114 research outputs found

    Efficacy of Different Oocytes Harvesting Methods on Retrieval and Quality of Oocyte from Ovaries of Local Cows

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            هدفت الدراسة الحالية لبحث تأثير ثلاث طرائق لجمع البويضات في إستحصال ونوعية البويضة من مبايض الابقار المحلية .جُمع 600 مبيض من 300 بقرة بعمر 3-10  سنوات غير حامل ذُبحت في مجازر محافظة بابل للمدة من أيلول  2017لغاية أذار 2018. جُمعت البويضات بوساطة طريقة تشريح المبيض (Slicing) وطريقة ثقب المبيض (Puncture) وطريقة سحب الجريبة (Aspiriation of follicle) , وقُسمت طبقاً لعدد طبقات الخلايا الركمية المبيضية (Cumulus cells) وتجانس الهيولي (Cytoplasm) على ثلاثة مجاميع, الاولى: بويضات جيدة محاطة بأكثر من ثلاث طبقات من الخلايا الركمية المبيضية وتجانس الهيولي, والثانية: بويضات متوسطة محاطة بأقل من ثلاث طبقات من الخلايا الركمية المبيضية وتجانس الهيولي , والثالثة : بويضات رديئة خالية من الخلايا الركمية المبيضية مع عدم تجانس الهيولي . بيّنت النتائج أرتفاعاً معنوياً (P<0.05) للعدد الكلي للبويضات المستحصلة ومعدل عدد البويضات لكل المبيض بأستعمال طريقة تشريح المبيض وبلغت 1639 و 8.195 ± 1.03 بالتتابع مقارنة مع طريقة ثقب المبيض وبلغت 923 و 4.610 ±  0.86 بالتتابع وطريقة سحب الجريبة وبلغت 776 و3.880 ± 0.34 بالتتابع. أشارت نتائج الدراسة ايضاً أرتفاعاً معنوياً (P<0.05) للعدد الكلي للبويضات ومعدل عدد البويضات لكل مبيض ونسبة البويضات الجيدة المستحصلة بطريقة تشريح المبيض وبلغت 751 و 3.750 ± 0.95 و 45.90 % بالتتابع, والمستحصلة بطريقة ثقب المبيض وبلغت 399 و 1.99 ± 0.03 و 43.30 % بالتتابع , مقارنة مع طريقة سحب الجريبة وبلغت 299 و 1.14 ± 0.01 و 29.60 % بالتتابع. يستنتج من هذه الدراسة أن طريقة تشريح المبيض هي الطريقة المناسبة والجيدة لأستحصال البويضات وبأعداد كثيرة وذات شكل ونوعية جيدة.The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different oocytes harvesting  methods on retrieval and quality of oocyte from ovarian of local cows.  The ovaries (n = 600) were collected from 300 non-pregnant cows their ages ranged between (3-10 years old), slaughtered at the abattoir of Babylon province during the period between September 2017 to March 2018. The oocytes were collected by slicing method, puncture method and aspiration of follicle method and classified according to layers of cumulus cells and the homogenous of cytoplasm into three groups , first group : good quality oocytes with more than 3 layers of cumulus cells and homogeneous of cytoplasm, second group : fair quality oocytes with less than 3 layers of cumulus cells and homogeneous of cytoplasm , third group : poor quality oocytes , denuded oocyte from cumulus cells with heterogeneous cytoplasm . The results showed that the total number of oocytes recovered and the number of oocytes recovered  per ovary was significantly higher (P<0.05) by using slicing method (1639 and 8.195 ± 1.03 respectively) compared with the Puncture (923 and 4.610 ± 0.86 respectively ) and aspiration of follicle method (776 and 3.880 ± 0.34 respectively). The results of study also indicated that the total number of oocytes recovered , the average number of oocyte per ovary and the percentage of well recovered by slicing method (751,3.750 ± 0.95 and 45.90 % respectively) and puncture technique (399,1.99 ± 0.03 and 43.30 % respectively) were significantly higher ( P<0.05) compared with aspiration of follicle (299 , 1.14 ± 0.01 and 29.60 % respectively). We conclude from this study that slicing method is the appropriate and good method for oocyte recovering with ideal morphological aspect and quality

    Two Dimension Marginal Distributions of Crossing Time and Renewal Numbers Related to Two-Stage Erlang Processes

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    The two dimensional marginal transform, probability density and cumulative probability distribution functions for the random variables TξN (time taken by servers during vacations), ξN (number of vacations taken by servers) and Nη (number of customers or units arriving in the system) are derived by taking combinations of these random variables. One random variable is controlled at one time to determine the effect of the other two random variables simultaneously

    Prevalence and resistant patterns of multidrug-resistant urinary tract infection caused by Escherichia coli among patients admitted to a teaching hospital

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    Background: Multi-drug resistant organisms, particularly in urinary tract infections, have become a significant concern in developing countries like Bangladesh. Physicians are facing challenges in treating hospitalized cases due to the ineffectiveness of conventional antibiotics and empirical treatment, as well as the emergence of multi-drug-resistant Escherichia coli. The main goal of the study was to observe the prevalence and resistant pattern of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli urinary tract infections among patients admitted to a teaching hospital. Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted between August 2011 to February 2012 at Uttara Adhunik Medical College Hospital (UAMCH), Dhaka, Bangladesh. It included 100 cases, and detailed information was obtained through a standardized protocol. Results: In a study of 100 UTI patients, 45 had MDR E. coli while 55 had non-MDR E. coli. Females accounted for 79% of the patients, with a mean age of 44.85±17.81 years. The majority of participants fell into the 31-40 years age group (28%) and 60 years age group (23%). Among the participants, 57% had a history of UTI while 43% had no previous UTI history. High resistance was observed against amoxicillin, amoxiclav, cephradine, cefuroxime, cefixime, ceftriaxone, ceftazidime, and nalidixic acid. However, ciprofloxacin (2.22%), levofloxacin (6.67%), and cotrimoxazole (31.11%) exhibited lower resistance rates among MDR samples. Imipenem and meropenem showed 100% effectiveness against all MDR samples. Conclusion: MDR E. coli rates were alarmingly high in a teaching hospital in Bangladesh. Excessive antimicrobial drug consumption globally has led to antibiotic-resistant E. coli isolates, posing challenges for effective UTI treatment worldwide. Antibiotic therapy remains crucial in controlling these invasive agents

    Performance assessment of parabolic trough collector (ptc) by using three passes receiver for preheating the fuel oil under Iraq climate for different mass flow rates

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    An alternative design receiver of parabolic trough collector (PTC) has been discussed in the present study. The three passes design (3p) receiver made from copper and coated with selective black paint was studied and optimized experimentally. Mass flow rates were varied alongside number of days. The proposed design was compared with the PTC equipped with smooth receiver (SM). The aforementioned variations resulted in the experiments performed in September 2018. The 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th, were chosen for the PTC with smooth receiver, while 25th , 26th, 27th, and 28th were for the receiver with three passes). The solar irradiances for these days were similar. The heat transfer fluid (HTF) was fuel oil. Mass flow rates of 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 LPM were observed alongside change in number of days for the experiment. The results show that the PTC with three passes receiver achieved higher average thermal efficiency and average useful energy than the PTC with smooth receiver

    Large amplitude oscillatory motion along a solar filament

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    Large amplitude oscillations of solar filaments is a phenomenon known for more than half a century. Recently, a new mode of oscillations, characterized by periodical plasma motions along the filament axis, was discovered. We analyze such an event, recorded on 23 January 2002 in Big Bear Solar Observatory Hα\alpha filtergrams, in order to infer the triggering mechanism and the nature of the restoring force. Motion along the filament axis of a distinct buldge-like feature was traced, to quantify the kinematics of the oscillatory motion. The data were fitted by a damped sine function, to estimate the basic parameters of the oscillations. In order to identify the triggering mechanism, morphological changes in the vicinity of the filament were analyzed. The observed oscillations of the plasma along the filament was characterized by an initial displacement of 24 Mm, initial velocity amplitude of 51 km/s, period of 50 min, and damping time of 115 min. We interpret the trigger in terms of poloidal magnetic flux injection by magnetic reconnection at one of the filament legs. The restoring force is caused by the magnetic pressure gradient along the filament axis. The period of oscillations, derived from the linearized equation of motion (harmonic oscillator) can be expressed as P=π2L/vAϕ4.4L/vAϕP=\pi\sqrt{2}L/v_{A\phi}\approx4.4L/v_{A\phi}, where vAϕ=Bϕ0/μ0ρv_{A\phi} =B_{\phi0}/\sqrt{\mu_0\rho} represents the Alfv\'en speed based on the equilibrium poloidal field Bϕ0B_{\phi0}. Combination of our measurements with some previous observations of the same kind of oscillations shows a good agreement with the proposed interpretation.Comment: Astron. Astrophys., 2007, in pres

    Assessing the effectiveness of intervention strategies to address home injuries among children in Malaysia: a cluster randomized trial evaluation of evidence

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    Background Malaysia is facing an increasing burden of childhood injuries, not unlike many other low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Across the globe, more than 95 percent of total child injury mortality occurs in LMICs. A considerable proportion of these injuries occur in and around the home. Effective approaches to prevention include home safety education, parenting education and home modification. Through this study, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness of two intervention strategies in reducing in-home hazards for unintentional injuries among children. Methods We conducted a prospective cluster randomized controlled trial (cRCT) to compare the effectiveness of an in-home safety tutorial program and an educational pamphlet intervention in reducing safety hazards to child injuries. The study randomized 39 clusters to two study arms (home safety tutorial vs educational pamphlet), with around 30 households per cluster. Our exposure and outcome were assessed using a household survey instrument with self-reported and observer-reported components. Results Our initial analysis is a comparison of overall safety scores across the baseline arm that found a mean safety score of 30 of a maximum possible 45 (translating to a mean percentage of 66.7%), with improvement on average in both intervention arms. The overall safety score mean for educational pamphlets was 32.3 with a mean percentage of 71.7%, and the corresponding numbers for the in-home tutorial were 31.8 and 71%. Discussion This study compares a labor-intensive and ‘active’ intervention, the in-home safety tutorial, with a more passive intervention through handing out educational pamphlets. In our preliminary findings from the cRCT, we see an improvement in the mean safety scores between baseline and follow-up measurement in both intervention arms; between the two intervention arms, the safety scores are comparable. We believe that educational pamphlets can be an effective intervention to reduce child injuries, with particular relevance to resource constrained settings

    Managing Chronic Diseases in Family Medicine: Best practices and Evidence-Based Approaches

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    The management of chronic diseases within the realm of family medicine presents a multifaceted challenge with profound implications for healthcare systems and patients alike. Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular conditions, are prevalent and impose a significant burden on individuals, families, and society as a whole. This article explores best practices and evidence-based approaches for managing chronic diseases in family medicine. It delves into the epidemiological landscape of chronic illnesses, emphasizing the need for effective prevention and management strategies. Evidence-based Models, such as The Chronic Care Model (CCM), Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH), and Self-assessment models are discussed in the context of family medicine. The importance of comprehensive, coordinated, and patient-centric approaches is underscored, highlighting the pivotal role of primary care physicians in the ongoing battle against chronic diseases. It is clear, that development in the field of family medicine underscores the importance of patient involvement in diseases management process through shared-decision making model. Although such model require physicans to spend more time educating patients so they can make informed decisions and implement self-management strategies, it has overall better health outcomes and eventually needs to requiring less intervention by physicians

    Assessing emergency medical care in low income countries: A pilot study from Pakistan

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    Background: Emergency Medical Care is an important component of health care system. Unfortunately it is however, ignored in many low income countries. We assessed the availability and quality of facility-based emergency medical care in the government health care system at district level in a low income country - Pakistan. Methods: We did a quantitative pilot study of a convenience sample of 22 rural and 20 urban health facilities in 2 districts - Faisalabad and Peshawar - in Pakistan. The study consisted of three separate cross-sectional assessments of selected community leaders, health care providers, and health care facilities. Three data collection instruments were created with input from existing models for facility assessment such as those used by the Joint Commission of Accreditation of Hospitals and the National Center for Health Statistics in USA and the Medical Research Council in Pakistan. Results: The majority of respondents 43/44(98%), in community survey were not satisfied with the emergency care provided. Most participants 36/44(82%) mentioned that they will not call an ambulance in health related emergency because it does not function properly in the government system. The expenses on emergency care for the last experience were reported to be less than 5,000 Pakistani Rupees (equivalent to US$ 83) for 19/29(66%) respondents. Most health care providers 43/44(98%) were of the opinion that their facilities were inadequately equipped to treat emergencies. The majority of facilities 31/42(74%) had no budget allocated for emergency care. A review of medications and equipment available showed that many critical supplies needed in an emergency were not found in these facilities. Conclusion: Assessment of emergency care should be part of health systems analysis in Pakistan. Multiple deficiencies in emergency care at the district level in Pakistan were noted in our study. Priority should be given to make emergency care responsive to needs in Pakistan. Specific efforts should be directed to equip emergency care at district facilities and to organize an ambulance network

    Epidemiology of injuries presenting to the national hospital in Kampala, Uganda: implications for research and policy

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    BackgroundDespite the growing burden of injuries in LMICs, there are still limited primary epidemiologic data to guide health policy and health system development. Understanding the epidemiology of injury in developing countries can help identify risk factors for injury and target interventions for prevention and treatment to decrease disability and mortality.AimTo estimate the epidemiology of the injury seen in patients presenting to the government hospital in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda.MethodsA secondary analysis of a prospectively collected database collected by the Injury Control Centre-Uganda at the Mulago National Referral Hospital, Kampala, Uganda, 2004-2005.ResultsFrom 1 August 2004 to 12 August 2005, a total of 3,750 injury-related visits were recorded; a final sample of 3,481 records were analyzed. The majority of patients (62%) were treated in the casualty department and then discharged; 38% were admitted. Road traffic injuries (RTIs) were the most common causes of injury for all age groups in this sample, except for those under 5 years old, and accounted for 49% of total injuries. RTIs were also the most common cause of mortality in trauma patients. Within traffic injuries, more passengers (44%) and pedestrians (30%) were injured than drivers (27%). Other causes of trauma included blunt/penetrating injuries (25% of injuries) and falls (10%). Less than 5% of all patients arriving to the emergency department for injuries arrived by ambulance.ConclusionsRoad traffic injuries are by far the largest cause of both morbidity and mortality in Kampala. They are the most common cause of injury for all ages, except those younger than 5, and school-aged children comprise a large proportion of victims from these incidents. The integration of injury control programs with ongoing health initiatives is an urgent priority for health and development