454 research outputs found

    Biodegradability of organic matter associated with sewer sediments during first flush

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    The high pollution load in wastewater at the beginning of a rain event is commonly known to originate from the erosion of sewer sediments due to the increased flow rate under storm weather conditions. It is essential to characterize the biodegradability of organic matter during a storm event in order to quantify the effect it can have further downstream to the receiving water via discharges from Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO). The approach is to characterize the pollutograph during first flush. The pollutograph shows the variation in COD and TSS during a first flush event. These parameters measure the quantity of organic matter present. However these parameters do not indicate detailed information on the biodegradability of the organic matter. Such detailed knowledge can be obtained by dividing the total COD into fractions with different microbial properties. To do so oxygen uptake rate (OUR) measurements on batches of wastewater have shown itself to be a versatile technique. Together with a conceptual understanding of the microbial transformation taking place, OUR measurements lead to the desired fractionation of the COD. OUR results indicated that the highest biodegradability is associated with the initial part of a storm event. The information on physical and biological processes in the sewer can be used to better manage sediment in sewers which can otherwise result in depletion of dissolved oxygen in receiving waters via discharges from CSOS

    The Sewer Research Station in Frejlev

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    Spatial and temporal variability of bacterial communities within a combined sewer system.

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    This study describes the temporal and spatial variability of bacterial communities within a combined sewer system in England. Sampling was conducted over 9 months in a sewer system with intensive monitoring of hydraulic conditions. The bacterial communities were characterized by 16S rRNA gene-targeted terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. These data were related to the hydraulic data as well as the sample type, location, and time. Temporal and spatial variation was observed between and within wastewater communities and biofilm communities. The bacterial communities in biofilm were distinctly different from the communities in wastewater and exhibited greater spatial variation, while the wastewater communities exhibited variability between different months of sampling. This study highlights the variation of bacterial communities between biofilm and wastewater, and has shown both spatial and temporal variations in bacterial communities in combined sewers. The temporal variation is of interest for in-sewer processes, for example, sewer odor generation, as field measurements for these processes are often carried out over short durations and may therefore not capture the influence of this temporal variation of the bacterial communities

    The effects of low impact development on urban flooding under different rainfall characteristics

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    Copyright © 2013 Elsevier. NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of Environmental Management. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of Environmental Management Vol. 129 (2013), DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.08.026Low impact development (LID) is generally regarded as a more sustainable solution for urban stormwater management than conventional urban drainage systems. However, its effects on urban flooding at a scale of urban drainage systems have not been fully understood particularly when different rainfall characteristics are considered. In this paper, using an urbanizing catchment in China as a case study, the effects of three LID techniques (swale, permeable pavement and green roof) on urban flooding are analyzed and compared with the conventional drainage system design. A range of storm events with different rainfall amounts, durations and locations of peak intensity are considered for holistic assessment of the LID techniques. The effects are measured by the total flood volume reduction during a storm event compared to the conventional drainage system design. The results obtained indicate that all three LID scenarios are more effective in flood reduction during heavier and shorter storm events. Their performance, however, varies significantly according to the location of peak intensity. That is, swales perform best during a storm event with an early peak, permeable pavements perform best with a middle peak, and green roofs perform best with a late peak, respectively. The trends of flood reduction can be explained using a newly proposed water balance method, i.e., by comparing the effective storage depth of the LID designs with the accumulative rainfall amounts at the beginning and end of flooding in the conventional drainage system. This paper provides an insight into the performance of LID designs under different rainfall characteristics, which is essential for effective urban flood management.National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaNational Water Pollution Control and Management Technology Major Project

    Stormwater quality performance of a macro-pervious pavement car park installation equipped with channel drain based oil and silt retention devices

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    AbstractThis paper reports the results of a two year field monitoring exercise intended to investigate the pollution abatement capabilities of a novel system which offers an alternative to the, now well established, pervious pavement system as a source control device for stormwater management. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a live installation of a macro-pervious pavement system (MPPS) (operated as a visitors' car park at a prison in Central Scotland) in retaining and treating a range of pollutants which originate from automobile use or become concentrated on the parking surface from the wider environment. The MPPS is a sub-class of pervious pavement system where the vast majority of the surface is impermeable. It directs stormwater into a pervious sub surface storage/attenuation zone through a series of distinct infiltration points fast enough to prevent flooding during the design storm. In the particular system studied here the infiltration points consist of a network of oil/silt separation devices with extensive further pollutant retention/degradation provided during the passage of stormwater through the sub surface zone. Approximately 12 months after the car park was completed a sampling regime was instigated in which grab samples were collected at intervals from each of the three sub catchments whilst, simultaneously, samples were collected directly from the, pollutant retaining, infiltration devices. Through investigation of samples collected at the upstream end of the system, the retention of significant amounts of hydrocarbons and heavy metals in the initial collection devices has been illustrated and the analysis of effluent samples collected at the outlet points indicate that the system is capable of producing effluent which is of a standard comparable to that expected from a traditional pervious pavement system and is acceptable for direct release into a surface water receptor. The system offers the opportunity to accrue the benefits of a pervious pavement when the use of traditional paving surfaces is the preferred option

    Effects of sewer conditions on the degradation of selected illicit drug residues in wastewater

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    The stability of five illicit drug markers in wastewater was tested under different sewer conditions using laboratory-scale sewer reactors. Wastewater was spiked with deuterium labelled isotopes of cocaine, benzoyl ecgonine, methamphetamine, MDMA and 6-acetyl morphine to avoid interference from the native isotopes already present in the wastewater matrix. The sewer reactors were operated at 20°C and pH 7.5, and wastewater was sampled at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 12h to measure the transformation/degradation of these marker compounds. The results showed that while methamphetamine, MDMA and benzoyl ecgonine were stable in the sewer reactors, cocaine and 6-acetyl morphine degraded quickly. Their degradation rates are significantly higher than the values reportedly measured in wastewater alone (without biofilms). All the degradation processes followed first order kinetics. Benzoyl ecgonine and morphine were also formed from the degradation of cocaine and 6-acetyl morphine, respectively, with stable formation rates throughout the test. These findings suggest that, in sewage epidemiology, it is essential to have relevant information of the sewer system (i.e. type of sewer, hydraulic retention time) in order to accurately back-estimate the consumption of illicit drugs. More research is required to look into detailed sewer conditions (e.g. temperature, pH and ratio of biofilm area to wastewater volume among others) to identify their effects on the fate of illicit drug markers in sewer systems