiac tumors have a poor prognostic

    Normal and intruder configurations in Si- 34 populated in the beta(-) decay of Mg-34 and Al-34

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    The structure of Si-34 was studied through gamma spectroscopy separately in the beta(-) decays of Mg-34 and Al-34 at the ISOLDE facility of CERN. Different configurations in Si-34 were populated independently from the two recently identified beta-decaying states in Al-34 having spin-parity assignments J(pi) = 4(-) dominated by the normal configuration pi(d(5/2))(-1) circle times nu(f(7/2)) and J(pi) = 1(+) by the intruder configuration pi(d(5/2))(-1) circle times nu(d(3/2))(-1) (f(7/2))(2). The paper reports on spectroscopic properties of Si-34 such as an extended level scheme, spin and parity assignments based on log(ft) values and gamma-ray branching ratios, absolute beta feeding intensities, and neutron emission probabilities. A total of 11 newly identified levels and 26 transitions were added to the previously known level scheme of Si-34. Large scale shell-model calculations using the SDPF-U-MIX interaction, able to treat higher order intruder configurations, are compared with the new results and conclusions are drawn concerning the predictive power of SDPF-U-MIX, the N = 20 shell gap, the level of mixing between normal and intruder configurations for the 0(1)(+), 0(2)(+), and 2(1)(+) states, and the absence of triaxial deformation in Si-3(4).Peer reviewe

    Braşov [material iconografic]

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    Braşov [material iconografic] / I. Şerban. - [Bucureşti] : Editura Meridiane, [19-]. - 1 ilustrată : color ; 10,5x15 cm.Vedere parţială asupra oraşului; în dreapta imaginii apare Hotelul Carpaţi. Cu vedere la Muntele Tâmpa şi centrul istoric medieval al Braşovului, Hotelul Carpaţi (astăzi Aro Palace, B-dul Eroilor, nr.27-29), se află vizavi de Parcul Central. Hotelul are o istorie de peste 70 de ani, fiind inaugurat cu mare fast în anul 1939. A fost proiectat de arhitectul Horia Creangă (nepotul lui Ion Creangă), un promotor al arhitecturii moderne în România