267 research outputs found

    Simulated Annealing for JPEG Quantization

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    JPEG is one of the most widely used image formats, but in some ways remains surprisingly unoptimized, perhaps because some natural optimizations would go outside the standard that defines JPEG. We show how to improve JPEG compression in a standard-compliant, backward-compatible manner, by finding improved default quantization tables. We describe a simulated annealing technique that has allowed us to find several quantization tables that perform better than the industry standard, in terms of both compressed size and image fidelity. Specifically, we derive tables that reduce the FSIM error by over 10% while improving compression by over 20% at quality level 95 in our tests; we also provide similar results for other quality levels. While we acknowledge our approach can in some images lead to visible artifacts under large magnification, we believe use of these quantization tables, or additional tables that could be found using our methodology, would significantly reduce JPEG file sizes with improved overall image quality.Comment: Appendix not included in arXiv version due to size restrictions. For full paper go to: http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~michaelm/SimAnneal/PAPER/simulated-annealing-jpeg.pd

    The mass-metallicity gradient relation of early-type galaxies

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    We present a newly observed relation between galaxy mass and radial metallicity gradients of early-type galaxies. Our sample of 51 early-type galaxies encompasses a comprehensive mass range from dwarf to brightest cluster galaxies. The metallicity gradients are measured out to one effective radius by comparing nearly all of the Lick absorption-line indices to recent models of single stellar populations. The relation shows very different behaviour at low and high masses, with a sharp transition being seen at a mass of ~ 3.5 x 10^10 M_sun (velocity dispersion of ~140 km/s, M_B ~ -19). Low-mass galaxies form a tight relation with mass, such that metallicity gradients become shallower with decreasing mass and positive at the very low-mass end. Above the mass transition point several massive galaxies have steeper gradients, but a clear downturn is visible marked by a broad scatter. The results are interpreted in comparison with competing model predictions. We find that an early star-forming collapse could have acted as the main mechanism for the formation of low-mass galaxies, with star formation efficiency increasing with galactic mass. The high-mass downturn could be a consequence of merging and the observed larger scatter a natural result of different merger properties. These results suggest that galaxies above the mass threshold of ~ 3.5 x 10^10 M_sun might have formed initially by mergers of gas-rich disc galaxies and then subsequently evolved via dry merger events. The varying efficiency of the dissipative merger-induced starburst and feedback processes have shaped the radial metallicity gradients in these high-mass systems.Comment: 5 pageg, 3 figures, accepted by ApJ Lette

    Adaptive Optics Imaging of QSOs with Double-Peaked Narrow Lines: Are they Dual AGNs?

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    Active galaxies hosting two accreting and merging super-massive black holes (SMBHs) -- dual Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) -- are predicted by many current and popular models of black hole-galaxy co-evolution. We present here the results of a program that has identified a set of probable dual AGN candidates based on near Infra-red (NIR) Laser Guide-Star Adaptive Optics (LGS AO) imaging with the Keck II telescope. These candidates are selected from a complete sample of radio-quiet Quasi-stellar Objects (QSOs) drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), which show double-peaked narrow AGN emission lines. Of the twelve AGNs imaged, we find six with double galaxy structure, of which four are in galaxy mergers. We measure the ionization of the two velocity components in the narrow AGN lines to test the hypothesis that both velocity components come from an active nucleus. The combination of a well-defined parent sample and high-quality imaging allows us to place constraints on the fraction of SDSS QSOs that host dual accreting black holes separated on kiloparsec (kpc) scales: ~0.3%-0.65%. We derive from this fraction the time spent in a QSO phase during a typical merger and find a value that is much lower than estimates that arise from QSO space densities and galaxy merger statistics. We discuss possible reasons for this difference. Finally, we compare the SMBH mass distributions of single and dual AGN and find little difference between the two within the limited statistics of our program, hinting that most SMBH growth happens in the later stages of a merger process.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 table; accepted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Eigenstripping, Spectral Decay, and Edge-Expansion on Posets

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    Fast mixing of random walks on hypergraphs (simplicial complexes) has recently led to myriad breakthroughs throughout theoretical computer science. Many important applications, however, (e.g. to LTCs, 2-2 games) rely on a more general class of underlying structures called posets, and crucially take advantage of non-simplicial structure. These works make it clear that the global expansion properties of posets depend strongly on their underlying architecture (e.g. simplicial, cubical, linear algebraic), but the overall phenomenon remains poorly understood. In this work, we quantify the advantage of different poset architectures in both a spectral and combinatorial sense, highlighting how regularity controls the spectral decay and edge-expansion of corresponding random walks. We show that the spectra of walks on expanding posets (Dikstein, Dinur, Filmus, Harsha APPROX-RANDOM 2018) concentrate in strips around a small number of approximate eigenvalues controlled by the regularity of the underlying poset. This gives a simple condition to identify poset architectures (e.g. the Grassmann) that exhibit strong (even exponential) decay of eigenvalues, versus architectures like hypergraphs whose eigenvalues decay linearly - a crucial distinction in applications to hardness of approximation and agreement testing such as the recent proof of the 2-2 Games Conjecture (Khot, Minzer, Safra FOCS 2018). We show these results lead to a tight characterization of edge-expansion on expanding posets in the ??-regime (generalizing recent work of Bafna, Hopkins, Kaufman, and Lovett (SODA 2022)), and pay special attention to the case of the Grassmann where we show our results are tight for a natural set of sparsifications of the Grassmann graphs. We note for clarity that our results do not recover the characterization of expansion used in the proof of the 2-2 Games Conjecture which relies on ?_? rather than ??-structure

    Mass of the Southern Black Hole in NGC 6240 from Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics

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    NGC 6240 is a pair of colliding disk galaxies, each with a black hole in its core. We have used laser guide star adaptive optics on the Keck II telescope to obtain high-resolution (∼0.06\sim 0.06") near-infrared integral-field spectra of the region surrounding the supermassive black hole in the south nucleus of this galaxy merger. We use the K-band CO absorption bandheads to trace stellar kinematics. We obtain a spatial resolution of about 20 pc and thus directly resolve the sphere of gravitational influence of the massive black hole. We explore two different methods to measure the black hole mass. Using a Jeans Axisymmetric Multi-Gaussian mass model, we investigate the limit that a relaxed mass distribution produces all of the measured velocity dispersion, and find an upper limit on the black hole mass at 2.0 \pm 0.2 \times 10^9 M_{\sun}. When assuming the young stars whose spectra we observe remain in a thin disk, we compare Keplerian velocity fields to the measured two-dimensional velocity field measured and fit for a mass profile containing a black hole point mass plus a radially-varying spherical component, which suggests a lower limit for the black hole mass of 8.7 \pm 0.3 \times 10^8 M_{\sun}. Our measurements of the stellar velocity dispersion place this AGN within the scatter of the MBHM_{BH}-σ∗\sigma_{*} relation. As NGC 6240 is a merging system, this may indicate that the relation is preserved during a merger at least until the final coalescence of the two nuclei.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures; accepted to Ap

    Particle Concentration Characterization for Jet Engine Emissions under Cruise Conditions

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    Airborne particle measurements during NASA project SUCCESS have shown that particle concentration profiles serve as good indicators of aircraft exhaust plume encounters. During exhaust plume penetrations there is a strong anticorrelation between the ratio of nonvolatile/total particulates and Nitrogen Oxide (NO) concentrations. an increase in fuel sulfur content was found to increase the total particle emission index, while the nonvolatile emission index remained unchanged. the EI\u27s increased by a factor of 2.6 as the fuel sulfur increased from 70 - 700 ppm. the large particle size distribution (200-400 nm) was seen as a good long term indicator of an aircraft exhaust plume. Airborne particle measurements during NASA project SUCCESS have shown that particle concentration profiles serve as good indicators of aircraft exhaust plume encounters. During exhaust plume penetrations there is a strong anticorrelation between the ratio of nonvolatile/total particulates and Nitrogen Oxide (NO) concentrations. an increase in fuel sulfur content was found to increase the total particle emission index, while the nonvolatile emission index remained unchanged. the EI\u27s increased by a factor of 2.6 as the fuel sulfur increased from 70-700 ppm. the large particle size distribution (200-400 nm) was seen as a good long term indicator of an aircraft exhaust plume
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