136 research outputs found

    Acute effects of inspiratory pressure threshold loading upon airway resistance in people with asthma

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2009 Elsevier B.V.Large inspiratory pressures may impart stretch to airway smooth muscle and modify the response to deep inspiration (DI) in asthmatics. Respiratory system resistance (Rrs) was assessed in response to 5 inspiratory manoeuvres using the forced oscillation technique: (a) single unloaded DI; (b) single DI at 25 cmH2O; (c) single DI at 50% maximum inspiratory mouth pressure [MIP]; (d) 30 DIs at 50% MIP; and (e) 30 DIs at 50% MIP with maintenance of normocapnia. Rrs increased after the unloaded DI and the DI at 25 cmH2O but not after a DI at 50% MIP (3.6 ± 1.6 hPa L s−1 vs. 3.6 ± 1.5 hPa L s−1; p = 0.95), 30 DIs at 50% MIP (3.9 ± 1.5 hPa L s−1 vs. 4.2 ± 2.0 hPa L s−1; p = 0.16) or 30 DIs at 50% MIP under normocapnic conditions (3.9 ± 1.5 hPa L s−1 vs. 3.9 ± 1.5 hPa L s−1; p = 0.55). Increases in Rrs in response to DI were attenuated after single and multiple loaded breaths at 50% MIP


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    Легочная реабилитация пациентов, перенесших коронавирусную инфекцию COVID-19 (клинические примеры)

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    At the end of 2019, an outbreak of a new coronavirus infection was identified in the People’s Republic of China centerd in the city of Wuhan. The official name COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 2019) was assigned to the infection caused by the novel coronavirus by the World Health Organization on February 11, 2020. The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses assigned the name to the causative agent of the infection – SARS-CoV-2 on February 11, 2020. The bilateral pneumonia is currently known to be the most common clinical manifestation of the variant of coronavirus infection. The development of acute respiratory distress syndrome was found in 3 – 4% of patients. As a result of pneumonia, patients develop ventilation and perfusion disorders, weakness of skeletal muscles. To recover patients after viral pneumonia, methods of pulmonary rehabilitation should be applied. This article represents the methods of pulmonary rehabilitation aimed to improve the blood circulation in the lungs, the ventilation-perfusion ratios, and to the restoration of the skeletal muscles.В конце 2019 года в Китайской Народной Республике произошла вспышка новой коронавирусной инфекции с эпицентром в городе Ухань. Всемирная организация здравоохранения 11.02.20 присвоила официальное название инфекции, вызванной новым коронавирусом, COVID-19 (CОronaVIrus Disease­2019). Международный комитет по таксономии вирусов 11.02.20 присвоил название возбудителю инфекции SARS-CoV-2. В настоящее время известно, что наиболее распространенным клиническим проявлением варианта коронавирусной инфекции является двусторонняя пневмония, у 3–4 % пациентов зарегистрировано развитие острого респираторного дистресссиндрома. При пневмонии у пациентов развиваются вентиляционно-перфузионные нарушения, слабость скелетной мускулатуры. Для восстановления пациентов после вирусной пневмонии необходима легочная реабилитация. В данной статье приведены методы легочной реабилитации, направленные на улучшение кровообращения в легких, вентиляционно-перфузионных отношений, восстановление работы скелетной мускулатуры

    Effects of Resistance Training of Peripheral Muscles Versus Respiratory Muscles in Older Adults With Sarcopenia Who are Institutionalized: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    [EN] This study compares the effects of two resistance training programs in peripheral and respiratory musculature on muscle mass and strength and physical performance and identifies the appropriate muscle mass parameter for assessing the intervention effects. Thirty-seven institutionalized older Spanish adults with sarcopenia were analyzed: control group (n = 17), respiratory muscle training group (n = 9), and peripheral muscle training group (n = 11). Measured outcomes were appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASM/height(2), ASM/weight, and ASM/BMI), isometric knee extension, arm flexion and handgrip strength, maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures, and gait speed pre- and postintervention. Trained groups participated in a 12-week program and improved in maximum static inspiratory pressure, maximum static expiratory pressure, knee extension, and arm flexion (p < .05), whereas nonsignificant changes were found in gait speed and ASM indexes pre-and postintervention in the three groups. In conclusion, resistance training improved skeletal muscle strength in the studied population, and any ASM index was found to be appropriate for detecting changes after physical interventions.This study was supported by Universitat de Valencia (UV-INV-AE14-269704) and has no conflict of interest to declare.Cebriá, M.; Balasch-Bernat, M.; Tortosa, M.; Balasch Parisi, S. (2018). Effects of Resistance Training of Peripheral Muscles Versus Respiratory Muscles in Older Adults With Sarcopenia Who are Institutionalized: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. 26(4):637-646. https://doi.org/10.1123/japa.2017-0268S63764626

    Quality of spirometric measurements in children younger than 10 years of age in the light of the reccommendations

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    Wstęp: W 2005 roku European Respiratory Society/American Thoracic Society (ERS/ATS) opublikowały znowelizowane zalecenia standaryzacyjne dla pomiarów spirometrycznych (European Respiratory Journal 2005; 26: 319-338). Celem niniejszej pracy była retrospektywna ocena zgodności z tym standardem wykonania pomiaru krzywej przepływ-objętość u dzieci poniżej 10. roku życia. Materiał i metody: Przeprowadzono analizę wyników badań 233 dzieci w wieku 4,2-10 lat skierowanych na badanie spirometryczne do Zakładu Fizjopatologii Układu Oddychania Instytutu Gruźlicy i Chorób Płuc, Oddziału w Rabce-Zdroju w okresie jednego kwartału. Wyniki: U 116 dzieci (poza jednym przypadkiem - w wieku przedszkolnym) nie udało się wykonać badania z powodu braku współpracy. U pozostałych 117 oceniono badanie, stosując kryteria ERS/ATS. U 80,3% dzieci stwierdzono wstecznie ekstrapolowaną objętość w zdefiniowanych granicach, ale tylko 23,9% z nich było w stanie osiągnąć czas forsownego wydechu przekraczający 3 s. Natężona objętość wydechowa pierwszosekundowa (FEV1) i maksymalna pojemność życiowa (FVC) były powtarzalne u 78,6% dzieci. Łączne zastosowanie kryteriów wykazało, że 17,1% dzieci wykonało badanie zgodnie z zaleceniami. Po odrzuceniu kryterium czasowego odsetek ten wyniósł 63,2%. Wnioski: Wydaje się, że aktualne zalecenia standaryzacyjne są zbyt restrykcyjne w odniesieniu do młodszych dzieci (zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o czas forsownego wydechu) i powinny być poddane rewizji.Introduction: In 2005 the European Respiratory Society/American Thoracic Society (ERS/ATS) published an updated document on the standardization of spirometry (European Respiratory Journal 2005; 26: 319-338). It defines criteria for the acceptability of spirometric measurements. The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the adherence to those standards of flow-volume measurements in children younger than 10 years of age. Material and methods: The analysis was carried out on the results obtained from 233 children aged 4.2-10 years, referred to a spirometric lab during a period of three months. Results: 116 children (all but one preschool) did not cooperate; the results of the 117 who completed the procedure of flow-volume measurement were analysed using ERS/ATS criteria. 80.3% of the children had back extrapolated volume (Vbe) within the defined limit, but only 23.9% had forced expiratory time > 3 s. FEV1 and FVC were repeatable in 78.6% of the children. When these three criteria were used together, the measurements were acceptable according to ATS/ERS recommendations in 17.1% of the children. Elimination of the forced expiratory time criterion has further increased their number to 63.2%. Conclusions: Specific recommendations for children should be developed, as the current requirements appear too restrictive, especially regarding the time of forced expiration

    Discriminant analysis of bronchial asthma by linear discriminant function with parameters of flow-volumes: discriminant analysis of bronchial asthma in young male non-smokers

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    With the parameters of a flow-volume and a volume-time curve, the discriminant analysis of bronchial asthma is described. The subjects were classified into three groups (healthy adults, mild asthmatic patients and moderates ones). The difference of the mean vectors of the parameters of the three groups was made clear by the selection methods of the discriminant analysis between any two of the groups both with 6 parameters (%FVC, FEV1.0%, peak flow rate (PF), flow rate at 50% of FVC (V50), flow rate at 25% of FVC (V25), and V50/V25) and with 8 (6 parameters mentioned above and V75, V10). Forced expiratory volume in 1 second percent (FEV1.0%) or V50 was selected at the first step with 6 parameters, and V75 was selected at the first step with 8 parameters. Probabilities of misclassification with 8 parameters were lower than those with 6 ones and the probability of misclassification at the discriminant analysis between healthy adults and mild asthmatic patients with 8 parameters was 15.75% at the final step.</p

    The prevalence of smoking among the population in the city of Mashhad (north east of Iran) and pulmonary function tests among smokers

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    Introduction: Smoking is known as a major cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In this study the prevalence of smoking in the population of Mashhad city was evaluated as well as pulmonary function tests (PFTs) of smokers. Material and methods: The prevalence of smoking was studied using a standard questionnaire. Pulmonary function tests, including forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), maximal mid-expiratory flow (MMEF), peak expiratory flow (PEF), and maximal expiratory flow at 75%, 50%, and 25% of the FVC (MEF75,50,25), were measured in all smokers. Results: In total, 1435 individuals were interviewed including 999 males and 436 females. The number of smokers among the interviewed individuals was 183 (12.7%) including 172 male (17.2%) and 11 female (2.5%). The results showed that all values of PFTs in smokers were reduced. There were significant negative correlations between smoking duration and rate as pack/year and values of PFT (p < 0.05). Conclusions: In this study the prevalence of smoking in the population of Mashhad city was shown for the first time. The effect of smoking on PFTs showed that smoking leads to constriction of large and medium airways, which is due to duration and rate of smoking. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 1: 21-25Wstęp: Palenie tytoniu jest główną przyczyną przewlekłej obturacyjnej choroby płuc. Celem niniejszego badania było określenie rozpowszechnienia palenia tytoniu w populacji miasta Mashhad oraz przeprowadzenie testów czynnościowych płuc u osób palących. Materiał i metody: Rozpowszechnienie palenia tytoniu określono za pomocą standardowego kwestionariusza. U wszystkich osób palących wykonano badania czynnościowe płuc obejmujące pomiar natężonej pojemności życiowej (FVC), natężonej objętości wydechowej pierwszosekundowej (FEV1), przepływu środkowowydechowego (MMEF), szczytowego przepływu wydechowego (PEF) i maksymalnego przepływu wydechowego przy FVC równej 75, 50 i 25% (MEF75, 50, 25). Wyniki: W badaniu wzięło udział 1435 osób, 999 mężczyzn i 436 kobiet. Palenie tytoniu zadeklarowały 183 (12,7%) osoby spośród respondentów - 172 mężczyzn (17,2%) i 11 kobiet (2,5%). Wszystkie wyniki badań czynnościowych płuc u osób palący były obniżone. Zaobserwowano istotą ujemną korelację między czasem palenia tytoniu i liczbą paczek papierosów wypalanych w ciągu roku a parametrami ocenianymi w badaniach czynnościowych (p < 0,05). Wnioski: W niniejszym badaniu po raz pierwszy oceniono odsetek osób palących w populacji Mashhadu. Ocena parametrów czynnościowych płuc wykazała, że palenie tytoniu prowadzi do zwężenia dużych i średnich oskrzeli, a efekt ten zależy od długości okresu palenia i od liczby wypalanych papierosów. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 1: 21-2

    Greater diaphragm fatigability in individuals with recurrent low back pain.

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    The diaphragm plays an important role in spinal control. Increased respiratory demand compromises spinal control, especially in individuals with low back pain (LBP). The objective was to determine whether individuals with LBP exhibit greater diaphragm fatigability compared to healthy controls. Transdiaphragmatic twitch pressures (TwPdi) were recorded in 10 LBP patients and 10 controls, before and 20 and 45 min after inspiratory muscle loading (IML). Individuals with LBP showed a significantly decreased potentiated TwPdi, 20 min (-20%) (p=0.002) and 45 min (-17%) (p=0.006) after IML. No significant decline was observed in healthy individuals, 20 min (-9%) (p=0.662) and 45 min (-5%) (p=0.972) after IML. Diaphragm fatigue (TwPdi fall ≥ 10%) was present in 80% (20 min after IML) and 70% (45 min after IML) of the LBP patients compared to 40% (p=0.010) and 30% (p=0.005) of the controls, respectively. Individuals with LBP exhibit propensity for diaphragm fatigue, which was not observed in controls. An association with reduced spinal control warrants further study