1,512 research outputs found

    Dynamic Condition Approach To Study The Self-Purification Capacity Of Colombian Water Bodies Case: Cauca River And Salvajina Dam

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    The impact on water resources caused by municipal wastewater discharge has become a critical and ever-growing environmental and public health problem. In order to be able to efficiently address this problem, it is important to adopt an integrated approach that includes a decrease in and control of contamination at its source. These principles have been successfully applied in the industrial sector and now these concepts are also being applied to integrated water resources management. In this context the conceptual model of the Three Steps Strategic Approach (3-SSA) was developed, consisting of: 1) minimization and prevention, 2) treatment for reuse and 3) stimulated natural self-purification. This paper is focused on the third step. The study area is the Upper Cauca river basin, which extends from the Salvajina dam to the Anacaro station (416.5 km). MIKE 11 model is used to analyze the behavior of the hydraulics (flow, velocity, depth) and quality parameters (temperature, DO, BOD) of the river. Different scenarios were modeled taking into account that the reservoir is also used for power generation and flood control. Additionally, two dynamic events associated with an eventual wastewater treatment plant (WWTP-C) failure and the water quality impact into the Cauca river due to a rainfall event (first flush effect) in the urban drainage system of Cali city have been explored. The results show also the potential of considering Step 3 of 3-SSA in the planning of investments aimed at restoring the water quality of the Cauca river for different uses

    El Consejo Nacional Electoral: autonomía e independencia en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano

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    true democratic design in any Social State of right that is founded and inspired on this form of government, is not exhausted only the configuration of an electoral process of access to the management of the authorities of the State but which opened the doors for the members of the population have a direct and indirect interference on public affairs, for this reason it is important to the existence of mechanisms for citizen participation intended for sustaining this postulate and constitutional principles and in the same way it is important and necessary the existence of administrative authorities intended to exercise surveillance, inspection and control on democratic processes. In the Colombian legal system this function is executed by the National Electoral Council which has as its purpose the defense of these democratic interests however the Political Charter emphasizes a defect with regard to the impartiality, since the process by which are elected magistrates of the CNE does not guarantee transparency conditions, generating a collapse of democracy as the recipients of the discipline exercised by this entity are the same responsible for electing the members of the same, then deducting honesty to these democratic processesUn verdadero diseño democrático en cualquier Estado Social De Derecho que se encuentra fundado e inspirado sobre esta forma de gobierno no se agota únicamente en la configuración de un proceso electoral de acceso a la gerencia de las autoridades del estado sino que abre las puertas para que los miembros de la población tengan una injerencia directa e indirecta sobre los asuntos públicos, por esta razón es importante la existencia de mecanismos de participación ciudadana destinados para el sostenimiento de este postulado y principios constitucionales y de igual manera es importante y necesaria la existencia de autoridades administrativas destinadas a ejercer vigilancia, inspección y control sobre los procesos democráticos. En el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano esta función es ejecutada por el Consejo Nacional Electoral que tiene como finalidad la defensa de estos intereses democráticos sin embargo la Carta Política destaca un defecto en lo que respecta a la imparcialidad, ya que el proceso mediante el cual son elegidos los magistrados del CNE no garantiza condiciones de transparencia, generando un colapso de la democracia, puesto que los destinatarios de la disciplina ejercida por este ente son los mismos encargados de elegir los miembros del mismo, restándole honestidad a estos procesos democráticos

    Análisis de la deserción estudiantil en los programa de pregrado de la universidad EAFIT

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    La deserción es entendida como la interrupción o desvinculación del proceso académico-institucional que lleva a cabo el estudiante. Identificar los factores asociados a este fenómeno de la deserción es de gran interés para las Instituciones de Educación Superior –IES–, debido a la limitación que puede ocasionar en su cumplimiento del propósito fundamental: formar profesionales. En este sentido, la presente investigación realiza una aproximación conceptual y metodológica de la deserción estudiantil y analiza este fenómeno para la Universidad EAFIT para las cohortes 2001-1, 2002-1 y 2003-1, en 14 programas de pregrado. Inicialmente se realizó una exploración descriptiva de algunos indicadores y características individuales, socioeconómicas, académicas e institucionales de la población desertora. Una vez realizada la caracterización, se aplicaron dos tipo de modelos econométricos (transversal y longitudinal) y se realizó un análisis cualitativo por medio de la aplicación de una encuesta semiestructurada a desertores de las cohortes en estudio. En los resultados se resalta una deserción en los primeros semestres, asociado principalmente a variables académicas y a una carencia de asertividad en la elección de los programasCollege desertion is defined as the disruption of higher education undertaken by a student. To identify its causing factors is a subject of great interest for Institutions of Higher Education, because it diminishes the potential to achieve their main purpose: to educate professionals. Therefore, this research approaches college desertion conceptually and methodologically, in order to analyze this phenomenon at EAFIT University. Our sample corresponds to cohorts 2001-1, 2002-1 and 2003-1, belonging to 14 undergraduate programs. Initially the drop-out population was studied through a descriptive exploration of some key indicators and several individual, socio-economic, academic and institutional characteristics. These were followed by two econometric modelings (transversal and longitudinal). Finally a qualitative analysis was made by applying a semi-structured interview to selected students who were classified as deserters. Results highlight a significant early desertion, associated mainly to academic variables and a lack of students’ assertiveness in their choice of undergraduate programs

    Influence of acid-base alterations on myocardial sensitivity to catecholamines

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    The influence of “respiratory” and “metabolic” acid-base alterations on the myocardial sensitivity to catecholamines was studied in the isolated rat atria. The ability of noradrenaline for increasing the atrial rate was enhanced during alkalosis and conversely, it was decreased by acidosis. These changes in sensitivity shifted the concentration-effect curve for noradrenaline to the right by about 0.5 log unit when the pH was lowered from 7.60 to 7.00. No changes in the maximum attainable response were detected. Essentially the same shifts of the concentration-effect curves were obtained with changes in pH brought about by altering the pCO2 or at constant pCO2. The decrease in the pH produced a similar shift to the right of the concentration-effect curve for isoprenaline, after the extraneuronal uptake inhibition by hydrocortisone and also in atria tissue with low content of endogenous noradrenaline (reserpine-pretreated and newborn rats). The ability of isoprenaline for increasing cyclic AMP levels in atrial tissue was also enhanced by alkalosis and decreased by acidosis. However, the shift to the right of the concentration-effect curve for cyclic AMP induced by the decrease in the pH was greater than the shift detected in the chronotropic-effect curve. In addition a decrease in the maximum increment of cyclic AMP was detected under acidosis, in spite of equal maximal chronotropic response. Our results support the hypothesis that the alterations in the sensitivity to catecholamines induced by the changes in pH are not due to a release of endogenous noradrenaline nor to alterations of the mechanisms which remove catecholamines from the biophase. The fact that cyclic AMP response to catecholamines was also reduced by acidosis strongly suggests that the mechanism(s) involved is located in the earlier steps of the events leading to the chronotropic effect of the β-agonists.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Cognitive impairment in a murine model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis with relapsing-remitting course

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neuroinflammatory disorder characterized by demyelination and progressive axonal loss that affects the central nervous system. In addition of physical disability and the neurodegenerative process, MS associates with co-morbid behavioral, neuropsychiatric and cognitive impairment, including learning and memory deficits. The study of cognitive impairment in the currently most suitable experimental animal model of MS, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), constitutes a very valuable tool to translate ultimately into clinical a better diagnosis and more effective treatment protocols. In our study, we analyzed the behavioral profile of a murine model of EAE induced by myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein peptide (MOG35-55) which develops a relapsing-remitting course. In the early neuroinflammatory phase of the disease, i.e. 19-21 days post immunization (dpi), EAE mice exhibited deficits in motor coordination/skill learning (Rotarod test), and spatial working memory (spontaneous alternation in Y-maze), as well as depressive symptoms (tail suspension test) and anxiety-like behavior (elevated plus-maze). EAE mice did not yet show object recognition memory impairments, suggesting that reference memory was not altered in this phase. However, from 33-35 dpi until late phases (49-52 dpi), independently of clinical score, EAE mice exhibited a memory decline showing lower discrimination index in the object recognition test. EAE late phase was also characterized by motor coordination and spatial working memory impairments as well as higher anxiety-like behavior. Overall, these data demonstrates a differential pattern of gradual cognitive dysfunctions during the relapsing-remitting EAE course that could help to understand the development of progressive cognitive decline in MS patients. Funding: Andalusian Regional Ministries of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment (SEJ-1863; CTS643) and of Health (PI-0234-2013; Nicola´s Monardes Programme).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The feasibility of establishing parent support groups for children with congenital Zika syndrome and their families: a mixed-methods study

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    Background: The Zika epidemic highlighted gaps in health and social care services for parents of children with developmental disabilities. We aimed to evaluate the feasibility of a 10-week support group, ‘Juntos’, as a community-based intervention for parents of children with congenital Zika syndrome (CZS) in Colombia. Methods: Two facilitators delivered ‘Juntos’ to four groups of 8-10 caregivers. One researcher observed each group. Data were collected from: observation notes from 40 sessions, focus group discussions held after each session, pre- post intervention questionnaires with 34 caregivers, and semi-structured interviews conducted with four facilitators, 12 caregivers and three stakeholders. We used the Bowen framework in data analysis. Results: Acceptability and demand for the intervention were high. ‘Juntos’ was largely delivered with fidelity. Practicality was facilitated by providing transport costs and selecting convenient locations. Adaption requirements included additional organisational and social media support. Community health worker training may support integration and the established groups could facilitate programme expansion; however, participants perceived lack of prioritisation as a limitation. Participants’ knowledge and confidence to care for their child improved after programme enrolment. Conclusion: Acceptability, demand and practicality of ‘Juntos’ is high. Yet implementation is challenged by existing health systems gaps in support of children with CZS

    Propuesta de mejora para el proceso de inducción, entrenamiento y capacitación del área Talento Humano de la empresa Skema Promotora S.A.

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    El presente trabajo abordó una propuesta de mejora para los procesos de inducción, entrenamiento y capacitación del área de Talento Humano de Skema Promotora S.A. Su importancia radicó en el desarrollo de los recursos humanos como parte fundamental para el crecimiento y éxito de la organización. Actualmente, los procesos de inducción, entrenamiento y capacitación en Skema Promotora S.A. presentan diversas deficiencias que afectan tanto a los nuevos empleados como al desarrollo continuo del personal existente. Éstas, se traducen en una curva de aprendizaje prolongada, una falta de alineación con los objetivos estratégicos de la empresa y una baja retención del talento. Para abordar estas problemáticas, se desarrolló una metodología cualitativa y un método inductivo que llevara a la respuesta de mejora y fortalecimiento de los procesos. Inicialmente, se realizó un análisis exhaustivo con el fin de comprender el contexto interno y externo de los procesos; a partir de allí, se procedió con la identificación de las problemáticas críticas con el fin de enfocar las tácticas y las acciones que contribuirán al progreso de la organización en materia de Talento Humano. Como resultado, se diseñó un plan táctico con las mejoras en el proceso de inducción, entrenamiento y capacitación del área de Talento Humano de Skema Promotora S.A. con lo que se buscó contribuir al desempeño de los empleados, el aumento de la retención del talento, la vivencia de un clima laboral positivo y el fortalecimiento de la competitividad de la empresa en el mercado.The present work addressed an improvement proposal for the induction, training and training processes of the Human Talent area of Skema Promotora S.A. Its importance lay in the development of human resources as a fundamental part of the growth and success of the organization. Currently, the induction, training and qualification processes at Skema Promotora S.A. They have a number of shortcomings that affect both new hires and the ongoing development of existing staff. These translate into a long learning curve, a lack of alignment with the company's strategic objectives, and low talent retention. To address these problems, a qualitative methodology and an inductive method were developed that would lead to the response to improve and strengthen the processes. Initially, a comprehensive analysis was carried out in order to understand the internal and external context of the processes; From there, we proceeded with the identification of the critical problems in order to focus the tactics and actions that will contribute to the progress of the organization in terms of Human Talent. As a result, a tactical plan was designed with the improvements in the induction, training and qualification process of the Human Talent area of Skema Promotora S.A. with which it was sought to contribute to the performance of the employees, the increase in the retention of talent, the experience of a positive work environment and the strengthening of the competitiveness of the company in the market

    Análisis de la deserción estudiantil en los programas de pregrado de la Universidad EAFIT

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    La investigación realiza una aproximación conceptual y metodológica de la deserción estudiantil y analiza este fenómeno en la Universidad EAFIT. En los resultados resalta una deserción en los primeros semestres, asociado principalmente a variables académicas y a una carencia de acertividad en la elección de los programas,La investigación realiza una aproximación conceptual y metodológica de la deserción estudiantil y analiza este fenómeno en la Universidad EAFIT. En los resultados resalta una deserción en los primeros semestres, asociado principalmente a variables académicas y a una carencia de acertividad en la elección de los programas

    Functional Traits in Lichen Ecology: A Review of Challenge and Opportunity

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    Community ecology has experienced a major transition, from a focus on patterns in taxonomic composition, to revealing the processes underlying community assembly through the analysis of species functional traits. The power of the functional trait approach is its generality, predictive capacity such as with respect to environmental change, and, through linkage of response and effect traits, the synthesis of community assembly with ecosystem function and services. Lichens are a potentially rich source of information about how traits govern community structure and function, thereby creating opportunity to better integrate lichens into ‘mainstream’ ecological studies, while lichen ecology and conservation can also benefit from using the trait approach as an investigative tool. This paper brings together a range of author perspectives to review the use of traits in lichenology, particularly with respect to European ecosystems from the Mediterranean to the Arctic-Alpine. It emphasizes the types of traits that lichenologists have used in their studies, both response and effect, the bundling of traits towards the evolution of life-history strategies, and the critical importance of scale (both spatial and temporal) in functional trait ecology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inoculation of cucumber, melón and zucchini varieties with Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) and evaluation of infection using different methods

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Figás-Moreno, MDR.; Alfaro Fernández, AO.; Font San Ambrosio, MI.; Borràs Palomares, D.; Casanova-Calancha, C.; Hurtado Ricart, M.; Plazas Ávila, MDLO.... (2017). Inoculation of cucumber, melón and zucchini varieties with Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) and evaluation of infection using different methods. Annals of Applied Biology. 170(3):405-414. doi:10.1111/aab.12344, which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1111/aab.12344. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] The disease caused by Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV), which is naturally transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci, causes important economic losses in cucurbit crops. The availability of simple and efficient inoculation protocols and detection methods is necessary for screening varieties and germplasm collections as well as for breeding populations. We evaluated the infectivity of ToLCNDV inocula prepared using three different buffers for mechanical sap inoculation in a susceptible variety of zucchini. We found that inoculum prepared with buffer III, which contains polyvinylpyrrolidone, is highly efficient for mechanical inoculation, with 100% of plants displaying severe symptoms 21 days post-inoculation. Using this buffer, we mechanically inoculated 19 commercial varieties of cucurbit crops (six of cucumber, six of melon and seven of zucchini), evaluated the evolution of symptoms and diagnosed infection using nine different ToLCNDV detection methods (four based on serology, four based on molecular hybridization and one based on PCR detection). The results revealed that all varieties are susceptible, although cucumber varieties display less severe symptoms than those of melon or zucchini. All detection methods were highly efficient (more than 85% of plants testing positive) in melon and zucchini, but in cucumber, the percentage of positive plants detected with serology and molecular hybridization methods ranged from 20.4% with Squash leaf curl virus (SLCV) antiserum, to 78.5% with DNA extract hybridization. Overall, the best detection results were obtained with PCR, with 92.6%, 92.4% and 98.4% cucumber, melon and zucchini plants, respectively, testing positive. When considering the overall results in the three crops, the best serology and molecular hybridization methods were those using Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus (WmCSV) antiserum and DNA extract, respectively. The inoculation methodology developed and the information on detection methods are of great relevance for the selection and breeding of varieties of cucurbit crops that are tolerant or resistant to ToLCNDV.Figás-Moreno, MDR.; Alfaro Fernández, AO.; Font San Ambrosio, MI.; Borràs Palomares, D.; Casanova-Calancha, C.; Hurtado Ricart, M.; Plazas Ávila, MDLO.... (2017). Inoculation of cucumber, melón and zucchini varieties with Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) and evaluation of infection using different methods. Annals of Applied Biology. 170(3):405-414. doi:10.1111/aab.12344S405414170