81 research outputs found

    Nástroj pro konceptuální modelování multi-modelových dat

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    A tool for conceptual modelling of multi-model data Abstract Richard Hvizdoš 8 May 2023 The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to create a tool that supports modeling in the UML and the newly created categorical model (CAT), as well as transla- tion from UML model to CAT model. Thesis contains basic description of UML and CAT, research of popular tools for modeling, programming and user docu- mentation. The appendices contains tests, design pattern and sequence diagrams of selected methods. The outcome of the thesis is functional, user friendly tool available on the Windows operating system. The advantages of the tool are for ex- ample possibility to change grafic properties of objects, save and load file in JSON format or open multiple canvases in one tool window. 1Nástroj pro konceptuální modelování multi-modelových dat Abstrakt Richard Hvizdoš 8. 5. 2023 Cieľom tejto BP je vytvoriť aparát podporujúci modelovanie v jazyku UML a novo vytvorenom kategorickom modeli (CAT), taktiež preklad UML modelu na CAT model. Práca obsahuje základný popis UML, CAT, rešerš dostupných editorov na modelovanie a v neposlednom rade programátorskú a používateľ- skú dokumentáciu. V prílohách sú mimo iné zobrazené aj testy, návrhový vzor a sekvenčné diagramy vybraných metód. Výsledok práce je funkčný, používateľ- ský prívetivý nástroj dostupný na operačnom systéme Windows. Prednosťami nástroja sú napríklad: možnosti zmeny grafických vlastností objektov, uloženie a načítanie súboru vo formáte JSON, možnosť otvoriť viacero canvasov v jednom okne nástroja. 1Department of Software EngineeringKatedra softwarového inženýrstvíFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult


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    Contact fatigue properties of sintered steels type CrM and CrL with addition of 0,3-0,7 %C were examined on the device type „pin on disc“ and confronted with wear tests on the same principle. Achieved outcomes are better for CrM material; the higher carbon content the better they are. Fatigue strength ranges from 925 - 1410 MPa and is consistent with the value of hardness. Dry wear tests show that the wear is dependent on the hardness of carbide particles (microhardness) and not on macrohardness of material. These causes wear of indentor. Between values obtained from tests of contact fatigue and wear testing is not possible to find relevant compliance. Both rupture mechanisms are based on breaches of other principles, particularly the PM materials are in the mode of wear that is not sufficiently explored

    Kinetic rate coefficients for electron-driven collisions with CH+^+: dissociative recombination and rovibronic excitation

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    Cross sections and rate coefficients for rovibronic excitation of the CH+^+ ion by electron impact and dissociative recombination of CH+^+ with electrons are evaluated using a theoretical approach combining an R-matrix method and molecular quantum defect theory. The method has been developed and tested, comparing the theoretical results with the data from the recent Cryogenic Storage Ring experiment. The obtained cross sections and rate coefficients evaluated for temperatures from 1~K to 10,000~K could be used for plasma modeling in interpretation of astrophysical observations and also in technological applications where molecular hydrocarbon plasma is present

    Unified treatment of resonant and non-resonant mechanisms in dissociative recombination: benchmark study of CH+^+

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    The theoretical approach developed here treats uniformly the direct and indirect mechanisms of dissociative recombination (DR) in a diatomic ion. The present theory is based on electron scattering calculations performed at several internuclear distances in the molecule. It is easy to implement becaus there is no need to separately evaluate couplings and the bound dissociative states of the neutral molecule. The theory can be applied to molecular ions with or without electronic resonances at low energies. The approach is applied to compute the DR cross section in electron-CH+^+ collisions. The computed cross section agrees generally well with recent state-resolved data from a cryogenic storage-ring experiment, which validates the approach

    TiTaCN-Co cermets prepared by mechanochemical technique: microstructure and mechanical properties

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    Microstructure and mechanical characterization of (Ti,Ta)(C,N)-Co based solid solution cermets prepared by two mechanochemical synthesis processes (one- and two-step milling) and a pressureless sintering in protective helium atmosphere. Materials with composition of TixTa1- xC0.5N0.5-20%Co with two different Ti/Ta ratios (x = 0.9 and x = 0.95) were developed to prepare four groups of experimental materials. Microstructures were observed using confocal microscopy and grain size was evaluated using image analysis. Mechanical testing was carried out using nanoindentation equipment and nanohardness and indentation Young´s modulus were obtained. Mechanical properties of individual phases were measured using single load/unload method with 20 mN maximum load (40 mN/min loading rate and maximum 10 s holding time for each indent). Mechanical properties of each material as a bulk were obtained also by single load/unload method with 300 mN maximum load (600 mN/min loading rate and maximum 10 s holding time). The resulting mechanical properties were comparable to that of typical industrial hardmetal cermets. Two-step milling resulted in finer microstructure but a wider range of grain size distribution. No significant dependence between mechanical properties and number of milling steps was found. However, the materials with higher amount of Ta showed slightly higher indentation elasticity modulusConCer APVV-0108-1

    Surface Integrity Evaluation of Brass CW614N after Impact of Acoustically Excited Pulsating Water Jet

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    AbstractPresented article is focused on surface integrity evaluation of brass CW614N form the sight of surface topography, structural changes in surface layers and strengthening character in subsurface layers after impact of acoustically excited pulsating water jet (PWJ). Surface topography was evaluated using optical profilometry. Structural changes in subsurface layer were observed based on mass material removal Δm [mg/s] and maximal depth of penetrance of PWJ hmax [mm]. Nano indentation measurement according to Berkovich were used to examination of strengthening character in subsurface layer. Disintegration of experimental samples was performed under constant technological conditions: hydraulic power of plunger pump Ph = 19kW; round nozzle diameter d = 1.6mm; feed speed rate v = 0.75mm/s; pressure of plunger pump p = 38MPa, stand-off distance of nozzle from target material z = 45mm; ultrasound frequency f = 20.29kHz and as variable factor was set power of ultrasound P on values 340, 360 and 380W. In terms of surface topography experimental investigation proved that PWJ under selected conditions is not suitable for precision machining. Evaluation of the surface characteristics indicates that the chemical composition has a significant effect on material weight loss Δm [mg/s] and a maximum depth of penetration of PWJ hmax [mm]. Evaluation of characteristics of subsurface layer was observed strengthened area with lower elasticity

    Microhardness and friction coefficient of multi-walled carbon nanotube-yttria-stabilized ZrO2 composites prepared by spark plasma sintering

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    Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (eight walls) are mixed with an yttria-stabilized ZrO2 powder. The specimens are densified by spark plasma sintering. Compared to ZrO2, there is a 3.8-fold decrease of the friction coefficient against alumina upon the increase in carbon content. Examinations of the friction tracks show that wear is very low when the carbon content is sufficient. Exfoliation of the nanotubes due to shearing stresses and incorporation of the debris into a lubricating film over the contact area is probable

    Improvement of CNFs/SiC nanocomposites properties obtained from different routes and consolidated by pulsed electric-current pressure sintering

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    The influence of the preparation route and composition on carbon nanofibers-silicon carbide (CNFs/SiC) nanocomposites' properties was studied. Nanopowders were mixed by ultrasonic dispersion or high attrition milling and the consolidation was done by pulsed electric-current pressure sintering technique. The relative density and fracture strength of high-energy attrition milled CNFs/SiC nanocomposites gradually increased with the increase of sintering temperature, from 1400 to 1800 degrees C and holding time 1 to 30 min. A chemical surface coating of CNFs with alumina precursor is proposed as a very effective way for improving the interaction between CNFs and SiC. An increase of 54% in fracture strength was achieved on the nanocomposites when the surface coating was used. As a consequence of the stronger interaction between the components, which is achieved through the use of suitable processing route and sintering parameters, and the role of nano-alumina as sintering aid improved mechanical properties was achieved. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work has been carried out with the financial support of the National Plan Projects nos. MAT2006-01783 and MAT2007-30989-E and the Regional Project no. FICYT PC07-021. A. Borrell, acknowledges the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for her Juan de la Cierva contract (no. JCI-2011-10498).Rocha, VG.; Borrell Tomás, MA.; Torrecillas, R.; Fernandez, A. (2012). Improvement of CNFs/SiC nanocomposites properties obtained from different routes and consolidated by pulsed electric-current pressure sintering. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 556:414-419. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2012.07.006S41441955