56 research outputs found

    Immunomodulatory Activity of Dietary Fiber: Arabinoxylan and Mixed-Linked Beta-Glucan Isolated from Barley Show Modest Activities in Vitro

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    High intake of dietary fiber is claimed to protect against development of colorectal cancer. Barley is a rich source of dietary fiber, and possible immunomodulatory effects of barley polysaccharides might explain a potential protective effect. Dietary fiber was isolated by extraction and enzyme treatment. A mixed-linked β-glucan (WSM-TPX, 96.5% β-glucan, Mw 886 kDa), an arabinoxylan (WUM-BS-LA, 96.4% arabinoxylan, Mw 156 kDa), a mixed-linked β-glucan rich fraction containing 10% arabinoxylan (WSM-TP) and an arabinoxylan rich fraction containing 30% mixed-linked β-glucan (WUM-BS) showed no significant effect on IL-8 secretion and proliferation of two intestinal epithelial cell lines, Caco-2 and HT-29, and had no significant effect on the NF-κB activity in the monocytic cell line U937-3κB-LUC. Further enriched arabinoxylan fractions (WUM-BS-LA) from different barley varieties (Tyra, NK96300, SB94897 and CDCGainer) were less active than the mixed-linked β-glucan rich fractions (WSM-TP and WSM-TPX) in the complement-fixing test. The mixed-linked β-glucan rich fraction from NK96300 and CDCGainer showed similar activities as the positive control while mixed-linked β-glucan rich fractions from Tyra and SB94897 were less active. From these results it is concluded that the isolated high molecular weight mixed-linked β-glucans and arabinoxylans from barley show low immunological responses in selected in vitro test systems and thus possible anti-colon cancer effects of barley dietary fiber cannot be explained by our observations

    Organizing the sensory: ear-work, panauralism and sonic agency on a forensic psychiatric unit

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    How are relations of care and security between hospital staff and patients organized through sound? This article argues that a shifting distinction between meaningful sound and noise is fundamental to the lived experience of immersion in an organizational acoustic environment. Based around a qualitative study of listening practices and ‘ear work’ at a medium-secure forensic psychiatric hospital, using interview and photo-production methods, the article positions the organizing of the sensory as central to formal organization. Analysis of empirical material demonstrates how the refinement of key listening practices is critical to the ways in which staff and patients orient to the hospital setting. It also details how the design process for the unit has undermined the capacity to manage and control through sound, or ‘panauralism’, rendering it as a reversible and contested struggle to make sense of the acoustic environment, and describes the attempts by patients to create alternative acoustic spaces and exercise ‘sonic agency’. We contend that ‘acoustic organizational research’ offers an experience-near means of mapping organizational space and power relations and invites a renewed questioning of the role of the sensory as form of organizing in itself

    Religion through Race The religious perceptions of Den Nordiske Motstandsbevegelsen

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    This thesis considers the religious perceptions of a very vocal, self-identified National Socialist group in Norway called “Den Nordiske Motstandsbevegelsen” or “The Nordic Restistance Movement” (DNM). The thesis consists of three main approaches; 1. To contextualize expressions of the group concerning religion and religiosity to National Socialism of the 1920s and 30s as found in the parties of NSDAP (Germany) and NS (Norway) as well as the political group Ragnarok (Norway). 2. To uncover religious ideas and cosmology of the group as found in the textual sources on their webpage. 3. To discuss the groups understanding of the traditional religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam as well as more loose-fitting religious concepts, popularly referred to as “New Age” My findings indicate that the complex relations between National Socialism and religious thought as were present in the 20s and 30s are still relevant to current groups like DNM. The group is not opposed to religion and does acknowledge the spiritual need of human beings, but places the core features of National Socialism above religious sentiment. These core features include biological-racial ideas as well as a fundamental anti-Semitism. A religion can hence only be accepted if perceived as compatible with National Socialism, leaving religious freedom intact yet within the frames of the ideology. The main difference between National Socialism then and now is the relative decline of importance, where DNM rarely explicitly discuss religion and only occasionally refer to religious issues or the place and space of religion within National Socialism. Because race rather than religion is regarded as the defining characteristic of an individual, DNM do not partake much in oppositional stances against Christianity or Islam and neither seem to have any particular preference for Neo-Paganism as was quite prominent within certain fractions in the 20s and 30s. The assessment of Judaism is however digressing from the clear-cut separation of race and religion, where no great difference is made between the two elements.The relative peripheral role of religion is also present in the apparent distance of DNM to occultism and “New Age” which have influenced the general Nazi scene to some extent in recent decades. Nevertheless, there are elements which can be given clear religious meaning and perceptions within the cosmology of DNM closely related to the almost sacral apprehension of NSDAP; the role of Hitler, eternal life within the racial memory, struggle as the ultimate meaning of existence and the martyrium surrounding these sacrifices. As such the manifestation of religion is present, but mainly through the context of race

    Vareplasseringens effekt på kundeatferd

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    Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg produktplassering av varer foran kassaområdet i detaljvarehandelen. Temaet vareplassering er godt forsket på i dagligvarehandelen, men vi ønsker å teste om denne forskningen også gjelder for andre bransjer. Vi har begrenset oppgaven til torg foran kassaområdet. Oppgaven tar for seg kapitlene innledning, teoretisk grunnlag, metode, analyse av funn, diskusjon og konklusjon. Basert på tema i oppgaven ble følgende problemstilling utarbeidet: «Har ulike plasseringer av produkter rundt betalingsområdet en positiv effekt på kundenes kjøpsadferd i detaljhandelbransjen?» Teorikapittelet danner grunnlag for teori knyttet til hvordan kundene tenker og oppfører seg før, under og etter et kjøp. Elementene vi tar for oss er kundeatferd, persepsjon, blikkfang, vareeksponering, kjøpsbeslutning, kjøpsvaner og merkeassosiasjoner, impulskjøp og kommunikasjon i butikk. I metodekapittelet har vi tatt utgangspunkt i kvalitativ og kvantitativ tilnærming, med kvantitativ tilnærming som hovedmetode. Vi valgte å benytte et kausalt design med fire eksperimenter med fire tilhørende hypoteser. Vi tester variablene skilt/ikke-skilt, medlem/ikke-medlem, kjent/mindre-kjent og eksponeringsvolum for å måle om det er årsakssammenhenger mellom variablene. For å støtte opp under funnene fra eksperimentene valgte vi også et deskriptivt design der vi gjennomførte personlige intervjuer med en tilhørende hypotese. Eksperimentene ble gjennomført på VITA Hegdehaugsveien i Oslo og Verket Sport i Bærum. I oppgavens analysekapittel har vi presentert funnene fra eksperimentene og de personlige intervjuene, og deretter beholdt eller forkastet nullhypotesene til hver variabel. I diskusjonskapittel tar vi for oss undersøkelsesspørsmålene og diskuterer funnene opp mot eksisterende teori. Videre konkluderer vi med grunnlag i problemstillingen, før vi forelegger forslag til videre forsking. Resultatene fra våre eksperimenter viser at ulike vareeksponeringer påvirker forbrukeren i stor grad

    Den eine vegen eller dei mange. Relasjon og interaksjon mellom kristne og heidenske aktørar i den romerske seinantikken

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    Avhandlinga tar for seg relasjon og interaksjon mellom kristne og heidenske aktørar i det seinantikke samfunnet. Hovudkjeldene er brevsamlingane til Symmachus, Libanius, Gregor av Nazianz, Gregor av Nyssa, Paulinus av Nola og Ausonius. Gjennom analyse av korrespondansen og nettverket deira vil eg seia noko om korleis kristne og heidningar enkeltpersonar sameksisterte i ein kvardag bortanfor retorikk og religiøse kategoriar

    Rapid and Nondestructive Determination of Aleurone Content in Pearling Fractions of Barley by Near-Infrared (NIR) and Fluorescence Spectroscopies

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    The aim of the present work was to develop and evaluate near-infrared (NIR) and fluorescence spectroscopies as rapid and potential online methods for determination of the amount of aleurone in pearling dust fractions of barley. Phytic acid was used as a marker for the aleurone layer. Different varieties of barley were pearled, and dust fractions were progressively taken out. Sample concentration of phytic acid varied in the range of 0.5-4.1 g/100 g, and highest concentrations were obtained in dust fractions for pearling degrees in the range of 15-25%. Regression models for phytic acid were developed with the same high correlations for NIR and fluorescence spectroscopies (R2 = 0.96) and prediction errors of ±0.16-0.18 g/100 g. The models performed well on a test set of pearling fractions from two other barley varieties. The techniques are rapid and nondestructive, which means that they can be used online in connection with industrial pearling systems.acceptedVersio