41 research outputs found

    A mathematics teacher’s specialized knowledge in the selection and deployment of examples for teaching sequences

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    This paper explores the specialized knowledge mobilized by a mathematics teacher in the selection and use of examples for teaching sequences. Taking an experimental case study approach, we analyse the examples deployed in a series of third-year secondary level lessons on sequences and identify the different knowledge subdomains activated according to the mathematics teachers’ specialized knowledge analytical model. We will analyse active and passive examples, pointing out the mathematical entity that is being exemplified and the aspect of this entity which is being emphasized by the example. The results identify the different subdomains and categories which are drawn on in the selection and use of examples, along with the various interconnections across knowledge subdomains which interact in the process.The Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spanish Government, PID2021-122180OB-I00 and the Research Centre COIDESO (University of Huelva, Spain) supported this research

    Geoquimica de las aguas del rio elqui y de sus tributarios en el per\uedodo 1975-1995: Factores naturales y efecto de las explotaciones mineras en sus contenidos de Fe, Cu y As

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    The present study discusses the results of 20 years (1975-1995) of chemical analysis of waters of the Elqui river and its tributaries, performed by the Direcci\uf3n General de Aguas - the national waters authority. This discussion is complemented with the results of recent studies of the geochemistry of the sediment of its basin. Among the principal conclusions attained, are the high contents of Cu and As of the Toro, Turbio and Elqui rivers, that receive a direct (Toro river) or indirect contribution of the Malo river, which drains the hydrothermal alteration zone of the Au-Cu-As deposits of the El Indio mining district. The growing intensification of the mining and metallurgical activities at El Indio coincided with increasing contents of Cu and As in the Toro, Turbio and Elqui rivers, though they are progressively attenuated for As due to the diluent effects of low-mineralized tributary river waters. On the other hand, the Elqui river has received significant amounts of Cu from the Talcuna mining district in the Quebrada Marquesa ravine. Though the mining activities at El Indio probably contributed to the increase in As, Cu and Fe contents of the waters, these and other heavy metals have been present in the acid drainage water of the Malo river long before the beginning of said activities. Likewise, the Malo river will continue to be a pollution source after the closure - already completed -of the El Indio mining district.El presente trabajo expone y discute los resultados de veinte a\uf1os (1975-1995) de an\ue1lisis de aguas del R\uedo Elqui y sus tributarios, realizados por la Direcci\uf3n General de Aguas. Su discusi\uf3n se complementa con la de resultados de estudios recientes de la geoqu\uedmica de los sedimentos de la misma cuenca. Entre sus principales conclusiones destaca la alta concentraci\uf3n de Cu y As de los r\uedos Toro, Turbio y Elqui, que reciben el aporte directo (R\uedo Toro) o indirecto de las aguas del R\uedo Malo, que drena la zona de alteraciones hidrotermales y mineralizaciones de Au-Cu-As del distrito minero de El Indio. La intensificaci\uf3n de las faenas minero-metal\ufargicas de El Indio coincidi\uf3 con incrementos en los contenidos de As y Cu de los r\uedos Toro, Turbio y Elqui, aunque los de As son progresivamente atenuados por el efecto de diluci\uf3n debido al aporte de r\uedos tributarios pobres en ese elemento. Por otra parte, el R\uedo Elqui ha recibido aportes significativos de Cu provenientes del distrito minero de Talcuna, situado en la Quebrada Marquesa. Aunque las actividades mineras de El Indio contribuyeron probablemente a aumentar el contenido de As, Cu y Fe de las aguas, estos y otros metales pesados han estado presentes en las aguas afectadas por drenaje \ue1cido del R\uedo Malo desde mucho tiempo antes de que dichas actividades se iniciaran. Igualmente, el R\uedo Malo continuar\ue1 siendo una fuente contaminante despu\ue9s del cierre - ya completado - del distrito minero de El Indio

    An outsider on the Antarctic Peninsula: A new record of the non-native moth Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

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    We report the first record of the microlepidopteran Plodia interpunctella beyond the South Shetland Islands at the Chilean Yelcho scientific station (64°52′33.1428″ S; 63°35′1.9572″ W), Doumer Island, close to the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. It is notable that P. interpunctella, a globally distributed stored product pest species, exhibits a remarkable capacity for prolonged viability within food storage facilities. The dual challenges of food transportation and storage in the context of Antarctica's challenging operational conditions may have facilitated P. interpunctella's initial arrival to the Antarctic region. Non-perishable food items, such as grains, flour and rice, provide practical options for the bulk food transportation and storage required in the long-term operation of Antarctic research stations. The presence of P. interpunctella in Antarctica, even if restricted to synanthropic environments within buildings, is a clear threat to Antarctic biodiversity, not only through being an invasive species itself but also as a potential vector for other non-native species (bacteria, acari, between others.), which could carry diseases to the native species

    El conocimiento especializado de un profesor de matemáticas, cuando enseña sucesiones numéricas: relaciones entre subdominios en la selección y uso de ejemplos

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    En este trabajo se describe el proceso que realizamos para comprender cómo ser relacionaban los distintos conocimientos movilizados por un profesor al seleccionar y utilizar distintos tipos de ejemplos para abordar la enseñanza de las sucesiones numéricas, en un curso de tercer año de educación secundaria. Nuestra investigación se enmarca dentro del paradigma interpretativo y corresponde a un estudio de caso instrumental. Los pilares que lo sustentan son (i) el conocimiento profesional del profesor, el MTSK como instrumento de análisis del conocimiento especializado, (ü) los ejemplos como herramienta didáctica para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las matemáticas y (iii) las sucesiones numéricas y su abordaje a nivel de la educación secundaria. Para obtener la información se utilizaron dos técnicas: la observación de clase y la entrevista. A través de la observación de clase nos introdujimos en un aula de educación secundaria, sin generar interacción alguna con los estudiantes o ef docente, solo para registrar, por medio de grabaciones de audio y video, y observar el trabajo desarrollado por el profesor en cada una de las clases. Y por medio de la entrevista se buscaba aclarar las distintas dudas que emergían al analizar lo observado en clases. La filmación de las clases y de la entrevista se transcribieron de forma literal. El análisis de la información se realizó sobre las transcripciones de los distintos momentos en los cuales se identificaba el uso de un ejemplo y, cuando correspondía, se consideraba el extracto pertinente de la transcripción de la entrevista. Con el análisis de estas transcripciones se buscaba obtener evidencias de los conocimientos movilizados por el profesor, para luego determinar las relaciones que se generaban entre estos conocimientos durante la selección y el uso de los ejemplos. Al presentar los resultados comenzamos con una descripción de los conocimientos movilizados por el profesor, por subdominio de conocimiento del modelo MTSK, al abordar la enseñanza de las sucesiones por medio de ejemplos. A continuación, hacemos una descripción de las relaciones que observamos durante la selección y el uso de los ejemplos, distinguiendo entre ejemplos pasivos y activos y ejemplos enfocados en la enseñanza y en la práctica. En conclusión, si bien la ejemplificación en sí es reconocida como un escenario favorable para el estudio del MTSK, existen momentos y tipos de ejemplos más favorables que otros. Estudiar el MTSK que determina la selección de un ejemplo nos permite identificar una mayor cantidad y variedad de relaciones entre subdominios, en comparación con lo que ocurre al analizar el desarrollo de un ejemplo. Y en el caso de los distintos tipos de ejemplos, observamos que los ejemplos activos y los enfocados en la enseñanza son los que nos permiten identificar una mayor cantidad y variedad de relaciones entre subdominios. Por su parte las creencias influyen tanto en la selección como en el uso de los distintos tipos de ejemplos, determinando los subdominios de conocimiento ue se movilizan en una de estas instancias la forma en ue estos se relacionan.This paper describes the process we undertook to understand how the different knowledge mobilised by a teacher when selecting and using different types of examples to teach numerical sequences in a third year secondary school class was related. Our research is framed within the interpretative paradigm and corresponds to an instrumental case study. The pillars that support it are (i) the teacher's professional knowledge, the MTSK as an instrument for analysing specialised knowledge, (ii) examples as a didactic tool for teaching and learning mathematics and (iii) numerical sequences and their approach at secondary school level. Two techniques were used to obtain the information: classroom observation and interview. Through classroom observation we entered a secondary education classroom, without generating any interaction with the students or the teacher, only to record, by means of audio and video recordings, and observe the work carried out by the teacher in each of the classes. The interview was used to clarify the different doubts that emerged when analysing what was observed in class. The filming of the classes and the interview were transcribed verbatim. The analysis of the information was carried out on the transcripts of the different moments in which the use of an example was identified and, where appropriate, the relevant extract from the interview transcript was considered. By analysing these transcripts, we sought to obtain evidence of the knowledge mobilised by the teacher, and then to determine the relationships generated between this knowledge during the selection and use of the examples. In presenting the results, we begin with a description of the knowledge mobilised by the teacher, by knowledge subdomain of the MTSK model, when approaching the teaching of sequences by means of examples. This is followed by a description of the relationships we observed during the selection and use of examples, distinguishing between passive and active examples and teaching- and practice-focused examples. In conclusion, while exemplification itself is recognised as a favourable setting for the study of MTSK, there are times and types of examples that are more favourable than others. Studying the MTSK that determines the selection of an example allows us to identify a greater number and variety of relationships between subdomains, compared to what occurs when analysing the development of an example. And in the case of the different types of examples, we observe that active examples and those focused on teaching are the ones that allow us to identify a greater number and variety of relationships between subdomains. For their part, beliefs influence both the selection and use of different types of examples, determining the subdomains of knowledge that are mobilised in each of these instances and the way in which they are related

    Necessary conditions for tiling finitely generated amenable groups

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    We consider a set of necessary conditions which are efficient heuristics for deciding when a set of Wang tiles cannot tile a group. Piantadosi gave a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a valid tiling of any free group. This condition is actually necessary for the existence of a valid tiling for an arbitrary finitely generated group.We then consider two other conditions: the first, also given by Piantadosi, is a necessary and sufficient condition to decide if a set of Wang tiles gives a strongly periodic tiling of the free group; the second, given by Chazottes et. al,, is a necessary condition to decide if a set of Wang tiles gives a tiling of Z2\mathbb Z^2.We show that these last two conditions are equivalent. Joining and generalising approaches from both sides, we prove that they are necessary for having a valid tiling of any finitely generated amenable group, confirming a remark of Jeandel