758 research outputs found

    A possible contribution to CMB anisotropies at high l from primordial voids

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    We present preliminary results of an analysis into the effects of primordial voids on the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We show that an inflationary bubble model of void formation predicts excess power in the CMB angular power spectrum that peaks between 2000 < l < 3000. Therefore, voids that exist on or close to the last scattering surface at the epoch of decoupling can contribute significantly to the apparent rise in power on these scales recently detected by the Cosmic Background Imager (CBI).Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. MNRAS accepted versio

    Extended Inflation from Strings

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    We study the possibility of extended inflation in the effective theory of gravity from strings compactified to four dimensions and find that it strongly depends on the mechanism of supersymmetry breaking. We consider a general class of string--inspired models which are good candidates for successful extended inflation. In particular, the ω\omega--problem of ordinary extended inflation is automatically solved by the production of only very small bubbles until the end of inflation. We find that the inflaton field could belong either to the untwisted or to the twisted massless sectors of the string spectrum, depending on the supersymmetry breaking superpotential.Comment: 18p

    Tachyon Condensates and String Theoretic Inflation

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    Cosmological solutions of the beta function equations for the background fields of the closed bosonic string are investigated at the one-loop level. Following recent work of Kostelecky and Perry, it is assumed that the spatial sections of the space-time are conformally flat. Working in the sigma-model frame, the non-trivial tachyon potential is utilized to determine solutions with sufficient inflation to solve the smoothness and flatness problems. The graceful exit and density perturbation constraints can also be successfully implemented.Comment: FERMI-PUB 93/074-T, harvmac, 16 page

    Induced-gravity Inflation and the Density Perturbation Spectrum

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    Recent experimental determinations of the spectral index describing the scalar mode spectrum of density perturbations encourage comparison with predictions from models of the very early universe. Unlike extended inflation, Induced-gravity Inflation predicts a power spectrum with 0.98ns1.000.98 \leq n_s \leq 1.00, in close agreement with the experimental measurements.Comment: 11pp, no figures. Plain LaTeX. HUTP-94/A011. Revised edition -- Forthcoming in Physics Letters

    Phase space geometry in scalar-tensor cosmology

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    We study the phase space of spatially homogeneous and isotropic cosmology in general scalar-tensor theories. A reduction to a two-dimensional phase space is performed when possible-in these situations the phase space is usually a two-dimensional curved surface embedded in a three-dimensional space and composed of two sheets attached to each other, possibly with complicated topology. The results obtained are independent of the choice of the coupling function of the theory and, in certain situations, also of the potential.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, latex, to appear in Ann. Phys. (NY

    Asymptotic Freedom Cosmology

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    For a general class of scalar--tensor gravity theories, we discuss how to recover asymptotic freedom regimes when cosmic time t±t\to\pm\infty. Such a feature means that the effective gravitational coupling Geff0G_{eff}\to 0, while cosmological solutions can asymptotically assume de Sitter or power--law behaviours. In our opinion, through this mechanism, it is possible to cure some shortcomings in inflationary and in string--dilaton cosmology.Comment: 9 pages, Latex, submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Conditions for Successful Extended Inflation

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    We investigate, in a model-independent way, the conditions required to obtain a satisfactory model of extended inflation in which inflation is brought to an end by a first-order phase transition. The constraints are that the correct present strength of the gravitational coupling is obtained, that the present theory of gravity is satisfactorily close to general relativity, that the perturbation spectra from inflation are compatible with large scale structure observations and that the bubble spectrum produced at the phase transition doesn't conflict with the observed level of microwave background anisotropies. We demonstrate that these constraints can be summarized in terms of the behaviour in the conformally related Einstein frame, and can be compactly illustrated graphically. We confirm the failure of existing models including the original extended inflation model, and construct models, albeit rather contrived ones, which satisfy all existing constraints.Comment: 8 pages RevTeX file with one figure incorporated (uses RevTeX and epsf). Also available by e-mailing ARL, or by WWW at http://star-www.maps.susx.ac.uk/papers/infcos_papers.html; Revised to include extra references, results unchanged, to appear Phys Rev

    Constraints in the Context of Induced-gravity Inflation

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    Constraints on the required flatness of the scalar potential V(ϕ)V(\phi) for a cousin-model to extended inflation are studied. It is shown that, unlike earlier results, Induced-gravity Inflation can lead to successful inflation with a very simple lagrangian and λ106\lambda \sim 10^{-6}, rather than 101510^{-15} as previously reported. A second order phase transition further enables this model to escape the \lq big bubble' problem of extended inflation, while retaining the latter's motivations based on the low-energy effective lagrangians of supergravity, superstring, and Kaluza-Klein theories.Comment: 19 pp; 3 figures (not included -- available from author). Plain LaTeX. In press in Physical Review

    Scalar-Tensor Cosmological Models

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    We analyze the qualitative behaviors of scalar-tensor cosmologies with an arbitrary monotonic ω(Φ)\omega(\Phi) function. In particular, we are interested on scalar-tensor theories distinguishable at early epochs from General Relativity (GR) but leading to predictions compatible with solar-system experiments. After extending the method developed by Lorentz-Petzold and Barrow, we establish the conditions required for convergence towards GR at tt\rightarrow\infty. Then, we obtain all the asymptotic analytical solutions at early times which are possible in the framework of these theories. The subsequent qualitative evolution, from these asymptotic solutions until their later convergence towards GR, has been then analyzed by means of numerical computations. From this analysis, we have been able to establish a classification of the different qualitative behaviors of scalar-tensor cosmological models with an arbitrary monotonic ω(Φ)\omega(\Phi) function.Comment: uuencoded compressed postscript file containing 41 pages, with 9 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Non-Equilibrium Evolution of Scalar Fields in FRW Cosmologies I

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    We derive the effective equations for the out of equilibrium time evolution of the order parameter and the fluctuations of a scalar field theory in spatially flat FRW cosmologies.The calculation is performed both to one-loop and in a non-perturbative, self-consistent Hartree approximation.The method consists of evolving an initial functional thermal density matrix in time and is suitable for studying phase transitions out of equilibrium. The renormalization aspects are studied in detail and we find that the counterterms depend on the initial state. We investigate the high temperature expansion and show that it breaks down at long times. We also obtain the time evolution of the initial Boltzmann distribution functions, and argue that to one-loop order or in the Hartree approximation, the time evolved state is a ``squeezed'' state. We illustrate the departure from thermal equilibrium by numerically studying the case of a free massive scalar field in de Sitter and radiation dominated cosmologies. It is found that a suitably defined non-equilibrium entropy per mode increases linearly with comoving time in a de Sitter cosmology, whereas it is {\it not} a monotonically increasing function in the radiation dominated case.Comment: 29 pages, revtex 3.0, 11 figures available upon request, PITT-93-6; LPTHE-93-52; CMU-HEP-93-2