140 research outputs found

    Mughal Jades and Crystals Based on a Catalogue Raisonne of the Collections in the National Museums of London.

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    This thesis aims at providing a catalogue and description of the extensive Collections of Mughal jades and crystals in the National Museums of London. Although these Collections are comparatively rich, yet very little attention has been paid to the problems involved in the working of both Jade and rock-crystal in India, and little has been published on this subject. An attempt, therefore, has been made to trace the beginnings and development of these arts. The thesis is divided into two parts, the first consisting of six chapters and the second of a Catalogue of a very wide representative sample of jade and rock-crystal. The first chapter deals with the superstitious beliefs concerning jade, its chemical composition and the occurrence of the mineral in China, Eastern Turkistan and Burma. An effort has been made to establish that China had once its own jade deposits which became exhausted because of heavy demands made upon them. In the second chapter the Chinese working of jade is described in some detail, followed by an analysis of the technique of jade working. The Indian working of jade as observed by European writers and as inferred by study of the Collections, has also, been dealt with. In the third chapter the constitutents of rock-crystal and its material evidence in various Indian archaeological sites is assembled and a survey of Buddhist reliquaries is made. The fourth chapter deals with the methods of manufacturing hard stone beads and the advanced techniques employed in making reliquaries. In the fifth chapter the history of the diamond and the use of the diamond point and dust has been traced. The early Indian evidence is found to be indefinite. In the final chapter a tentative dating of the Mughal jade and rock-crystal objects has been attempted and an effort has been made to establish that not only rock-crystal but also jade was worked by local Indian craftsmen

    Perspektif Baru Enterprise Architecture Pemerintahan Kota Mataram Berbasis TOGAF ADM

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    TIK salah satu penentu keberhasilan sebuah organisasi dalam mencapai visi dan misinya. Terpilihnya pemimpin yang baru, terbentuknya SKPD baru dengan visi misi baru sehingga master plan yang lama di anggap sudah tidak relevan lagi, sehingga persoalan yang muncul diselesaikan dengan cara reaktif dan memungkinkan persoalan yang sama akan muncul kembali pada masa yang akan datang. Arsitektur enterprise adalah cara untuk membangun arsitektur TIK dari sebuah organisasi yang berfokus pada arsitektur bisnis, arsitektur data, arsitektur aplikasi dan arsitektur teknologi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ADM sebagai kerangka acuan untuk perencanaan strategis TIK Pemerintahan Kota Mataram. Subyek pada penelitian ini adalah responden yang memiliki kewenangan dalam pengambilan keputusan terkait TIK dan pengguna TIK di Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika (DISKOMINFO). Kebutuhan bisnis yang terdiri dari Arsitektur Data, Aplikasi dan Teknologi diidentifikasi dan diusulkan untuk mendukung aktivitas bisnis demi pencapaian tujuan organisasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini dengan menganalisa penggunaan penerapan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi(TIK) Seperti Sumber daya Manusia yang terlibat, kebutuhan aplikasi dan infrastruktur jaringan komputer dalam untuk mendukung proses bisnis dalam pelaksanaan roda pemerintahan Kota Mataram, dengan menggunakan metode scorecard uji kelayakan dengan rata-rata perolehan 76%

    Recent Trends in Power Transformer Fault Diagnosis and Condition Assessment

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    Power transformers are interface between different voltage levels of essential importance. Because of the long manufacturing processes, transformers are one of the most critical and expensive equipment and so this is one of the reasons why condition monitoring becomes more popular. Monitoring systems as basis for diagnostics open the possibility for expanding the operating time, reducing the risk of expensive failures and allows several maintenance strategies. With different monitoring techniques, detailed informations about the transformer condition can be received and helps to minimize the probability of an unexpected outage. In this paper a methodology has been developed to use information derived from condition monitoring and diagnostics for rehabilitation purposes of transformers. The interpretation and understanding of the test data are obtained from the International Standards

    Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Pekarangan Rumah Sebagai Apotik Hidup Masyarakat dalam Menangkal Virus Corona berbasis Teknologi Pembelajaran

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     Kemudahan mengakses dan keterbukaan informasi memberi kesempatan besar bagi kita dalam mencari segala informasi yang dibutuhkan ditengah-tengah masyarakat. Termasuk informasi tentang tanaman untuk kesehatan masyarat yang kita kenal dengan apotik hidup. Apotik hidup merupakan obat yang dipergunakan untuk mengatasi suatu penyakit, tetapi yang berasal dari tumbuhan. Apotik hidup atau tanaman obat, juga sama halnya tanaman hias. yakni selain dimanfaatkan sebagai obat, juga bisa difungsikan sebagai hiasan di rumah, pasalnya sebagian tanaman obat juga mempunyai bunga. Kekhawatiran dan kewaspadaan terhadap Covid-19 mendorong warga untuk mencari alternatif sumber kesehatan agar tidak mudah terjangkit virus yang telah menjadi pandemi itu. Jamu salah satunya. Walaupun sampai saat ini belum ada penelitian dan bukti klinis yang menyatakan bahwa tanaman herbal atau obat tradisional dapat mengatasi penyakit Covid-19. Namun tanaman herbal disebut dapat meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Tujuan pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah: Menjadikan desa binaan Fakultas ilmu Pendidikan menjadi desa unggul dan berdaya saing, Menjadikan desa binaan sebagai aktivitas pengadian dosen Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan dan menambah track Record pengabdian dosen FIP, Memanfaatkan pekarangan rumah masyarakat untuk menjadi apotik hidup masyarakat, Sebagai sumber pendapatan tambahan oleh warga masyarakat, dan Memberikan pendidian pada masyarakat tentang cara penanggulangan sederhana terhadap penanggulangan covid 19/Corona

    How To Be an Excellent Team ? Total Productive Maintenance Case Study In Cemen Manufacturing

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    PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia was assigned a Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) activity by the Indonesia cement holding group (PT Semen Indonesia Group) to support the company's vision to become a leading provider of building materials in the region. With the aim of sharing best practices in factory operations,utilizing sustainable practices, transforming into an integrated performance-driven culture, conducting a wave of improvement in the industrial era 4.0 so as to increase the Overall Equipment Effectiveness of each factory through small group activities in total productive activities. maintenance. This will be achieved if there is an excellent team which is marked by the innovation produced by the team. The research problem is why innovation only appears in certain teams even though the whole team has received the same training and assistance and the same assessment is carried out in each quarterly routine assessment in the TPM award event with the management level being actively involved and supporting and coaching several SGA (smallgroup activity) teams that became task force. The research was conducted using the case study method, where the researcher entered the research object, the researcher focused on observing, describing, interpreting and analyzing. As well as conducting in-depth interviews through semistructured multilevel questions at the Cilacap Plant, conducting focus group discussions, analyzing data from documents and archives. Triangulate data through data archives for assessment of TPM activities and innovation champions to produce pattern recognition formulas that can be replicated in all other teams. Found obstacles that hinder the emergence of innovation and how innovation is raised in a team becomes the object of this research. So that it is found that pattern recognition to become an excellent team requires a combination of a creative process that is supported by a psychologically safe environment and produced by people who have the characteristics of "high need for autonomy, highly motivated integrated regulation, altruism, organizational citizenship behavior, and affectiveness. work commitment. An additional factor that helps make it easier for a team to become an innovation champion is maximizing momentumKeywords: Total Productive Maintenance, Creative Process,Personal characteristics, Climate Team

    Studies on Chromene based 2, 6-disubstituted-Thiazolo [3,2-B] [1,2,4] Triazole derivatives: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation

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    In this study, a series of novel chromene based 2,6-disubstituted-thiazolo[3,2-b] [1,2,4] triazole derivatives (7a-g) were synthesized by condensing 5-substituted-1,2,4-traizole-thione (6a-g) using poly phosphoric acid through one pot reaction. The structure of new compounds was supported by 1H NMR, 13C NMR and MS data. The synthesized compounds were evaluated using writhing assays for analgesic and carrageenan-induced rat paw edema method for anti-inflammatory activities respectively. Some of the newly synthesized compounds 7c, 7f and 7g showed very good anti-inflammatory activity with 90.83%, 85.81% and 88.40% protection respectively along with low GI toxicity as compared to standard drug ibuprofen while compounds 7a, 7b, 7d and 7f showed highest analgesic activity with 52.54%, 54.02%, 56.76% and 52.45% protection among them compound 7d showed better protection than standard drug ibuprofen. Keywords: thiazolo-triazoles, Chromene, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesi

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Komputer untuk Manajemen Perawatan Fasilitas Industri Manufaktur Kapal

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    Beberapa galangan setingkat denganPT. Dok dan Perkapalan Surabaya masih menggunakans istem manual dalam melakukan kegiatan manajeman perawatan peralatan / mesin. Hal ini menyebabkan keterlambatan tindakan perawatan mesin dikarenakan kurangnya informasi dan tidak adanya system peringatan yang mendukung manajemen perawatan. Itu semua menyebabkan keterlambatan perawatan yang berakibat pada menurunya umur mesin. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya suatu pelatihan ketrampilan mengenai tindakan-tindakan awal perawatan peralatan / mesin kepada operator mesin produksi menggunakan metode Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah untuk merancang system informasi manajemen perawatan fasilitas industry manufaktur kapal. Model system ini dapat memberikan informasi perawatan peralatan / mesin dan system peringatan jadwal perawatan. Pertama dilakukan analisa kondisi existing mengenai system informasi perawatan. Kedua dilakukan penentuan parameter-parameter dan pengumpulan data-data informasi perawatan. Ketiga merancang system informasi manajemen perawatan menggunakan program visual basic. Pembuatan model system ini menggunakan system perancangan database dengan parameter metode TPM. Berdasarkan hasil perancangan system dan uji validasi serta verifikasi program yang dirancang, didapatkan terjadi perubahan efektifitas dalam hal alur penyampaian informasi perawatan, system penyimpanan informasi perawatan, dan kemudahan akses dalam mendapatkan informasi perawatan. Sistem yang dirancang dapat memperbaiki sistem manual yang diterapkan. Sistem informasi manajemen perawatan peralatan / mesin dapat memenuhi semua kebutuhan yang dibutuhkan oleh supervisor, karyawan dan operator mesinproduksi

    Outcomes of Vascular Intervention in Diabetic Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease

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    BACKGROUND:   Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is more prevalent and often presents as more severe in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) compared with those without DM. Although some patients may be asymptomatic, symptoms ranging from exertional leg heaviness and fatigue to acute limb loss are possible. PAD has significant physical and psychiatric health consequences, thus management with medical therapy and lifestyle changes are indicated. However, peripheral vascular intervention (PVI) is an increasingly popular method used in patients failing conservative management. The association of PVI with health status in diabetic patients has yet to be determined.   METHODS: We analyzed the clinical response to PVI in DM (n=203, 52%) compared with non-DM patients (n=183, 48%), using the Peripheral Arterial Questionnaire (PAQ) for patients during baseline and a maximum 6 months after PVI. 502 patients participated with an exclusion of 116 patients from our analysis due to progression of acute limb ischemia and incomplete data collection. Our finalized study population comprised 386 consecutive patients with symptomatic PAD who had also received PVI treatment during the aforementioned time frame. Our patient population received PVI treatment in the year 2012 at the St. John Hospital and Medical Center in Detroit, MI. We used the PAQ summary score, which summarizes the patients’ level of physical and social function, patient symptoms, and overall quality of life before and after the procedure. This represented the PAD-related Quality of Health (QOH). Our score range is between 0 (lowest health quality) and 100 (highest health quality).     RESULTS: Compared with non-DM patients, those with DM were more likely to have a history of prior PVI, an increased prevalence of PAD risk factors, and significantly lower QOH scores at baseline (32.7 +/- 20 vs 37.5 +/- 20.6, p=0.02). After adjustment for baseline confounding, neither the baseline, the change, nor the final summary scores were significantly different between groups. This suggests similar symptomatic and functional improvement in non-DM and DM patients post-PVI.    CONCLUSIONS: Following PVI, PAD-specific health status showed a similar improvement in patients with and without DM, illustrating that use of this strategy among patients with multiple comorbidities or diffuse PAD as useful.    Key Words: peripheral arterial disease, peripheral vascular intervention, diabetes mellitus, quality of life    Figure or Table:  Table 5. Comparison of the Summary Score of 6 PAQ Domains Using Median Scores from Mann Whitney U Test of DM and Non-DM Patients in Detroit, MI, USA   PAQ domain DM Non-DM P-Value Physical limitation 16.6 (75.4) 25.0 (79.8) 0.06 Symptoms 23.6 (75.4) 27.7 (79.8) 0.24 Symptom stability 25.0 (75.4) 25.0 (79.8) 0.28 Social limitation 16.6 (75.4) 25.0 (79.8) 0.07 Treatment satisfaction 0.0 (75.4) 0.0 (79.8) 0.42 Quality of life 16.6 (75.4) 25.0 (79.8) 0.06 Summary score 18.7 (75.4) 26.0 (79.8) 0.049 &nbsp


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    Era Industri 4.0 mengharuskan perusahaan, termasuk perusahaan tambang seperti PT ANTAM Tbk (ANTAM), untuk melakukan transformasi dari proses manual ke era digital dan otomatisasi yang salah satunya adalah proses penjadwalan penambangan. ANTAM memiliki 4 IUP cadangan bauksit dengan proses penjadwalan penambangan membutuhkan waktu yang lama ( 2 minggu/site). Selain itu, kondisi saat ini yang sangat dinamis dengan perubahan bisnis yang begitu cepat mengakibatkan adanya tuntutan untuk mampu menyediakan perencanaan tambang dengan cepat beserta alternatif rencana untuk optimalisasi skenario bisnis, sehingga Satuan Kerja REE-MRD, Unit Geomin Technology Development (UGTD) berusaha membuat perencanaan tambang secara cepat dan komprehensif. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan perbaikan atau improvement yang berkelanjutan melalui Quality Control Circle (QCC) dengan melihat aspek Quality, Delivery, Safety, dan Morale (QDSM). Hasil dari kajian didapatkan template blending dan scheduling serta standarisasi penggunaan Minesched sehingga proses penjadwalan tambang dapat dikerjakan dalam waktu 6 hari/site serta dapat dilakukan secara otomatis dan komprehensif


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi rendahnya sikap disposisi matematis siswa pada materi bangun ruang dan pembelajaran yang mengedepankan hitungan di bandingkan penanaman konsep, manfaat dan kegunaan matematisnya. Mempelajari materi bangun ruang oleh sebagian siswa dianggap sebagai bagian rangkaian teori matematika semata yang mengedepankan konsep abstak suatu benda tanpa mengetahui manfaat mempelajarinya dalam kehidupan, sebagian siswa menganggap mempelajari matematika terutama bangun ruang merupakan bagian dari rangkaian pelajaran untuk mendapat nilai semata agar lulus dari ujian. Ironisnya ada beberapa siswa yang masih bingung memahami rusuk dan sisi/bidang. Disposisi matematis ialah kemampuan afektif siswa untuk menghargai kegunaan matematika dalam kehidupan, rasa ingin tahu, perhatian, dan minat yang tinggi dalam mempelajari matematika serta sikap ulet dan percaya diri dalam pemecahan masalah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manfaat pengembangkan bahan ajar interkatif berbasis problem solving, bagaimana pencapaian akhir disposisi matematis siswa setelah penggunaan produk, serta bagaimana peningkatan disposisi matematis siswa setelah penggunaan produk. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP Swasta Uswatun Hasanah Jakarta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian dan Pengembangan (R&D)
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